Hi ladies!! So here is the skinny on me....I had another seizure on Friday night late...spent most of Sautrday in the ER and they worked me up,i had CT scan, pumped full of meds and IV fluids,Blood work was done,neurology had to come down and see me and after being seizure free for almost 10 yrs ,my seizures are back and i am on 500mg of Keppra twice a day.
Dh and I are looking into getting me a Medic alert bracelet and a seizure dog becuz DH is gone so much on deployments. We are still TTC but are going to talk to our FS and my Neruologist to see what precautions I will need to take before and after we get a BFP.
I am just at a point where i am NOT going to let anything get me down or take this dream away from my husband and I to add one more beautiful baby to our family.