I'm heading to my cousins baby shower, with my family and I had a personal conversation with my mom about how I'm not completely comfortably with baby showers just yet, and my dad overheard and chimed in "get over it!!!!!!" I broke into to tears.. I'm really happy for my cousin but I'm just still heartbroken about my looses and kinda fear my day won't come... ehh and I tried to talk to my sis but that was useless.. I feel broken and alone can't wait to get home with my hubby he actually understands me..
Hi guys just wondered if anybody wanted a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor (free of charge) its about 8 months old. Got no test sticks etc but its in perfect working order.
I know im only 6 weeks pregnant etc but dont wanna use it again even if this goes wrong.
Im only posting in here cus you guys are cool xx
I'm heading to my cousins baby shower, with my family and I had a personal conversation with my mom about how I'm not completely comfortably with baby showers just yet, and my dad overheard and chimed in "get over it!!!!!!" I broke into to tears.. I'm really happy for my cousin but I'm just still heartbroken about my looses and kinda fear my day won't come... ehh and I tried to talk to my sis but that was useless.. I feel broken and alone can't wait to get home with my hubby he actually understands me..
impatient1.. I do not know why my af is out of wack. All my hormone levels are fine! I am doing acupuncture and it has kicked my butt and made me so sleepy. My body is working overtime! I think mine maybe stress I really dont know. Soy does help. Megg uses them
i'ld start getting your thyroids checked again. my thyroid came back slightly out of whack and my dr want to test again next cycle. He said that it can cause sudden weigh drops or gains. Loosint almost 20lb when you only 105lb is rally serious. thats like 1/5 of your boody weight. Please find someone to check you out again and take blood for lost os tests.
Soy does work! I do use them! Pay no mind to the effed up cycle I've had this time. It's because of being sick. Normally, Soy gives me a very clear-cut cycle! I love it!