TTC After A Loss... Race for the BFP! - 211 BFP's!!!

Tasha - It does pour, sweetheart! Always! :hugs:

Vickie - Our tests much run a lot faster! I imagine its tricky to think of your EDD being Isabella's birthday! But I'm sure she's looking out for this little one and perhaps its her gift to you on such a hard day. :hugs:

bbhopes - You did it just fine, honey! :) I'll add you! I'm sorry for your losses though! :hugs:

Fergie - Yep! Very normal! I have a thread called "TTCAL Chart Stalkers Anonymous Meeting"... There's a ton of fab ladies who've been temping for ages in there. And, I can link to your chart on the first page for opinions as your cycle progresses... if you like!

I was already expecting the due date to be the day they told us she had died but don't really like it being on her actual birthday even though baby will likely come earlier.

I think it was Vickie who asked but not sure, I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant is on TLC.

Vickie - great scan picture! You could continue telling people the same date as you have already been given. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have the same due date but maybe it is something happy that is supposed to happen on that day.

Meggs it is never to late to do something you enjoy, if it is something you are interested in and think you would enjoy go for it.

I feel bad when talking to other people about pregnancy and talking about symptoms I had before because I feel like they are just thinking... well hers ended in misscarriage so that must not be normal then.

I am not sure I have that channel.

I will try and stick with my due date.

Vicki, that is a great scan! :thumbup: Is two days really that big of deal developmentally or do they just keep mentioning it for the due date? Regardless of what the predicted due date is, it doesn't mean this little baby will born on Isabella's due date so try not to think about it to much, you could always tell other ppl another date, it really doesn't matter until that baby is ready to come out. :hugs:

No it's not a big deal. They didn't mention it but it just says the gestation on the scan report.

Oh Megg :hugs::hugs: It is so unfair, but you know sometimes it is better to find these things because it 'allows' us to cry and crying is a good thing. That is fab news about the tests. :happydance:

Deb I love that sort of programme, never seen that one though. I didnt know about Honey until I was over 20 weeks pregnant, I know not as far those girls but still far enough and the guilt I felt was huge even though I dont drink, smoke or take medicines apart from paracetamol I was still wondering if I would of done anything to adversely affect her and then my waters went at 28 weeks so I thought it must of been something I did, and then when she was born sleeping at 36+6 the guilt was there too, even though I knew it was medical negligence.

dietrad congratulations, that is fab :)

Vickie :hugs: I am glad I am not alone in feeling like that. Have you asked them about your tests? My original ones done after Honey were back in a few weeks, when I got pregnant with Kaysie the doctor wanted to do his own tests (we moved hospitals) and within a week they were back saying I have Factor V Leiden.

Thank you for the support girls, you are right about people separating my losses to there's. I think it is cos I know TTCAL and PAL is so scary any way and then I keep reading things round the forum and people refer to my sort of story as a 'horror' story. Plus I just think I am extra sensitive right now, in the past three weeks my aunt has died, waiting for this miscarriage, been having blood transfusions cos of my iron and then yesterday solicitor rang to say another report into Honey's case say she could and should be here if we were cared for right. Never rain's but it pours right? LOL.

Did they admit liability for Honeys death? My friend lost her daughter at nearly 10 months due to medical negligence and it took years to settle.

They said when they took them that it would take 8 weeks for the results. Its 8 weeks in mid August so I am going to start chasing them as the appt they gave me was 24th September and if there is something I will need more than just the aspirin that I am on.

I am back from my scan. All looked absolutely great. The guy who did the scan is lovely (he was the one who told me Jessica was a girl at my 20 week scan). He said that a bleed that looks big next to a tiny 6 week embryo doesn;t look very big next to a 9 week embryo.

I said that I get terrified before each scan and he said they could cure that by not scanning me anymore lol. Unfortunately that wouldn't change anything if things had gone wrong

Next scan is booked for the 24th August as I couldn't do exactly 2 weeks as I am away.

That means I need to change my 12 week scan to 13 weeks otherwise there will only be a week between the two.

Baby is measuring 2 days behind still as it has been all along but they date you at the 12 week scan. If it's still 2 days behind then they will change my due date to Isabellas birthday. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Anyway one gorgeous little baby (he said another one hasn't popped up lol) and it is measuring 2.2cm head to bum.
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I'd like to make the first official gender guess! If your scan was external (over the tummy) then girl... If it was internal (transvag) then boy! :)

Why the difference between the two? lol. It was an external scan, I was nearly wetting myself before lol

Uhm... Placenta attached to left is girl and to right is boy, supposedly. But, an external scan is mirror image... while an internal scan is oriented correctly on the screen. So, left is left internally, but left is right externally... if that makes sense! LOL

Can i CAUTIOUSLY take spot #102...?? Got my :bfp: this morning :cloud9:
Am praying it's sticky.... :dust: to everyone xx

Of course! OMG! CONGRATS! :hugs: I'm so excited for you!!! :yipee:
Ahhh gotcha. Well we'll have to wait and see (if I get that far).
well girls this is my 9th month ttc, i'm having lots of strange symtoms, very bad heartburn, bloating, nausea, tiredness, minor cramping and a strange taste in my mouth i'm 8dpo today, i keep thinking is it my mind playing tricks???? surely it has to happen soon for me now i'm so fed up of waiting month after month so please please let this be my month xxxx what do you all think xxxx
hi fergie if your cycles are 28-29 then you will be fertile inbetween days 12 - 16 roughly (count the first day of your period as cycle day 1) my cycles were 29 days before my mc but now they range from 29 - 33 days, my first period after mc was about 5 weeks after my dnc so don't worry every1 is different i always use ovulation tests now i start testing on cycle day 12 then i never miss it hope this helps xxxx
Congrats MissMaternal!

Well, ladies, I am on my way out for this month- my temp is starting to drop. It is probably a good thing, because last night I was diagnosed with Shingles. That would not have been good for me to be pg with that. It gave me a little breakdown, because it just seems like my body is fighting against me with every turn. :cry::cry:
Selina- those sound like wonderful symptoms!!! Fingers crossed!!
Amos i think you'll need to get your rubella imunity check out cause shingless is a form of the chicken pox virus and is very very dangerous when pregnant. I'ld go the the doctors and get a blood test cause you may need to get a vacination, which means more time on the sideline unfortunatly

congrats to the new BFP
Thanks Aussie! I am definitely talking to my doc Monday- I have to cancel my appt for that day anyway :(
It's just one thing after another for me. I really am starting to think these are all signs I'm not meant to have a baby.
Thanks Aussie! I am definitely talking to my doc Monday- I have to cancel my appt for that day anyway :(
It's just one thing after another for me. I really am starting to think these are all signs I'm not meant to have a baby.

No way you are deffinatly ment to have a child, it just means that you might not have gotten big dose of chicken pox when you had it the first time thats all
Amos, sorry about the shingles hun. You are definitely meant to be a mother! This is only a sign that your body isn't vaccinated for chicken pox. You will have a baby, I know it! xx
I started my stims last night and all went well. The only med so far that has bothered me was the Zithromax (anti-biotic). It made me nauseous, but thankfully it was only a 1 day treatment. I have scans and bloods next week!

Congrats MissMaternal!
Thanks again Aussie- I'm just having a moment I think. The crazy thing is, is that I had chickenpox when I was in college and it was AWFUL. But they say the virus lies dormant in your body the rest of your life once you have chickenpox and that under the right conditions and envirnonment shingles can occur. Guess I gave it the right conditions and environment.
Bizy- so excited for you! Sorry the meds made you sick though :(
Hi Megg

What a great idea.

Can you add me? I had a natural mc in July. Hoping for BFP in September! Just the one mc for me (and lets hope it stays that way, fingers crossed)
Hi there, can you put me down as another miscarriage please. Started yesterday 6/8/10. Cant believe its happened again thats 2 m/c's in 2 months. Taking a month off now and giving my body a break.
:hugs: So sorry c&j.

Welcome Raisin. Sorry for your loss.
Welcome Raisin, sorry you have to be here with us but hoping you get your BFP soon.

:cry: C & J :hugs: I am so sorry for your loss. My losses were two months apart and it was really rough. The third time I waited a few cycles. I'll be thinking of you as you work towards healing.

Amos-I had chicken pox twice as a kid and then had shingles. It was miserable so here's to hoping it is not miserable for you. Don't give up hon, it's not a sign you aren't meant to be a mom, it's just a sign that you never developed full immunity to the chicken pox virus. For me, having shingles developed that immunity. Hope you recover quickly! :flower:

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