no doubt momma! wouldn't it be sweet if there was a BnB convention or something somewhere and all of us could go and IDK, have a woman's conference!! HHAHA, I'm outlandish I know..but wouldn't it b cool to hear woman speakers and get fresh ideas from professionals that HAVE kids and that HAVE or have HAD infertility and learn some new things to do as a fam night or date night w/ DH, get some new EASY fast dinner ideas...I think that would rock!!!!
ANywho, back to the imp. stuff..WEEEIRD you have EW yest but NOT today...I seriously do NOT like OPK's. they are too confusing..I mean, I CONFUSE WAY easily, but still...
Did you have any pain that would indicate you DID/WERE O'ing? do you chart or BBT? after ALL my long hours of research I truly believe the constant involvement w/ our CM and recording temp is going to be the most effective..Personally this cycle will be the 1st time I've done it, but it just makes sense and you can see how it ALL works together on the chart..the CM, the cervix and the temp..I picked my NFP friends brain last night~she's BBT for 9 years and is preg w/ her 6th..she uses it to GET preg but also to prevent...It's GOING to work!!
Now, let me talk to you about the BS...ARE YOU SURE you wanna do that?!?!? THis is new, just heard/read threads on it TODAY...and I'm on here A I started researching it because I was excited about a new idea and possible method BUT EVERY site is saying to absolutely DO NOT touch your cervix w/ \the finger that has the BS on b/c it will burn and cause pain...I can't ever be sure where my cervix is so I don't think I could possibly take the chance..I DO not wanna be burning my cervix..does NOT sound fun...Just a lil something to think about(if you didn't already know) and I really wonder HOW many dox would recommend doing that???
BUT, if you do try, i'm dying to know what it's like SO PLEASE keep me posted!!
fx'd and MUCH