ttc after a d&c

Laura, how are you and Simon? You've been a tad bit quiet the last couple days. Hope everything is going good and that Simon is doing great. I am sure he has gotten so big. I love how he is so cuddly with you. Sophia has started to get a little more affectionate. But she still prefers to be running around and getting into trouble. She can be quite mischievous.
Leslie fingers and toes crossed for u xxx
I'm excited, hoping this is it for u xxx
I'm brutal for testing early so I'll keep quiet in that front :-D
I've been good thanks Xx
Lil man has had some very mild seizures again
For now just monitor and wait and see xxx
Angel, Pierce looks so adorable. I can't believe how tall he has gotten. If I didn't know I would think he is much older than 1 year old. I bet you have to buy bigger clothes for him. The look on his face is priceless. I wish I could see a video of him!
Such exciting things happening Leslie! FX'd for a BFP!!

Went to a birthday party yesterday and P rode a pony/horse, he did not like it! It was so sweet though, I wish I could post the video![/QUOTE

I love it Angel
Great pic xxx
Laura, how are you and Simon? You've been a tad bit quiet the last couple days. Hope everything is going good and that Simon is doing great. I am sure he has gotten so big. I love how he is so cuddly with you. Sophia has started to get a little more affectionate. But she still prefers to be running around and getting into trouble. She can be quite mischievous.

Sorry Jess
was answering as I was reading
I've been busy :-D
4 appointment last week and no oh for weekend
3 app the week before
My washing machine ans dryer broke on Sat
Si hand washing Simon's stuff
Plus squishy butt is having very minor episodes again
Doh all go :-D
How are ye all doing xxx
Everything is ok. Not getting along with my husband unfortunately. I am just sick of his crap. Don't know how much longer I can take living with this man. I am only with him for the kids, so I pretend to get along with him in front of them. :nope: He is a robot, that is the only way I can describe him. I know I deserve much better than him but I also know I couldn't make it without him, financially or because of Natalie's special needs. He is the bread winner. I could never make it out here in the bay area, it is so freakin expensive to live here and could never move my kids away from their grandma. He hasn't worked for 3 months and it has been HELL having him home. He turned 40 and without a job so you can imagine how that must have been. I can't feel sorry for the man anymore, its nobodies fault but his. He seems to be a narcissist and I am so sick of trying to figure out why he is the way he is! :nope: Sorry to vent. :nope:
Sorry Simon is still getting episodes Laura. Are they getting milder? Is choking on his food? I know you must be incredibly busy with all of his appointments and taking care of him. Thanks for still coming on here and checking up on us! I didn't mention, but my husband is great with taking care of Sophie and he helps so so much, but he is also a cold blooded, robotic human being. I feel so afflicted at times and other times I feel guilty for complaining about him since he is so so very helpful. But he is still such a cold robotic human being. Its so frustrating. :growlmad:
I'm so humbled by all your messages thanks ladies :) I'm about to finish ovulating in a couple of days time and I'm feeling real positive this time! I keep telling myself that I fell pregnant before when I wasnt even trying and now that I'm looking after myself (I have lost just over 5kg in total, taking folic acid and eating a healthy diet) I have soooo much more chance now! However I would be really appreciative if any of you lovely ladies had any tips/ideas for me?? Are there any remedies/vitamins you take or know of? I look forward to hearing from you all xxxxxxxxx
Mrs Guala, I would say you are doing all the right things and then some. :thumbup: I am sure you will get your bfp in no time! The biggest advice I have is try not to stress too much during your ttc journey and to think positive! :hugs:
Jess ~ Men! Can't live with them, can't live without them. Sorry he is bringing you down. I think it's great he is helpful with the baby, is he lacking in the social interaction with you? You are a great Mommy, your girls are obviously your everything. Sounds like he needs to get another job so you can resume life as usual.

Laura ~ Eek...go away seizures! And no washer :dohh: I could handle line drying clothes, but I need a washer! FX'd you win the lotto. Hope your OH is back to help.

Mrs G ~ I once read drinking whole milk, eating legumes and pineapple were great for fertility (though not a lot of pineapple after ovulation). When you say you will finish ovulating in a couple of days, you mean you will ovulate on Wednesday? Are you using anything to track ovulation (sorry if I've missed this---I'm a bit tired).

:wave: ladies! So things are going soooo much better between my DH & I. Phew! He is actually enjoying Pierce being in the bed, we've worked out the lovin issue *wink wink...more than one room in this house :bunny: :haha: I hope we continue on this forward's not fun being out of sync with someone you care so much for. Thanks for all of your support! Mwah!

Leslie & Amy ~ :dust:
Jess hugs honey Xx
I'm glad oh is good with Sophia
But sorry he went good with feelings xxx
I don't think many men are though xxx
Hevis,eating away again thank God
Losec ans zantac 're finally working
I meant epilepsy episodes.
None yest really And none today
So fx it was just his tummy And or vaccine

Mrs guala
I agree u are doing great xxx
Relaxing and enjoying the journey can help,too :-D
By feeling positive you are doing that
So sounds like u r ontrack fir bfp xxx
Reflexology helps,lots of people too
Angel hurray for issues resolved xxx
We got a washing machine yest eve
Second Hand but seems good :-D
Thanks girls! Its so hard for me to put into words the way my husband is. At times he acts like he has no blood running through his veins. He is robotic and this may sound scary but almost like he is soulless. He is a very apathetic person. Very very controlled and monotonous (this is how he talks too). He is not spontaneous at all, he is lacking in warmth. The only other people I have ever known to be this weird is his mother (even she shows more emotion), and his brother (he is like a clone of my husband) who acts exactly like him. I am thinking, what the heck did these people do when raising these kids. He is already 40 and can't seem to change how cold he is. I am thinking it is no coincidence that his brother is like this also. I know growing up it was drilled in his head to never show emotion, that emotion is a weakness. That love doesn't come freely and it should be earned (as crazy as that sounds).

I know when growing up in El Salvador when my dh was 11 his mother came to the USA to work and left my dh and his 2 siblings with his father and 2 aunts. His father (who use to beat up dh, his siblings and mother) abandoned them weeks after his mother came to the states, he went off the live with another woman and had a baby with her (dhs half brother he never met). His mother would send money for dh and his siblings and his aunts would steal the money and use it for themselves, so him and his sibling ended up severely malnourished.Right about that time (1986) a devastating earthquake hit the country and his town almost got completely destroyed by the quake. So my dh and his siblings got jobs picking up rubble and helping clean up the town. This how they were able to feed themselves (even though it was a little money). His mother eventually found out that her husband abandoned the kids and that her own sisters were stealing the money she sent. She came back and found them all very malnourished (his mother was a nurse). She found out about her husband abandoning the kids, about the mistress baby and everything. So she brought the whole family to the states. what I will never ever understand is how she could stay with her husband after him doing that. Anyways, his whole entire family is completely screwed up, I could tell you many more stories but it would be pages long. lol. I just wanted to give an example of how his family is.

But should me and my daughters have to pay for his horrible upbringing and how messed up he is because of his past? I have tried to help him many times, tried to go to counseling, talk to him. I have tried to be compassionate and supportive. There is nothing else I can do. He will never change I should just accept it. :nope:

Sorry to vent ladies.

Ps... Dh should write a novel about his life. It would probably become a best seller.
Hurray!!!!!!!!!! Simon is eating better and less seizures! How awesome is that! Prince Simon is doing fantastic! :hugs:
Great news about you and your dh having a better understanding now! Communication really is the key isn't it. Men are just wired so different than us, but its great to know things have gotten better with you and your dh. I bet he loves cuddling Pierce at night. How sweet! Does Pierce sleep between you and dh? Have you ever started cuddling Pierce while he is sleeping just because he looks so cuddly? I do that with Sophie all of the time. She is like a cute cuddly teddy bear and her hair is soft as feathers!
Aaron's woman - so sorry to hear about difficulties with your husband, I really hope you can sort them out, have you spoke to him abut this?
Thanks Mrs Guala! Btw my name is Jessica. How are you feeling today? I hope a bit better. Sorry to throw all that baggage between me and my husband out there. I have been with him for 12 years and married for 9. How is your OH doing since your mc? Hope both of you can become closer after what you went through. So you are about to ov correct? Do you use an ovulation kit? I knew nothing about ttc until I went through my mc. Hope you get good news this month!
Jess that is such a tragic story about your DH. He sounds almost like those children with Failure to Thrive <~~neglected and unattached. Vent away, that must be so difficult for you. :hugs:

Laura ~ Yay for Simon doing better & for a washer!

:dust: Mrs G, Amy & Leslie!

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