Hi ladies! Im glad I found this thread and thank you for starting it.
A little about myself- I had my TL in Aug 2005 and my reversal Oct 09. Unforutnately, my doc was only able to fix one tube. Last month was our first month trying. Up until last week I would have thought I was prego. My boobs were swollen and sore, constant nausea and headaches. My AF was a day early last wk and as of that morning I had nothing, but BPN. It did only last three days which is two days shorter but otherwise normal. I am still having headaches and now they won't even go away. Its constant. I have also been having sharp pains in the center of my belly. My boobs are no longer swollen, but my nipples are still sore. I took another test on Friday because I saw something on the internet about some ladies still bleeding in the early months of pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had what I thought was my period for the first couple of months, but I dont remember any other early symptoms. Anyway, that test failed. It didn't say positive or negative. Im tired of wasting money, but I can't think of any other reason for my symptoms and really want to buy another test tonight.