hey Ladies,
just popping in to share this with you all...sorry I haven't been around just been dealing with some depression and also I go next thursday to the doctor and talking to him about having a HSG dye test done so please keep me in your prayers that it shows that they are open please...
wanted to share this with you all its been correct with everyone that I know of that has done it...
How many children will I have?
Will they be boys or girls?
Let your higher self tell you....the needle knows ~ ~ }
Have you wondered how many pregnancies
and whether it will be a girl or a boy?
Let the needle tell you.
Here is a method that may surprise you.
What to do:
Thread a sewing needle and knot it
{see picture above}
(so the needle hangs about 6-10 inches from the knot).
Hold your left hand out, palm down.
Hold the knot in your right hand
with the forefinger and thumb only.
Holding your left hand still,
swing the needle so the needle hits
the inside curve of your thumb
(where the thumb meets the hand) three times.
Then turn your left hand over
and move the right hand over the left,
holding the needle just an inch or so
above the palm of the left hand.
Hold both hands still
and let the needle do the work.
The needle will begin to move:
Circles = girls
Lines = boys
It will stop moving completely in between each pregnancy.
Turn off any fans
and make sure circulating air
is not affecting the reading.
and everyone of mine have been correct B,B,B,G and waiting for the G/B twins to come true...