TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

coffee: I had mine may 28th. pregnant in august cycle ended in mc so still trying to get one to stick!

fam: temping is really fun for me since I am a bit of a control freak I love to know what my body is doing. I also used to do opk's though which I liked too, but this is cheaper and I realized I can rely on my cm and O pain to let me know when it's happening anyway. Do you use opk's or anything?

Hello everyone ready for halloween :thumbup: Well this is my first month TTC and since I am unsure of my cycle...since I never really had a regular AF due to an IUD..we are just going to wing it for a few months
Hey ladies,

I hope all is well with everyone.

Coffee, you have an exciting line of business.

Needa, how you feeling today.

Adanma, I cannot wait until get to test.

Reeds, where have you been hiding lady? We miss you.

Navy, we miss you as well.

Fam, don't forget to post pics of the you and the kids in costume.

Afm, I am doing well. A little sleepy today. I went to the gym yesterday. I didn't do a lot but I did work out some.
Coffee...I had my Tr jan 25 2010, got pg in april cycle, mc in may, was a right off for may cycle as it was messed up due to mc, was away from hubby in June cycle due to my dad being ill and July we got pg. Good luck....,, thats awesome, post your FF so I can stalk it please. TONS of dust your way.

Ready....I am feeling pretty good, Dr called and wants to put me on low dose asprin, they wont leave me alone about it. They say it will knock down my chance of pre-clampsia by 10-15%...I never had it with any of my PG's but being older I have a strike against me.

Hope everyone else is doing fab! Just got back from mother helper at Landons kindergarden was fun.
Ready....I am feeling pretty good, Dr called and wants to put me on low dose asprin, they wont leave me alone about it. They say it will knock down my chance of pre-clampsia by 10-15%...I never had it with any of my PG's but being older I have a strike against me.

Hope everyone else is doing fab! Just got back from mother helper at Landons kindergarden was fun.

Needa, that is my only worry. I am 38! Ouch! But it is in God's hand so I want think about now.

Glad you had a great time at the party.
Hey Ready I am here. I check on you lovelies daily. I just am not sure what to say much....I try to say something encouraging once in a while and I am always praying for you all. Wow I can't believe your on cd 38...have you called the dr who did your tr?

Asfm I am feeling pretty tired these days...have a few good days and slowly waiting for work to be over my last day will be Nov 12th for sure. The new manager is training now so I am just trying to patient. The baby is making my belly nice and round. I have gained officially 2lbs and really trying to watch my weight since I am overweight to begin with. I go back to the dr on Nov 2 and I am hoping to hear the hb.

Love to you all

I think that should work needa. I'm really bad at this if you remember! lol!

My Ovulation Chart

okay I really think I got it this time! lmao!

That is a nice dip! FX that is a ID!!

I am such a dork, I didn't know what ID was. I notice now that it is a baby bump. :haha:

Reeds, no I am on CD31. I normally have 28 day cycles. I called the dr office today and the nurse said if no AF next week to call back and I may have to come in. She ask if I thought I was preggo. I told her no :nope: I listen to instruction very well.
Ready ID is a implantation dip in temping.

I can't say I listen to instructions well but I was really given any when it came to ttc or waiting my dr said I would know when my body was ready so I went for it. LOL
That's a great chart have no clue how much I am hoping for u!!!

Ready....your so right, it's in God's hands thats why I am not medicating and worrying for nothing, he has his hand on our baby. I will do all in my power to make it a healthy environment for the baby.

Congrats on the small 2lb weight gain Reed's ....that's great!
Just home from the hospital....I was/am bleeding from the incision. nice bit of blood, first thing I thought was that a stitch or something had let go( I am stitched from the inside). Emergency room was insane long waiting period. Seems what I am losing is old blood? I am all bandaged up changing dressing every couple of hours. Just have to keep an eye on it. I however feel great minus this bump in my recovery. Can't wait to start trying!

needafriend thanks for the welcome! I had my TL done in 2000, And congrats as well!!, how exciting!!

ready4onemore- Yes they said we could still have relations but protected. You posted no AF? Sorry but fresh to all of this.


AF is aunt flow or period. I am usually 28 days, yesterday was CD28 and still no monthly. If you don't mind who did your TR?

I live in Newfoundland, Dr. Terry O'Grady is my Dr. She is great!
Glad to hear super!!!
I had a hematoma under my incision that made it buldge out and leak a few times. It was old blood as well. Dr was not worried at all about it and said it would heal up on it's own.....a week passed and sure enough it did. I am sure all is going to be great and you will be TTC in no time hun!
coffee: I had mine may 28th. pregnant in august cycle ended in mc so still trying to get one to stick!

fam: temping is really fun for me since I am a bit of a control freak I love to know what my body is doing. I also used to do opk's though which I liked too, but this is cheaper and I realized I can rely on my cm and O pain to let me know when it's happening anyway. Do you use opk's or anything?


I am also a control freak.I use opk's.I have been using the smileys for the last 2 cycles.Those ic's just always looked like maybe's to me,and I wanted to know for sure.

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