TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~ heart is so sad today, took hubby to the airport and he is off to Chicago, Brussels then Africa. This is going to be a long 17 days. I am such a co-dependant and miss him like mad already.

:hugs: I am the same with my hubby so I can understand. :hugs:
Thanks for feeling me super and ready, I have even been bawling today...LOL, sad eh. Must be hormones as well..,..
Hi Ladies.

Coffee. I'm glad your op went well,take time to heal,won't be long till you're back on the ttc rollercoaster lol :haha:.

Needa. I was so tempted to do a test cos i am a POAS addict lol & i do have loads,my bedside cabinet is full of pg tests & lots of other ttc stuff lol :haha:. Sorry your feeling sad :hugs:

Well the :witch: got me yesterday :cry: but onto a brighter note,the start of my soy journey begins tonight :wohoo::wohoo:. I'm feeling really positive about this cos we've tried everything else,so FX it helps bring me my :bfp:

Hi to everyone else :hi:
Needa,sorry you are sad:hugs:

Shellie,FX that soy works for you.I am not taking it this cycle but maybe next.

afm,DS won all of his matches.I don't really understand the scoring in wrestling,but knew he won when they raised his is not much going on with me this weekend.I gotta get the boys hair cut get some Christmas stuff out of the attic so I can stuff some presents up there.One more work week then off for a week.:happydance:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Good morning ladies, I am still on mega amounts of painkillers, so if i dont make sense then Have been on bed rest since i left hospital on wednesday.. my stitches come out today which i am really not looking forward to :( i know its gonna hurt.... in my mind i just keep telling myself it will all be worth iy in the end.... I am on bed rest until a least monday and then have to take it easy for the rest of the week......The bleeding i had was just my period which come right on time... So if my cylces stay the same I should be able to start trying at the end of jan, as the doctor has said i have to wait 10-12 weeks before trying as the tubes need time to heal and if you try to earlier it can damage the tubes very quickley and i really dont want to risk that.. So we are aiming for that date..
My husband has been amazing, he has been doing everything for me.. I really couldnt of got through it with out him....

Hope you ladies are ok, sorry i havent replied to each of you,but scrolling back on the mesages was making feel a bit

Good morning ladies, I am still on mega amounts of painkillers, so if i dont make sense then Have been on bed rest since i left hospital on wednesday.. my stitches come out today which i am really not looking forward to :( i know its gonna hurt.... in my mind i just keep telling myself it will all be worth iy in the end.... I am on bed rest until a least monday and then have to take it easy for the rest of the week......The bleeding i had was just my period which come right on time... So if my cylces stay the same I should be able to start trying at the end of jan, as the doctor has said i have to wait 10-12 weeks before trying as the tubes need time to heal and if you try to earlier it can damage the tubes very quickley and i really dont want to risk that.. So we are aiming for that date..
My husband has been amazing, he has been doing everything for me.. I really couldnt of got through it with out him....

Hope you ladies are ok, sorry i havent replied to each of you,but scrolling back on the mesages was making feel a bit


Coffee take it easy. It should not hurt whent they take the stiches out. It will fill like someone drawing with their finger (kind of). I am glad your hubby is such a great support.

Hello ladies!! I hope all is well with everyone.
Coffee, Glad to see you here. Everyday is better than the last so things will get better and it will all be worth it in the end! Continue to get lots of rest, it helps the recovery. I was told to wait 3 months as well, she kinda has me scared so I think I will follow that you have hubby helping out, makes a world of difference. Take care.

Hello Ready, and all the ladies. xo
Super, I was told to wait 2-3 cycles as well. I was going to try this month but hubby and I thought about it and will wait. We are trying to get a home and I still want to lose a few pounds, plus the holidays. So I have enough stress in my life. LOL
Ready, yes I agree too much at one time can be a bit much. It just feels so long to wait, excited I But I am not yet fully recovered and it will be another couple of weeks. So it will all work fine. And it seems a little risky, taking a chance on the tubes..but who am I....most people can start right away..depends on the individual I guess. I would also like to lose a few pounds, but with the holidays coming up, it will be a challenge..hehe

Off to do some housework..ugghh lol BBL

Hello ladies! I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now.

I just had my TR yesterday! Dr. said my tubes are 6cm.

I've enjoyed reading all of your posts...and I'm looking forward to being part of this group!

I'm 35 (36 next month), dh and I have been married for 17 1/2 years..we have three dc - oldest turned 17 last week:cry:..our other two dc are 12-1/2 and 8.

We're excited to start TTC! The dr. said to wait 30 days...which should land right during O time :happydance:
Welcome faith....This is a great group of ladies. Congrats on the reversal and hope your journey is a short one. glad your healing.

Hope everyone else is fantastic.

AFM...hubby landed in Africa, he will be on his way to his familys home now and knocking on the door soon. What a surprise for them. I miss him so much already but I smile when I know how much his family needed to see him.
Welcome Faith. Glad to have you. I just had my TR on October 5th and there are a couple of ladies who had theirs a couple weeks after me. I will not start ttc until next month or January.

Needa, glad he had a safe trip. He will be home soon. I know how you feel but we are here for you. :hugs:
Welcome Faith! What a lovely bunch of ladies here! I am new here myself. They made me feel at home right away. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Hey ladies. hope your all doing well. Welcome to the new ladies and good luck with all the TRs that were just done. WIshing you all a speedy recovery and may your ttc be a shory one. xxx
Thank you all for the warm welcome! :flower:

We are anxious to start TTC. I'm going to get some OPKs and PG tests ordered soon so I'll have them when our wait time is over!

I'm also wondering about the two fertility tests available at Babyhopes...the First Response Fertility Test for Women and Spermcheck for Men..have any of you tried these?

Thanks so much!
Welcome Faith!!Congrats on the TR!!

I have used the FR test for women.I really don't know much about it.It came in a box of hpt.I think it stated to use on cd3.It came up in the normal range,but I have not had any other testing done.I am going to look into the spermcheck.I have not seen that before.
Welcome to all the new ladies!

I'm Mel, and I had my reversal November 2009, now in my 12th cycle and desparately trying not to give up hope!

I wish you all a fast recovery and a short TTC journey xxxxx
Good day ladies... I have a few questions..I have been here a couple of weeks and I am unsure of some terms you ladies use like OPKs , cd3, ....and a few others I've seen. :blush:. I have figured a couple out but there are some have me stuck.:dohh:

I hope everyone is well and enjoying their weekend.:flower:
Hey superstoked :)

CD = Cycle Day
OPK = Ovulation Prediction Kit aka ovulation tests
DPO = Days past ovulation
LP = Luteal Phase (the part of the cycle after ovulation)

There is a thread somewhere on BnB that lists them all but if you're stuck on any others just ask :D

Hey ladies,

I hope everyone is doing great today.

Cheeky, how is everything going? I so love your pic.

Super, I will look for the link for the abbrevations for you.

EDIT ~ found the link here it is

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