Evening Ladies ,sorry i have been gone...things are kinda messed up and stressful right now....I'm battling with my mother in law and My husband left for a few weeks(navy life gotta love it!!)....things for my son aren't working out so DH and I made the decision to bring him back home and my in-laws are having a fit!!
I don't understand why though...it's not working for them or our son so we as his parents are bring our son home!! Well now I am the wicked witch and my mother in law says i'm ruining my son's life and that she is tired of putting up with me and it just goes on and on and on!!! How did I get SO lucky!!
So anyways DS is coming home on Sunday and i will get him set back up in school and we will go from their and work through anything that needs to be done.
I haven't gone back to read anything yet so please forgive me....just really wanted to poke my head in and say i'm alive and I hope everyone is doing well,I have been thinking of you all and miss ya allI will pop back on tomorrow. Night
I get mine on line~ebay..they are WAY cheaper than CVS or walmart or wherever.I got 50 for $7.00
Whoever said it, you're right..think it was you Saga...telling my DH has TOTALLY been a positive thing...I can see where it may sway them to be "weird" but talking and being open about EVERYTHING really has helped our relationship...I was going through this emotional badness and DH didn't know and by things he was saying was breaking me down even more..when we sat and talked and made a plan it made everything SOOO much better.
I don't know if I can bring myself to do the BSF have you girls done it yet..I'm real nervous about touching my cervix...I wanna hear how you girls do it and what it's like b4 I can bring myself to it
Oooh, maybe someone with more knowledge of this will chime in, but I don't think you want to touch your cervix with the baking soda!I *thought* you just insert your dipped finger inside just a very short distance..like maybe an inch? I think the ones that did this said the further in you put it, the more it can burn. I believe NEEDA might share some info on this
Evening Ladies ,sorry i have been gone...things are kinda messed up and stressful right now....I'm battling with my mother in law and My husband left for a few weeks(navy life gotta love it!!)....things for my son aren't working out so DH and I made the decision to bring him back home and my in-laws are having a fit!!
I don't understand why though...it's not working for them or our son so we as his parents are bring our son home!! Well now I am the wicked witch and my mother in law says i'm ruining my son's life and that she is tired of putting up with me and it just goes on and on and on!!! How did I get SO lucky!!
So anyways DS is coming home on Sunday and i will get him set back up in school and we will go from their and work through anything that needs to be done.
I haven't gone back to read anything yet so please forgive me....just really wanted to poke my head in and say i'm alive and I hope everyone is doing well,I have been thinking of you all and miss ya allI will pop back on tomorrow. Night
Hiya girls...sure do miss being on this thread ~ it's been CRAZY here ~my GF is suuuuper critical..there was an emerg last night and I zoomed to the hosp at 1am~I'm soooo tired...
NAVY, iscky situation, but w/ the others, keep doing what is right..I don't wanna pry either but why was he with your MIL?? I'll pray for your family's peace that reconciliation will happen sooner than later and you'll experience MUCHO peace amongst each other!!!!
Yeah, it's a grand idea to check cervix before BSF BUT, I'm sooo new at checking it, I don't wanna be wrong...but if it's only supposed to go up an inch or so, that shouldn't reach it anyway...???? IDK, maybe next cycle I'll give it a whirl if this cycle plan doesn't present a BFP...I'm CD2 and started temping this morning...already confused..my thermo said one thing I SWEAR when i looked at it this morning, but once i woke up to mark on my chart..it said something different...I wrote what i saw...
AF heavy this month..hate it...we all do I know...
6days until my doc appt yay!!!
Isn't EPO supposed to soften the cervix? I know that's the function is serves during pregnancy and before birth...
Dash you are right about the EPO. That's why you should only take it up til ovulation time and not start it again until AF shows.
No chance of a bfp dash? If I am not mistaken, I think one of the ladies on this thread was late on af after surgery as well.
My period is 2 days late...and for no good reasonIm hoping it was just the surgery throwing off my cycle, but this has NEVER happened before!