TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

needa: My parents took my boys last night and it was wonderful to have a bit of freedom for a night! I feel you on teh kidfree weekend thing. I miss them, but I like time with just hubby too.

ready: I know how you feel! Not only do I get excited over my cycles I get excited over everyone here's cycles! lol!

AFM: Yesterday was definately O day. My temp rose almost a full degree today. We managed to bd last night as I was feeling better from my UTI, so I guess there is a glimmer of hope yet.

We are taking the boys to the pumpkin patch today to get our halloween pumpkins. We are also having some really good friends over this evening for dinner and movies. Should be a fun day! I hope everyone else is having a nice one also!

Evening ladies, hope everyone who was feeling poorly are better..

I have 16 days until my reversal, I had my pre op and everything is ok.. my doctor has explained to me everything but from his point of view, ladies if you dont mind, could you tell me your experience of having the operation...
Thank you.
Hi Coffee Lover.....I can tell you my story.....

I had my TR surgery in UK just before Ready4onemore USA.....I had open surgery 10 inch scar but went through existing C Section scar....Filshie Clips on both tubes...Successful operation left side perfect ....right side....satisfactory....They put blue dye through to check for clearance and flow......Happy with result....Pain was bearable with strong painkillers and very similar to recovering from a C Section if you have had one.....Took me slightly longer to recover more than someone who would have micro lap doc wanted a full view as I have suffered from endo and we dont have the facilities they have in USA....... Had AF recently alot lighter than all of my previous AF....Scar healed perfectly.....On real road to recovery and now awaiting O with clomid and cant wait for the results....I know alot of ladies on this thread have more experiences to share so I am sure you will gain comfort from thier experiences also...... any pain or negative thoughts will subside after surgery......There isnt alot any surgeon couldnt put right and I only hope your operation is as successful as many on here.....good luck and best wishes with your operation......xx Take Care....I am sure others within this thread other than me....will now share their experiences....
Coffe lover...Had my Tr in Mexico city my scar is bout 5inches long both tubes are in good condition my doc also did the dye test and both tubes were open and ready to go . 10 days after surgery I was on the bus to Tx ( 26hr ride) to visit family
Hey Coffee.. I had my TR in April 09. I had my TL in April 03 with them being cut and burned. I had my surgery as a outpatient at Chapel Hill Tubal Revesal Center. I have a scar that is about 6 inches and I do have one side longer than the other..I believe my left is 6 and right is 4 I can't hardly remember now. I can't say that my pain was unbearable but I did use the pain pills and returned to work in 2 weeks time. I started ttc right away as my normal Af showed up right away. It did take me 15 cycles to conceive a sticky bean. I did have 3 chemicals along the way...the first on clomid which I took for 7 cycles with no luck other than the chemical. I had my second in March and one in June. I caught my eggs in July and got my BFP in Aug with twins but sadly lost one. Ok sorry for the novel probably more than you wanted to know...LOL. But anything else you want to know just ask I am a open book. xx
Hey ladies,

Adanma, sounds like a great day. I hope you enjoy dinner and movie with friends.

Anxious, hope all is well. How is the weather in your part of Texas? Mine is HOT it is 86 degrees today I think.

Reeds, I don't know if I told you but my son lived in Missouri all last year. He went to Columbia college there. Has it gotten cool there yet? How are you feeling today? I hope you are doing better.

Coffe, I posted my full experenice of TR a couple of days after I had it. So I will give you a quick version. LOL I had my done here in Houston. It was done as an outpatient. He went through the same scar as my c-section. I had little to no pain. I did not take any of the pain pills because my doc use the On Q pain pump. What that is is a pump that drips medience right into your incision every 2 hours. After the 3rd day it comes out. I was walking around and sitting up without help by the 3rd day. Went back to work this week, had TR on the 5th of this month. Hoping to have my first cycle next week. I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask any question we are all pretty open with sharing and encourgaring each other.

Afm, I am suppose to be studying. LOL I will in a minute. Just cleaning house and actually hoping AF comes on Monday. Have a great day ladies will try to check later.
Hi Crystal.....your not far from me im in hartlepool just up/down the road from you...your tr sounds very similiar to mine i had a ectopic unfortunately in august and lost left tube and they unsure about the right...good luck in your journey x

Jo x
Thanks ladies for sharing your experiences.. The doctors have decided to do the laparoscope first and then carry on with the full operation if they think i am suitable for the reversal.. that part really scares me not knowing whether the op has been done until i wake up... everyone at the private hospital seems really nice.. I am going to be in for 3 days and then i need another 7 days of bed rest at home.. and my doc says its 3 months before we can start to try for a baby... So fingers crossed We will be able to start try in feb...
Hi Jo....I am so glad to hear from you, yeah you are 30 minutes down the A1......brilliant news some one near to me...... I am so sorry about your loss and your eptopic it must have been a heartbreaker for you:hugs:.....Where did you go for your TRS, if you dont mind sharing details with me?.....Have you had any further investigations done..I will have a peek on your profile hope you dont mind.....x.I am O-ing as we speak I have been in bed all morning with pains, not severe but enough to put me back to bed on a Sunday.....I know my 1st round of clomid has worked and has helped me O.....but time will tell in the next few weeks...I am just praying its from my good side and I dont get a blockage in my not so good tube?..I have a feeling it is both sides though due to the pain areas and th effects clomid has anyway :wacko:.....Be nice to hear some more from you if thats ok....Take care everyone, enjoy your Sunday...x
good morning everyone! Hi Coffee! I had mine done at the end of may with Dr. Lisa Rogers. Incision about 3-4 inches over my csection and tummy tuck scar(s). Like the others, I needed the pain meds, but only for a week or so. Well worth it! I managed to get pregnant last month, but had an early miscarriage. Haven't really tried these last two cycles, but may have been lucky this time. 2dpo today so time will tell. I hope all goes well for you!

AFM: feel icky this am. I had a HUGE steak and lots of cheesy mashed potatoes and some purple carrots last night for dinner followed by angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. It was so good, but it's like a brick in my tummy right now! lol!

2dpo so nothing really to report symptom wise. Planning on carving pumpkins and roasting pumpkin seeds today! Also I have to finish my oldest sons halloween costume. At his school theyhave to pick a storybook character to dress as so they don't some in inappropriate costumes. He chose The Lorax so I made most of it a couple of weeks ago, but I have to finish putting furry bits and his mustache on today. I will post a pic of him in it when it's done. He is being King Arthur for trick or treating so we just bought that one. My youngest is being Mario from Mario Bros. Also too cute!

hey ladies I'm just checking in. I'm just staying busy to try and pass the time. Took the kids to a petting zoo where we got to pet and feed all kinds of animals but the best part was going into a room where we got to play with a baby tiger for 30 min. It was amazing! My cousin, one of my friends and I did a spook run last night and went through a haunted forest. Like I said just staying real busy. After the first of the year I'm gonna go get my HSG test done and see about taking clomid for the time dh is home for R&R. Don't know when that will be sometime between March and May.
Good day ladies...
I am feeling a little more human today...YAY. This cold was horrible.

Coffee...I had my TR in Jan 2010 in Edmonton, AB Canada, was a day surgery, they said I had the option of spending the nite but who can rest in a city hospital.
Gave me some tylenol 3 but never filled the RX. I was not in pain at all....the anestetic is what killed me...vomited like mad til 8pm. Guess I am a tough old goat. Been told I have a high pain tollerance so thats a good thing.
They cut over my c-sec/tummy tuck scar so it was about 4-5 inches. Did not do it laperscopic.(SP)
Dye test done and flowed through....HSG done april and allw as clear. (that test was somewhat painful til it was over)
I am sooo impulsive....I just bid on an auction of roca wear jeans on ebay size 12 for infant boys...LOL...I don't even know what I am having for a few more weeks but they were soooo cute and cheap.
needa: I never looked at girl stuff because I wanted a boy and that's what I got! lol! Too funny!

Finished up Ian's costume. I'll take a pic or two when we get home (I'm at mom's) and post!

51% of me wants a boy as I think this will be the only child my hubby and I have. would be nice for him and boys are all I know. But a little girl with nappy hair would be cute as a bug!!!. I just want a healthy B....
Hey ladies,

Adanma, yes post pic of the boys and their costumes. You are very talented. I can only sew a hem. LOL

flutter, glad to see you post. I am also glad you are keeping yourself busy too. I hope he gets to come home in March as that is closer. I also hope you catch the egg too.

Needa, I want a girl!! LOL I have been surrounded by testrone to long, even the dog is a a male. :haha:

Afm, just finish my homework for the day. Hubby cooked dinner so I am getting prepare for bed in a moment. :sleep:
Hello Ladies,Sorry I have been MIA.I have been on a bd we caught that egg..Well I will read up and post tomorrow off to work.., a bd marathon. Lucky girl. Wishing u all the luck this cycle.

Well. ladies....I have some sad news, I lost my ebay auction, I was out bid by a $1.10. Just found this cool website with cheap clothes called cookies. And they deliver to Canada. YAY....oh man in four more weeks I am going to go crazy buying wither pink or blue. Can't wait for u ladies to join me. BABY DUST TO ALL!!!!
Hi Ladies...Hope your all ok....

Crystal...i .yeah not far from each other i had my TR done at nuffield at norton....i had 2 clips on each left tube was the good one not sure about the right but i have hope.....had TR last august so took me a year to
fall pregnant......getting there slowly we have decided to try again and believe it or not ov as we speak aswell....lollll....spooky!!!!......

Sorry to hear your in pain and hope you feel well soon x
Hi Ladies...Hope your all ok....

Crystal...i .yeah not far from each other i had my TR done at nuffield at norton....i had 2 clips on each left tube was the good one not sure about the right but i have hope.....had TR last august so took me a year to
fall pregnant......getting there slowly we have decided to try again and believe it or not ov as we speak aswell....lollll....spooky!!!!......

Sorry to hear your in pain and hope you feel well soon x

Wow same as me - Nuffield in Norton.....Dr Toop did my TRS....He looks a little like Kris Kringle from Miracle on 34th Street!!! lol...Just hoping he will be our Santa and help us get a BFP for Christmas...

Yeah I feel like i have a cold coming on and chills and cant keep warm think my body is in shock with O-ing early....take care x
Well my camera is not functional.. ::sigh:: This is the second one in a year! Time to stop buying the cheap probably. I will not go through halloween without a camera!

3DPO today. My coverline is really high this time. Does that matter at all or mean anything? It's usually like 97.34 or something. This time its 97.75. My post O temp has been higher than usual maybe that's why? The coverline is above all of my pre O temps which I haven't had before so just curious if anyone here knows what that's about.

Busy day today. Probably won't be on as much as usual. If I don't get on again, everyone have a wonderful day!


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