Hi Everyone.
Carole. With my youngest child i craved black coffee which i hated before & still don't like now lol. One cup a day was okay & didn't harm baby. The cream suit you got sounds really cute,glad you managed to get the stain out

Super.Aww thanks

. I also had my op done the c-section way & like Reeds i hadn't had a c-section before.It did take longer to heal,about 6 weeks before i was allowed to do anything heavy,i also slept a lot those weeks which my consultant said i would do. Take it easy,you'll get there in the end

Adanma. Sorry the

got you

Reeds. Good on you getting bargains

,i love a good bargain & thrift shops are great for that. You'll start getting big kicks & movements from baby soon,he'll be using his feet or hands to hook onto your ribs in no time lol

Ready. Yeah i read it all,i'm a fast reader & it did help me to sort of know where you're all at in your ttc after TR journey

. Hope the

comes soon for you so you can start ttc(can't believe i said that lol

Well i've had a crappy night's sleep,just couldn't get comfy & feel sick


is on her way for me too

. Wish she'd hurry up cos i'm excited about trying the soy. I bought EPO yesterday so going to take both.