TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Please can you add me? I had a tfmr on 22nd March 2010 (our son George) and got bfp on 28th June 2010...fingers crossed and also good luck to everyone else x
Hi Everyone

Just want to say goodbye to you all and wish you all the very best in what ever comes your way. I had my 3rd miscarriage on 21st June, only 6 days after I got my BFP. Three in a row is enough for me and I have decided to throw in the towel. It's OK though....I seem to have toughened up after each m/c and I feel like it's time now for me to stop.....and my OH and I did say that we would try till my 44th Birthday....and that's tomorrow!

I am looking forward to not stressing out every month about everything from ovulation to asprin and progesterone and spending some quality time with my beautiful daughter Isabella, who turned 13 today. I must admit that for the past 6 months I have been so absorbed in my baby making efforts that I forgot about how lucky I am to have my 2 beautiful children.

I sincerely hope each and everyone of you finds peace in whatever eventuates for you, as I have. It didn't turn out the way I thought it would, but we gave it a hell of a try and I am happy with that.

Dawny- my fingers, toes and everything else are crossed for you!!

Bella- major :hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry for your recent loss.

Welcome Zoe- lots of :dust::dust: for you

Well- let me tell you about my night. Today is my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary- he passed away 7 years ago, so I spent the day with her. It was great. Just some good Mother/Daughter time. My hubby picked up his 8 year old daughter and we decided to go skating. We skated and skated and skated. Then we went and got something to drink and sat down for a minute. Mark and Abby decided to go on back and start skating again but we had just bought drinks and the drinks couldn't be taken out of the concession area. So I stayed behind and held the drinks. Well, I decided I would throw the drinks away and walk on down to the rink. Mind you- this is a concrete floor in the concession area. There is one step down to get to the games area which then leads to the rink. As I started to step down the one step, my legs flew out from underneath me and I fell straight back and landed on the concrete step. Well, I was so embarrassed but some sweet kids came over and asked if I was ok and helped me up. So I started to skate on to the wall where the rink is, and I kept tripping. I was in pain and couldn't figure out why my feet weren't working. Soooo......I look down and I am missing the front set of wheels on my right skate!!!!! I couldn't see Mark and Abby to tell them what happened so I went and threw my skates back to the owner and said I just fell with these pieces of *****. Still in pain and in a panic mode I found Mark and Abby and said- I'm done. Told them what happened and he lifted up my shirt to see this HUGE bruise/scraped area right on my spine. To wrap up this story I was taken by ambulance to the hospital where they gave me X-rays to find out nothing was actually broken (thank God) but I have a very deep contusion. I thank my stars I didn't bust my head wide open on the stair or break my back. It could have been much worse (even though I am in quite a bit of pain now!)
Here's my question- I do not have insurance since I lost my job. My husband tells me screw that, we won't need insurance because we are going to sue the skating rink since it was their neglect of equipment that made me fall. What do you guys think?
Sorry for this long rant.....I am just on pain pills and wanted to get some advice from my lovely friends!!!!!

OH- let me add this last thing.....before we went skating Abby told me that her mother is pregnant AGAIN!!!! Gee- just what I wanted to hear
hey i'm a little unsure of exactly what to write but i had a mmc 19th of may.
i am hoping to be pregnant atm but will let uno in the nxt wk or 2 x
Dawny- my fingers, toes and everything else are crossed for you!!

Bella- major :hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry for your recent loss.

Welcome Zoe- lots of :dust::dust: for you

Well- let me tell you about my night. Today is my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary- he passed away 7 years ago, so I spent the day with her. It was great. Just some good Mother/Daughter time. My hubby picked up his 8 year old daughter and we decided to go skating. We skated and skated and skated. Then we went and got something to drink and sat down for a minute. Mark and Abby decided to go on back and start skating again but we had just bought drinks and the drinks couldn't be taken out of the concession area. So I stayed behind and held the drinks. Well, I decided I would throw the drinks away and walk on down to the rink. Mind you- this is a concrete floor in the concession area. There is one step down to get to the games area which then leads to the rink. As I started to step down the one step, my legs flew out from underneath me and I fell straight back and landed on the concrete step. Well, I was so embarrassed but some sweet kids came over and asked if I was ok and helped me up. So I started to skate on to the wall where the rink is, and I kept tripping. I was in pain and couldn't figure out why my feet weren't working. Soooo......I look down and I am missing the front set of wheels on my right skate!!!!! I couldn't see Mark and Abby to tell them what happened so I went and threw my skates back to the owner and said I just fell with these pieces of *****. Still in pain and in a panic mode I found Mark and Abby and said- I'm done. Told them what happened and he lifted up my shirt to see this HUGE bruise/scraped area right on my spine. To wrap up this story I was taken by ambulance to the hospital where they gave me X-rays to find out nothing was actually broken (thank God) but I have a very deep contusion. I thank my stars I didn't bust my head wide open on the stair or break my back. It could have been much worse (even though I am in quite a bit of pain now!)
Here's my question- I do not have insurance since I lost my job. My husband tells me screw that, we won't need insurance because we are going to sue the skating rink since it was their neglect of equipment that made me fall. What do you guys think?
Sorry for this long rant.....I am just on pain pills and wanted to get some advice from my lovely friends!!!!!

OH- let me add this last thing.....before we went skating Abby told me that her mother is pregnant AGAIN!!!! Gee- just what I wanted to hear

Ok firstly so sorry that you have had this accident. As for the insurance thing, you should go to see a solicitor about what possible cause of action you may have. While it does seem simple at the moment, you will probally have to prove that they failed to adequatly maintian the skates and that it wasn't just a freak accident. This is the difficult part cause it not easy to prove negligence. To do it you have too proave that there is a maintainence schedual that should of been kept to ect ect........ anyway it can be a lot more difficult than it sounds. Also did the skate rink record somewhere and incident report of what happened cause you really need a copy of this for a start. Also law suits are costly and you'll need to have $$ to get the ball rolling. Hope that help, my advice is in the very least go and see a solicitor and find out if you have a case.

Hi Everyone

Just want to say goodbye to you all and wish you all the very best in what ever comes your way. I had my 3rd miscarriage on 21st June, only 6 days after I got my BFP. Three in a row is enough for me and I have decided to throw in the towel. It's OK though....I seem to have toughened up after each m/c and I feel like it's time now for me to stop.....and my OH and I did say that we would try till my 44th Birthday....and that's tomorrow!

I am looking forward to not stressing out every month about everything from ovulation to asprin and progesterone and spending some quality time with my beautiful daughter Isabella, who turned 13 today. I must admit that for the past 6 months I have been so absorbed in my baby making efforts that I forgot about how lucky I am to have my 2 beautiful children.

I sincerely hope each and everyone of you finds peace in whatever eventuates for you, as I have. It didn't turn out the way I thought it would, but we gave it a hell of a try and I am happy with that.


sorry to see you go without another one. Hope that you find true happiness in whatever you do.

Dawny - i wish i could give you my doctor but i dont think he travels to the UK for house calls:haha:
:bfn: what a surprise NOT oh well demand answers time as still no :witch: from the last BO :cry: xxxx
Please can you add me? I had a tfmr on 22nd March 2010 (our son George) and got bfp on 28th June 2010...fingers crossed and also good luck to everyone else x

Hi Everyone

Just want to say goodbye to you all and wish you all the very best in what ever comes your way. I had my 3rd miscarriage on 21st June, only 6 days after I got my BFP. Three in a row is enough for me and I have decided to throw in the towel. It's OK though....I seem to have toughened up after each m/c and I feel like it's time now for me to stop.....and my OH and I did say that we would try till my 44th Birthday....and that's tomorrow!

I am looking forward to not stressing out every month about everything from ovulation to asprin and progesterone and spending some quality time with my beautiful daughter Isabella, who turned 13 today. I must admit that for the past 6 months I have been so absorbed in my baby making efforts that I forgot about how lucky I am to have my 2 beautiful children.

I sincerely hope each and everyone of you finds peace in whatever eventuates for you, as I have. It didn't turn out the way I thought it would, but we gave it a hell of a try and I am happy with that.


hey i'm a little unsure of exactly what to write but i had a mmc 19th of may.
i am hoping to be pregnant atm but will let uno in the nxt wk or 2 x

To the 3 of you... I really have responses and will update... but I can't just yet. It will be a few hours! So, I haven't forgotten or ignored you... It just might take me a little bit! :hugs:

Well- let me tell you about my night. Today is my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary- he passed away 7 years ago, so I spent the day with her. It was great. Just some good Mother/Daughter time. My hubby picked up his 8 year old daughter and we decided to go skating. We skated and skated and skated. Then we went and got something to drink and sat down for a minute. Mark and Abby decided to go on back and start skating again but we had just bought drinks and the drinks couldn't be taken out of the concession area. So I stayed behind and held the drinks. Well, I decided I would throw the drinks away and walk on down to the rink. Mind you- this is a concrete floor in the concession area. There is one step down to get to the games area which then leads to the rink. As I started to step down the one step, my legs flew out from underneath me and I fell straight back and landed on the concrete step. Well, I was so embarrassed but some sweet kids came over and asked if I was ok and helped me up. So I started to skate on to the wall where the rink is, and I kept tripping. I was in pain and couldn't figure out why my feet weren't working. Soooo......I look down and I am missing the front set of wheels on my right skate!!!!! I couldn't see Mark and Abby to tell them what happened so I went and threw my skates back to the owner and said I just fell with these pieces of *****. Still in pain and in a panic mode I found Mark and Abby and said- I'm done. Told them what happened and he lifted up my shirt to see this HUGE bruise/scraped area right on my spine. To wrap up this story I was taken by ambulance to the hospital where they gave me X-rays to find out nothing was actually broken (thank God) but I have a very deep contusion. I thank my stars I didn't bust my head wide open on the stair or break my back. It could have been much worse (even though I am in quite a bit of pain now!)
Here's my question- I do not have insurance since I lost my job. My husband tells me screw that, we won't need insurance because we are going to sue the skating rink since it was their neglect of equipment that made me fall. What do you guys think?
Sorry for this long rant.....I am just on pain pills and wanted to get some advice from my lovely friends!!!!!

OH- let me add this last thing.....before we went skating Abby told me that her mother is pregnant AGAIN!!!! Gee- just what I wanted to hear

OMG! You really MUST be related to me! :hugs: More to respond with later!!! Long night... see journal! :dohh:

Also law suits are costly and you'll need to have $$ to get the ball rolling. Hope that help, my advice is in the very least go and see a solicitor and find out if you have a case.

The only thing I can add is that it doesn't really work like that in the US. Lawyers here will likely give you a free consult, tell you if you have a case, and then offer to take their fee out of the winnings if you win and generally don't get paid if you lose. So, if they say you have a case, you probably do!
Wow so many posts to catch up on!! And 82 :bfp:s!!!! Yayyyy!!
Congrats to all you lucky ladies!
Sorry for everyone who's recently suffered a loss :hugs: and welcome to the new faces :)
Hope everyone is well, it's testing time for me in 5 days...eeekk... x
Hi Everyone

Just want to say goodbye to you all and wish you all the very best in what ever comes your way. I had my 3rd miscarriage on 21st June, only 6 days after I got my BFP. Three in a row is enough for me and I have decided to throw in the towel. It's OK though....I seem to have toughened up after each m/c and I feel like it's time now for me to stop.....and my OH and I did say that we would try till my 44th Birthday....and that's tomorrow!

I am looking forward to not stressing out every month about everything from ovulation to asprin and progesterone and spending some quality time with my beautiful daughter Isabella, who turned 13 today. I must admit that for the past 6 months I have been so absorbed in my baby making efforts that I forgot about how lucky I am to have my 2 beautiful children.

I sincerely hope each and everyone of you finds peace in whatever eventuates for you, as I have. It didn't turn out the way I thought it would, but we gave it a hell of a try and I am happy with that.


All the best to you and your lovely Family Hun xx :hugs:
Zoe - Sorry for your loss, and congrats on your BFP! :hugs:

Bellascar - I'm SO sorry, honey! :hugs: Good luck to you and your family!

Stacey - I'm sorry, honey! :hugs: FX'd for when you test!

MissMaternal - EEK! So soon! FX'd hun! :hugs:
Hey girls, not been in here in ages cos I have not been coping well with my latest lost last month, so congrats to all the bfp's and :hugs: to all those who have had losses or the witch has got.

It is three weeks, six days since my mc, and I tested this morning
Wow Tasha congratulations! I shall cross everything for you xxx
Wowee! So many BFPs!!! You girls are doing us proud!!
Huge congrats to all the newly preggos and big hugs to all the ladies with new losses.
I tested BFN this morning, but as of cd24 today, the witch hasn't showed up, which must mean that my vit b complex is working!! Yay!
My cycles have been 24 days of late, so any lengthening is a bonus! That must sound really bizarre to all the ladies with mega cycles, sorry!!
Well ladies 11dpo for me and I think I have IB at the moment! I will test in a few days!

I lie will probably test tomorrow like I have been for the last 3 days lol
Congrats Tasha and fingers crossed Lawa!!!
Well, today is my anniversary and it looks like my husband is just going to act like it's just another day. No card, no happy anniversary nothing....I know he remembers because 1, it's on July 4th and 2, I gave him his card at midnight last night. Why are men so inconsiderate and insensitive sometimes???

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