TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Congrats to the new BFPS!! Vickie, heart tree, africaqueen, rainbowpea, SmileyShazza and firedancer to name a few:)
I didn't see yours Firedancer! I am sorry I missed that one! Congratulations! :hugs: :happydance:
I have been a little absent on this thread recently but thought I should pop my head in to say that I have done 5 tests and am really pleased to have got my bfp on our 7th cycle of trying after our MMC.

It's very early days but am thinking positively and keeping everything crossed that this is a sticky one.

Good luck to everyone ttc - it can feel like a long slog but please stick with it ladies. I wasn't expecting this at all this month it has just totally crept up on me.

Congrats again, sweetie! :hugs:

I leave for a few days and come back to 93 :bfp:'s!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is great!!!!!!! Congrats to all of our :bfp:'s
Welcome to all the new ladies and I am sorry for your losses. :hugs:
Megg, can you do a spread for me? What do you need me to do? I can pm you any information you may need.
As far as I am concerned, I am PMSing so bad right now. I talked to our FS the other day and I think we are going to try and do the injectibles this next cycle. It is a little more expensive than the Femara, but I hope it will be worth it.
I hope everyone will have a great day! :hugs:

Did you want me to pull more than one card for you? Are you interested in any specific spread? I don't really need any info. All I've been doing is thinking about the person when I pull the cards! I certainly don't mind doing it... Its fun! :hugs:
Do me too please megg on pregnancy and as many cards as you think is best xxxx
I have been a little absent on this thread recently but thought I should pop my head in to say that I have done 5 tests and am really pleased to have got my bfp on our 7th cycle of trying after our MMC.

It's very early days but am thinking positively and keeping everything crossed that this is a sticky one.

Good luck to everyone ttc - it can feel like a long slog but please stick with it ladies. I wasn't expecting this at all this month it has just totally crept up on me.

Congrats again, sweetie! :hugs:

I leave for a few days and come back to 93 :bfp:'s!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is great!!!!!!! Congrats to all of our :bfp:'s
Welcome to all the new ladies and I am sorry for your losses. :hugs:
Megg, can you do a spread for me? What do you need me to do? I can pm you any information you may need.
As far as I am concerned, I am PMSing so bad right now. I talked to our FS the other day and I think we are going to try and do the injectibles this next cycle. It is a little more expensive than the Femara, but I hope it will be worth it.
I hope everyone will have a great day! :hugs:

Did you want me to pull more than one card for you? Are you interested in any specific spread? I don't really need any info. All I've been doing is thinking about the person when I pull the cards! I certainly don't mind doing it... Its fun! :hugs:

Same as what Dawn said. Thanks again Meg.
Well I did the deed. I just ordered my injectables! They were expensive! The Follistem for 3 viles was $523.50 and then the Ovidrel (trigger shot) was $89.72. Bringing my total $613.22! I pray this does the job! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I think this will be our last big shot as we have spent so much already. I just don't know how much more we can dip into our pockets without them just completely falling through!
Do me too please megg on pregnancy and as many cards as you think is best xxxx

3 card tarot
Situation As It Is

Six of Pentacles

Briefly: Some financial assistance that will change the course of your destiny if you act wisely.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a good looking man, very rugged up against the bitter cold, as it must be the Winter season at the time. He holds a coin in his right hand and is in the process of giving it to those who ask. There are two hands outstretched in front of him which are the hands of those in need of some financial assistance. In his left hand he holds a set of scales to balance out who receives the assistance. In the background behind him are six large pentacles, or coins, that show his wealth. If you are the person in the picture you have come a long way and are not in the position of being able to help those around you. If you are not the person in the picture, then you will seen be on the receiving end of some financial assistance that will change the course of your destiny if you act wisely. If you invest your money with prudence you may one day end up as financially secure as the one who helped you in the first place. The number six may be significant in respect to the amount received. As this number is also connected to the planet Venus, there may also be some loving encounter or experience that gives you a new outlook on life.

Course of Action to be Taken

Four of Cups

Briefly: An offer should be considered.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a hand holding a cup and this is reaching out from a cloud and presenting the cup to a person who is surrounded by leaves and there is a hill in the background and many trees. There are three cups full of liquid in the foreground. This can represent an offer to be considered. Sometimes it can symbolise that the person is reluctant to accept any offers. However, the wise person should at least investigate what is being presented, rather than dismissing it without knowing all the facts. Something can arise out of the blue and be a surprise. If you happen to notice that your circumstances may alter quite significantly if you take up some new direction, then proceed with assurance that this is the right path for you at this point in time.

New Situation that will Evolve

The Empress

Briefly: A woman of position, power and authority. It may be expressed in the home or as head of a business empire. She is commanding and forthright. She makes wise choices based on all the information she can gather. This can also mean that you are entering a time of prosperity and abundance. Good luck and opportunities may literally just drop in your lap.

Full Meaning:

This woman has a position of power and authority. It may be expressed in the home or as head of a business empire. She is commanding and forthright. She makes wise choices based on all the information she can gather. She is the eternal mother. Her maternal instincts are exceptionally well developed and she may play the "mothering" role in various aspects of her life. She "likes" to look after people, it comes naturally to her.

She is the nurturer and the provider. She is sensitive and understanding, gentle and compassionate. She has a soft heart and is always at the ready when needed or if there is an emergency. She loves to feel needed. She is highly intuitive, romantic, and emotional. She is easily moved to tears, yet is mature in her outlook. She is strong, warm and affectionate. Giving hugs is her forte. Her passion is looking after people and their needs. Her soul has been directed to the caring of humanity. The roles she could involve herself in are mother, nurturer, counsellor, adviser, or in charge of any industry involved with humanitarian or charitable functions such as orphanages, whether large or small.

She is the one who guides and instructs and cares for anyone who asks. This gives her enormous emotional fulfilment and Satisfaction. The Empress is generous and kind hearted. She is incredibly resourceful and has learnt the skills along the way to build her own nest egg. In her prime and the latter part of her life she will have abundance and comforts.

Her home decorating tastes become more luxurious as she gets older. In the meantime she focuses on making her home warm and welcoming. She is ever ready to make anyone a cup of tea and help them relax and unwind.

This woman cares about her appearance and may fuss over her hair, clothes and/or makeup. She likes to be pampered and may go to great lengths to achieve this, whether soaking in a bath, having massages, facials etc. She would like the good things in life, good food, good wine and plenty of socialising. Dinner by candlelight would be the way she would prefer to have her meals, with good company and conversation.

The Empress is also practical and logical in her outlook and generally tends to stick to her decisions after careful consideration. She can be analytical, but not to the point of taking too long to make up her mind.

She is the kind of person you can take your troubles to and she will listen carefully and compassionately to your woes. Her advice, when sought, is wise and well thought out. She does not offer advice unless asked as she knows only too well that people may only want someone to talk to, to air their feelings with and that may be all they really need.

She may have gifts in the arts or she could love sewing, knitting or other needlework as she enjoys making beautiful yet practical items. She may dabble in various hobbies until she finds the one or two which she enjoys the most. She probably has very soft hands, despite always keeping them busy. She likes to hug people and make them feel wanted.

If this card represents some elements of yourself yet you are still quite young, you can look forward to a lovely future as you grow into becoming the Empress. Your life will prosper and you will get most of your needs met, yet give out an abundance of love and caring to many others over the years.

If you are not the Empress, then this person is either a close friend or relative, or you are just about to meet her. She will welcome you on first meeting as if you are already old friends. If you are a mature woman, the Empress could become your next best friend.

If you are a male, the Empress may become your friend, lover or wife. This can also mean that you are entering a time of prosperity and abundance. Good luck and opportunities may literally just drop in your lap.

1 card tarot
Ten of Swords

Briefly: A time to recuperate after an operation or period of sickness.

Full Meaning: At first sight this card looks just awful. There is a picture of a person laying face down with ten swords stuck in his/her back with blood oozing out everywhere. This can give a very distressing impression to your client when seeing this card in their layout. However, generally the card is not as depressing as originally seemed. It can just be a time to recuperate after an operation, which could have involved the back or neck. This person may also be needing some bed rest from exhaustion or is possibly temporarily depressed due to a current situation. Time does heal all wounds. There are stars twinkling in the dark night sky in the background, giving hope and inspiration that dawn will eventually, and always does, arrive. Daylight is only hours away, if only we do not lose sight of that timely event. The person does recover, does carry on and move into the light of day with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. It just sometimes takes a little time and possibly some tender loving care. The month of October may be particularly significant in relation to some event connected to the picture on this card. All is not lost though, as the month comes and goes just like every other month and by November all is generally well again and life is back on track.

Used spoiler tags so people could skip it if they choose!
I have been a little absent on this thread recently but thought I should pop my head in to say that I have done 5 tests and am really pleased to have got my bfp on our 7th cycle of trying after our MMC.

It's very early days but am thinking positively and keeping everything crossed that this is a sticky one.

Good luck to everyone ttc - it can feel like a long slog but please stick with it ladies. I wasn't expecting this at all this month it has just totally crept up on me.

Congrats again, sweetie! :hugs:

I leave for a few days and come back to 93 :bfp:'s!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is great!!!!!!! Congrats to all of our :bfp:'s
Welcome to all the new ladies and I am sorry for your losses. :hugs:
Megg, can you do a spread for me? What do you need me to do? I can pm you any information you may need.
As far as I am concerned, I am PMSing so bad right now. I talked to our FS the other day and I think we are going to try and do the injectibles this next cycle. It is a little more expensive than the Femara, but I hope it will be worth it.
I hope everyone will have a great day! :hugs:

Did you want me to pull more than one card for you? Are you interested in any specific spread? I don't really need any info. All I've been doing is thinking about the person when I pull the cards! I certainly don't mind doing it... Its fun! :hugs:

Same as what Dawn said. Thanks again Meg.

Okay... Be right back with it! :)

Edit: I'm back! I hope they mean something to you! Uhm... I have a hard time focusing on anything more than the person... Like, its hard to choose a person and a topic for the person (ie Anne is easier than Anne and pregnancy). These are the 3 that came out! There is certainly a theme!

3 card tarot
Situation As It Is

Two of Wands

Briefly: Time to consider a new move in your life that will make big changes to your existing living arrangements.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man with part of his back to us and he is holding a staff in one hand and a globe of the world in the other and is looking out towards a distant mountain. He appears to be studious and in deep concentration. He may be seriously considering his future. He is tall and well built and wears a cloak for warmth.
This can suggest that you are about to consider a new move in your life that will make big changes to your existing living arrangements. You may actually uproot yourself and move to another country, another state or another town. Your job is obviously undergoing some kind of transformation and you may be breaking new ground with some new endeavour. This will require your time, your patience and your strong belief in yourself that you can do anything you set out to do.
You could be presented with a rather unique opportunity that leads you on to pursue your wildest dreams. Or you may have developed your own vision or idea and be in the process of bringing this all to fruition by your very own hands. Don't let others sidetrack you at this stage, for you are vulnerable to suggestion and may listen to some bad advice or discouragement. Trust in your own wisdom and you will ultimately have the last laugh.

Course of Action to be Taken

Seven of Swords

Briefly: A home move.

Full Meaning: Quite often this card signifies a home move. There is a restlessness that gives the feeling of wanting to move on. If it is not a house move, it could be a new relationship, or one that is a significant relationship, such as your first one, or it has been a long time between relationships, or one that proves important in the long run, such as one leading to marriage. However a small word of caution, find out all you can about this new person, for there could be something secretive about him/her.
This can also mean a significant happening or event at night, having to rush off somewhere, to someone's aid perhaps, someone in hospital and/or a time to make quick decisions and act in a hurry, or alternatively you may act in haste during the night.
This card has also been known to indicate a robbery. It could be a thief in your home, or any other place where you keep valuables, such as a car or an office.
Overall, your life now has the potential to alter in some significant way. You could cut ties with your past, your family or friends and go off on your own path. These changes may be irrevocable and can close the door on your old life to make way for a total transition into a new way of living. Just be sure this is exactly what you want to do. You need to be firm and strong in your decision making now and in the near future.

New Situation that will Evolve

The Hierophant

Briefly: A man of wisdom and vast experience of life. A guiding light in the dark, a kind and inspiring man you can call on for guidance and advice.

Full Meaning:

This major arcana card is one of a little mystery. The man pictured looks like he knows all the answers. He is clothed in regal attire suggestive of a link with royalty. He looks too like a religious man, perhaps a priest, and the sceptre in his hand is a symbol of mastery and possibly also magic.

He appears to be an elderly man, a man of wisdom and vast experience of life. He seems like a guiding light in the dark. If this card represents you, then you are quite likely at the stage in your life where everything is under control. You have walked the rocky road of life and have mastered the techniques to reach a time of achievement and satisfaction. You may have reached all your previous goals and can now sit back and perhaps rest on your laurels if that is what you choose to do. It is a time of equilibrium, balance and serenity. The troubles of the world are behind you, and now you can take the time out to rest without too many challenges ahead.

If this card represents someone in your life, you obviously look up to this person with great respect. He may have been, and still is, you best friend, your mentor, your confidante. He is a kind and inspiring man and you may have called on him for guidance and advice, which he gave with compassion and willingness. He may even be a spiritual guru who showed you the way when it was dark or in your hour of greatest need. He would have aided you in finding your path in life or gave hints of the mysteries that can often be hidden even from those who search for the meaning of life so compellingly. He is the keeper of the knowledge of life and will share it with those who seek it. He is the eternal philosopher and seeker of truth.

The keys can often be symbolic of new keys coming into your life, such as new house keys or car keys. It can also show you to be aware of where you leave your keys as you may find that you accidently misplace them, which can prove to be very inconvenient. As keys can represent a new direction you are about to take in life, this may suggest that the time is ripe to make significant life changes right now or in the very near future. This card can also represent marriage.

1 card tarot
Five of Cups

Briefly: 5 days associated with an event that will not be so happy or positive.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man with his head lowered and he is facing the ocean and a cliff top in the distance. On the ground in front if him is three cups spilling out red liquid. Behind him are two cups. He looks sad and alone. The dark clouds in the sky signify sadness. There is a time frame of about five days associated with an event that will not be so happy or positive. However, all things must eventually come to an end and we experience pain and hurt because we are human. Even though the person is experiencing some loss, there is still hope and this is symbolised by the two cups behind him, suggesting that he cannot see this at this point in time, but it is definitely there. This man will eventually pick up the pieces and move on, but has to grieve his loss as he is a human being and will feel this way for some time before he can be healed and renewed. The card often symbolises winter, but can also represent a cold time in the persons life, or there is a separation of some type that is causing this temporary sadness. When the time has passed he will see that there is always hope for a new life and he will start anew, but it may be in a new season such as Spring.

Used spoiler tags so people could skip it if they choose!

Well I did the deed. I just ordered my injectables! They were expensive! The Follistem for 3 viles was $523.50 and then the Ovidrel (trigger shot) was $89.72. Bringing my total $613.22! I pray this does the job! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I think this will be our last big shot as we have spent so much already. I just don't know how much more we can dip into our pockets without them just completely falling through!

Wow! That's expensive! Definitely thinking of you!!! :hugs:
Thanks Megg xxxx

I wish it could have been more helpful! Your 3 card looked pretty good actually! The 1 card seemed fitting with the need for healing. Everything seems to suggest that your life will go as planned, but you need to work through some physical issues first. It goes well with the 12 month you got. Heal through the end of the year and possibly a Jan BFP! :hugs:
Thanks Megg..... Not sure how to take that? We aren't talking about a move nor are there any new relationships being formed...... Hmmmmm....... Interesting?
Thanks Megg..... Not sure how to take that? We aren't talking about a move nor are there any new relationships being formed...... Hmmmmm....... Interesting?

Sometimes a move can symbolize a moving on to a new phase of life. It doesn't always have to be a physical move. Its often just a major change of some sort. As far as new relationships being formed... Could be yet to happen? Or, I always think its possible that it could be baby related... That would be a new relationship! :winkwink:
Thanks Megg..... Not sure how to take that? We aren't talking about a move nor are there any new relationships being formed...... Hmmmmm....... Interesting?

Sometimes a move can symbolize a moving on to a new phase of life. It doesn't always have to be a physical move. Its often just a major change of some sort. As far as new relationships being formed... Could be yet to happen? Or, I always think its possible that it could be baby related... That would be a new relationship! :winkwink:

True.... either my baby or our new grandbaby who is about to be here? I didn't look at it that way? Thank you for explaining that. :hugs:
Thanks Megg..... Not sure how to take that? We aren't talking about a move nor are there any new relationships being formed...... Hmmmmm....... Interesting?

Sometimes a move can symbolize a moving on to a new phase of life. It doesn't always have to be a physical move. Its often just a major change of some sort. As far as new relationships being formed... Could be yet to happen? Or, I always think its possible that it could be baby related... That would be a new relationship! :winkwink:

True.... either my baby or our new grandbaby who is about to be here? I didn't look at it that way? Thank you for explaining that. :hugs:

Yep! :) No problem! :hugs:


The parts I noticed most:

This will require your time, your patience and your strong belief in yourself that you can do anything you set out to do.
You could be presented with a rather unique opportunity that leads you on to pursue your wildest dreams. Or you may have developed your own vision or idea and be in the process of bringing this all to fruition by your very own hands. Don't let others sidetrack you at this stage, for you are vulnerable to suggestion and may listen to some bad advice or discouragement. Trust in your own wisdom and you will ultimately have the last laugh.

This can also mean a significant happening or event at night, having to rush off somewhere, to someone's aid perhaps, someone in hospital and/or a time to make quick decisions and act in a hurry, or alternatively you may act in haste during the night. (Possibly when your daughter gives birth?)

Overall, your life now has the potential to alter in some significant way. You could cut ties with your past, your family or friends and go off on your own path. These changes may be irrevocable and can close the door on your old life to make way for a total transition into a new way of living. Just be sure this is exactly what you want to do. You need to be firm and strong in your decision making now and in the near future.

As keys can represent a new direction you are about to take in life, this may suggest that the time is ripe to make significant life changes right now or in the very near future.

Everything suggests that you may have major changes coming your way... I would ignore/re-interpret the parts that suggest a move of house specifically!

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