TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Just a quick hcg slightly more than doubled in 46 hours...went from 228 to 477. Other hormone levels are looking good too. This could be my sticky bean. Trying hard everyday not to be worried and paranoid. I tell myself that if it's meant to be, it will be. I am doing everything I can...progesterone, baby aspirin, Lovenox injections, vitamins....and if it's not meant to be, it's not like worrying about it in advance will make it any easier if something happens. Right??

Good vibes Ladies, good vibes...

Excellent news and a good attitude. I am trying to take the same one but tbh I can't relax and enjoy it.

I got a BFP today at the doctors. Wasnt expecting to test till next week but midwife wanted to see. Im in shock!

Excellent news

officially about a year, but in DH mind since christmas, not that anything has changed thats just the day he agreed to trying again, before that he wasn't sure so he was NTNP, but i was trying very very hard

OMG i can't believe its been a year already, maybe i need to join the LTTTC

What is LTTTC?

Debs - I am still keeping everything crossed for your bfp this month.

Long term trying to concieve

Megg, I got a faint BFP tues night + yesterday.
Unfortunately todays is no darker, so I'm not sure if I'm still BFP or on the way to another :angel: xxx
fxed for you dan-o, i hope you get some clear answers soon

Hi girls, I thought I would update you all. I had my second scan today, it turns out that the 'early pregnancy' he saw on Tuesday was a cavity and so it is a pregnancy in an unknown location, I just got the results and my HCG was just under 300, this doesnt make it any clearer if it is another miscarriage or ectopic so what happens next will depend on Saturdays results. I beyond devastated. :cry::cry:

My iron is really low again at just 6, this happened before but the consultant said it needs to be investigated before we concieve again because my iron will get lower in pregnancy which could send me into heart failure.

This and my aunt dying this week has destroyed me and made me wonder what I did to deserve this.
My heart goes out to you i was in your position afew weeks ago. mine turned out to be a MC i hope your turns out better than mine.

Congratulations to all the BFP's and my condolences to the recent losses. It's such a happy/sad thread. At least we can all be here for each other through the good and bad. This site has totally saved me since my loss.

I have a question for you girls, and I know it's totally personal and really only I can answer it, BUT... this week I thought I might possibly be pregnant (two weeks after mc). I have all the signs I had first time round (heartburn, cramps, lower back pain, sore tingly boobs...), but it seems a bit fast. Possible, but likely? We have had sex, but he pulled out (I know, real great method of BC but whatever). So I suppose anything is possible... That being said, I am now more convinced that I am actually ovulating, based on an abundance of cm and I have never seen it so stretchy before. This means I am ovulating and not pregnant yet right? Which leads to my question- do we go for it? Or do we wait for a full cycle??? I am ready emotionally, I just worry if we don't wait, my chances of having another mc are increased? I am just not very patient and I feel like my body is telling me something..... plus I am crazy horny (TMI) and it is our 6 yr anniversary of being together today. :happydance:

My doctor told us to wait a cycle, "for dating purposes". Doesn't seem like a proper reason to wait... but I am still so unsure. My rational side is telling me to be patient, but my 'I was just pg two weeks ago wants to be pg again now side' says do it. :wacko:

:baby: thoughts?
My dr who is a gyno and IVF fertility specialist said not to worry about waiting. if your body isn't ready it wont ovulate or give you any fertile signs so i sat go for it.
Congratulations to all the BFP's and my condolences to the recent losses. It's such a happy/sad thread. At least we can all be here for each other through the good and bad. This site has totally saved me since my loss.

I have a question for you girls, and I know it's totally personal and really only I can answer it, BUT... this week I thought I might possibly be pregnant (two weeks after mc). I have all the signs I had first time round (heartburn, cramps, lower back pain, sore tingly boobs...), but it seems a bit fast. Possible, but likely? We have had sex, but he pulled out (I know, real great method of BC but whatever). So I suppose anything is possible... That being said, I am now more convinced that I am actually ovulating, based on an abundance of cm and I have never seen it so stretchy before. This means I am ovulating and not pregnant yet right? Which leads to my question- do we go for it? Or do we wait for a full cycle??? I am ready emotionally, I just worry if we don't wait, my chances of having another mc are increased? I am just not very patient and I feel like my body is telling me something..... plus I am crazy horny (TMI) and it is our 6 yr anniversary of being together today. :happydance:

My doctor told us to wait a cycle, "for dating purposes". Doesn't seem like a proper reason to wait... but I am still so unsure. My rational side is telling me to be patient, but my 'I was just pg two weeks ago wants to be pg again now side' says do it. :wacko:

:baby: thoughts?

My ob/gyn said the only reason to wait is for dating purposes, and that's for their benefit. If we wanted to try right away, then go for it. She did warn that I may not ovulate for another cycle, but I did.

EDIT: ha, just like what aussiettc said. She just beat me to it.
Hmm.. if that's the case, I might try as soon as I see fertile signs instead of waiting. Of course, I'm starting to get worried about my cycle and this bleeding. I don't remember my other m/c in 2007 being anything like this one. Maybe it was because I was on Prometrium this time? Who knows.

I'm starting to look forward to the Fetal/Maternal medicine specialist appt on Monday (but not the pelvic U/S or the blood draw :haha: ). I am just hoping that seeing the specialist will clear up a lot of things for me and reassure me a little. At least, that's what I pray happens
I just got off the phone with the OBGYN's nurse. They still want me to do the pelvic ultrasound. They want to look at my uterus and ovary. I hope that doesn't mean they think something's wrong with the ovary. I only have one left! I'm guessing that they just want to look while they're down there. I hope I stop bleeding by then. I don't wanna be bleeding and have them poking around. Ew.

Hubby is home sick from work for the second day in a row. He's got a severe sore throat, body aches and alternates between fever and chills. Poor guy. I'm disenfecting things and taking Vitamin C. I can't afford to get sick. I have all those appointments on Monday!

Getting ready to drive my mother and I to the grocery store. It's a long trip, since we're going to the "good stores" 45 minutes away. Usually, hubby and I do it, but I'm not dragging him around when he's sick. We usually go on Thursdays and we're out of almost everything!
Congrats on new bfps!

svetayasofiya - my doctor said last week that I maybe keep miscarrying because I'm only leaving one cycle between MCing and trying again (and getting pregnant straight away again), but the nurse at the hospital said I'm better trying the very next cycle, without waiting, as your body is more receptable to getting pregnant again? So I think it maybe just depends on their personal opinion, rather than medical advice. I MC last month and I'm trying again this month, so we'll see! I say do whatever you feel comfortable with, if you feel your body needs to wait then wait, but it not, get right back in there!
Thanks for all your advice ladies! We decided to wait. Just one cycle, to let everything in my body and brain get back to normal. lol I keep thinking I am so tough, two and a half weeks post mc I am doing very well. But I also think part of my rush to get going again is a result of my grief. I need to get my life back to normal. The last 6 weeks have been all over the place with the pregnancy, then the complications, and finally the mc. I haven't been to the gym in two months and I used to go 3-4x a week. I really miss it and want to lose 5-10lbs. Plus we are in the middle of house renos and I want everything to be zen when I fall pregnant again. Soooo we will wait for AF and start trying after. For some reason I think I'll get pregnant right away, but realistically? Last time happened after 3 cycles. Still quick I know. I hope I don't regress if it doesn't happen right away.

Ahhh patience, it's a difficult thing! I am only delaying by three weeks. *sigh...... really 4-5 before I'll know anything.....
Hi Megg!

Well I am very newly pregnant - again! So I know you have added me and removed me from this list before, but this time I am praying that you only add me and do not have to remove me! Got my BFP today, 4th time preggers so I am really praying for a sticky bean this time round.

Lizzi - so glad that you feel confident to try again and not give up on your dreams of being a mum.

Maybe we can be TTC budies???:shrug:
Hi Megg!

Well I am very newly pregnant - again! So I know you have added me and removed me from this list before, but this time I am praying that you only add me and do not have to remove me! Got my BFP today, 4th time preggers so I am really praying for a sticky bean this time round.


That's great, honey! CONGRATS! :hugs: I'm very hopeful that this one will lead to your forever baby! :yipee:
Megg can you change mine to 7+1, I started bleeding this morning. Thanks.
I'm still waiting for :witch:. Sorry I haven't been on as much. I'm very frustrated right now!

So sorry Tasha :hugs:

Congrats Pea-in-a-pod!
Hi Megg!

Well I am very newly pregnant - again! So I know you have added me and removed me from this list before, but this time I am praying that you only add me and do not have to remove me! Got my BFP today, 4th time preggers so I am really praying for a sticky bean this time round.


Congratulations :happydance:

Megg can you change mine to 7+1, I started bleeding this morning. Thanks.

Sorry for you Tasha xx :nope:

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