TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Amy- I know how you feel about money issues and IVF. It sucks that it is not covered over here like it is across the pond. I know I haven't had insurance since I lost my job In January so every time I go see the doc they hold out their hand for money. They always look at me when I tell them we are still trying for a baby, but hello- we have been trying for this baby looooooong before I lost my job and insurance.
It sounds like you have a wonderful support system and if there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Let me know when the bake sale is- I will take a road trip :)
The person I was talking about earlier- I don't personally know her, but she is in a support group for those who have had mc. Her stories change like the wind blows, but yet she still thinks everyone believes them. The more I think about it, I really feel sorry for her. Sad she has to come up with stories like that for attention.
Hi Amy - this may be of interest - IVF scholarships in USA with INCIID.

The next deadlines for apps are June 30th, July 30th and August 31st.

Thank you for the welcome guys. We are TTC right now but my periods are messed up lately, so trying not to get my hopes up for anything but it's hard sometimes when you are two weeks late. I wish they would just go back to normal. I lost a lot of weight last year with no reasoning and then when I stopped losing weight my periods went even more bonkers.
Thanks ladies alot more emotional today. Just worried it will never happen because of the money issue. My friends and family have been great saying will have fudraisers and bake sales and yard sales whatever we need to do to come up with the money. I was crying this morning and DH said dont worry babe we will work it out.So that makes me feel hopeful he never wanted to use intervention but now he realizes we have no choice. Good thing like others have all said my dr's have seen both babies that they took from the tubes R and L and said they were both viable pregnancies just implanted in the wrong place so IVF really has a great chance of working. I was told they found scar tissue everywhere even on my bowels they were all stuck together so they removed it all. They think i had an infection when I was way younger that did a lot of damage including some to my liver but think all is fine now that they removed it. I just dont know why they didnt find it last April when they went in and removed the tube. I had three people I trusted doing the surgery the first was the surgeon I saw that morning he is on the board of surgery for the hospital so I know he knows his stuff they second was my fertility doctor and I know he would of done anything to keep the tube if he could of and the third was my cousin the Midwife she just wanted to be there for me.

I'm so sorry to hear. Good luck with the fundraisers. Wishing you the best of luck.
impatient1 I am day 52 so I understand. :hugs: look into soy isoflavones for next cycle.
Hi Amy - this may be of interest - IVF scholarships in USA with INCIID.

The next deadlines for apps are June 30th, July 30th and August 31st.


Thanks Hunni I will look into this.
Thank you for the welcome guys. We are TTC right now but my periods are messed up lately, so trying not to get my hopes up for anything but it's hard sometimes when you are two weeks late. I wish they would just go back to normal. I lost a lot of weight last year with no reasoning and then when I stopped losing weight my periods went even more bonkers.

So sorry things are rough for you right now. Have they done any testing for PCOS? That can cause long cycles hope you get straightend out. :hugs:
impatient1 I am day 52 so I understand. :hugs: look into soy isoflavones for next cycle.

Will have to look into that for sure, do you know if it does help? Sorry you are going through this as well. It's so frustrating because I am actually sitting here sometimes almost willing myself to have a period already lol. Do you know what is causing yours to be so late?

Thank you for the welcome guys. We are TTC right now but my periods are messed up lately, so trying not to get my hopes up for anything but it's hard sometimes when you are two weeks late. I wish they would just go back to normal. I lost a lot of weight last year with no reasoning and then when I stopped losing weight my periods went even more bonkers.

So sorry things are rough for you right now. Have they done any testing for PCOS? That can cause long cycles hope you get straightend out. :hugs:

Well last year when I got pregnant I started losing weight and it continued even after the loss of my baby. I don't weigh a lot to begin with, started weighing 105lbs when I got pregnant and then February weighed in at 86.5lbs. In march I didn't lose anymore weight and then in May I gained 1.5 lbs. My periods never completely went back to normal after my D&C in June last year but they just seem to be getting more abnormal each time. I have started to think it was all because of stress, but it is making me worry now because I know that this all isn't helping with TTC. I had a few tests done on my thyroid early this year, had an ultrasound and pregnancy tests done as well, but nothing has come up. So the short of it is I haven't been tested for PCOS but I didn't think I really fit the symptoms when I looked it up. Hoping that at my next doctor's appointment he can help me with something to help regulate.
I'm sure they would of found it on the scan. I dont have the normal PCOS symptoms such as long cycles and other things but when they did the scan found out that I did. But if they check your thyroid and stuff then I am sure they checked for that too. Hoping it gets straightened out soon. So sorry for you loss.
Ok jusst caus i'm bored

did you know that just under 40% of the people currently registerd have moved forward after their loss and gotten a BFP

Thas really good odds

I am so incredibly okay with 40% right now! That's AMAZING! Feels a lot better when that number keeps fluctuating to know that so many have gotten BFP's already! Thanks! :hugs:

Wow Aussie- those are prety good odds, although I wish it were 100%!

Question for you ladies- why do you think someone would ever fake being pregnant and having a miscarriage? I mean- especially when they are surrounded by people who have
had losses? What kind of sick person does it take to do that???

Just venting this morning- AF has hit me like a bitch this morning so I am not in a good mood!!!

I'm sure there are people who do. Hell, I've been accused of it. Of course, I *WISH* I was making it all up. That would be a lot easier to deal with, ya know? I don't get it. Some people are (excuse my language) fucking sick in the head! :hugs: about the witch!

Thanks ladies alot more emotional today. Just worried it will never happen because of the money issue. My friends and family have been great saying will have fudraisers and bake sales and yard sales whatever we need to do to come up with the money. I was crying this morning and DH said dont worry babe we will work it out.So that makes me feel hopeful he never wanted to use intervention but now he realizes we have no choice. Good thing like others have all said my dr's have seen both babies that they took from the tubes R and L and said they were both viable pregnancies just implanted in the wrong place so IVF really has a great chance of working. I was told they found scar tissue everywhere even on my bowels they were all stuck together so they removed it all. They think i had an infection when I was way younger that did a lot of damage including some to my liver but think all is fine now that they removed it. I just dont know why they didnt find it last April when they went in and removed the tube. I had three people I trusted doing the surgery the first was the surgeon I saw that morning he is on the board of surgery for the hospital so I know he knows his stuff they second was my fertility doctor and I know he would of done anything to keep the tube if he could of and the third was my cousin the Midwife she just wanted to be there for me.

Check here: I know they're reasonably priced, and they might do financing options! :hugs:

Amy- I know how you feel about money issues and IVF. It sucks that it is not covered over here like it is across the pond. I know I haven't had insurance since I lost my job In January so every time I go see the doc they hold out their hand for money. They always look at me when I tell them we are still trying for a baby, but hello- we have been trying for this baby looooooong before I lost my job and insurance.
It sounds like you have a wonderful support system and if there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Let me know when the bake sale is- I will take a road trip :)
The person I was talking about earlier- I don't personally know her, but she is in a support group for those who have had mc. Her stories change like the wind blows, but yet she still thinks everyone believes them. The more I think about it, I really feel sorry for her. Sad she has to come up with stories like that for attention.

Yeah, the changing stories is always a dead giveaway! I don't know how someone can expect people to not notice that they don't make any sense! Its like... Hello! People can remember things from one conversation to the next! DUH!

Thank you for the welcome guys. We are TTC right now but my periods are messed up lately, so trying not to get my hopes up for anything but it's hard sometimes when you are two weeks late. I wish they would just go back to normal. I lost a lot of weight last year with no reasoning and then when I stopped losing weight my periods went even more bonkers.

I know what you mean about wonky cycles... been there! Have you talked to your doctor?
I'm sure they would of found it on the scan. I dont have the normal PCOS symptoms such as long cycles and other things but when they did the scan found out that I did. But if they check your thyroid and stuff then I am sure they checked for that too. Hoping it gets straightened out soon. So sorry for you loss.

I have just come to my own assumption that it's all cause by stress, it's kind of my only logical explanation at this point and as weird as it sounds it sometimes makes me feel like it's a reason and everything will go back to normal soon. All I want is to be normal lol, who would of thought eh.
Thank you and I'm sorry for everything that you are going through right now as well. Wishing you the best of luck.

I just want to thank you all for welcoming me, this seems like a place where I might fit in, I find it hard to find a specific place sometimes so just find myself wandering all over and posting less about what's going on with me as well. :hugs: to all of you. :dust: to everyone.
hi girls well im in limbo as im 17dpo and have tested today 25mlu and got :bfn: so oh took me to get some 10mlu tests so tested again got :bfn: so i must be out just wish af would hurry and show but no sign of it coming!! had my first proper af since my mc in jan last cycle which was bad so dnt know what to expect this cycle....ff is sure iv ov'd so i just dnt know!!!
Amy- I also heard there are places that are doing Clinical Trials for IVF and could be free minus meds like $600, which is better than paying up to a thousands.. I know there is a place in San Fransico, Ca that does it for sure,(thats where i got those pricing figures) you might be a excellent candidate for somewhere close to you! good luck!
Amy- I also heard there are places that are doing Clinical Trials for IVF and could be free minus meds like $600, which is better than paying up to a thousands.. I know there is a place in San Fransico, Ca that does it for sure,(thats where i got those pricing figures) you might be a excellent candidate for somewhere close to you! good luck!

Thanks hun definetly going to start looking into it.
Well I know for sure I would donate my whole savings account for you Amy....mind you it is only like $180 right now but it's yours if ya need it!
Thank you for the welcome guys. We are TTC right now but my periods are messed up lately, so trying not to get my hopes up for anything but it's hard sometimes when you are two weeks late. I wish they would just go back to normal. I lost a lot of weight last year with no reasoning and then when I stopped losing weight my periods went even more bonkers.

i'ld start getting your thyroids checked again. my thyroid came back slightly out of whack and my dr want to test again next cycle. He said that it can cause sudden weigh drops or gains. Loosint almost 20lb when you only 105lb is rally serious. thats like 1/5 of your boody weight. Please find someone to check you out again and take blood for lost os tests.

Well I know for sure I would donate my whole savings account for you Amy....mind you it is only like $180 right now but it's yours if ya need it!

Me to amy i'm all in with the savings, unfortunatly its only $20 at the moment cause we've had a few problem crop up, Fridge broke, DH bike broke and he uses that to get to and from work so had to be fixed.

AFM i'm just trying to stay in bed a little longer this morning cause i have to be somewhere at nine and have been awake since 6"30am i think i need to get some more sleep so tired
Thanks ladies plz keep your money we will find a way i just know it.
I'm heading to my cousins baby shower, with my family and I had a personal conversation with my mom about how I'm not completely comfortably with baby showers just yet, and my dad overheard and chimed in "get over it!!!!!!" I broke into to tears.. I'm really happy for my cousin but I'm just still heartbroken about my looses and kinda fear my day won't come...:cry: ehh and I tried to talk to my sis but that was useless.. I feel broken and alone :cry: can't wait to get home with my hubby he actually understands me..

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