TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

what's UP saga?! That's annoying...How crazy is it making you NOT knowing what is happening and NOT having any stix???? I wish I could email you one :)

MY bff was diagnosed w/ Lymphoma (this is all off baby making subject) 5 days wasn't a BAD diagnosis, not awesome, but nothing to be OVERLY concerned about...long story short...yesterday she was rushed to the hosp for emerg immediate radiation...the cancer has spread soooo fast she is really laying in her death's suffocating her:( every lymph node is her body is decayed and mush. Surgery is NOT an option at all. If radiation doesn't stop and or shrink the tumor that's suffocating her, it's only a matter of days, if not hours...OK< so I told you all of that for 2 reasons..any praying sisters out there..PLEASE PRAY:thumbup:
also af was due's clock work girls ALWAYS~well except for's NOT here and I'm annoyed:growlmad: up until 9DPO I KNEW, was SURE, pOsItIvE this was THE month...then came to peace(after freaking out a lil) that it wasn't going to be. we made a NEW plan for THIS cycle and couldn't wait to start..NOW NO AF. WTHeck? I had bfn test yest and didn't test today b/c I know it's bfn...I'm annoyed..
SOOO, I'm right there w/ ya's like whyyyyyy????

Anyway, missed out on talking w/ ya'll yesterday..horray for good tube lengths, and Boo for af's and GL to everyone and their plan for their next cycle

Tater, I am praying for your friend. That is such a helpless feeling to not be able to help someone you love and to have to watch them suffer...I know...

And thanks for saying you wish you could email me one! That made me laugh out loud and I REALLY needed that!

I love my husband to pieces...but he kind of glazes over when I start talking about what's going on, what might be going on, etc. It's so nice to be able to come in here and let it all hang out.

Right now, still's scant, and back to more red...that only happened last night...sorry if that's TMI...
what's UP saga?! That's annoying...How crazy is it making you NOT knowing what is happening and NOT having any stix???? I wish I could email you one :)

MY bff was diagnosed w/ Lymphoma (this is all off baby making subject) 5 days wasn't a BAD diagnosis, not awesome, but nothing to be OVERLY concerned about...long story short...yesterday she was rushed to the hosp for emerg immediate radiation...the cancer has spread soooo fast she is really laying in her death's suffocating her:( every lymph node is her body is decayed and mush. Surgery is NOT an option at all. If radiation doesn't stop and or shrink the tumor that's suffocating her, it's only a matter of days, if not hours...OK< so I told you all of that for 2 reasons..any praying sisters out there..PLEASE PRAY:thumbup:
also af was due's clock work girls ALWAYS~well except for's NOT here and I'm annoyed:growlmad: up until 9DPO I KNEW, was SURE, pOsItIvE this was THE month...then came to peace(after freaking out a lil) that it wasn't going to be. we made a NEW plan for THIS cycle and couldn't wait to start..NOW NO AF. WTHeck? I had bfn test yest and didn't test today b/c I know it's bfn...I'm annoyed..
SOOO, I'm right there w/ ya's like whyyyyyy????

Anyway, missed out on talking w/ ya'll yesterday..horray for good tube lengths, and Boo for af's and GL to everyone and their plan for their next cycle

And yeah, what IS up with our weird cycles??

It was so nice before when I was younger and NOT trying to get pregnant...I didn't analyze every little thing and look for signs because I had NO idea that I should be looking for anything...

Wouldn't it be nice if our docs could give us a shot that would cause a temporary and specific amnesia? One that would only cause us to forget the two week wait and then "come to" in time to test when AF is due? Hahaha....
awww thanks darling..yeah, it sux just gota keep our chins up and remember the "plan" is soo much bigger than we are. I'm a BIG believer there's a reason for everything..and that ugly can ALWAYS be turned to beauty

when I 1st found this site my DH was like ANNOYED...I actually couldn't believe then that made me annoyed.. of course;)
But when I found this site I had been having all this stuff, and he wasn't listening..I needed something!!! and now I got a group of girls i miss when I don't get to chat everyday:)

Oh girl, I'd just have to run to the store..I wouldn't be able to take it..unless you are busy, then it may not be as bad, but I'd have to get a stick...
let me know what you do!!!!!!!!
what's UP saga?! That's annoying...How crazy is it making you NOT knowing what is happening and NOT having any stix???? I wish I could email you one :)

MY bff was diagnosed w/ Lymphoma (this is all off baby making subject) 5 days wasn't a BAD diagnosis, not awesome, but nothing to be OVERLY concerned about...long story short...yesterday she was rushed to the hosp for emerg immediate radiation...the cancer has spread soooo fast she is really laying in her death's suffocating her:( every lymph node is her body is decayed and mush. Surgery is NOT an option at all. If radiation doesn't stop and or shrink the tumor that's suffocating her, it's only a matter of days, if not hours...OK< so I told you all of that for 2 reasons..any praying sisters out there..PLEASE PRAY:thumbup:
also af was due's clock work girls ALWAYS~well except for's NOT here and I'm annoyed:growlmad: up until 9DPO I KNEW, was SURE, pOsItIvE this was THE month...then came to peace(after freaking out a lil) that it wasn't going to be. we made a NEW plan for THIS cycle and couldn't wait to start..NOW NO AF. WTHeck? I had bfn test yest and didn't test today b/c I know it's bfn...I'm annoyed..
SOOO, I'm right there w/ ya's like whyyyyyy????

Anyway, missed out on talking w/ ya'll yesterday..horray for good tube lengths, and Boo for af's and GL to everyone and their plan for their next cycle

Tater i will pray for your friend :hugs: What a horrible thing for someone to have to go through and I love my bf like a sister we call eachother wife so I know how painful it must be to watch her go through this. Stay strong god is good :) I also wanted to say maybe your like me it takes me until im late to get my bfp so maybe you should test today anyway you know your a poasa :) keep us posted

welp it's a :bnf: it's as white as snow where the pink line ought to be..but I knew that...I'm not happy that af is late..6 days ago I was cheering on a bfp not I'm routing for af!!! Funny how my mood changes that way!!!!!! lol
what's UP saga?! That's annoying...How crazy is it making you NOT knowing what is happening and NOT having any stix???? I wish I could email you one :)

MY bff was diagnosed w/ Lymphoma (this is all off baby making subject) 5 days wasn't a BAD diagnosis, not awesome, but nothing to be OVERLY concerned about...long story short...yesterday she was rushed to the hosp for emerg immediate radiation...the cancer has spread soooo fast she is really laying in her death's suffocating her:( every lymph node is her body is decayed and mush. Surgery is NOT an option at all. If radiation doesn't stop and or shrink the tumor that's suffocating her, it's only a matter of days, if not hours...OK< so I told you all of that for 2 reasons..any praying sisters out there..PLEASE PRAY:thumbup:
also af was due's clock work girls ALWAYS~well except for's NOT here and I'm annoyed:growlmad: up until 9DPO I KNEW, was SURE, pOsItIvE this was THE month...then came to peace(after freaking out a lil) that it wasn't going to be. we made a NEW plan for THIS cycle and couldn't wait to start..NOW NO AF. WTHeck? I had bfn test yest and didn't test today b/c I know it's bfn...I'm annoyed..
SOOO, I'm right there w/ ya's like whyyyyyy????

Anyway, missed out on talking w/ ya'll yesterday..horray for good tube lengths, and Boo for af's and GL to everyone and their plan for their next cycle

Tater i will pray for your friend :hugs: What a horrible thing for someone to have to go through and I love my bf like a sister we call eachother wife so I know how painful it must be to watch her go through this. Stay strong god is good :) I also wanted to say maybe your like me it takes me until im late to get my bfp so maybe you should test today anyway you know your a poasa :) keep us posted

welp it's a :bnf: it's as white as snow where the pink line ought to be..but I knew that...I'm not happy that af is late..6 days ago I was cheering on a bfp not I'm routing for af!!! Funny how my mood changes that way!!!!!! lol

Ughhh...sorry girlie. But next month will be our month...I am just still waiting around for AF...I know it's coming...and annoyed that the :witch: is teasing this point, I just want to get it over with!

And you are right...I am a big believer that things happen for a, try and try again, right?
what's UP saga?! That's annoying...How crazy is it making you NOT knowing what is happening and NOT having any stix???? I wish I could email you one :)

MY bff was diagnosed w/ Lymphoma (this is all off baby making subject) 5 days wasn't a BAD diagnosis, not awesome, but nothing to be OVERLY concerned about...long story short...yesterday she was rushed to the hosp for emerg immediate radiation...the cancer has spread soooo fast she is really laying in her death's suffocating her:( every lymph node is her body is decayed and mush. Surgery is NOT an option at all. If radiation doesn't stop and or shrink the tumor that's suffocating her, it's only a matter of days, if not hours...OK< so I told you all of that for 2 reasons..any praying sisters out there..PLEASE PRAY:thumbup:
also af was due's clock work girls ALWAYS~well except for's NOT here and I'm annoyed:growlmad: up until 9DPO I KNEW, was SURE, pOsItIvE this was THE month...then came to peace(after freaking out a lil) that it wasn't going to be. we made a NEW plan for THIS cycle and couldn't wait to start..NOW NO AF. WTHeck? I had bfn test yest and didn't test today b/c I know it's bfn...I'm annoyed..
SOOO, I'm right there w/ ya's like whyyyyyy????

Anyway, missed out on talking w/ ya'll yesterday..horray for good tube lengths, and Boo for af's and GL to everyone and their plan for their next cycle

Tater, I am praying for your friend. That is such a helpless feeling to not be able to help someone you love and to have to watch them suffer...I know...

And thanks for saying you wish you could email me one! That made me laugh out loud and I REALLY needed that!

I love my husband to pieces...but he kind of glazes over when I start talking about what's going on, what might be going on, etc. It's so nice to be able to come in here and let it all hang out.

Right now, still's scant, and back to more red...that only happened last night...sorry if that's TMI...

Honestly, I don't think this board could possible have TMI, right? I mean, everyone is talking about cervical mucous and nobody thinks anything of it! :P If i even said the WORD cervical mucous to my husband...
i am told my DH i'd rather have HIM check it than me..he said he would..he rox!!! yeah, hopefully af WILL just come and we CAN get on w/ it for goodness sakes..

If this was site for catering and we were all talking CM then that's TMI, but this is WHY this is the site it is...!!!!! I THOUGHT I got AF tonight. Only ever since then, there has been NOTHING.

This is just so weird. I know that AF is still coming...deep down, I just know it's true...

But this cycle has been bizarre for me. I never start spotting this early...And I have not had one single cramp all day...

What happened before was this...and I am SO sorry if this is TMI...but I went to the ladies room earlier and noticed bright red blood on the tissue and ick...a black sorry...But anyway, I assumed that AF was here. Since then, absolutely nothing...geez. I guess it will be on time anyway...and I am just going to spot on and off until then. Fun, eh?

Saga- I know how strange our bodies can be. I always spot 10-7 days before AF shows up every month. It been going on over a 1 1/2 now. I have been to the doctor and they said everything is normal, but I'm sick of having to deal with it every month. I'll be praying that all is okay! xx
i am told my DH i'd rather have HIM check it than me..he said he would..he rox!!! yeah, hopefully af WILL just come and we CAN get on w/ it for goodness sakes..

If this was site for catering and we were all talking CM then that's TMI, but this is WHY this is the site it is...!!!!!

Geeez!!! what is up with you and sagas evil witch??? I totally used the preseed last night I love it!!! I did'nt tell DH that I used it just inserted when he was'nt in the room and he was none the wiser :) hopefully it did the trick, poor hubby has only had 4 hours of sleep in teh past 3 days he is a busy man and when he got home at midnight was not up to bd so im sure he will def. not be up to it tonight so fx the past few days and late night did the trick maybe i can attack him one more time tommorow :) oh question does it matter if you use a regular thermometer instead of bbt? thanks
what's UP saga?! That's annoying...How crazy is it making you NOT knowing what is happening and NOT having any stix???? I wish I could email you one :)

MY bff was diagnosed w/ Lymphoma (this is all off baby making subject) 5 days wasn't a BAD diagnosis, not awesome, but nothing to be OVERLY concerned about...long story short...yesterday she was rushed to the hosp for emerg immediate radiation...the cancer has spread soooo fast she is really laying in her death's suffocating her:( every lymph node is her body is decayed and mush. Surgery is NOT an option at all. If radiation doesn't stop and or shrink the tumor that's suffocating her, it's only a matter of days, if not hours...OK< so I told you all of that for 2 reasons..any praying sisters out there..PLEASE PRAY:thumbup:
also af was due's clock work girls ALWAYS~well except for's NOT here and I'm annoyed:growlmad: up until 9DPO I KNEW, was SURE, pOsItIvE this was THE month...then came to peace(after freaking out a lil) that it wasn't going to be. we made a NEW plan for THIS cycle and couldn't wait to start..NOW NO AF. WTHeck? I had bfn test yest and didn't test today b/c I know it's bfn...I'm annoyed..
SOOO, I'm right there w/ ya's like whyyyyyy????

Anyway, missed out on talking w/ ya'll yesterday..horray for good tube lengths, and Boo for af's and GL to everyone and their plan for their next cycle

Tater- I'll be praying for your friend and her family. May god be with them!!
I know what you mean about AF not show up on time mine was late for 2days last month, so hang in there!! xx I THOUGHT I got AF tonight. Only ever since then, there has been NOTHING.

This is just so weird. I know that AF is still coming...deep down, I just know it's true...

But this cycle has been bizarre for me. I never start spotting this early...And I have not had one single cramp all day...

What happened before was this...and I am SO sorry if this is TMI...but I went to the ladies room earlier and noticed bright red blood on the tissue and ick...a black sorry...But anyway, I assumed that AF was here. Since then, absolutely nothing...geez. I guess it will be on time anyway...and I am just going to spot on and off until then. Fun, eh?

Saga- I know how strange our bodies can be. I always spot 10-7 days before AF shows up every month. It been going on over a 1 1/2 now. I have been to the doctor and they said everything is normal, but I'm sick of having to deal with it every month. I'll be praying that all is okay! xx

Oh my gosh! I've never, ever spotted other than the day before AF...and I am 35 years old! I'd really be thrown for a loop if I spotted 7-10 days before AF. Yeah, I guess our bodies are strange things indeed... :)
i am told my DH i'd rather have HIM check it than me..he said he would..he rox!!! yeah, hopefully af WILL just come and we CAN get on w/ it for goodness sakes..

If this was site for catering and we were all talking CM then that's TMI, but this is WHY this is the site it is...!!!!!

Geeez!!! what is up with you and sagas evil witch??? I totally used the preseed last night I love it!!! I did'nt tell DH that I used it just inserted when he was'nt in the room and he was none the wiser :) hopefully it did the trick, poor hubby has only had 4 hours of sleep in teh past 3 days he is a busy man and when he got home at midnight was not up to bd so im sure he will def. not be up to it tonight so fx the past few days and late night did the trick maybe i can attack him one more time tommorow :) oh question does it matter if you use a regular thermometer instead of bbt? thanks

Yep, you do have to have a BBT thermometer. It is more precise than a regular thermometer and you need those precise measurements because your temperature may only go up .2 degrees after ovulation and you wouldn't be able to see that with a regular thermometer.

I found mine at Walgreen's...and I looked EVERYWHERE. Even CVS in my area doesn't carry them. They did offer me their Sponge Bob one though....hahaha...(it wasn't BBT)
Sag, SERIOUSLY..was it a MAN that showed you to the spongebob thermo:dohh: after an hour of searching and finally asking ?!?!??!?! I mean, really, if ANYONE knew what a BBT was they would NOT direct you to a cartoon character thermo..that's ****** but I love it..:rofl:

hahahahhahaha!!! what DID you say? You shoulda busted out w/ something like, nah, thank you but when I sit naked on the toilet w/ my foot propped on the sink and insert my mid finger to pull MUCUS from my vagina, that spongebob one just won't cut the precisesness I need once I examine my cervix!!!! that's what I woulda done!!!!!!!!
hahahaha I mean, I'm cracking up over that!!!

Af STILL not here. I have to go out here in a while and I have to stop at Dollar Tree imagine I'm going to grab a $1.00 pink dye one!!!!
Sag, SERIOUSLY..was it a MAN that showed you to the spongebob thermo:dohh: after an hour of searching and finally asking ?!?!??!?! I mean, really, if ANYONE knew what a BBT was they would NOT direct you to a cartoon character thermo..that's ****** but I love it..:rofl:

hahahahhahaha!!! what DID you say? You shoulda busted out w/ something like, nah, thank you but when I sit naked on the toilet w/ my foot propped on the sink and insert my mid finger to pull MUCUS from my vagina, that spongebob one just won't cut the precisesness I need once I examine my cervix!!!! that's what I woulda done!!!!!!!!
hahahaha I mean, I'm cracking up over that!!!

Af STILL not here. I have to go out here in a while and I have to stop at Dollar Tree imagine I'm going to grab a $1.00 pink dye one!!!!

Sag that is hilarious lmao!!!!! and tater what you would have said would have made that persons head spin :haha: I love you girls you truly make me laugh. Tater Im totally like you with the amount I poas then when af does come it makes me fall super hard because I get my hopes up soooo high :( GL I really hope you get your BFP :kiss: I THOUGHT I got AF tonight. Only ever since then, there has been NOTHING.

This is just so weird. I know that AF is still coming...deep down, I just know it's true...

But this cycle has been bizarre for me. I never start spotting this early...And I have not had one single cramp all day...

What happened before was this...and I am SO sorry if this is TMI...but I went to the ladies room earlier and noticed bright red blood on the tissue and ick...a black sorry...But anyway, I assumed that AF was here. Since then, absolutely nothing...geez. I guess it will be on time anyway...and I am just going to spot on and off until then. Fun, eh?

Saga- I know how strange our bodies can be. I always spot 10-7 days before AF shows up every month. It been going on over a 1 1/2 now. I have been to the doctor and they said everything is normal, but I'm sick of having to deal with it every month. I'll be praying that all is okay! xx

Oh my gosh! I've never, ever spotted other than the day before AF...and I am 35 years old! I'd really be thrown for a loop if I spotted 7-10 days before AF. Yeah, I guess our bodies are strange things indeed... :)

I'm 34 years old. I've asked other ladies if anyone else has dealt with this and no one has. I've had my thyroid, progesterone, and checked for polyps all came back normal. Thank god my progesterone level is normal since it means I'm ovualting. I had a D&C in October of 2010 to see if it would help but it did'nt work.
Sag, SERIOUSLY..was it a MAN that showed you to the spongebob thermo:dohh: after an hour of searching and finally asking ?!?!??!?! I mean, really, if ANYONE knew what a BBT was they would NOT direct you to a cartoon character thermo..that's ****** but I love it..:rofl:

hahahahhahaha!!! what DID you say? You shoulda busted out w/ something like, nah, thank you but when I sit naked on the toilet w/ my foot propped on the sink and insert my mid finger to pull MUCUS from my vagina, that spongebob one just won't cut the precisesness I need once I examine my cervix!!!! that's what I woulda done!!!!!!!!
hahahaha I mean, I'm cracking up over that!!!

Af STILL not here. I have to go out here in a while and I have to stop at Dollar Tree imagine I'm going to grab a $1.00 pink dye one!!!!

Well, to be quite honest, that was a REALLY bizarre day. I had my two youngest with me...they are 8 year old girl/boy twins and they were sitting in the massage chairs while I browsed in the pharmacy area of CVS...have y'all ever seen those? The big black ones that vibrate like crazy? My kids LOVE 'em...anyway, I looked and I looked and I looked for that thermometer...and while I was there, I decided to go ahead and pick up some FRERs...not that I needed them then, but what the hay, right? Might as well kill two birds with one then, with my big box of nearly neon PINK FRERs...who could miss them, they were practically flashing like a neon sign in my left hand as I asked the pharmacist...who was a woman, by the way...for the BBT thermometers. I could see my kids a few feet away from me on my right and I noticed some man kind of loitering around to my left.

When the pharmacist told me should could let me have the Sponge Bob one, all I had time to do was look at her like "Are you INSANE?" before the guy who had been loitering next to me on my left said something to me....and I was STUNNED. As he said it, I was literally MID-SENTENCE in yelling at my kids to COME ON, WE STILL HAVE TO GO GET YOUR SISTER...all the while still holding the big ol' pink box o' pregnancy tests in my hand...

Okay, and before I tell you the rest, let me describe what I was wearing...I had my pj's on...they have black bottoms, so no one could really tell what I had on underneath my coat...which was big and & tan plaid with a tan fox fur collar...and I had on my UGGS...which I never actually wear in public...because they have the shearling fur all the way down each side and around the I look a little Eskimo-ish when I wear them...

So there I was, in a bizarro outfit...yelling at the kids I already have and waving around a box of pregnancy tests with the other hand when this MAN said...."You sure are cute."

I am rarely ever at a loss for words...rarely...but I was stunned...I think I looked at him all perplexed and stammered the first time I tried to say anything...and then I just did it....I waved that ginormous-ass box of pregnancy tests in front of his face, making damn sure he knew exactly what they were, and I said, "Really? Okay, well thanks. My husband sure thinks so too." I left him standing there and went back towards the front of the store.

So, because they didn't have my thermometer...I put back the tests, planning to mosey on over to Walgreens. BUT, my kids found some toys in the clearance bin they just HAD TO HAVE... So while I was checking out and buying their toys, that man walked to the front of the store and winked at me as he was walking daughter saw and said, "Ew, that man was winking at you." Hahaha.

So, all I can say is that was definitely a trip to the Twilight Zone that day...nothing says sexy like a woman dressed like a homeless eskimo that is yelling at her current kids while holding a neon box of pregnancy tests...

All I have to say is I must have been the first woman he saw in a LOOOOONG time...
Sag, SERIOUSLY..was it a MAN that showed you to the spongebob thermo:dohh: after an hour of searching and finally asking ?!?!??!?! I mean, really, if ANYONE knew what a BBT was they would NOT direct you to a cartoon character thermo..that's ****** but I love it..:rofl:

hahahahhahaha!!! what DID you say? You shoulda busted out w/ something like, nah, thank you but when I sit naked on the toilet w/ my foot propped on the sink and insert my mid finger to pull MUCUS from my vagina, that spongebob one just won't cut the precisesness I need once I examine my cervix!!!! that's what I woulda done!!!!!!!!
hahahaha I mean, I'm cracking up over that!!!

Af STILL not here. I have to go out here in a while and I have to stop at Dollar Tree imagine I'm going to grab a $1.00 pink dye one!!!!

Well, to be quite honest, that was a REALLY bizarre day. I had my two youngest with me...they are 8 year old girl/boy twins and they were sitting in the massage chairs while I browsed in the pharmacy area of CVS...have y'all ever seen those? The big black ones that vibrate like crazy? My kids LOVE 'em...anyway, I looked and I looked and I looked for that thermometer...and while I was there, I decided to go ahead and pick up some FRERs...not that I needed them then, but what the hay, right? Might as well kill two birds with one then, with my big box of nearly neon PINK FRERs...who could miss them, they were practically flashing like a neon sign in my left hand as I asked the pharmacist...who was a woman, by the way...for the BBT thermometers. I could see my kids a few feet away from me on my right and I noticed some man kind of loitering around to my left.

When the pharmacist told me should could let me have the Sponge Bob one, all I had time to do was look at her like "Are you INSANE?" before the guy who had been loitering next to me on my left said something to me....and I was STUNNED. As he said it, I was literally MID-SENTENCE in yelling at my kids to COME ON, WE STILL HAVE TO GO GET YOUR SISTER...all the while still holding the big ol' pink box o' pregnancy tests in my hand...

Okay, and before I tell you the rest, let me describe what I was wearing...I had my pj's on...they have black bottoms, so no one could really tell what I had on underneath my coat...which was big and & tan plaid with a tan fox fur collar...and I had on my UGGS...which I never actually wear in public...because they have the shearling fur all the way down each side and around the I look a little Eskimo-ish when I wear them...

So there I was, in a bizarro outfit...yelling at the kids I already have and waving around a box of pregnancy tests with the other hand when this MAN said...."You sure are cute."

I am rarely ever at a loss for words...rarely...but I was stunned...I think I looked at him all perplexed and stammered the first time I tried to say anything...and then I just did it....I waved that ginormous-ass box of pregnancy tests in front of his face, making damn sure he knew exactly what they were, and I said, "Really? Okay, well thanks. My husband sure thinks so too." I left him standing there and went back towards the front of the store.

So, because they didn't have my thermometer...I put back the tests, planning to mosey on over to Walgreens. BUT, my kids found some toys in the clearance bin they just HAD TO HAVE... So while I was checking out and buying their toys, that man walked to the front of the store and winked at me as he was walking daughter saw and said, "Ew, that man was winking at you." Hahaha.

So, all I can say is that was definitely a trip to the Twilight Zone that day...nothing says sexy like a woman dressed like a homeless eskimo that is yelling at her current kids while holding a neon box of pregnancy tests...

All I have to say is I must have been the first woman he saw in a LOOOOONG time...

What a funny but cute story! :haha: Maybe you thought you looked like a mess, but he sure never. :winkwink: Well Sagapo it seems you still have it! lol . Men...
Sag, SERIOUSLY..was it a MAN that showed you to the spongebob thermo:dohh: after an hour of searching and finally asking ?!?!??!?! I mean, really, if ANYONE knew what a BBT was they would NOT direct you to a cartoon character thermo..that's ****** but I love it..:rofl:

hahahahhahaha!!! what DID you say? You shoulda busted out w/ something like, nah, thank you but when I sit naked on the toilet w/ my foot propped on the sink and insert my mid finger to pull MUCUS from my vagina, that spongebob one just won't cut the precisesness I need once I examine my cervix!!!! that's what I woulda done!!!!!!!!
hahahaha I mean, I'm cracking up over that!!!

Af STILL not here. I have to go out here in a while and I have to stop at Dollar Tree imagine I'm going to grab a $1.00 pink dye one!!!!

Well, to be quite honest, that was a REALLY bizarre day. I had my two youngest with me...they are 8 year old girl/boy twins and they were sitting in the massage chairs while I browsed in the pharmacy area of CVS...have y'all ever seen those? The big black ones that vibrate like crazy? My kids LOVE 'em...anyway, I looked and I looked and I looked for that thermometer...and while I was there, I decided to go ahead and pick up some FRERs...not that I needed them then, but what the hay, right? Might as well kill two birds with one then, with my big box of nearly neon PINK FRERs...who could miss them, they were practically flashing like a neon sign in my left hand as I asked the pharmacist...who was a woman, by the way...for the BBT thermometers. I could see my kids a few feet away from me on my right and I noticed some man kind of loitering around to my left.

When the pharmacist told me should could let me have the Sponge Bob one, all I had time to do was look at her like "Are you INSANE?" before the guy who had been loitering next to me on my left said something to me....and I was STUNNED. As he said it, I was literally MID-SENTENCE in yelling at my kids to COME ON, WE STILL HAVE TO GO GET YOUR SISTER...all the while still holding the big ol' pink box o' pregnancy tests in my hand...

Okay, and before I tell you the rest, let me describe what I was wearing...I had my pj's on...they have black bottoms, so no one could really tell what I had on underneath my coat...which was big and & tan plaid with a tan fox fur collar...and I had on my UGGS...which I never actually wear in public...because they have the shearling fur all the way down each side and around the I look a little Eskimo-ish when I wear them...

So there I was, in a bizarro outfit...yelling at the kids I already have and waving around a box of pregnancy tests with the other hand when this MAN said...."You sure are cute."

I am rarely ever at a loss for words...rarely...but I was stunned...I think I looked at him all perplexed and stammered the first time I tried to say anything...and then I just did it....I waved that ginormous-ass box of pregnancy tests in front of his face, making damn sure he knew exactly what they were, and I said, "Really? Okay, well thanks. My husband sure thinks so too." I left him standing there and went back towards the front of the store.

So, because they didn't have my thermometer...I put back the tests, planning to mosey on over to Walgreens. BUT, my kids found some toys in the clearance bin they just HAD TO HAVE... So while I was checking out and buying their toys, that man walked to the front of the store and winked at me as he was walking daughter saw and said, "Ew, that man was winking at you." Hahaha.

So, all I can say is that was definitely a trip to the Twilight Zone that day...nothing says sexy like a woman dressed like a homeless eskimo that is yelling at her current kids while holding a neon box of pregnancy tests...

All I have to say is I must have been the first woman he saw in a LOOOOONG time...

What a funny but cute story! :haha: Maybe you thought you looked like a mess, but he sure never. :winkwink: Well Sagapo it seems you still have it! lol . Men...

Hahahaha! I called my best friend when I got out into the parking lot and said, "You'll never BELIEVE what just happened!"

Trust me, I DID look a mess...That man must have cataracts or something....really, I have not been feeling so cute lately...I was not allowed to exercise for 6 to 8 weeks after surgery...and once it was greenlighted for me to exercise...well, it was the eating time...haha. I am Greek...and if any of you know Greek people...well, we feed the ones we love...especially while they convalesce.... And then the holidays....fuggedddaboutit! SOOOO...I am five feet tall...even...and have gained 10 pounds since surgery...ughhh.

I have a treadmill, which I used religiously and I love...but 10 pounds to someone who is 5 feet tall looks like 20 on everyone cute is not something I am feeling at the moment...

Did anyone else gain a little after surgery?

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