TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

sooo glad to hear that about Karen! I've been worried sick the past few days. It is so unlike her to not post. I just told DH last night about this and told him how strange it is that none of us "know" each other, but it's amazing how connected you get to people you don't even know. Well, I will quit worrying:thumbup: sheesh! I was beginning to hope that I get AF this cycle because of all the recent losses :cry:...(assuming things weren't going well with Karen)...I think I'm spending too much time reading bnb and need to focus more on life around me:haha: We'll see if I can do that:haha:

I hope everyone has a great weekend! :flower:

You have a good weekend too! And I think we are all channeling enough good energy for each other in here that I think it will be ALL of our months sometime this year...I think it is going to be "Lucky 2011".
Great pic sag it's nice to see a face with the name i should do that too maybe next week:p Today i painted my foyer and a divider wall between my kitchen and family room I was sick of having to much time on my hands to think so I've decided to tackle some things around the house that I want to do, now I want to paint my dining room and laundry room haha and freshen up the trim. This should keep me busy lol.SO im a lttle bummed today yesterday should have been my o day and hubby got home super late again and we both were sooooo tired that we did'nt bd :( hoping to get one in today haha hopefully all the bding before yesterday helped and since Im not temping or opking this month im not totally sure yesterday was the big day hmm I guess we will find out in 2 weeks. Hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend do you set up your journals???

Oh, and by the way, Ladies...I got AF last night...for real this this is cycle day 2 for me. Hopefully this will be my lucky month!
Hi sagapo, Sorry the witch got you. I really do hate her. :hugs: take this link and you will see a button new thread. You can start you own journal there. That's where the TTC journals are. I hoped I helped.
Great pic sag it's nice to see a face with the name i should do that too maybe next week:p Today i painted my foyer and a divider wall between my kitchen and family room I was sick of having to much time on my hands to think so I've decided to tackle some things around the house that I want to do, now I want to paint my dining room and laundry room haha and freshen up the trim. This should keep me busy lol.SO im a lttle bummed today yesterday should have been my o day and hubby got home super late again and we both were sooooo tired that we did'nt bd :( hoping to get one in today haha hopefully all the bding before yesterday helped and since Im not temping or opking this month im not totally sure yesterday was the big day hmm I guess we will find out in 2 weeks. Hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend

Well, so here I am again!:rofl: But just for a minute...painting in the house sounds like a fabulous idea! I haven't changed the paint color for a few years now...dh use to tease me about always repainting:haha: I think it's time!

Anyway I do hope you can still catch the egg. I KNOW exactly how you feel! When I got my OPK last week, I was like woohoo! and we bd in the afternoon with big plans for a bedtime bd as well. WELL, dh went to bed before me (i was working on paperwork in office) he assured me he would awaken when I came to bd..well, he was too tired:nope: so no BD. So, I thought we would just stick with nighttime BD'ing rather than 2x a 5pm the following day, my OPK was neg. so I thought "why bother,,too late...feeling bummed and MAD at dh). So today, when I entered my temps on FF, it MOVED MY O DATE to 2 days later!!! Now I'm quite certain we missed the egg:dohh:

If we didn't catch the egg this's probably for the best. AF should be here around 1/22-1/23, We leave on 1/30 for a month! I've been wondering how I could squeeze in several blood draws and U/S..ensuring no tubal before leaving. Ahhh, at least God knows what's best. I'll just rest in that:thumbup:

BTW, my ticker is all messed up! AF came 2 days early last month and has thrown off my groove:haha: I have NO idea what my cycle lenth will be this month..usually 30 or 31 days...guess we'll see.

One last thing, does anyone else have trouble with remembering the calander day? I seem to "date" everything by CD or DPO:rofl: I really have to stop and think? Oh, today is the 14th! not CD23 or 6DPO :wacko:
I am 34 yrs old & have 4 beautiful children from previous marriage. I had my tubes tied in Mar. 2000 & of course began to regret that decision not too long after. I remarried & had a tubal reversal in June 2007. We tried to get pregnant for months with no success & our Dr. suggested Clomid. Our first month using Clomid we got pregnant & gave birth to our beautiful baby girl 9 months later!! She is now 2 yrs old & we are trying again! Good Luck to all,xxBABY DUSTxx
Welcome mommie6. Another success story!! Congrats to you and hubby. Good luck and hope you get that bfp real soon. :)

FaithHope, I hope you caught that egg hun.

Babydust to us all!
Great pic sag it's nice to see a face with the name i should do that too maybe next week:p Today i painted my foyer and a divider wall between my kitchen and family room I was sick of having to much time on my hands to think so I've decided to tackle some things around the house that I want to do, now I want to paint my dining room and laundry room haha and freshen up the trim. This should keep me busy lol.SO im a lttle bummed today yesterday should have been my o day and hubby got home super late again and we both were sooooo tired that we did'nt bd :( hoping to get one in today haha hopefully all the bding before yesterday helped and since Im not temping or opking this month im not totally sure yesterday was the big day hmm I guess we will find out in 2 weeks. Hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend

Well, so here I am again!:rofl: But just for a minute...painting in the house sounds like a fabulous idea! I haven't changed the paint color for a few years now...dh use to tease me about always repainting:haha: I think it's time!

Anyway I do hope you can still catch the egg. I KNOW exactly how you feel! When I got my OPK last week, I was like woohoo! and we bd in the afternoon with big plans for a bedtime bd as well. WELL, dh went to bed before me (i was working on paperwork in office) he assured me he would awaken when I came to bd..well, he was too tired:nope: so no BD. So, I thought we would just stick with nighttime BD'ing rather than 2x a 5pm the following day, my OPK was neg. so I thought "why bother,,too late...feeling bummed and MAD at dh). So today, when I entered my temps on FF, it MOVED MY O DATE to 2 days later!!! Now I'm quite certain we missed the egg:dohh:

If we didn't catch the egg this's probably for the best. AF should be here around 1/22-1/23, We leave on 1/30 for a month! I've been wondering how I could squeeze in several blood draws and U/S..ensuring no tubal before leaving. Ahhh, at least God knows what's best. I'll just rest in that:thumbup:

BTW, my ticker is all messed up! AF came 2 days early last month and has thrown off my groove:haha: I have NO idea what my cycle lenth will be this month..usually 30 or 31 days...guess we'll see.

One last thing, does anyone else have trouble with remembering the calander day? I seem to "date" everything by CD or DPO:rofl: I really have to stop and think? Oh, today is the 14th! not CD23 or 6DPO :wacko:

YES!!!! That is the one thing that has been soooo confusing for me. I will think, no when did I go to the bank? I think it was the 14th...and I then I will realize that the actual calendar date is completely different!
I am 34 yrs old & have 4 beautiful children from previous marriage. I had my tubes tied in Mar. 2000 & of course began to regret that decision not too long after. I remarried & had a tubal reversal in June 2007. We tried to get pregnant for months with no success & our Dr. suggested Clomid. Our first month using Clomid we got pregnant & gave birth to our beautiful baby girl 9 months later!! She is now 2 yrs old & we are trying again! Good Luck to all,xxBABY DUSTxx

That's wonderful! Good luck on the next one!
Hi sagapo, Sorry the witch got you. I really do hate her. :hugs: take this link and you will see a button new thread. You can start you own journal there. That's where the TTC journals are. I hoped I helped.

Yes! Thank you so much!
hiya girlies!!!! HOOORRRAYY! af got me really, I'm Relieved~i knew it wasn't my bfp month and just wanted to get it here to start temping and, here's what I need to know..which is funny, b/c it's what you are talking about!!! OK, af got me 1-14-11 at like, is THIS CD1 or will tomorrow...I guess I'm a lil unsure b/c is it the Sec you see blood, OR is it after it really starts a flowing? AND, since it started today at 1~obviously I didn't BBT so that will start tomorrow~right???
This is our 1st attempt at SMEP, Charting and bbt, CM, and cervix...phew, that's a lot on my plate..going to take some time to get used to...
Thanks for pic sag!!! I have to ARE cute LOL..even sometimes when WE look a mess to OURselves, we don't necessarily to another...I tried to put a pic on, and if you go into my profile you'll see it, but it doesn't show up on the thread? Can anyone help?
love ya my TR thread girls!!!!!
my GF is doing BETTER!!!!! NO ONE thought it was ACTUALLY going to come to this!!!! Prayers are ABSOLUTELY w/out a doubt working and I'm thanking Jesus!!!! She's still in very serious condition, BUT the radiation dr came in and said that IT SEEMS that the tumors ARE shrinking....and that's all we needed to have happen at this point!!!
Keep up w/ the prayers and THANK you!!!!
:dust: and :hug:
Oh, yeah, what IS the CD for anyway, what am I supposed to be doing w/ that? Something?
CD is cycle day hun. Today would be cd1. and after you ovualte you will dpo...days past ovulation. Good luck this month. YOu got a full plate try not to stress yourself out! FX and good luck!
Am I the only one that not temping? And not using OPK's? I'm just going to have a ton of sex...haha. It worked before TR! My doc mentioned that worry can cause the uterus to be "inhospitable", and i think paying too much attention would...well, make me worry.
Am I the only one that not temping? And not using OPK's? I'm just going to have a ton of sex...haha. It worked before TR! My doc mentioned that worry can cause the uterus to be "inhospitable", and i think paying too much attention would...well, make me worry.

Dash, I have not been temping, I am however waiting on opks to arrive in the mail. I will be/had been doing just that. Lots of Can never go wrong with that :thumbup:
hiya girlies!!!! HOOORRRAYY! af got me really, I'm Relieved~i knew it wasn't my bfp month and just wanted to get it here to start temping and, here's what I need to know..which is funny, b/c it's what you are talking about!!! OK, af got me 1-14-11 at like, is THIS CD1 or will tomorrow...I guess I'm a lil unsure b/c is it the Sec you see blood, OR is it after it really starts a flowing? AND, since it started today at 1~obviously I didn't BBT so that will start tomorrow~right???
This is our 1st attempt at SMEP, Charting and bbt, CM, and cervix...phew, that's a lot on my plate..going to take some time to get used to...
Thanks for pic sag!!! I have to ARE cute LOL..even sometimes when WE look a mess to OURselves, we don't necessarily to another...I tried to put a pic on, and if you go into my profile you'll see it, but it doesn't show up on the thread? Can anyone help?
love ya my TR thread girls!!!!!
my GF is doing BETTER!!!!! NO ONE thought it was ACTUALLY going to come to this!!!! Prayers are ABSOLUTELY w/out a doubt working and I'm thanking Jesus!!!! She's still in very serious condition, BUT the radiation dr came in and said that IT SEEMS that the tumors ARE shrinking....and that's all we needed to have happen at this point!!!
Keep up w/ the prayers and THANK you!!!!
:dust: and :hug:

I always count cd1 if there is full flow...but it's not been an issue because when I get it, I REALLY get it...I usually have spotting the day before...and then the next day it's there in full force...only this time did I have more spotting than normal...I hope that does not happen next just gets me all outta whack.

I do ALL of that stuff...charting, OPKs...other stuff...and everyone kept telling me just to RELAX...but I have to tell you, I AM relaxed (all except for waiting on AF it get here and it just not showing up)...For some crazy reason, I kinda LIKE all that testing. I know, it probably means I am crazy...but it's like a science experiment and it's kind of fun...but I am sure it will grow to be a whole lot less fun if my TTC journey is long...but for now, I am enjoying it...and yes, I do know that sounds crazy. Hahaha. It makes me feel like I am doing something...instead of just know?

I did the pic thing and could not figure out how to get it to show up on my posts...but then I did...I made it my avatar...see where you can edit your profile? Go down and edit your's just like adding a profile pic. Same process.

I am SOOOO glad that your friend is doing better. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Welcome mommie6 it's great to hear another happy ending!! sorry sag but like you said you knew she was coming now you can start getting down to business and catch that egg :) I dont chart either but if this is not my bfp month im going to start my husband works alot and is often tired or not here so The whole plan of having alot of sex this month did'nt toatallly work, I think i missed the O day :( SO anyways I figure if jI temp I will now the main days I have to!! have sex and the opks are just going to be an added bonus :)
Dash & Superstoked:

You guys made me laugh! I love your 'lots of sex' method!

I wish my DH would jump on board that method too...not that we don't BD enough...we do...but my drive is higher than his...hehe. Always has been even before TR. I wonder if it's his age...he's 41...I am the always the one trying to get in HIS knickers. Hehehe.
Welcome mommie6 it's great to hear another happy ending!! sorry sag but like you said you knew she was coming now you can start getting down to business and catch that egg :) I dont chart either but if this is not my bfp month im going to start my husband works alot and is often tired or not here so The whole plan of having alot of sex this month did'nt toatallly work, I think i missed the O day :( SO anyways I figure if jI temp I will now the main days I have to!! have sex and the opks are just going to be an added bonus :)

Yep, you're right! I can start counting down til O. I do temping and OPKs...the temping lets you know for sure that you definitely ovulated...but you won't see that for sure until...what? Two or three days after O. I do it to make sure I ovulate for sure each cycle...because I would worry about whether I actually ovulated or not that cycle if I didn't...and the OPKs let you know your two most fertile dates to ovulate...I usually start BD on CD7 every other day and then all the time once I get a positive OPK...I continue testing...and BDing...until I get a negative OPK...then after that, it's back to as often as I can talk my hubby into it...hehe. But between OPKs and temping, it should give you a great window for success!

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