TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Hello Ladies, I am 38 I birthed 4 children. After 4th I had TL after csection. Aug 7th I had TR now we are TTC.

I am looking forward to getting to know you ladies.
Hello Ladies, I am 38 I birthed 4 children. After 4th I had TL after csection. Aug 7th I had TR now we are TTC.

I am looking forward to getting to know you ladies.

Welcome to the group iamrestored :) I'm Anna(navy2mom) I am 30 and have 3 kiddos...had my TR on March 31st,2010 and Started TTC in May...this is DH's and mine's 4th month TTC...(we have had to take a month break,in July!!) I'm heading into my TWW. This is a GREAT group of ladies,very supportive and funny:happydance:
Welcome iamrestored!!I am Heather and had my TR 7-8-10.I have 4 kiddos.We have been TTC for 2 months now.These are some great ladies with so much TTC knowledge.

Anxious,Sorry you are feeling sad.I don't think you are asking to much.I wanted to say DH is probably just worried about mom.I am hope things get back to normal for you soon.I would just keep letting him know how you feel if it keeps up with you feeling left out.:hugs:

I started the SI today.I know everyone says to take before bed.I forgot so I took them early morn and have had the worst headache all day.The next 4 days I am going to take them after work before I go to sleep.Working night shift just makes everything crazy.

It feels like fall around here.I have been searching the web for different things to do with the kiddos for fall.We usually go to the same ole pumpkin farm.I am thinking of trying a few different ones this year.We have never been to a corn maize but found a few that look really fun.I am needing to find more things to keep me busy and take my mind off this TTC thing.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Famof6~ That sounds like alot of fun you are planning to do with your kids :)

Anxious~ sorry your so down sweetie....hope everything gets better,i agree with Famof6,you DH is probably just worried about his mom and the split-up ....Keep your head up sweetie things will start looking up :hugs:
Welcome Iamrestored.
My name is Carole, have three wild boys (been a long day) from first marriage, TL done after c-sec march 2005. TR done Jan 2010, MC in May and been blessed with a healthy jelly bean of almost 9 weeks. DH and I are both 36...going to be 37 in a month..YUK. Good luck on your new adventure of TTC and this group of ladies is AMAZING and sooo supportive.

Anxious....that sounds sad about your in-laws. I think men have a special relationship with their mom and he is just trying to be a shoulder for her to lean on. Good of you to keep the communication open and tell him how u feel. I am sure all will be great soon. Stressful I'm sure!

Fam...fall is here as well. It's chilly and all the leaves are already turning. I already bought my halloween treats. I went with this huge package of mini playdoh instead of sugar. (secretly I knew if I bought candy I would be dipping into it so I played it safe)
Welcome Iamrestored.
My name is Carole, have three wild boys (been a long day) from first marriage, TL done after c-sec march 2005. TR done Jan 2010, MC in May and been blessed with a healthy jelly bean of almost 9 weeks. DH and I are both 36...going to be 37 in a month..YUK. Good luck on your new adventure of TTC and this group of ladies is AMAZING and sooo supportive.

Anxious....that sounds sad about your in-laws. I think men have a special relationship with their mom and he is just trying to be a shoulder for her to lean on. Good of you to keep the communication open and tell him how u feel. I am sure all will be great soon. Stressful I'm sure!

Fam...fall is here as well. It's chilly and all the leaves are already turning. I already bought my halloween treats. I went with this huge package of mini playdoh instead of sugar. (secretly I knew if I bought candy I would be dipping into it so I played it safe)

OH WOW has it really been 9 weeks already...that has gone by fast....happy 9 weeks :happydance:
Welcome iamrestored!! Glad to have you here. My name is Karen I am having my TR in about 3 weeks. I have 2 boys and I am also 38.

Anxious, I will pray for you and your DH. Try to be there for him as he is there for his mom. Men have a special bond with their moms. Today at church in my women class she said to just pray of your bed and tell God what you want and keep believing it will happen as you pray. I hope this help.

MrsMommy, where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while.

flutter sweetie I am sorry, I know it is tough.
Welcome iamrestored.... My ñame is jessica i am 30 and had my TL in Dec of 2005 after my 4 child. I remarried 1 year ago and had my TR in March of this year we aré now on cycle 6 wich isnt looking good this time around, dtd lastnight and bled quite abit Af is due thursday
On the otherhand we stayed up till 2am talkin to my mother in law trying to confort her, My husband has decided to call a family meeting this evening to see what the NeXT step is as they believe their dad has been unfaithful with bis sister in law
Welcome iamrestored.... My ñame is jessica i am 30 and had my TL in Dec of 2005 after my 4 child. I remarried 1 year ago and had my TR in March of this year we aré now on cycle 6 wich isnt looking good this time around, dtd lastnight and bled quite abit Af is due thursday
On the otherhand we stayed up till 2am talkin to my mother in law trying to confort her, My husband has decided to call a family meeting this evening to see what the NeXT step is as they believe their dad has been unfaithful with bis sister in law
almost forgot... Thank you ladies for your wonderful advice
Hello ladies.. I have just seen this thread for the first time .. My name is Susan and I had had my TL in Feb of 1993,,,I had my TR in May 2008...we TTC on our own till March 2009 before we turned to the help of fertility DR's,, we conceived via IUI in June 2009 and I gave birth to our beautiful daughter in Feb 2010.. now we are planning to TTC just one more ( we aren't getting any younger ) but this time we will be trying on our own... I will not be returning to work so we have lost the insurance that would cover fertility treatments. I have heard for other people that sometimes they have feel pregnant right away even though they had to use "treatments" the first time around. It's nice to see this formum and to know we're not alone :flower:
Welcome future....My info is on this page as we just had a new lady join our thread. Congrats on the success and good luck ttc again.
ANXIOUS.....having a bleed 5 days before AF is due is a good sign. FX for U!!
Good morning ladies and Welcome Future_numan.

I hope all is well with everyone. I am just doing a quick check in. I hope to see everyone post today. :winkwink:

MrsMommy, Hope all is well with you.

Reeds, have you had another scan yet?

Flutter, I am thinking about you. :hugs:

Anxious, I have fingers cross for you.

Needa, I hope you are well today.
Welcome Susan :) I'm Anna and have 3 children and DH and I are TTC baby #4...I had my TL after last C-section Aug 2006 and had my TR on March 31st this year and We Started TTC in May...this is DH's and mine's 4th month TTC...(I was put on Pevic Rest for the month of April and we had to take a TTC break in July!!) I'm heading into my TWW ....SO Fx'd!! This is a GREAT group of ladies :flower: They are all very supportive.

Anxious~ Bleeding is a good thing...maybe it's IB....OH i hope so and that you get a BFP this month :) My Fx'd for you sweetie.....:dust:

AFM: My temp shot up like a rocket this morning :happydance: it went from 97.1 yesterday to 97.7 this morning!!! I still have achey BB's this morning......Bring on the TWW :dust:
Welcome new folks! This a great thread. Everyone is so supportive! I got my TR May 28th this year and this is my 3rd cycle ttc. I have two boys already, one with Asperger Syndrome. My hubby is 37 and I'm 29. Looking forward to getting to know you!

Navy: hope this is the month! I'm always very excited at the beginning of the 2ww. Then by day 3 or!

AFM: I was technically due for AF last night into this am. I always start overnight for some reason. Anyway, no AF as of yet. No real sign of impending AF either. Not crampy at all. My temp rose another .2 degrees this morning to 98.4 which is as high as it's been this cycle. So once again Adanma is confused. It's becomming a constant state for me. Maybe I'm not out after all?!

reeds: you poor thing. I was sick as a dog my first tri with my 2nd boy and there was only one. And talk about bitchy...

anxious: Fx for you dear

ready: 3 weeks!!!

Welcome future!!!!!
Thanx ladies I really dnt want to get my hopes up as last mnth I was really sad when Af came
Adanma....Sounds really hopeful for you sweetie
Navy....Those are great signs and the temp rise is great..FX for u Hun!!
Adanma...Great that she didn't show her ugly face yet. And awesome with a temp jump. FX for u, wouldn't God be good to give u, navy and anxious a BFP all in the same month!! Reeds and I got good news in the same week. I am going to say a prayer for all u ladies.
Karen....ur date is coming soooo fast, u nervous?
Fluter.....So sad that hubby is gone now but on the bright side u have us!!
Hey all hope you're doing well!

I'm having a terrible cycle with at least 3 ovulation attempts (one of them VERY painful) and I'm not convinced I've finally ovulated either!

Last Clomid cycle too so am really not happy :'(

Back to see the specialist on Wednesday and planning on asking for another HSG - to try and unblock my right tube - and a higher dose of Clomid. Fingers crossed he lets me have both!

Good luck to all those currently waiting to see what this cycle brings xxxxxxx
Adamna, FX for you it sounds really good.

I agree with Needa, it would be a great month with if all of you got BFP at the same time. I would be so excited!!!

Cheeky, I hope he gives you both and you get you BFP real soon.
Hello new ladies!! I am Sandi, 34 I also have kiddos from a previous marriage...15,14 & 7. My dh is Tj and he is 30 he has none of his own but is wonderful with mine. I had my TL in April 03 after the birth of my son and had the TR in April 09. After 3 early mcs I finally for a sticky bean...or should I say beans as I got me some twinnies from my July cycle. WE are so excited. I have to say this journey of ttc was probably one of the toughest things I had ever gone through, its not a easy process and it took me all of 15 months. Good luck!!

Mel, I am praying that late O this month was due to Ov out of the left side.

Adanma when will you be testing again?? YOur chart is screaming pregnant!!

Anna YAY for O!! FX and prayers you caught the egg this cycle!!

Ready so close!! FX all goes well and the ttc journey is short.

Fluter so sorry your sad. I so understand. xxxx

Anxious wow know that is some family drama, I so hope its not true and just a misunderstanding I will be praying for your family.

Fam06 FX that bleed was some IB!!

Carole hope your feeling well. xxxx

CHeering you ladies on!!
Mel glad to hear from you. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. Have you thought about having a lap done to check on that blocked tube?

Welcome newbies!!! You've come to a great place for support. Here's my TR info

Me 32 Dh 30. We have 3 kids between us. I had my TL on 4/25/02 during the c-section of my 2nd son. I had my TR on 3/06/10 in Rio Bravo, MX with Dr. Perez and Dr. Levi. Wonderful amazing place and people!!! I was left with 5cm on both sides. I have only been able to TTC for 2mo since my TR. Dh is in the Army and he has been living in TX and I had to move home to take care of my Gma until she passed. We spent some time together in Aug but no luck. Dh left yesterday for a 12mo deployment to Iraq. So no TTC for me for a year. I'm just going to focus on getting my body as healthy as I can and get my hsg and whatever else if anything that needs to be done before he gets home

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