TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Thank you Nato, you are such a sweetheart.....

Fingers crossed you get your AF soon, so can start trying hun, you fell quickly last time eh, so there is no reason it wouldn't be that quick again.

Congrats minni, sending lots of sticky bean dust your way :dust: xxxx
I guess this thread isn't for everyone. I am sorry for intruding. I was just trying to find somewhere I would belong. I have been here on this site for now a little over 2 years and never have I asked to belong somewhere and get totally ignored. I am not one who normally says things about stuff like this, but I thought this would be something a little more positive after losses and to help get peoples spirits up after a loss. I guess I was wrong.
I have lost 4 babies with the most recent being in February and put ttc on the back burner for a couple of months. Then I saw this thread and thought that I might be able to connect with some people who have been there with me. This last one was extremely hard on us. (not that they all weren't) But this time we got to 9 weeks and we thought it would be ok. Then we found out there wasn't a heartbeat. We were devastated! I went to a dark place for a while and really didn't wasn't to talk about anything having to do with babies or pregnancy for a while. (Which is hard considering my oldest daughter is expecting our first grandbaby) Then I get up the courage to get out of my comfort zone to come and try something new, with a new support system and nothing. I have a journal and I have some fantastic friends here. Most are in the LTTTC part or have already had their babies. But since I have been on here, this is the first time I have been ignored.
I am so happy for everyone who has had their bfp and is continuing a healthy pregnancy and I am so sad for those (including myself) who have lost their precious angels. I hope that everyone gets their precious baby very soon!
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, but that is how I feel and this is where we are supposed to let it out. I just think for future reference, whoever starts threads with this much hope and sensitivity to it, you need to try and stay on top of it in order to not hurt peoples feelings.
I guess this thread isn't for everyone. I am sorry for intruding. I was just trying to find somewhere I would belong. I have been here on this site for now a little over 2 years and never have I asked to belong somewhere and get totally ignored. I am not one who normally says things about stuff like this, but I thought this would be something a little more positive after losses and to help get peoples spirits up after a loss. I guess I was wrong.
I have lost 4 babies with the most recent being in February and put ttc on the back burner for a couple of months. Then I saw this thread and thought that I might be able to connect with some people who have been there with me. This last one was extremely hard on us. (not that they all weren't) But this time we got to 9 weeks and we thought it would be ok. Then we found out there wasn't a heartbeat. We were devastated! I went to a dark place for a while and really didn't wasn't to talk about anything having to do with babies or pregnancy for a while. (Which is hard considering my oldest daughter is expecting our first grandbaby) Then I get up the courage to get out of my comfort zone to come and try something new, with a new support system and nothing. I have a journal and I have some fantastic friends here. Most are in the LTTTC part or have already had their babies. But since I have been on here, this is the first time I have been ignored.
I am so happy for everyone who has had their bfp and is continuing a healthy pregnancy and I am so sad for those (including myself) who have lost their precious angels. I hope that everyone gets their precious baby very soon!
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, but that is how I feel and this is where we are supposed to let it out. I just think for future reference, whoever starts threads with this much hope and sensitivity to it, you need to try and stay on top of it in order to not hurt peoples feelings.

I'm sorry you feel that way. The problem is that it is a fast moving thread and I know for me personally when I click it takes me to the last page so I have to remember where I had read from and then I might miss some posts.

Welcome to the thread. I am sorry for your losses, one loss is cruel but any more than that is just really hard to take.

I guess it must be a real jumble of emotions for you to be looking forward to your grandchild but dealing with your own losses too.
Thank you Vickie for acknowledging me. It is very hard after so many losses. I had my 3 children with no complications what so ever and now that I am older (38) I am finding it harder and harder to even get pregnant! Much less carry one. I know that in time, it will happen. But until we have one, it is hard. Then I get on here and try to start again and I just kind of felt shunned. I know the threads are fast moving and it can be hard to keep up, but I would have thought someone would have said hi or something.
Thank you again!
Also I am so sorry about your loss. :hugs:
I guess this thread isn't for everyone. I am sorry for intruding. I was just trying to find somewhere I would belong. I have been here on this site for now a little over 2 years and never have I asked to belong somewhere and get totally ignored. I am not one who normally says things about stuff like this, but I thought this would be something a little more positive after losses and to help get peoples spirits up after a loss. I guess I was wrong.
I have lost 4 babies with the most recent being in February and put ttc on the back burner for a couple of months. Then I saw this thread and thought that I might be able to connect with some people who have been there with me. This last one was extremely hard on us. (not that they all weren't) But this time we got to 9 weeks and we thought it would be ok. Then we found out there wasn't a heartbeat. We were devastated! I went to a dark place for a while and really didn't wasn't to talk about anything having to do with babies or pregnancy for a while. (Which is hard considering my oldest daughter is expecting our first grandbaby) Then I get up the courage to get out of my comfort zone to come and try something new, with a new support system and nothing. I have a journal and I have some fantastic friends here. Most are in the LTTTC part or have already had their babies. But since I have been on here, this is the first time I have been ignored.
I am so happy for everyone who has had their bfp and is continuing a healthy pregnancy and I am so sad for those (including myself) who have lost their precious angels. I hope that everyone gets their precious baby very soon!
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, but that is how I feel and this is where we are supposed to let it out. I just think for future reference, whoever starts threads with this much hope and sensitivity to it, you need to try and stay on top of it in order to not hurt peoples feelings.

Hi jonnanne i'm sorry you feel like this. i have to admit that i've been so busy in my own world today with random + on test tht dont make sence that i totally missed your first post. i had to go back and look hard to find it. the last few days have been really upsetting on here as well as some members have lost their little ones again, also i'm sure that it may just be a time zone thing as well as people are from all over the place on here. PLease don't feel unwanted or unloved cause its not that way at all.

I'm so sorry for your losses it much be truely heartbreaking to go through that as many times as you have:hugs::hugs: I hope you feel welcomed now and if you want we can even be TTC buddies if you want.:thumbup:
Hi Jonnanne3. Sorry for your losses. FYI- I don't ignore anyone, I just don't know what to say sometimes. I know the one thread I posted was in the MC support and got what I felt was a rude response. I know how you feel about being ignored. I don't feel it on here, but like Vickie said, some threads move very fast. There are so many some days being added, that one may be gone onto a new page before you know it. On that note.... WELCOME!!!
Thank you Vickie for acknowledging me. It is very hard after so many losses. I had my 3 children with no complications what so ever and now that I am older (38) I am finding it harder and harder to even get pregnant! Much less carry one. I know that in time, it will happen. But until we have one, it is hard. Then I get on here and try to start again and I just kind of felt shunned. I know the threads are fast moving and it can be hard to keep up, but I would have thought someone would have said hi or something.
Thank you again!
Also I am so sorry about your loss. :hugs:

I think in some ways that makes it even harder to understand doesn't it?

I had four children and no miscarriages. Then in December I lost at 5 weeks and fell pregnant straight away with Isabella only to lose her as well.

It makes you wonder what is going on when you have had previous successful pregnancies.

I don't know about anyone else but I was almost relieved when my period arrived as I am not looking forward to how terrifying I will find pregnancy next time but at the same time am desperate to be pg (I am sure that makes no sense lol).

I genuinely am sorry you didn't feel welcomed but hope you will do soon. Everyone on here is lovely and it wouldn't have been intentional. I have only been on here a few weeks but have found the girls very welcoming.
Hi Jo sorry you felt ignored hun I didnt see your first post so I didnt reply sorry :hugs: to you and :dust: for you too hun xxxx
Thanks so much ladies. I really didn't mean to throw a bitch fit. I just have my moments and that was one of them. I have been really having a hadr time adjusting back to trying to even think about TTC again then when I do, I just.......... well I just didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. But thank you again for not being upset with me about my little tamtrum. Really, Dawn should know, that is not like me at all.
I am really scared about ttc again at all. But as Vickie said too, I am very desparate. My husband doesn't have any biological children of his own. He has raised mine as if they were his (their father isn't present and hasn't been since 98) for the past 10 years. He is a FANTASTIC dad and I so want him to have that natural bond and that wonderful feeling of knowing your own child. I pray everyday that God will bless us with our precious child, but anytime I get that bfp, it scares the hell out of me! I try not to be too scared and try to ignore all the signs. With my last one I got the bfp on Jan 12 (CD24) and I called my OB and set up my first appt for Feb 25 (my birthday) then I started bleeding heavy on the 15th and I knew it was all over! But it wasn't! I stopped within 2 hours and it never came back. So the next day I took another hpt and it was super dark! So I had a blood test initially to confirm pregnancy and it came back at 25 so I called the doctor on Monday and they did another blood test. If I was still pregnant, the level should have been around 370, well it was like 400 something so that was fantastic! I did one more and it was up in the 800's. So I left it alone. I had a scan at 6 wks and the baby was measuring a week behind. The doctor wanted me to get a scan at 8 weeks. (By my calculations I was 8 wks 5 days and theirs was 8wks 2days) and when they scanned on Feb 15, there wasn't a heartbeat and I was measuring 6 wks 2 days. The baby just didn't make it at all. The baby was 2 weeks behind and that just wasn't good. So I scheduled a dnc for the next day as the bleeding had already started.
So anyway, I am sorrry to bring anyone down in here. I just had not really told my story and I felt I needed to get it off my chest. I have had a hard time even talking about it or anything related to us ttc again and then this month I decided to call my fs again and tell him to put me back on Femara. So I started that again this month. I just told my hubby the other night and he is super excited! I am not charting as far as temping, but I am charting opks and femara and when we bd.
So that is part of my story. I am sorry again if I brought anyone down. Good luck and I hope April/May are the month of :bfp:
Wow, this thread moves too fast for me!

:hi: Welcome Anne. I missed you!

Congrats mini!

Hope I didn't miss anything else.
I have missed everyone too Jen. I just found this part of the forum (not that it wasn't always here, I just didin't come in) and I see all these ladies experiencing all the same thing we have and it was nice to have the feeling of not being alone in this struggle.
I agree. When everyone around me has no fertility problems, I often feel alone. Thankfully, we have others who can relate and help us get through it.
Yes, you would certainly qualify! However, Megg is in charge of updating and she hasn't been online as much. She adds names every few days.
ach tantrums and me are very familiar with each other.

sorry to hear about your losses JA, i'm 38 too - unfortunately you are in company that understands.

(Mone, Im still pom pommimg all over the place - can open, pom poms everywhere)
Hey! I'm here! Sorry! I didn't mean to ignore you... I don't think I even saw your first post. I have a good explanation for WHY I might not have seen it... but I don't know if it will help! I go into my User CP each time I come on and I open each thread to the newest post in a new tab. I put my 2 threads in this section (this one and TTCAL Chart Stalkers Anonymous) as my last 2 tabs that I read... because they take more of my time than random journals and whatnot. If someone posts while I'm reading and then my post goes to the next page... I do occasionally miss a post entirely... like... if the page was a couple of posts from the moving to a new page and you were one of those and then *I* posted and rolled to the next page... I'd not have seen the one you made. Its not always the case... but it does happen to me occasionally!

I'm really, really sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel shunned. I'm sat here in tears feeling like I'm not fit to run this because I'm making people feel bad... like they aren't good enough to be here... I'm so sorry. I'll add you right now! If anyone ever feels like I should stop or something... I'll understand... I don't want anyone feeling like I'm leaving them out. We've all been through so much... That's the last thing any of us need! :cry:

Adding MinnieMone too! Congrats, MinnieMone! :hugs:

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