TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Dash thats great! It keeps me hopefull for a few days I really have been questioning this whole thing (there has been alot of bad news :( ) Now im not feeling so down :)
yeah i oed around the 13th or 14th Im hoping af stays away for 9 months :) I guess its a time will tell kinda thing! Dash when are you starting you ttc?

We are starting next month. Im using OPK's right now to pinpoint my new cycle- the surgery messed up my normal cycles. I should ovulate in just a few days, then again around the last day of February- which is the cycle we are going to start to try on.

If I have my cycle right I should ovulate around the 30th this month, so I'm waiting to see if that happens. I had a faint pos OPK today- but I'm not sure if faint pos means anything? I know its not time yet, but I should be close.
Dash thats great! It keeps me hopefull for a few days I really have been questioning this whole thing (there has been alot of bad news :( ) Now im not feeling so down :)
yeah i oed around the 13th or 14th Im hoping af stays away for 9 months :) I guess its a time will tell kinda thing! Dash when are you starting you ttc?

We are starting next month. Im using OPK's right now to pinpoint my new cycle- the surgery messed up my normal cycles. I should ovulate in just a few days, then again around the last day of February- which is the cycle we are going to start to try on.

If I have my cycle right I should ovulate around the 30th this month, so I'm waiting to see if that happens. I had a faint pos OPK today- but I'm not sure if faint pos means anything? I know its not time yet, but I should be close.

I know alot of the girls use the opks 2 times a day that way they dont miss when it get super dark, I hope that helps :) Good luck I cant wait for us all to have our 2011 babies
Dash your OPK needs to be as dark or darker than the control line for it to be positive. LH is always present in our systems so it's not uncommon to always get a faint line no matter what CD. I always get a faint line. You should test 2 a day when it gets a little darker. Never test with FMU. Test around 3pm and maybe again around 8 or 9pm. Once you get a pos opk know that it can still be a day or so before ovulation actually occurs. Be sure to start bd'n tho. I usually keep testing until the line gets lighter but I can feel my ovulation too. GL I hope that helps a lil
Sag, I AM TOTALLY W/ YOU~TOTALY wtheck is that drama all about anyway...I won't mention names but there's been a mention to ME privately that the bfp-ers don't like to post b/c people start getting "weird" emotions about it. I Have to say~that's A HUGE pile of crap....If we can't all get along and get UNhappy when someone gets a bfp then THOSE are the ppl that may wanna consider to stop posting..I'm also VERY thrilled for each girl that has had a bfp since TR...I'm right there w/ ya that I wanna pick your brain, I wanna stalk your pregnancy to make sure everything GREAT and I want the preggers to continue this journey w/ us..we are like drama just love..
Those preggers out there..DO NOT feel threatened b/c you have been blessed..that's silly and we love you !!!
I can tell ya, after ALL this work..I will NOT be checking outta here after I get my BFP..oh no mam, I'll be full force hard core STILL!!!!!!

Exactly, I could never, ever begrudge someone having something I want myself so badly...and we are all working HARD for our babies. I can only imagine that when I get my BFP that it will be the happiest day of my life...and what do we want to do when we are happy? TALK about it! I love having the preggers ladies post in here.

I honestly think that being mad at someone (or being jealous) for being pregnant is risking karma and tempting get back what you put out there...people should think about that.

They should also remember that we have ALL had TRs and we are ALL in the same boat...and when someone gets a BFP, it's just more proof that this WORKS and we'll all be next at some point...I love you pregnant ladies!
Dash your OPK needs to be as dark or darker than the control line for it to be positive. LH is always present in our systems so it's not uncommon to always get a faint line no matter what CD. I always get a faint line. You should test 2 a day when it gets a little darker. Never test with FMU. Test around 3pm and maybe again around 8 or 9pm. Once you get a pos opk know that it can still be a day or so before ovulation actually occurs. Be sure to start bd'n tho. I usually keep testing until the line gets lighter but I can feel my ovulation too. GL I hope that helps a lil

Thanks! That helps a lot!
dash, I just had my +OPK and I was a mad woman about it!!! LOL I actually tested 3 in the day JUST to BE SAFE AND NOT sorry!!! Wed it was + and if I wouldn't have been doing 3 a day I would have possibly missed the +. I temp at 6am and that day I couldn't ignore having to pee, so I went...then got up and didn't pee again around 10:30 am ..I had a feeling to dip a stick, so I did and it was it wasn't fmu, it was smu!!!! then I had been testing around 1pm and 6 pm ish...since I tested at 10:30 I ended up not testing til 2 and at 2 it was negative..and neg the rest of the day...It was still dark but still neg...I was freaking out WHY Didn't I use digi's at the point b/c those lines play trix on the eyes.. it was hard to tell ... I've never used them but would recommend them(digi's), just less stressful...
the line DOES need to be(as fluter said) as dark or darker, but it gets hard to tell....
they are worth the $$ just helps emphasize everything else that's going on!!!

I...just wanted to letcha ALL know...that I'm typing this w/my bum in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOT WOOT last night was a flop but after work was NOT!!!!!!!!
I SURE DO HEART YOU GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I...just wanted to letcha ALL know...that I'm typing this w/my bum in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOT WOOT last night was a flop but after work was NOT!!!!!!!!
I SURE DO HEART YOU GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yayyyy! Good for you, Girl! Hahaha....

And I went back and started reading the first pages of this wasn't started that long ago...just a year ago....and Reeds was one of the original posters! So, see, there is hope...this works...and Reeds is living proof!

And I was thinking too...I said before that my hubby will be 42 this year...and he has said he does not want to be an old dad. He doesn't want to wait a whole year to see what happens. He doesn't feel like we have all the time in the world. I am no spring chicken either. I'll be 36 next month. We are going to wait until May...and if nothing has happened by then, we are going to start IVF.

Given that some ladies on other boards want ladies who get pregnant to stop would be the same if y'all told me to stop posting because I decided to undergo IVF.

We all may take a different route, but we want to end up at the same place....BABYVILLE! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Tater, I hope you catch that egg!
FX'D tater that you catch that egg. I also agree abot the digi opk's. I've never used them since I've only been able to ttc 2mo since TR but if my love gets here on time and (praying) this clomid holds of O I just might this time. Although I know for a fact there will b no shortage of bd'n so then again it may not matter lol

As far as our preggers...there is no way they should have to leave the thread. Whoever said something to one of them let me say HOW RUDE! How would you like it when you get your bfp and all the ladies you shared your journey with said peace out or friendship ends here? NOT COOL. I belong to another TR board since June 2009 long before my TR and I love those ladies to death. It is a forum of woman that went to the same doctor (we went to MX). Many of us have gotten together and met one another and exchanged phone numbers and so forth. Most of us communicate via facebook as well. TR sisters should support one another no matter what part of the journey their on. OK finished with my rant no
thaaaanks girls!! i'm just chillin and allowing it to happen!!!! Can't wait to see what my temp is tomorrow!!

I'm w/ ya fluter, maybe whoever it was that had the beef has departed but I hate the discouragement:( not GOoD

Sag, this is your month, mine, yours and many others, I believe it...Even if you do go through are STILL in our TR family...and you are right, we all are in for the same journey~with the same desire for the ending!!!!!

love ya girls!!!!!
Hey ladies...let me fix some of the confusion or drama about us ladies that got our BFP's leaving the thread. It was me that said that to Tater and NO it has not happened on this thread EVER but it has on other threads so with that being said the main reason I don't post as much as I do not want to offend or make anyone feel as though by my posting I am rubbing my ticker in there face. As far as most of the ladies who have gotten BFP's and not posted lately sadly they have mc. At this point Needa and I are the furtherest in our pregnancies....that anyone in this thread has made it. I am sensitive to everyone's feeling and as long as everyone is comfortable with me posting I will continue too but if at any point anyone is uncomfortable I will completely understand. It took my 15 months and 3mc's to get this bean and I know how we can all have bad days during our journey and sometimes when your having a bad day the last thing you want to do is log into your place where you feel you can vent and have someone else pregnant and posting in the ttc section. Please do not take this wrong but asI said I have seen this happen on other threads...and for the most part they want their buddy to stick around but sometimes its just too much. I hope that makes sense.
Reeds, we NEVER want you to leave and you never make ME at least feel uncomfortable...and from whatever everyone else has posted I think they feel the same :)

Once I get my sticky bean it'll have been a looong road too...a 5mc journey...I'm psyched out for all of us..and SO SUUPER blessed to have you here, pregnant and nearly ready to give birth...Please don't ever leave!!!!!!

Love ya girl..thanks for all your help and encouragement!!!!

Tater thank you!! And I am glad that all you lovely ladies want me to stick around. I am more than willing to help anyway I can and pray that all of you get a sticky bean soon.
I understand how we have "bad days" in this jorney and I understand it's technically a TTC board but call me bias I feel the TR journey is a unique one and we should encourage eachother no matter where each of us are in our journey.

I know of ladies on my other board that had to remove themselves from the board cause other people's pregnancy was in their face so to speak. I think it's ok to take a break when one needs it to reflect and regroup.

Luckily we seem to have a great group of ladies here
I agree with the girls Reeds, We want you to stay we love to here your happy ending it gives us all hope that we too can have our happy ending :)
PS: The witch got me last night :( She was back with a vengence! This month Im all over it im going to smep, temp and opk !!!!
boo for AF. Don't u just hate her. Sounds lik you've got a plan in place and that's about all we can do. GL!
thaaaanks girls!! i'm just chillin and allowing it to happen!!!! Can't wait to see what my temp is tomorrow!!

I'm w/ ya fluter, maybe whoever it was that had the beef has departed but I hate the discouragement:( not GOoD

Sag, this is your month, mine, yours and many others, I believe it...Even if you do go through are STILL in our TR family...and you are right, we all are in for the same journey~with the same desire for the ending!!!!!

love ya girls!!!!!

Thank you, Girlie! Hopefully I won't have to though...I would like to know I can do this know? But whatever...however we get a baby is okay with me...

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