TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Welcome mommie6 it's great to hear another happy ending!! sorry sag but like you said you knew she was coming now you can start getting down to business and catch that egg :) I dont chart either but if this is not my bfp month im going to start my husband works alot and is often tired or not here so The whole plan of having alot of sex this month did'nt toatallly work, I think i missed the O day :( SO anyways I figure if jI temp I will now the main days I have to!! have sex and the opks are just going to be an added bonus :)

Yep, you're right! I can start counting down til O. I do temping and OPKs...the temping lets you know for sure that you definitely ovulated...but you won't see that for sure until...what? Two or three days after O. I do it to make sure I ovulate for sure each cycle...because I would worry about whether I actually ovulated or not that cycle if I didn't...and the OPKs let you know your two most fertile dates to ovulate...I usually start BD on CD7 every other day and then all the time once I get a positive OPK...I continue testing...and BDing...until I get a negative OPK...then after that, it's back to as often as I can talk my hubby into it...hehe. But between OPKs and temping, it should give you a great window for success!

That sounds like a good plan :thumbup: my husband is 30 and he tells me he is getting old and is no longer in his prime im like come on!!! He keeps saying wow! you are determined and im like uh duh where have you been??? He does'nt understand that having a baby after TR is not the same or as easy as it was before and that gets alittle frustrating :dohh: OH well I guess it's all part of the journey
I am 34 yrs old & have 4 beautiful children from previous marriage. I had my tubes tied in Mar. 2000 & of course began to regret that decision not too long after. I remarried & had a tubal reversal in June 2007. We tried to get pregnant for months with no success & our Dr. suggested Clomid. Our first month using Clomid we got pregnant & gave birth to our beautiful baby girl 9 months later!! She is now 2 yrs old & we are trying again! Good Luck to all,xxBABY DUSTxx

Welcome and good luck!:dust:
Welcome mommie6 it's great to hear another happy ending!! sorry sag but like you said you knew she was coming now you can start getting down to business and catch that egg :) I dont chart either but if this is not my bfp month im going to start my husband works alot and is often tired or not here so The whole plan of having alot of sex this month did'nt toatallly work, I think i missed the O day :( SO anyways I figure if jI temp I will now the main days I have to!! have sex and the opks are just going to be an added bonus :)

Yep, you're right! I can start counting down til O. I do temping and OPKs...the temping lets you know for sure that you definitely ovulated...but you won't see that for sure until...what? Two or three days after O. I do it to make sure I ovulate for sure each cycle...because I would worry about whether I actually ovulated or not that cycle if I didn't...and the OPKs let you know your two most fertile dates to ovulate...I usually start BD on CD7 every other day and then all the time once I get a positive OPK...I continue testing...and BDing...until I get a negative OPK...then after that, it's back to as often as I can talk my hubby into it...hehe. But between OPKs and temping, it should give you a great window for success!

That sounds like a good plan :thumbup: my husband is 30 and he tells me he is getting old and is no longer in his prime im like come on!!! He keeps saying wow! you are determined and im like uh duh where have you been??? He does'nt understand that having a baby after TR is not the same or as easy as it was before and that gets alittle frustrating :dohh: OH well I guess it's all part of the journey

Yeah, mine is 41 and says that...and I am still not buying...haha! And mine is getting completely on board with everything I do while TTC. I told him that he had NO idea what I have to do and all he has to do is show up and I started telling him some...even told him what CM was...this was last night, by the way...haha. He was more receptive to hearing me talk about CM than I ever thought he would be...hehe...I even told him about the baking soda and he actually went out and got me some even after I told him exactly what I was going to do with it!!! Hahaha. I really think he had no idea what this entails and once I told him, he was more receptive to doing whatever I say...because it IS a lot! I told him that when I get my BFP that I will be so proud because I WORKED for this baby this time...I EARNED it! Haha. do you set up your journals???

Oh, and by the way, Ladies...I got AF last night...for real this this is cycle day 2 for me. Hopefully this will be my lucky month!

Sorry the :witch: came. Hoping you get blessed with your :bfp: soon!
Welcome mommie6 it's great to hear another happy ending!! sorry sag but like you said you knew she was coming now you can start getting down to business and catch that egg :) I dont chart either but if this is not my bfp month im going to start my husband works alot and is often tired or not here so The whole plan of having alot of sex this month did'nt toatallly work, I think i missed the O day :( SO anyways I figure if jI temp I will now the main days I have to!! have sex and the opks are just going to be an added bonus :)

Yep, you're right! I can start counting down til O. I do temping and OPKs...the temping lets you know for sure that you definitely ovulated...but you won't see that for sure until...what? Two or three days after O. I do it to make sure I ovulate for sure each cycle...because I would worry about whether I actually ovulated or not that cycle if I didn't...and the OPKs let you know your two most fertile dates to ovulate...I usually start BD on CD7 every other day and then all the time once I get a positive OPK...I continue testing...and BDing...until I get a negative OPK...then after that, it's back to as often as I can talk my hubby into it...hehe. But between OPKs and temping, it should give you a great window for success!

That sounds like a good plan :thumbup: my husband is 30 and he tells me he is getting old and is no longer in his prime im like come on!!! He keeps saying wow! you are determined and im like uh duh where have you been??? He does'nt understand that having a baby after TR is not the same or as easy as it was before and that gets alittle frustrating :dohh: OH well I guess it's all part of the journey

Yeah, mine is 41 and says that...and I am still not buying...haha! And mine is getting completely on board with everything I do while TTC. I told him that he had NO idea what I have to do and all he has to do is show up and I started telling him some...even told him what CM was...this was last night, by the way...haha. He was more receptive to hearing me talk about CM than I ever thought he would be...hehe...I even told him about the baking soda and he actually went out and got me some even after I told him exactly what I was going to do with it!!! Hahaha. I really think he had no idea what this entails and once I told him, he was more receptive to doing whatever I say...because it IS a lot! I told him that when I get my BFP that I will be so proud because I WORKED for this baby this time...I EARNED it! Haha.

OMG that is hillarious hahahha If I told my DH about cm he just might die, I keep alot of whats going on to myself maybe I should fill him in a little more I just dont want to take the hottness out of having sex for him at least I can pretend its still hot lol @ nights ago I snuck into the bedroom to insert some preseed without him knowing and believe it or not he still does not know there was any additives to that night od bding hehe. I have to say I really love that preseed stuff I used half the dose thanks to you lovely ladies on here and it was perfect was just like me actually being wet:happydance:
If I don't conceive this time. I'm going to try pre-seed. One of my friends that has had a TR already has one TR baby and has a 2nd TR baby due in Feb. She used pre-seed and insted cups so I thought I would give it a try!
Am I the only one that not temping? And not using OPK's? I'm just going to have a ton of sex...haha. It worked before TR! My doc mentioned that worry can cause the uterus to be "inhospitable", and i think paying too much attention would...well, make me worry.

If your schedule allows for LOTS of lovin'...that sounds like a great route for TTC....cheaper:haha: and not fretting about being woken up before you can BBT or holding your bladder/drinking fluids/not drinking fluids/wondering what time is best for OPKs. Take the less stressful road:happydance:
Woooohhhooooo ! I GOT TIRED!!!!! I took a nap..but now I'll probably be up ALL night...anyway, HOPING my insomnia is coming to an end:)

Anywho, all this sleep, I've missed so much!!!!

I thought the TONS of sex method would be the KEY..but then it got and then my va jay jay was like ummmm please stop!!! BUT beyond ALL of that, which is probably why that was happening...I read that having TOO much lovings can cause everything to get too dry..which is going to prevent the sperm from when we thought we needed to we'd use pre-seed..personally I hate lube, like saliva, but it's probably not a bad thing to have close at hand for when necessary!!

THANK YOU TO ALL ya'll that cleared me up on the Cycle day...It would make sense to start it as day one TODAY, but who knows..everything else is so complicated...figured this may as well be too...

peace to all my life lovers!!!!
The lots of sex method keeps DH happy! :D I'm almost 3 weeks post op, and have yet to even try sex. At this point he might purposely try to NOT get me pregnant in order to keep trying, haha!

I looked online and saw a lot of OPK's come with test strips- I'm thinking of investing in a pack just out of curiosity? And well...because I know I will need at least 20 tests...right?

Where do you guys buy yours online? All this may have been gone over already, sorry if I'm repeating things.
I get mine on line~ebay..they are WAY cheaper than CVS or walmart or wherever.I got 50 for $7.00

Whoever said it, you're right..think it was you Saga...telling my DH has TOTALLY been a positive thing...I can see where it may sway them to be "weird" but talking and being open about EVERYTHING really has helped our relationship...I was going through this emotional badness and DH didn't know and by things he was saying was breaking me down even more..when we sat and talked and made a plan it made everything SOOO much better.

I don't know if I can bring myself to do the BSF have you girls done it yet..I'm real nervous about touching my cervix...I wanna hear how you girls do it and what it's like b4 I can bring myself to it ;)

Evening Ladies ,sorry i have been gone...things are kinda messed up and stressful right now....I'm battling with my mother in law and My husband left for a few weeks(navy life gotta love it!!)....things for my son aren't working out so DH and I made the decision to bring him back home and my in-laws are having a fit!!
I don't understand why though:shrug:'s not working for them or our son so we as his parents are bring our son home!! Well now I am the wicked witch and my mother in law says i'm ruining my son's life and that she is tired of putting up with me and it just goes on and on and on!!! How did I get SO lucky!!:growlmad::nope:
So anyways DS is coming home on Sunday and i will get him set back up in school and we will go from their and work through anything that needs to be done.
I haven't gone back to read anything yet so please forgive me....just really wanted to poke my head in and say i'm alive and I hope everyone is doing well,I have been thinking of you all and miss ya all :) I will pop back on tomorrow. Night :hug:
I don't know if I can bring myself to do the BSF have you girls done it yet..I'm real nervous about touching my cervix...I wanna hear how you girls do it and what it's like b4 I can bring myself to it ;):hug:

As for the BSF I won't be doing it this month.... It's a bust month for me:( but I am curious to hear how it has worked for other ladies thinking of doing this...I will be doing the BSF next month:) fingers crossed for everyone this month:)
I get mine on line~ebay..they are WAY cheaper than CVS or walmart or wherever.I got 50 for $7.00

Whoever said it, you're right..think it was you Saga...telling my DH has TOTALLY been a positive thing...I can see where it may sway them to be "weird" but talking and being open about EVERYTHING really has helped our relationship...I was going through this emotional badness and DH didn't know and by things he was saying was breaking me down even more..when we sat and talked and made a plan it made everything SOOO much better.

I don't know if I can bring myself to do the BSF have you girls done it yet..I'm real nervous about touching my cervix...I wanna hear how you girls do it and what it's like b4 I can bring myself to it ;)


Maybe you could check the position of your cervix BEFORE you do BSF- that way you will know how low your cervix is, so you can make sure to NOT touch it with BSF?
I get mine on line~ebay..they are WAY cheaper than CVS or walmart or wherever.I got 50 for $7.00

Whoever said it, you're right..think it was you Saga...telling my DH has TOTALLY been a positive thing...I can see where it may sway them to be "weird" but talking and being open about EVERYTHING really has helped our relationship...I was going through this emotional badness and DH didn't know and by things he was saying was breaking me down even more..when we sat and talked and made a plan it made everything SOOO much better.

I don't know if I can bring myself to do the BSF have you girls done it yet..I'm real nervous about touching my cervix...I wanna hear how you girls do it and what it's like b4 I can bring myself to it ;)


Oooh, maybe someone with more knowledge of this will chime in, but I don't think you want to touch your cervix with the baking soda!:nope: I *thought* you just insert your dipped finger inside just a very short maybe an inch? I think the ones that did this said the further in you put it, the more it can burn. I believe NEEDA might share some info on this:thumbup:
Evening Ladies ,sorry i have been gone...things are kinda messed up and stressful right now....I'm battling with my mother in law and My husband left for a few weeks(navy life gotta love it!!)....things for my son aren't working out so DH and I made the decision to bring him back home and my in-laws are having a fit!!
I don't understand why though:shrug:'s not working for them or our son so we as his parents are bring our son home!! Well now I am the wicked witch and my mother in law says i'm ruining my son's life and that she is tired of putting up with me and it just goes on and on and on!!! How did I get SO lucky!!:growlmad::nope:
So anyways DS is coming home on Sunday and i will get him set back up in school and we will go from their and work through anything that needs to be done.
I haven't gone back to read anything yet so please forgive me....just really wanted to poke my head in and say i'm alive and I hope everyone is doing well,I have been thinking of you all and miss ya all :) I will pop back on tomorrow. Night :hug:

Navy: so sorry your having family struggles:hugs: I will be praying for you:flower:
Navy, sorry about your family issue. :hugs: You are doing what is right, that is all the matters doll xx
Navy,Sorry to hear about MIL,but glad you stood your ground hun.Moma knows best!!:hugs:

Adanma posted that she gave the BSF a test run and said she had lots of cm later on that day.

I would also suggest checking cervix before bsf.I am planning on waiting closer to O to give it a try when my cervix is high,but honestly I forgot to pick some up at the store so if I remember to get it I will give it a go and let you ladies know.

:dust:to all you lovely ladies!!
Navy sorry to hear about the mother in law :( keep doing what you think is best!
Has anyone started Evening Primrose oil? I got some of that along with Gauifinesin 400 mg tabs yesterday at the store. Well, I took 2000 mg which is 1000 mg less than the max dose and have not used the Guaf. yet. Well, I was just getting over bleeding a few days ago and today I have cramps and spotting. I've seen some women asking the same question when I searched it, but nothing definite. Anyone else had this happen? I NEVER spot so this is definitely new.

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