TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

tell me, what is your "cycle plan" ( if you have one) other than Jumping your man!! HAHA, are your doing SMEP?? we are doing SMEP, OKP's temping(well TRYING to temp) and charting..also Am learning to check my cervix and I'm checking my's a lot..I WANT that bfp THIS month so I don't have to do so much stinking work...GOSH
We will start TTC during my Feb cycle- actually, since Feb is a short month I think I will ovulate around the 28th to the 1st, thanks to late AF this month. I was supposed to O during mid-month Feb. I'm going to use OPK's, but not going to temp yet. I want to keep it as stress free as I can for a few months, and if I don't get a baby that sticks I will start doing things different...when that time comes.

That said, Im going to try my hardest NOT to get pregnant when I O next week. Because now that its possible, even though its advised against and I dont feel my body is ready, its going to be hard going from sterile to having to use BC.
tell me, what is your "cycle plan" ( if you have one) other than Jumping your man!! HAHA, are your doing SMEP?? we are doing SMEP, OKP's temping(well TRYING to temp) and charting..also Am learning to check my cervix and I'm checking my's a lot..I WANT that bfp THIS month so I don't have to do so much stinking work...GOSH

Okay...let's see if I can remember everything I am

I am charting/temping, using OPKs, checking CM, taking Mucinex (started that yesterday and will continue until O), I am taking Evening Primrose Oil (I started on cd1 and will continue until O...but since this is my first month using it, I decided to couple with Mucinex this month), After O, I will start Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements and discontinue Evening Primrose Oil, I am going to start BD tomorrow until O, once I get an OPK...I will do the baking soda...I am also taking a pre-natal vitamin every day, exercising 5 days a week, and 81mg of aspirin every single day...whew...I think that's it...
tell me, what is your "cycle plan" ( if you have one) other than Jumping your man!! HAHA, are your doing SMEP?? we are doing SMEP, OKP's temping(well TRYING to temp) and charting..also Am learning to check my cervix and I'm checking my's a lot..I WANT that bfp THIS month so I don't have to do so much stinking work...GOSH

I know...when we get our BFPs, we will have EARNED these babies with all the work we are doing. Hahaha!
I cant take a multivitamin. I have bladder sensitivities to Vit C, and any over-excess of acidic vitamins. Im taking Fish Oil, Folic Acid, Vit E & D right now. Are there any other really important ones you guys can think of?
I haven't heard of the fish oil, what is that doing and sag, what form of even primrose are you taking??

I'm thinking I want to take Vit B6, baby aspirin but I'm unsure what doses are right..hoping the doc will straighten it out for me tomorrow..

I'm going to start drinking Robi..heard that should start 5 days before O and continue for a few days after, problem is, I can't KNOW when O it's hard to say what 5 days before is......kinda was hoping the temping would help w/ that:dohh:b/c hellooo...but this stupid thermo, I have no idea what's going on...:nope:
I'm taking my prenatal each night, but no extra folic acid...was thinking about the even primrose oil but have heard lots about the extra bleeding...did ya'll have that? Maybe next cycle, just not sure what form/how much...?

Going to start OPK'S soon, I heard to start 3 DAAF but I'm going to do 3/day so wanna wait till maybe 5-6 DAAF...

I haven't started checking officially DONE :happydance: TODAY
When do you girls start checking CM AAF??
I haven't heard of the fish oil, what is that doing and sag, what form of even primrose are you taking??

I'm thinking I want to take Vit B6, baby aspirin but I'm unsure what doses are right..hoping the doc will straighten it out for me tomorrow..

I'm going to start drinking Robi..heard that should start 5 days before O and continue for a few days after, problem is, I can't KNOW when O it's hard to say what 5 days before is......kinda was hoping the temping would help w/ that:dohh:b/c hellooo...but this stupid thermo, I have no idea what's going on...:nope:
I'm taking my prenatal each night, but no extra folic acid...was thinking about the even primrose oil but have heard lots about the extra bleeding...did ya'll have that? Maybe next cycle, just not sure what form/how much...?

Going to start OPK'S soon, I heard to start 3 DAAF but I'm going to do 3/day so wanna wait till maybe 5-6 DAAF...

I haven't started checking officially DONE :happydance: TODAY
When do you girls start checking CM AAF??

I start doing OPKs on CD9...I think that is what you're supposed to do if your cycle is longer than 26 days...I think, if I am remembering correctly...

And I start checking CM on the first day AF is officially over...

I take Evening Primrose gelcaps...3000mg a day. Lots of the ladies use flaxseed oil after O and discontinue Evening Primrose because the primrose can cause cramps/contractions...which is the last thing you want while TTC. I decided to use the Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements instead of flaxseed...either are fine...they are each 2 different kinds of Omega 3 fatty acids...just after a lot of research, I decided to take the fish oil because it has DHA and EPA which are great for fetal brain development and you can continue taking it during pregnancy...there's not as much research on the flaxseed and pregnancy, it seems... Oh, DHA and EPA are in baby formula...

Also fish oil helps break down brown fat...helps with weight management and great for our brains and hearts...and helps with beautiful skin and healthy hair and nails...after reading all about it, I wondered why I hadn't been taking this years ago!

The aspirin helps with ovarian also helps with implantation because it makes the lining why not. I asked my doctor about the aspirin and he said TRY certainly can't hurt either way! Just 81 mg a day and no more he said. You can do baby aspirin or the adult low dose...
I cant take a multivitamin. I have bladder sensitivities to Vit C, and any over-excess of acidic vitamins. Im taking Fish Oil, Folic Acid, Vit E & D right now. Are there any other really important ones you guys can think of?

For me the only ones I can think of are iron and calcium...right? That's all I can think of for now...
I have a question for those that have had an early M/C. How long did it take your HCG #'s to get back to normal? I had what I thought was a chemical PG. Well, it's been 12 or 13 days since the bleeding stated (lasted 3 or 4 days)... Anyways, I started to do the OPKs for this cycle and kept getting positives so I took an HPT and it was positive too. I know women can sometimes bleed and then go on to have a normal PG. I just thought I wouldn't have any HCG left since I was only 4 weeks when the bleeding started. The doctors did not do any bloodwork or U/S. :shrug: I have a doctors appt. Monday, but I'm so confused it's driving me crazy! :wacko

Hope everyone is having a good evening! :flower:
I have a question for those that have had an early M/C. How long did it take your HCG #'s to get back to normal? I had what I thought was a chemical PG. Well, it's been 12 or 13 days since the bleeding stated (lasted 3 or 4 days)... Anyways, I started to do the OPKs for this cycle and kept getting positives so I took an HPT and it was positive too. I know women can sometimes bleed and then go on to have a normal PG. I just thought I wouldn't have any HCG left since I was only 4 weeks when the bleeding started. The doctors did not do any bloodwork or U/S. :shrug: I have a doctors appt. Monday, but I'm so confused it's driving me crazy! :wacko

Hope everyone is having a good evening! :flower:

Did you have a negative test after your chemical?I would make them do betas.Something doesn't sound right.
That's weird Jas, to be getting a positive test...could it be that you really didn't MC?

I've had lots of MC's and the 1st 2 only I had bloodwork w/ and the HCG never went back down to zero AT THE TIME OF THE LAST blood work..they said it would but once the HCG hit 6 and 8 they stopped the blood tests...It took about 6ish weeks for it to get to 6...

I agree w/ fam, something isn't right...did you have blood work at the 4wks?? b/c I also had MUCH more and longer bleeding than you said you did..I thought i wasn't ever going to stop bleeding....
let us know what happens girl
Wow Jasmine! maybe you're still preggers!:happydance: Did you ever have first tri bleeding with your other babies? Glad you're seeing the dr. :thumbup: Wonder what a CB digital would say?

As far as my plan for next cycle...(assuming I will be having one...I'm 12 dpo,
- hpt with FMU this am, and my temps are not too far above the coverline..not feeling too hopeful. However, I am so frusterated because I've had daily cramping for probably a good solid 7-10 days, all day nausea for about 4 days (not today though)..not bad by any means..just "there"..and heartburn..not today, but 3 or 4 solid days before...these are NOT my pre-TR AF signs. Not meaning to be such a whiner:hissy:...glad I was blessed with a TR..just didn't know AF would change so much..thought perhaps she would be kinder after the TR:nope:)

Sooooo, TTC month #3...I'm going to give the SMEP a try! Also doing the baking soda thing when I get a + opk, continuing with pre-seed..still haven't used the internal tubes, just the regular pre-seed lube. I never felt "dry" but maybe should try the internal pre-seed anyway. This month will be tricky as we will be away from home for about 5 traveling... during est. O time we will be at hotels:dohh:...we have three dc, hubby said, "well, we'll just have to get 2 rooms..every other night"... I suppose we could also fill an "instead" cup and insert that..I know women have used those to get the sperm where they're going when BD isn't an option. I just HATE to waste a month:happydance:

So, that's what I'm trying:thumbup:
I have a question for those that have had an early M/C. How long did it take your HCG #'s to get back to normal? I had what I thought was a chemical PG. Well, it's been 12 or 13 days since the bleeding stated (lasted 3 or 4 days)... Anyways, I started to do the OPKs for this cycle and kept getting positives so I took an HPT and it was positive too. I know women can sometimes bleed and then go on to have a normal PG. I just thought I wouldn't have any HCG left since I was only 4 weeks when the bleeding started. The doctors did not do any bloodwork or U/S. :shrug: I have a doctors appt. Monday, but I'm so confused it's driving me crazy! :wacko

Hope everyone is having a good evening! :flower:

Did you have a negative test after your chemical?I would make them do betas.Something doesn't sound right.

No, they just said since it was so early and I was bleeding that it was a chemical pregnancy. I usually have a 25-27 day period. At CD 30 I had a faint positive...well, I started to spot on CD31 then the next day I started to bleed heavier with a little clotting so I went to the ER. They said chemical, but I have been reading the net and lots of women had bleeding even with clots and went on to a healthy preg. I was sure since I started bleeding at 4 weeks I would not have any HCG left since it was only the day before that I had a faint positive and here I am still testing positive almost 2 weeks later? I'm worried if I am still PG, I took that damn Evening Primrose oil or it could maybe be an ectopic....but I don't think I would have bled that early. Grrrrr.....:growlmad: I hate this!
That's weird Jas, to be getting a positive test...could it be that you really didn't MC?

I've had lots of MC's and the 1st 2 only I had bloodwork w/ and the HCG never went back down to zero AT THE TIME OF THE LAST blood work..they said it would but once the HCG hit 6 and 8 they stopped the blood tests...It took about 6ish weeks for it to get to 6...

I agree w/ fam, something isn't right...did you have blood work at the 4wks?? b/c I also had MUCH more and longer bleeding than you said you did..I thought i wasn't ever going to stop bleeding....
let us know what happens girl

No, I didn't have any bloodwork. I didn't have any bleeding with my two healthy PGs, but as I've read that doesn't hold much weight as each PG is different. As I got to reading when I searched the bleeding while PG topic....I was amazed at the women who bled and even bled w/ clots and went onto have a healthy baby. I can't believe they sent me on my way with just a diagnosis with no bloods or U/S. If I did M/C then I would have started to M/C the day after I showed a faint positive. Like I said earlier it's now almost 2 weeks and still showing positive ( much darker than the first faint positive before the bleeding too).

I might go back to the ER tomorrow and demand them do something instead of waiting til Monday. This is gonna drive me insane if I have to sit here all weekend wondering what if.
Wow Jasmine! maybe you're still preggers!:happydance: Did you ever have first tri bleeding with your other babies? Glad you're seeing the dr. :thumbup: Wonder what a CB digital would say?

As far as my plan for next cycle...(assuming I will be having one...I'm 12 dpo,
- hpt with FMU this am, and my temps are not too far above the coverline..not feeling too hopeful. However, I am so frusterated because I've had daily cramping for probably a good solid 7-10 days, all day nausea for about 4 days (not today though)..not bad by any means..just "there"..and heartburn..not today, but 3 or 4 solid days before...these are NOT my pre-TR AF signs. Not meaning to be such a whiner:hissy:...glad I was blessed with a TR..just didn't know AF would change so much..thought perhaps she would be kinder after the TR:nope:)

Sooooo, TTC month #3...I'm going to give the SMEP a try! Also doing the baking soda thing when I get a + opk, continuing with pre-seed..still haven't used the internal tubes, just the regular pre-seed lube. I never felt "dry" but maybe should try the internal pre-seed anyway. This month will be tricky as we will be away from home for about 5 traveling... during est. O time we will be at hotels:dohh:...we have three dc, hubby said, "well, we'll just have to get 2 rooms..every other night"... I suppose we could also fill an "instead" cup and insert that..I know women have used those to get the sperm where they're going when BD isn't an option. I just HATE to waste a month:happydance:

So, that's what I'm trying:thumbup:

your not out yet are your faithe?
hey hotels could be something new and different we all know after trying for a few months sex can get a little blaahhh lol GL I hope you dont even have to worry about next month I hope you get your BFP now!!
IDK, but doubt you'd notice a tubal this early on..Like I said though I REALLY don't know..that's just my gut...??

Yeah, strange..glad to hear your going to the dr...I'd say stop the EPO just b/c you really don't know what's happening..and just wait it out...who knows just may STILL be preggers!!! and that's awesome!! that's what I'm going to believe for you..when I mc (chemicals) I always tested w/ FRER and got my + but then would start af 1-5 days late...and that's why "they" say NOT to test early b/c it's always a shut down to see the + and then start your cycle b/c the egg was fertilized but unable to implant...Rather not know..but for a POASA it's hard to not test...anyway when I DID start to bleed it was heavy and LOTS of clots..and abnormal ones too, like brownish and weird..freak me out WHAT IS THIS coming out of my body...dr told me it was uteran tissues...
please let us know what's happening and try to stop stressing...that's NOT going to help!!!!! Iknow you know that though!! just sometimes we need reminded of the things we already know :winkwink:
think good positive thoughts GF!!!!
i LOOOOVE hotel :sex: just the environment and the newness!!! I'd say wait til the kiddies are sound asleep and be quiet and get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's just me though..the 2 room thing every other night may be a lil suspicious..depending on how old they are HAHAHA, sometimes I LOVE DH's ideas!!!! too funny!!!!
Jasmine,I don't want to get your hopes up that you are preg,but hun none of this makes any since.I would go to the ER and make them give you a scan because if you are still preg then they would be able to see as you should be 6 weeks or so right?And I am not the lieing type but I would tell then I was in pain if they refused.IDK alot about ectopics either but I know they should be caught before now as the earlier the better.Also your hpt should not be darker now than it was then.I am going to be stalking you until you get some answers hun!

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