TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

hmmm that's weird..I'm sorry I'm dwelling on it..just really really frustrating to you can probably tell :/
maybe it doesn't keep the memory, but WHY did it say on the front of the box it did..that was like a Highlight about the stupid thing...
And, it just makes me wonder EVEN IF I CHART RIGHT reliable it is, b/c when DH took his 2x's less than a min apart it had 2 very different readings..IDK..I guess I'm so bummed b/c I can't just go out and buy another...we started this extreme budgeting thing and it's NOT in the budget and every penny of DH pay is accounted for..if we switch it up for even just $10 it changes EVERYTHING and isn't worth it..
thanks for being sweet though as I dwell on my BBT issues!!!!

Oh, I am sorry...I had this very thing happen to me. All of a sudden my BBT therm started giving me weird random readings. I would take it once...then take it again would be something completely different, even a degree higher when I took it consecutively and immediately after the last really shouldn't do that. If you test and retest consecutively, and you put therm in the same place in your mouth each time, the temps should be the same each time, or VERY close to the same. My thermometer just needed a new battery. I got a new one and one to spare just in case it ever happened again...but if you can change the battery in yours, it may be a cheaper option than having to buy a new thermometer...I know, it stinks...
I had that last cycle..I WAS SURE absolutely w/out a doubt it was THE wasn't :( BUT starting at O I had low R ab pain, which was great b/c I knew it was O time:) but after O~up until 4-5DPO I STILL had that would sometimes take over all of my lower ab, but only for seconds and sometimes wrap to my lower back...

i'm sure that didn't help you at all..maybe it's something!! I SURE hope it is!!!! You a POASA???

Tater how long ago was your TR? The first 2 months I had alot of pains too but last month was fine, who the hell knows maybe it skipped a month lol. Im totally a poasa but im waiting untill this weekend because I know it def. wont show up earlier then that :( Did you have any vag pain or pressure? Thats really whats stumping me:dohh::dohh:

I had this with my last AF but have also had it when I got a BFP.. I have given up sympton spotting,cos I just find its too similiar, I thought last month was the month.. I got nose bleeds and heartburn and felt really tired, things I dont normally have with AF, but I still got my AF... I really hate the waiting..
I hope it is your BFP though xx

Thanks angel Im feeling fine today so i have a major feeling its just not my month AGAIN! this whole thing really sucks I find my hopefullness getting less each month :cry: what if im that girl that this just does'nt work for?????
how does everyone stay so + ? I really dont want to be a negative nancy about this. If this is not my month im def. temping and opking next month

I feel for you and totally understand. I think all of us have that thought...what if it doesn't work for me... I know it pops up in my head more than I would like to admit. That's why I love you girls and this group. No one can understand how we feel unless they have had a TL & TR too... You guys always pick me up when I am down and give me hope in moments when I think there is none...

I'll happen...the best thing we can do...all of talk to each other...and be aware and in tune with our bodies...and we're all doing just that!'ll work, we just have to keep on trying. :hugs:
Adanma & Tater...

Happy birthday to your little ones! I miss mine being so little. My youngest are girl/boy twins and they are 8. They'll be 9 in May...ughhh. They grow up TOO fast!
I had that last cycle..I WAS SURE absolutely w/out a doubt it was THE wasn't :( BUT starting at O I had low R ab pain, which was great b/c I knew it was O time:) but after O~up until 4-5DPO I STILL had that would sometimes take over all of my lower ab, but only for seconds and sometimes wrap to my lower back...

i'm sure that didn't help you at all..maybe it's something!! I SURE hope it is!!!! You a POASA???

Tater how long ago was your TR? The first 2 months I had alot of pains too but last month was fine, who the hell knows maybe it skipped a month lol. Im totally a poasa but im waiting untill this weekend because I know it def. wont show up earlier then that :( Did you have any vag pain or pressure? Thats really whats stumping me:dohh::dohh:

I had this with my last AF but have also had it when I got a BFP.. I have given up sympton spotting,cos I just find its too similiar, I thought last month was the month.. I got nose bleeds and heartburn and felt really tired, things I dont normally have with AF, but I still got my AF... I really hate the waiting..
I hope it is your BFP though xx

Thanks angel Im feeling fine today so i have a major feeling its just not my month AGAIN! this whole thing really sucks I find my hopefullness getting less each month :cry: what if im that girl that this just does'nt work for?????
how does everyone stay so + ? I really dont want to be a negative nancy about this. If this is not my month im def. temping and opking next month

I feel for you and totally understand. I think all of us have that thought...what if it doesn't work for me... I know it pops up in my head more than I would like to admit. That's why I love you girls and this group. No one can understand how we feel unless they have had a TL & TR too... You guys always pick me up when I am down and give me hope in moments when I think there is none...

I'll happen...the best thing we can do...all of talk to each other...and be aware and in tune with our bodies...and we're all doing just that!'ll work, we just have to keep on trying. :hugs:

AWWWW thanks sag :hugs: I really needed that today, somedays are just more consuming then others. Yesterday the kids were home from school for the 2nd day (snow) and I thought I was going to lose it! I love them to death I just feel like im consumed with 2ww and poas and timing the perfect time to bd! I want to get preggo so badly I feel like its taking over my brain and I dont want that to happen I dont want to be doing this for a year and look back and be like damn the kids I have are another year older and I missed it because I was sooooo consumed with getting preggo!!:cry: Im still here obviously I just dont feel present all the time and I dont like that its just hard to pull myself away from this obsession. :dohh: Ok sorry im done venting lol Im going to put on my big girl pants and keep moving forward:winkwink:
I had that last cycle..I WAS SURE absolutely w/out a doubt it was THE wasn't :( BUT starting at O I had low R ab pain, which was great b/c I knew it was O time:) but after O~up until 4-5DPO I STILL had that would sometimes take over all of my lower ab, but only for seconds and sometimes wrap to my lower back...

i'm sure that didn't help you at all..maybe it's something!! I SURE hope it is!!!! You a POASA???

Tater how long ago was your TR? The first 2 months I had alot of pains too but last month was fine, who the hell knows maybe it skipped a month lol. Im totally a poasa but im waiting untill this weekend because I know it def. wont show up earlier then that :( Did you have any vag pain or pressure? Thats really whats stumping me:dohh::dohh:

I had this with my last AF but have also had it when I got a BFP.. I have given up sympton spotting,cos I just find its too similiar, I thought last month was the month.. I got nose bleeds and heartburn and felt really tired, things I dont normally have with AF, but I still got my AF... I really hate the waiting..
I hope it is your BFP though xx

Thanks angel Im feeling fine today so i have a major feeling its just not my month AGAIN! this whole thing really sucks I find my hopefullness getting less each month :cry: what if im that girl that this just does'nt work for?????
how does everyone stay so + ? I really dont want to be a negative nancy about this. If this is not my month im def. temping and opking next month

I feel for you and totally understand. I think all of us have that thought...what if it doesn't work for me... I know it pops up in my head more than I would like to admit. That's why I love you girls and this group. No one can understand how we feel unless they have had a TL & TR too... You guys always pick me up when I am down and give me hope in moments when I think there is none...

I'll happen...the best thing we can do...all of talk to each other...and be aware and in tune with our bodies...and we're all doing just that!'ll work, we just have to keep on trying. :hugs:

AWWWW thanks sag :hugs: I really needed that today, somedays are just more consuming then others. Yesterday the kids were home from school for the 2nd day (snow) and I thought I was going to lose it! I love them to death I just feel like im consumed with 2ww and poas and timing the perfect time to bd! I want to get preggo so badly I feel like its taking over my brain and I dont want that to happen I dont want to be doing this for a year and look back and be like damn the kids I have are another year older and I missed it because I was sooooo consumed with getting preggo!!:cry: Im still here obviously I just dont feel present all the time and I dont like that its just hard to pull myself away from this obsession. :dohh: Ok sorry im done venting lol Im going to put on my big girl pants and keep moving forward:winkwink:

You are sooooo welcome! My kids were home the entire week last week because of the snow here and as much as I love them...I nearly did a dance when it was time for them to go back to school! They TURN on each other when it is too cold to stay outside and they are bored in here. The bickering makes me CRAAAAZY!

It's okay to feel the way you feel. We ALL have good days and bad... But no one, and I mean no one...understands the frustration and doubt that gets to us sometimes more than you ladies in this group. I really don't know what I would do without you guys... Ladies like Reeds give me so much hope. I am so glad she has stayed in this group to cheer us on. I just have to believe that it'll happen for us too...the hardest part for me and what gets to me is that I never had to TRY before...and it's so frustrating. I am so sorry I took my past fertility for granted. Now I worry sometimes that it might be my age that is causing it to take longer...or that I shouldn't have done anything to damage my tubes and maybe I'll never get pregnant...or maybe it was those two beers my hubby had last Tuesday...hehe...all that stuff goes through all our heads and the only thing really that is going to make it better is a BFP....

We'll keep plugging along and supporting each other....and we'll all get our BFPs...hopefully SOON!:hugs:
:hugs: Ive yet to TTC, but I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. Im sorry your feeling down!
:hugs: Ive yet to TTC, but I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. Im sorry your feeling down!

awww thanks DASH I dont want to freak you out :dohh: Just having one of those days, Im feelin alot better since Sag put me back into the right state of mind and let me know this is normal (thanks sag) Everyones experince is different I have to say if you have the oppurtunity to temp I suggest doing it, I think the ladies that temp know alot more about what is going on in there bodies I wish I did that from the begining. GL dash when do you get to start trying?
:hugs: Ive yet to TTC, but I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. Im sorry your feeling down!

awww thanks DASH I dont want to freak you out :dohh: Just having one of those days, Im feelin alot better since Sag put me back into the right state of mind and let me know this is normal (thanks sag) Everyones experince is different I have to say if you have the oppurtunity to temp I suggest doing it, I think the ladies that temp know alot more about what is going on in there bodies I wish I did that from the begining. GL dash when do you get to start trying?

PS: Have I told you lately that I love you guys :hugs::kiss::kiss::drunk::flasher::hangwashing: haha I love these things just had to add
awwww momma, i know and get how you feel, think most of us do...I think that too, the stats are soooo good for getting pregnant after TR but there's that little window that don't ever conceive and I've been thinking that ~ WHAT happens if I'm not the one that doesn't???? :(
BUT there is a time and season for everyone and everything...a destiny and purpose not only for US but also for the new lil miracle blessings to all has to be THE perfect timing for each of us..when I start to get down and all blooy bloo, like WHY NOT me, I HAVE to remind myself, it's not THE perfect timing yet...I don't know how much you know, believe, trust in the Lord Jesus, BUT I DO and I know that His Word says that God KNOWS the desires of our hearts and HE WILL GIVE THEM to us as long as we ask and believe what we are asking for..DH and I HAVE asked and thanked in advance and we KNOW it'll happen, but it can't be OUR timing has to be the Perfect timing...I believe that knowing our bodies and keeping track/charting is a huge's soo important...I ALWAYS took getting pregnant for granted and the worst thing I could think I've done to my body is sterilization...It was NOT up to me to cut off our life line and yet I did that...making the choice FOR life~to be allowed to be blessed w/ children(the GREATEST blessing EVER) is going to come back to us...those that made that choice WILL be blessed and then we'll be grateful for things that we ALWAYS took for granted...
I've been down, up, down, up and it's beautiful how when I'm down, ya'll are up and vise versa..
Keep your chin up girl and BELIEVE in the goodness and DON'T speak out the negative...we have to rely on what we know is good, true, and right!
I DO Love all you much even w/out knowing's exciting to be going through this major journey w/ you all!!!!!
I've since calmed down about my BBT thermo..GOSH, though. I took my temp this morning and pressed the buttons on my phone, as like a sent call,,when I was ready to chart I pressed send to see the was quite different from all the others, but I temped an hour earlier...It was 5am instead of 6am~I didn't mean to do that...I was totally out of it...I thought it was not sure if that's why it was soo much lower..IDK if it's my battery sag, it's BRAND STINKING NEW..ugh,,,but I have my eye on one on ebay it's $1.00, I just am waiting to hear if it records in F rather than C..b/c I can't read celsius...
Thanks for all your encouragment...It'll work out....
:hugs: Ive yet to TTC, but I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. Im sorry your feeling down!

awww thanks DASH I dont want to freak you out :dohh: Just having one of those days, Im feelin alot better since Sag put me back into the right state of mind and let me know this is normal (thanks sag) Everyones experince is different I have to say if you have the oppurtunity to temp I suggest doing it, I think the ladies that temp know alot more about what is going on in there bodies I wish I did that from the begining. GL dash when do you get to start trying?

You just made my day!:happydance:
I've since calmed down about my BBT thermo..GOSH, though. I took my temp this morning and pressed the buttons on my phone, as like a sent call,,when I was ready to chart I pressed send to see the was quite different from all the others, but I temped an hour earlier...It was 5am instead of 6am~I didn't mean to do that...I was totally out of it...I thought it was not sure if that's why it was soo much lower..IDK if it's my battery sag, it's BRAND STINKING NEW..ugh,,,but I have my eye on one on ebay it's $1.00, I just am waiting to hear if it records in F rather than C..b/c I can't read celsius...
Thanks for all your encouragment...It'll work out....

Mine was brand stinking new too....all I can think is that it must have sat on that shelf FOREVER...ughhh. The things we have to go through, eh? It'll all be worth it though in the end...hehe. I just wish the END would hurry up and get here!

I am 8dpo...Usually O on day 13 or 14dpo. I am going to jump my hubby Friday and then every day until O. We'll see if that works!
sounds good girl!!! DH always loves the "jump him" days!!! He's TOTALLY counting down to SMEP!!!!! HAHAHA< he sent me an email today and said only one more day till SMEP!!!! Funny stuff!!! ttc isn't all that bad as long as we keep it fun and exciting..think breaking the bed is in order sometime soon!!!! LOL
maybe it did, hard to know where to find a thermo that HASN"T sat around forever, I'm sure if I asked the workers at the store, they'd have NOOOO idea, and would direct me to the newest, latest and greatest dora brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sounds good girl!!! DH always loves the "jump him" days!!! He's TOTALLY counting down to SMEP!!!!! HAHAHA< he sent me an email today and said only one more day till SMEP!!!! Funny stuff!!! ttc isn't all that bad as long as we keep it fun and exciting..think breaking the bed is in order sometime soon!!!! LOL
maybe it did, hard to know where to find a thermo that HASN"T sat around forever, I'm sure if I asked the workers at the store, they'd have NOOOO idea, and would direct me to the newest, latest and greatest dora brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think we SHOULD make cool and exciting BBT therms! If kids get Dora and Spongebob...why can't we have Sex & the rhinestones...or one that says your temp in Brad Pitt's voice..."Good Mornin' Sexy. Your temp is 97.86. See you tomorrow, same time, same place..."

Let's get a patent, Gals!
sounds good girl!!! DH always loves the "jump him" days!!! He's TOTALLY counting down to SMEP!!!!! HAHAHA< he sent me an email today and said only one more day till SMEP!!!! Funny stuff!!! ttc isn't all that bad as long as we keep it fun and exciting..think breaking the bed is in order sometime soon!!!! LOL
maybe it did, hard to know where to find a thermo that HASN"T sat around forever, I'm sure if I asked the workers at the store, they'd have NOOOO idea, and would direct me to the newest, latest and greatest dora brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always LOVE the JUMP HIM days! I am already counting down! My hubby will be out playing poker with the guys I told him to eat his Wheaties for tomorrow! Hehehe...
:hugs: Ive yet to ttc, but i can only imagine how frustrated you must be. Im sorry your feeling down!

awww thanks dash i dont want to freak you out :dohh: Just having one of those days, im feelin alot better since sag put me back into the right state of mind and let me know this is normal (thanks sag) everyones experince is different i have to say if you have the oppurtunity to temp i suggest doing it, i think the ladies that temp know alot more about what is going on in there bodies i wish i did that from the begining. Gl dash when do you get to start trying?

ps: Have i told you lately that i love you guys :hugs::kiss::kiss::drunk::flasher::hangwashing: Haha i love these things just had to add

meeeee tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah,,,what the heck we been waiting for..WHY aren't they cool??? COOL or at least working and reliable..
they'd sell like hot cakes sag!!! the slogan could be like
neat, pretty, AND reliable!!! I'm in...where do we start!!!
love the reading: your temp is 97.86 c u tomorrow, same time, same place,
Eww, you know what would ALSO be great, if it had a lil alarm on it, set it to your own custom temping time and have it get us up by saying something like, rise and shine sunshine, it's 6am!!! Great Idea Sag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah,,,what the heck we been waiting for..WHY aren't they cool??? COOL or at least working and reliable..
they'd sell like hot cakes sag!!! the slogan could be like
neat, pretty, AND reliable!!! I'm in...where do we start!!!
love the reading: your temp is 97.86 c u tomorrow, same time, same place,
Eww, you know what would ALSO be great, if it had a lil alarm on it, set it to your own custom temping time and have it get us up by saying something like, rise and shine sunshine, it's 6am!!! Great Idea Sag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it! TTC in STYLE!
tater Is my 4 yr old..his name is Tate but we call him Tater or Tater bean..whatever..Tahelon is my 2yr old..Said like Tay-lon

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