TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Hi Ladies:hi:
At last i've found a thread for ladies who've had sterilisation reversals:happydance:. I have 3 kids,15,12 & 11. I got sterilised cos i was in a bad place & stupidly thought it was for the best :dohh:. Anyway after getting myself on a more happier footing & being with my DH,who showed me that not all men are idiots,i started to feel broody again. A year later in April 08 i had my reversal:happydance:,the op went well & a HSG a year later showed both my tubes were clear. Dh's had 3 SA & his sperm count is low,about 8% morphology,consultant did say that 25% of his sample was shooting stars but at the time i could only take in the low number & my maths is crap lol. We didn't let this get us too down cos i know that it's not impossible,just that it might take longer for us to conceive. In May this year though i found out that my AMH test was only 4.2 which is low for my age:cry:. We were gutted but after picking myself up,i still can't let go & believe that one day we'll get our miracle :bfp: .
When the :witch: arrives(really hope she doesn't lol) i'm going to try the soy.
Sorry this post is long.
Welcome Shellie,it seems everyone is waiting on af about right now.

af has not showed yet,but if she is coming I wish she would hurry because the sore bbs are terrible.I even had a lady in our meeting last night ask if I had gotten a boob

So what is everyone got planned for the weekend?I am working.Blah!!
navy: no clue what that could be! is your body just reacting to the hormones?

ready: how late is AF now? Mine was a full 2 weeks off.

anxious: good news! Is there anyone you can borrow from? or maybe a loan? When you win you can also ask the judge to grant you lawyers fees since she is bringing the action against you, but until then you'll have to be paying as you go.

fam: could you be pregnant?

AFM: temp didn't go down or up this am. still feeling rotten. Af due today. I have two huge zits on the chin now. ick. Still just waiting. If she doesn't show today or tomorrow I will test sunday. I have been a couple of days later than I thought I should be before and got my hopes up only to test and then start my period like an hour! So my fingers are loosely crossed hahahaa, but not expecting to see my bfp this time. Not over til it's oevr though.


let me get my lazy ass up and put some halloween pics up too.
Welcome Shellie!

Ready is there any possiblity your preggo?

Fam have you tested?

Navy I am doing well...just waiting for the gender scan. LOL Praying you to get off BC soon.

HOw is everyone else?

Adanma can't wait to see those pics.
Ian as The Lorax for his storybook parade at school:
Ian as King Arthur and Preston as Mario:
Our pumpkins (kids drew faces!):
Us at the pumpkin patch:
Anxious, glad you got good news.:thumbup:

Navy, I wish I had an answer.:hugs:

Welcome Shellie! You will love this group.

Reeds, no I wish that was why she was late. LOL

Adanma, your kids are so cute. I am almost 2 weeks late.

Afm, I have a major headache and will be asking to go home soon.
Adanma...Cute pics, nice costumes u made. Fingers still crossed for u
Ready...I am sure she will show up soon. clue whats up with your body...maybe meds?
Fam ....sounds like it could still be a + to me

Welcome Shellie...great group of TR ladies here.
Hi reeds and super...hope u are all well.

AFM...just heading out for a is great today for the fall, almost chinooking now. Last nite I was laying on my side and baby was kicking so I pushed my side of my stomache in alittle and baby kicked me. First time feeling it on the inside as well as outside. So cool...
Morning Ladies...

So ,I did a little research and all i could come up with was break-through bleeding...when women take BC's it's common to have break through bleeding happen for a few months.I was under the impression that break-through bleeding was more like spotting and doesn't last long!!

Sending HUGS to all the gals waiting on AF :hugs:

Welcome to the group Shellie :) You found an awesome group of ladies!!!
Hey anxious...How on earth do your inlaws think they have grounds to take your kids? Praying for u hun!!!
Loopy....I can't see your chart, can u post it?

thought id figured it out at last.....damn damn damn.... i will have another go....!!!!
Welcome Shellie.....
Hope everyone has a brill
Thanks for all the welcomes girls,i've read through the thread(all 303 pages lol) & you really all do sound like a supportive,friendly bunch :flower:

Fam.Yeah it does seem like we're all due about the same time lol. Be great if we all got our :bfp:. I'm under no illusions though,my body loves to play mind games with me.Just a case of waiting i guess.

Adanma.Love the pictures of you're kids,so cute:awww:. I totally agree with the not testing thing lol. I've also done tests before & had AF show up later the same day,really annoying:growlmad:.

Need a friend. I used to love it when i could see my babies kicking me & moving,so cool:cloud9:

to everyone.
Shellie.....u read thru all 304 pages...LOL, wow.

I feel so bad today but I was craving a pop so so so bad. I had a coke zero. I wish aspertame was healthy.
needa: girl I had a cup of coffee every morning when I was pregnant. Sometimes you need to just have what you want. It's not like it's crack right? I only made the lorax costume btw, but it was totally fun to do! So cute about you feeling baby!!! I love that feeling! Makes it so real.

shellie: welcome! Sorry I missed you last time around!

navy: I thought break through was more like spotting as well. When I was on hormone birth control my cycles were always sooooo messed up which seemed to me to be like opposite of what you would expect! When I got off of depo I bled continuously for like 6 weeks to the point of needing iron supplementation. Hormones do different things to different women. Maybe a change of formula would be better for you?

AFM: she showed up! and she brought a lot of luggage with her! lol! Oh my goodness the cramps are enough to kill me. Gonna have hubby come home and take care of kids n baby while I curl up with a heating pad and take a nap. This is actually worse pain than my mc was. Anyway everyone enjoy your weekends! ready hoping you get af here soon girl it's so hard to wait after you waited so long to get the tr done!

Adanma love how cute your kiddos are!! Sorry the witch showed. :(

Ready I hope she shows for you soon so you can have some answers and get on the ttc train. xxx

Asfm I had some luck at the thirft strores today getting some maternity clothes...I just has paying all the money for clothes I am going to wear such a short time. And I found a dress to wear to my cousins wedding tomorrow.

Carole I am so so jealous of all the movement you feel...its really hit and miss with me somedays I really feel him other days I don't feel anything but some pressure movements. I hope I start getting some serious kicks soon. LOL
Reeds....I really think I have felt babes so much and so soon is cause of my retroverted uterus. Dr said last monday at hospital he was looking at all the scans I have had with baby and was shocked to see how sideways it is. I asked him if that would make me feel babe so much and he said yes. But you get more of a bonus than me.....u can have your baby natrurally. I have to suffer with the usual infection I get in my c-sec incision, 2 nites in hospital. Your baby is getting so big now, u will be feeling tons within the next few weeks.

I am pretty happy....I think I have lost some weight with cutting out my hot cocoa, treats and walking more, baby is also higher so I am wearing my pre-pg jeans. I don't know about u but all my mat jeans have a very low crotch. LOL....congrats on some thrift store finds. I love a good deal!!! I got in the mail today the cute nwt rocawear baby sleeper I bought, had it on the counter and was making hubbies yukky roasted lamb and some red hot sauce hit the sleeper. UGH....was scrubbing the sleeper in the sink with it out thank goodness, got to love cream coloured baby clothes.
Shellie- Welcome! I hope everything works out for you.:hugs:

Adanma- The costumes & lil ones are SUPER cute.Hopefully AF stays away :)

Navy2mom- I hope your feeling better soon.

Hello to everyone else I may have missed.

I am still bleeding from incision. I have been seeing a nurse in my community , she has been keeping an eye on it and such.Well I go there today and she calls my doc to tell her that the blood I am losing is no longer old blood that it is fresh blood.So I am ordered to go to emerg ASAP to meet my doc. I go there she says it is still old blood but I should be healing better than I am . No infection just leaking blood. Apparently I lost a lot of blood during my TR. So she poked at me for a bit(ouch) and wrapped me back up and I have to go see her Monday. If it is no better then she will have to open the incision (clot) and force it out quicker(great).So needless to say I am kinda TR was 2 weeks yesterday, Here in Newfoundland TR's are done through a c-section incision, I know other places it is done through laparoscopy. So I am praying for a good weekend!

Have a good evening everyone!
Hope you get better soon super....I had bleeding issues with mine as well.
I had mine via c-sec scar as well. I have "heard" that going right inside vs laparoscopy is a better way and usually has more success.
Yes I heard that as well. They say they do not have that technology here....I know everything will be fine, just a minor set back. And she never forgot to remind me to wait that 3 stinky months to TTC. :( It will be here soon enough though!

A rocawear baby sleeper cute, good job in getting the red hot sauce out! hehe
Hang in there Super. I also had my done with a c-section way but I had never had a c-section before so it took me a little longer to heal. Wishing you all the best. xx
Hello again ladies,

Shellie, you read all the post. Wow, you are good. Well now you know us a lot better.:hugs:

Adanma, sorry the witch showed up can you send her my way please. I cannot believe I am asking for her. :dohh:

Needa, I am looking forward to feeling my baby.:cloud9:

Hey Reeds, How are you today.

Well off to my son's game. Have a great evening ladies.

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