TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Thanks so much! Its a relief to see that you are expecting, Congrats!! and Im ok with the journey its the unknown that kills me :( It seems alot of woman went to chappel hill here, I went somewhere local they said to wait 3 months and that I should have no problems everything went Great. SO I guess I just need to be patient and hopefull :)
Exactly....I had mine done here in Edmonton, AB Canada. My Dr is great and will be the surgeon doing my scheduled C-sec.
I was told not to wait to TTC but all the girls have been given different directions from each their own dr's.
Welcome Momma. I am Sandi had my TL in 2003 and TR in 2009. I did have 3 early mcs over the course of 15months of ttc before I got sticky beans from my July cycle. I did mc one somewhere between 8 and 11 weeks but I am currently enjoying being kicked by my little Gunner who is due April 12.

Ladies here are the latest scan pics...since I have the parvovirus I get a scan at every visit. He is currently 2lbs 2oz and was measuring 27 weeks instead of 25. He is a big boy already. Shy about showing his face but we did get some cute feet. LOL

Gunner 25.jpg

Gunner foot.jpg


SUper I am thinking of you hun. 173 is not a bad level its still early and you could have Ov later. Will be praying for you and your bean.

Momma I did get my TR at Chapel HIll. I loved them there. And I was able to start ttc right away.
Thanks ladies you all are super informative and sweet :) Im still trying to figure out how this place works famof6 thanks for the message I would have replied but not sure how to lol. Im sure I will be on here alot from now on at least I dont feel so alone and crazy im one of those people the more info i have the more at ease I am, Im always looking on the internet for info I hate not being in control (usually bad info pops up) Great talking to you girls tonight good luck all sweet baby drealms ;) To you preggo mommas congrats and cant wait to be in your club!
Hi, I'm new to this thread. I was hoping there was a thread for ladies that has had a tubal reversal!
A little about me I had a tubal on 4/20/07. My tubual reversal was 6/7/10, tube lengths right 6cm and left 6.5cm, and I was giving a 75%-85% on conceiving. I'm going into my 3rd month on TTC my hubby and I TR miracle! So far AF has not showed up on time like she normally does. Only spotting and my test all have been :bfn:! If the :witch: is going to show up I wish she would hurry up!
I want to wish all the ladies that are TTC good luck and lots of :dust:!! And to those that are expecting Congrats!!
Welcome info is on the previous page. Hope u get ur BFP soon....dust to u!!! As said,great bunch of gals on here.
HEllo ladies Im new here I had my TR oct. 2010. before my tubal I got pregnant the first try 3 times and now have 3 awsome kids! after my TR I am not so lucky im feeling like I see more horror stories then happy endings from woman that have had TR. I just dont get it

Hello.. welcome to the forum.. hope u get your BFP soon xx
Well I am back from the hospital. Not so good news:nope: My spotting stopped very quickly and it was barely anything with no cramping. When the doctor from emerg came to see me he said my beta levels were that low that I was either JUST pregnant, like very early or miscarriage.:cry:

He said he was going to check my cervix and of my cervix is open then it is pretty much over. My cervix was closed. My levels were 173...::shrug: He did not seem convincing at all, he never smiled , nothing.

So hubby was saying maybe that is why we took so long to get a line on the tests? And that maybe we are not that far along. But I am excpecting the worse. When I got home I was spotting pink...when I wipe :( I do not know if the vaginal exam may have done it or....

I have to go back on Friday morning to get levels checked again.

I think this is it :( I am gonna grab s omething to eat and take a nap. I will check in with you all later. Thank you ladies for being there for me :hugs:

:hugs::hugs: hopefully its implantation.. what happens now hun??? ideally they should do your bloods in 48 hours time.. to see if they have doubled..praying for you hun xx
Hi, I'm new to this thread. I was hoping there was a thread for ladies that has had a tubal reversal!
A little about me I had a tubal on 4/20/07. My tubual reversal was 6/7/10, tube lengths right 6cm and left 6.5cm, and I was giving a 75%-85% on conceiving. I'm going into my 3rd month on TTC my hubby and I TR miracle! So far AF has not showed up on time like she normally does. Only spotting and my test all have been :bfn:! If the :witch: is going to show up I wish she would hurry up!
I want to wish all the ladies that are TTC good luck and lots of :dust:!! And to those that are expecting Congrats!!

Welcome... I also had a TR in July 2010 got pregnant Sept 2010 it was ectopic so lost right tube and beanie in Oct 2010.. just started ttc again, and AF just arrived.. xx
:flower:hey Ladies,

just popping in to share this with you all...sorry I haven't been around just been dealing with some depression and also I go next thursday to the doctor and talking to him about having a HSG dye test done so please keep me in your prayers that it shows that they are open please...

wanted to share this with you all its been correct with everyone that I know of that has done it...:winkwink:

How many children will I have?
Will they be boys or girls?
Let your higher self tell you....the needle knows ~ ~ }

Have you wondered how many pregnancies
and whether it will be a girl or a boy?
Let the needle tell you.
Here is a method that may surprise you.
What to do:
Thread a sewing needle and knot it
{see picture above}
(so the needle hangs about 6-10 inches from the knot).
Hold your left hand out, palm down.
Hold the knot in your right hand
with the forefinger and thumb only.
Holding your left hand still,
swing the needle so the needle hits
the inside curve of your thumb
(where the thumb meets the hand) three times.
Then turn your left hand over
and move the right hand over the left,
holding the needle just an inch or so
above the palm of the left hand.
Hold both hands still
and let the needle do the work.

The needle will begin to move:

Circles = girls
Lines = boys
It will stop moving completely in between each pregnancy.
Turn off any fans
and make sure circulating air
is not affecting the reading.

and everyone of mine have been correct B,B,B,G and waiting for the G/B twins to come true...
frogger I'm going to try that! It will be fun anyway whether it's right or not. Welcome to all the new ladies! Our group is growing!

super: please keep us posted. I know how stressful that is. fx for you!

reeds: how cute!!!! I love the little feet!

AFM: still cramping pretty good, but I have not yet started to bleed. Maybe there is hope yet? This is 11dpo and I did not test this morning. I may test this afternoon. Needa I remember I had more luck with the opk and also with frer with afternoon urine as well last time. I'm just worried because it's so much like last time and we all know how that ended.

Still trying really hard to be positive. I know I'll get my blessing, but this is just so so hard! As soon as I see the positive I am in love with that baby and then to have something happen is truly heartbreaking. Once again thank you all for being such a supportive bunch. I have my fx for everyone. You all deserve this so much!

Welcome TTCbaby,Glad to see you made it over to this thread!Its a great group of ladies we have here.

Reeds,Cute feet!Since you are getting a scan every visit,I am sure Gunner will give you a good face pic soon!

Adanma,Prayers your way hun!!Hoping af stays away!


Angelcake,sorry the witch got you.:hugs:

Super,How are you feeling?

Ready,:test: haha can you tell I am a poas addict!!!

Ready, thank you for thinking of me! I am here. I have poked my head in here and there. As some of you know, I got a :bfp: a couple of weeks ago. But sadly we lost it on Christmas eve. We weren't "trying" and it was a bit of a surprise. But From the start I knew it wasn't right. The tests weren't getting any darker. So I had my blood taken and on the 21st it came back at 27 and then on the 27th I had it drawn again and it was at 37. So now I am taking negative pregnancy tests.
I am hurt by it, but I am ok. As much as I hate to say it, I have become a little numb to it all now. I guess it is a self protection thing. I try not to get too excited because I end up getting hurt and I can't emotionally do that anymore.
We are ok and loving that we have our precious grandson and today we get to see our precious granddaughter on ultrasound! We are blessed to have our 3 children and 1.5 WONDERFUL grandchildren!
So that is my little update. I hope everyone is well and congrats on the recent :bfp: and the wonderful little babies coming along! :hugs:
Hey ladies,

Angel, sorry the :witch: got you. :hugs:

TCCbaby2011, welcome to our group. Everyone here is very supportive. I just had my TR in October of this year.

Frogger, they have videos on youtube about that but you tie your ring to a string and hold it over your hand.

Adanma, I am praying for you hoping it is implatation.[-o<

Fam, I am trying to hold out until 12DPO.

Joanne, so good to see you post. Sorry about your lost. :hugs:

Afm, I posted a link to my chart in my journal. Someone told me that it looks triphiasic (sp). :shrug: If any one is interested you can look at it. Have a very happy new year ladies.
Hello ladies,

I see we have some new faces!! Welcome :hugs: You will love it here.

Joanne, sorry about the loss :( It will never be an easy thing :(

Fam, I am really confused right now, wish I had more answers...but will get through it, what ever that may be.

Adanma, there is always hope hun! Fx!!

Frogger, it's funny, my mother used to the needle thing on us years ago. I have 3 older sisters and she done the needle thing a few times. Although I can not remember what mine

Angel, Sorry the witch got you! I hate her!!!! :hugs:

Ready!! I am cheering for you hun!! xx

Hello and :hugs to whom ever I may missed

AFM, well it was a rough night. I pretty much cried myself to sleep. you never think it will be you to go throug something. Hubby has been trying with all his might to keep me positve. The spotting comes and goes. TMI- I have a pad on , just in case and nothing has ever reached that, just wiping. I had some back and butt pain last night. I have to go and get levels done tomorrow, this is the thing though , I do not think my doctor is opened tomorrow for me to get results :( So I wait the whole weekend? That will kill me.

I am not trying to be a downer but I can't help but think the worst. I am hoping and praying things will be okay and I have not given up totally. I got pregnant on the first try, I mean how lucky am I? That's good news regardless of the outcome!! I will keep you updated ladies.

Have a great weekend! :hugs:
Super, I am so glad you posted. I am still praying and believing that your little bean will stick. Try and stay positive sweetie.

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