TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

HMM..Baking Soda!!! Well if this cycle is a bust then i think i am going to try baking soda there any certain CD to start the baking soda??? I know it works cuz both Reeds and Ready got their BFP :)
HMM..Baking Soda!!! Well if this cycle is a bust then i think i am going to try baking soda there any certain CD to start the baking soda??? I know it works cuz both Reeds and Ready got their BFP :)

I think I use it on O day or the day before. Also as Needa says, "buns in the air aftewards." Remember I fell asleep with my legs in the air one night.:haha:
I used it on cd 10 but only because I usually O between cd 12 to 14 and I wanted to be sure my cm was getting ew at the right time. But really within a half hour I could tell a huge difference in my cm.
HMM..Baking Soda!!! Well if this cycle is a bust then i think i am going to try baking soda there any certain CD to start the baking soda??? I know it works cuz both Reeds and Ready got their BFP :)

I think I use it on O day or the day before. Also as Needa says, "buns in the air aftewards." Remember I fell asleep with my legs in the air one night.:haha:

LOL i will never forget that cuz i almost pee'd my pants when i read that :haha:
Buns up in the air....I'm doing this..have been doing this for two cycles now....Praying it worked for this cycle[-o<
OMG!! this happened to me last night and it's happening again tonight.. for about a hour now i have had this annoying as all heck headache...started towards the back of my head and has worked it's way forward to my forehead and eyebrow area...this is some crazy stuff!! Ok i am going to go get a of cup yogurt and Tylenol then lay down for the night!! Sweet Dreams All :hug:
HMM..Baking Soda!!! Well if this cycle is a bust then i think i am going to try baking soda there any certain CD to start the baking soda??? I know it works cuz both Reeds and Ready got their BFP :)

HAHA may I ask what you do with the baking soda?
Sounds perfect to me Karen. Just make sure you do it around O time. And you should only have to do it once per cycle. I did it cause I had no cm and wasn't making a good enviroment for the sperm to live in. There is a name for it but its basically a hostile enviroment and that will kill the sperm. The baking soda helps balance out the ph in your system.

does the preseed do the same thing?
Nevermind to my last 2 questions I see that really you have already answered them :)
Hmmmm preseed vs. baking soda now I dont know what one to use this month ????
Good Morning :) I am in a very calm,happy bubble right now....Today is my DH and mine 8th Anniversary.

Karen and Sandi~ by any chance have you found any good sites explaining more on the baking soda and TTC??? Would love to read more on this. I keep reading how it helps with many things like healing cuts and infections to how to clean your house with it....I did also read that baking soda helps with conceiving a boy.
Good Morning :) I am in a very calm,happy bubble right now....Today is my DH and mine 8th Anniversary.

Karen and Sandi~ by any chance have you found any good sites explaining more on the baking soda and TTC??? Would love to read more on this. I keep reading how it helps with many things like healing cuts and infections to how to clean your house with it....I did also read that baking soda helps with conceiving a boy.

reeds, gave a website. I will see if I can find it again and put the link here.
Good Morning :) I am in a very calm,happy bubble right now....Today is my DH and mine 8th Anniversary.

Karen and Sandi~ by any chance have you found any good sites explaining more on the baking soda and TTC??? Would love to read more on this. I keep reading how it helps with many things like healing cuts and infections to how to clean your house with it....I did also read that baking soda helps with conceiving a boy.

reeds, gave a website. I will see if I can find it again and put the link here.

Thank you Ready :) I didn't even think to look back at past posts:dohh:
Not long back. sigh... Well it's for sure this bean will not make it :(. Another scan today and still nothing. I had my levels done but results were not back by the time I went for my appointment. She said if my levels were not down today then I would have to go tomorrow and get a shot, incase it was in my tube to save it.

So I leave all heartbroken, knowing if I get this shot I can not ttc for 3 months..:( Why me?? What did I do?? My very 1st levels were 173, 2 days later 243, 2 days later 238. She said if levels go down then my body will flush itself out.

I just got a call from office and my levels are 153!!! which is great. No shot for me, well unless I have issues with levels going down. More bloods taken on Thursday to check again. So Of course I am very very sad that I will not be bringing this baby home with me, I knew from the begining it did not feel right.

I had my full week of tears, I am super happy my levels are decreasing on its own, and no shot means I can try again as soon as my body is done dealing with it all.
Oh my gosh everything I find in on bnb!! Its crazy. I will keep seraching. LOL
Super, :hugs: I am so sorry for your lost sweetie. :hugs: Just know that we all are here for you.

Reeds, I think you googled it and so did I. The website you gave was for the herbs TJ took.
really sorry super.. but at leasts it is going away on its own without an injection or surgery....still very sad though :hugs::hugs: xx
My heart goes out to you super :( Such a shitty thing to have to go through i know now it sounds silly but when you do get your sticky bean it will be even more precious
Oh Super :hugs: I am sorry for your loss sweetie:hugs: I hope that you won't need the shot. I will keep you in my prayers.

Ready and Reeds~ I really didn't mean to drive you two insane looking for the link....I will keep looking ...You two are awesome and thank you for trying to find the link :) :hug:

Well DH is home now,he went to go get a nap..he has been up over 24 hours and is dead on his feet!! He brought home some not so nice news from the ship(will be in journal later)....GRRRR!! We decided we are going to stay in tonight and watch our shows and have a nice dinner home :) I will be back on later...I am going to go lay down and watch a movie!
Ann most everything I found was for the douche. I don't recommend that neither do most drs as it can wash away the good bateria you need....that is why I just use the finger. It also says that it will help conceive a boy...not sure how true that is but I was just after a baby. LOL
Looks like we may have a lot of baking soda beans coming along soon.:haha:I was just thinking that we have bought all these vitamins,preseed and everything else we have heard that works,and watch it be Reeds baking soda finger that gets us TR girls that BFP.I looked it up before but decided to use preseed because I am usually alittle dry down there.I may just have to jump on that baking soda train next cycle.

AFM,I think I am a little off on my dpo.I checked my calendar and I got a smiley on the 26th and 27th so what do you ladies think?I know I need to temp I may try that next cycle.I have been sleeping about 4 hours at a time.So I think that maybe enough to get correct temps.Not really any symptoms for me just sore and heavy bbs,which I have every month so I am thinking the month I don't have them I may get my hopes up.

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