TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Tater! Let's see what tomorrow brings for temps:thumbup: Don't stress about this..afterall if really COULD be your thermo...your CM still sounds fertile...don't be sad:hugs:
I've stopped the micinex and I did do BSF today..but I'll be done w/ all the 'xtras'...from now on sticking to the prenatal, aspirin...
Reeds, I JUST today started FO, do you think I should be taking that..? Or should I focus more on a B6 Vit..and save FO for when I get a bfp?? You are SOO knowlegable GF..thank you for allll your help!!
I'm sorry girls..I'm like a post-a-holic..but I HAVE to talk about this b/c I'm having the SAME thing as last cycle and It's starting about the same time...last time It was like 2-3DPO(what I THOUGHT was O anyway, since that's up in the air) but it's KINDA like O pain, but it's what I would predict a Tubal preg would feel like...I'm DEF NOT having a tubal..just was at doc..they looked at EVERYTHING from internal US...anyway, it's like the Low side pain, but as I empty my bladder it intensifies,...then kinda feels real uncomfortable, and moves to my lower back/ side, I just peed and all through the time it took me to type this I'm still uncomforable..I have HIGH pain tolerance so I'm not dying here or anything, but it's quite uncomfy;/
has anyone had this..i guess I've been assuming it's STILL O pain, but it's the SAME as last month...only last mo was on the R side, and was wrapping to that side lower back...
It's kinda freaking me(imagine THAT) b/c I don't know if it's normal..if anyone has ANY input I'd appreciate it!!!!!
I was asking about your cd 11 temp cause your temps are up a bit from cd 10. The month I got pregnant. I did ovulate early. Try not to stress hun. A day at a time is all you can do. I don't know much about Fish oil. I went to the dr after my 3rd mc and we did a bunch of test and all came back basically he referred me to a FS. However he told me to continue to keep trying and if I got pregnant he would help me. He did put on the baby aspirin and the B6 with my prenatal. He also told me t call as soon as I got a BFP and he would check my levels and start me on progestrone. I am surprised that your Dr hasn't done any testing with your 5 mc's.

Basically Tater you have to remember we are all different...some people get a dip in temp right before O others don't some people always O on the same cd again others don't. Basically they only part of your cycle that should stay the same is your LP but I have seen in many woman that is doesn't. I would defiantely recommend you take a month to get to know your body. Do your temps that is the best way to get to know your body and your cycle. I pray though that you get your BFP this month but really by stressing and worrying about it all the time it can delay O as well. Hang in there sweetie. I am not trying to stress you when I tell you that a short LP is not good but you need to be aware of everything. But I am here if you need anything.
evening ladies :hi: Popping in to let you awesome ladies know i am still alive LOL. Hubby is home tonight but will soon be gone again (starting tomorrow). My Friend Sandy and I are going to get the kids together to play while we sit and catch :) Any new BFP's ??? This is how i will be for a little while just popping in and out and if i can find enough time i will do my best to update my TTC Journal every afternoon or evening, so you all know how I am :) So hope everyone has a awesome rest of the weekend and a good upcoming week. Lots of HUGS and BABYDUST :dust: :dust: :hug: :hug:

I am somewhere in my TWW with a very Low Chance of getting a BFP.... AF is due Feb.4th but I think I O'd a day or two late this month.
This Monday I go to a Scentsy training and get to see and smell the Spring and Summer scents for the new catalog...SO EXCITED :excited:
Tuesday~ I have to go in for a Upper scope of my stomach....I might have another Ulcer...Dr has put me on two different Acid Reducers (Zantac and Nexium)and coating medication(Carafate) and I have been placed on 50,000 Units of Vitamin D( I take it once a week for 8 weeks). DH won't be here so i have a few friends helping me out cuz the dr is going to knock me out and said i will need help afterwards for just that day. And one of my friends will be updating DH on how I am doing.
As for my family ~ My kids are doing well,we are getting though the behavior issues with DS. DD is doing well on ADD meds and is slowly starting to improve in her school work and reading circle.My youngest DD is doing well with potty training ...we went to target today and she told me she had to go and held it while we rushed to the front of the store to the restrooms....I was VERY proud of her:) PLEASE keep us in you prayers to work through everything with DS and my upper scope procedure on Tuesday. Off to bed with me... Night All :)
Tater you are just like me freaking out and stressing about everything, I dont have much advice you are def. a step ahead of me i just took my first temp this morning and filled in the past 2 days with the same temp since I did'nt temp those days lol. You should def. take reeds advice she knows whats up and dont freak this will happen!!!!!
Navy glad everything is going well :) I miss the potty training days, you must be so proud of her holding it in target :)
hahaha, momma girl..yeah, I'm a freaker outter, BUT when I get a BFP or my kid does something really GREAT I'll freak out then too!! HAHA, I'm crazy!!!

anyway, posted my temp...BUT Idk girls, reallllly as much as I was excited to see what it was I'm not sure it's trustable.....When I was praying last night I asked the Lord to show it to me at 97.5 or ABOVE it was 97.55 HALLELUJAH
However, I was up at 3:40 to get my lil fella to the bathroom~and we sleep w/ a fan and it was blowing up AARRGG my fav I was up at like 4:18 unplugging it..SOoooooooooooo, I don't know that that 97.55 is true???!?! aRg..
ID get why the temps weren't up for 3 days though and it's tell me now that I'm 3DPO..really?
gots to get love ya checking in asap!!!!
evening ladies :hi: Popping in to let you awesome ladies know i am still alive LOL. Hubby is home tonight but will soon be gone again (starting tomorrow). My Friend Sandy and I are going to get the kids together to play while we sit and catch :) Any new BFP's ??? This is how i will be for a little while just popping in and out and if i can find enough time i will do my best to update my TTC Journal every afternoon or evening, so you all know how I am :) So hope everyone has a awesome rest of the weekend and a good upcoming week. Lots of HUGS and BABYDUST :dust: :dust: :hug: :hug:

I am somewhere in my TWW with a very Low Chance of getting a BFP.... AF is due Feb.4th but I think I O'd a day or two late this month.
This Monday I go to a Scentsy training and get to see and smell the Spring and Summer scents for the new catalog...SO EXCITED :excited:
Tuesday~ I have to go in for a Upper scope of my stomach....I might have another Ulcer...Dr has put me on two different Acid Reducers (Zantac and Nexium)and coating medication(Carafate) and I have been placed on 50,000 Units of Vitamin D( I take it once a week for 8 weeks). DH won't be here so i have a few friends helping me out cuz the dr is going to knock me out and said i will need help afterwards for just that day. And one of my friends will be updating DH on how I am doing.
As for my family ~ My kids are doing well,we are getting though the behavior issues with DS. DD is doing well on ADD meds and is slowly starting to improve in her school work and reading circle.My youngest DD is doing well with potty training ...we went to target today and she told me she had to go and held it while we rushed to the front of the store to the restrooms....I was VERY proud of her:) PLEASE keep us in you prayers to work through everything with DS and my upper scope procedure on Tuesday. Off to bed with me... Night All :)

I am glad everything is going well and I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and sending plenty of good vibes your way!:hugs:
hahaha, momma girl..yeah, I'm a freaker outter, BUT when I get a BFP or my kid does something really GREAT I'll freak out then too!! HAHA, I'm crazy!!!

anyway, posted my temp...BUT Idk girls, reallllly as much as I was excited to see what it was I'm not sure it's trustable.....When I was praying last night I asked the Lord to show it to me at 97.5 or ABOVE it was 97.55 HALLELUJAH
However, I was up at 3:40 to get my lil fella to the bathroom~and we sleep w/ a fan and it was blowing up AARRGG my fav I was up at like 4:18 unplugging it..SOoooooooooooo, I don't know that that 97.55 is true???!?! aRg..
ID get why the temps weren't up for 3 days though and it's tell me now that I'm 3DPO..really?
gots to get love ya checking in asap!!!!

I looked at your chart! And FF did not use your cd6 as the temp in which to base your coverline on...see, you learn something new every day...I thought it would count it while spotting, but I guess it doesn' your coverline is much lower than I thought it would be...and the good thing about that is FF says you ovulated on day 14!!!! So we got you all worried for nothing!!! You did ovulate, sorry to have made you freak you, are doing great. Didn't I promise everything would work out okay? And sure did! You O'd when you thought you did!!! Trust your body, Doll! :hugs:
hahaha, momma girl..yeah, I'm a freaker outter, BUT when I get a BFP or my kid does something really GREAT I'll freak out then too!! HAHA, I'm crazy!!!

anyway, posted my temp...BUT Idk girls, reallllly as much as I was excited to see what it was I'm not sure it's trustable.....When I was praying last night I asked the Lord to show it to me at 97.5 or ABOVE it was 97.55 HALLELUJAH
However, I was up at 3:40 to get my lil fella to the bathroom~and we sleep w/ a fan and it was blowing up AARRGG my fav I was up at like 4:18 unplugging it..SOoooooooooooo, I don't know that that 97.55 is true???!?! aRg..
ID get why the temps weren't up for 3 days though and it's tell me now that I'm 3DPO..really?
gots to get love ya checking in asap!!!!

It's a real temp and so are the other two. You ovulated! Yaaaayyyy! :yipee::headspin::hugs2::wohoo::loopy::dance:
hahaha, momma girl..yeah, I'm a freaker outter, BUT when I get a BFP or my kid does something really GREAT I'll freak out then too!! HAHA, I'm crazy!!!

anyway, posted my temp...BUT Idk girls, reallllly as much as I was excited to see what it was I'm not sure it's trustable.....When I was praying last night I asked the Lord to show it to me at 97.5 or ABOVE it was 97.55 HALLELUJAH
However, I was up at 3:40 to get my lil fella to the bathroom~and we sleep w/ a fan and it was blowing up AARRGG my fav I was up at like 4:18 unplugging it..SOoooooooooooo, I don't know that that 97.55 is true???!?! aRg..
ID get why the temps weren't up for 3 days though and it's tell me now that I'm 3DPO..really?
gots to get love ya checking in asap!!!!

It's a real temp and so are the other two. You ovulated! Yaaaayyyy! :yipee::headspin::hugs2::wohoo::loopy::dance:

You ovualted Tater! I sure hope you catched that eggie girl!!!:hugs:
I just wanted to say have a blessed week ladies!! And :dust: to you that are in your 2WW. We are suppose to get a lot of freezing rain and snow(we can get up to around 12 inches) starting Tuesday! :hug:
Tater woohoo!! And look your already 3 days into your 2ww!! LOVE IT!!

TTC we must not live to far aprt cause we are expecting lots of ice as well. I see your in Ill.

Good luck to all those in the 2ww or waiting to O! :)
Tater woohoo!! And look your already 3 days into your 2ww!! LOVE IT!!

TTC we must not live to far aprt cause we are expecting lots of ice as well. I see your in Ill.

Good luck to all those in the 2ww or waiting to O! :)

Yep, I'm in ILL. I'm so not ready for the freezing rain and snow!! I'm not a winter person!
yay!!!! thanks girls!'s SOOOO crazy and just builds my faith sooo much b/c I LITERALLY prayed that the Lord would get that temp up to 97.5 OR higher and it was 97.55.....And the 1st thing I said AFTER I saw that was THANK YOU Lord..I was still kinda iffy about the timing though...I went to bed after midnight, was up about 20 min after i fell asleep for a lil man's bathroom break, then up again at 3:40 for bathroom and then up again at 4:18 to unplug our fan...and I temped at 6am...and I KNOW I have to be snoozing for at LEAST 4hours..sooooo, DOES it count...???? I mean, is the timing right???
Thanks EVERYONE that has looked and cared about my chart...I LOVE YA ALL!!!
sag, we are O sisters!!!!
so, I'm NOT obsessing and not going to start b/c nothing is going to change> BUT I thought the temps had to be UP for 3 days to show the O..and mine really aren't..they are up, dip, up, not up , up , up,...IDK i'll be a lil better at it next month...But there won't BEEEE A next mo. cuz Those swimmers are catching that egg right now!!!!!!!
Phew, a nite off from BD!!! I LOVE TO BD but will enjoy NONE tonight:winkwink:

Glad to hear from you Navy!!!!!! :hug:
evening ladies :hi: Popping in to let you awesome ladies know i am still alive LOL. Hubby is home tonight but will soon be gone again (starting tomorrow). My Friend Sandy and I are going to get the kids together to play while we sit and catch :) Any new BFP's ??? This is how i will be for a little while just popping in and out and if i can find enough time i will do my best to update my TTC Journal every afternoon or evening, so you all know how I am :) So hope everyone has a awesome rest of the weekend and a good upcoming week. Lots of HUGS and BABYDUST :dust: :dust: :hug: :hug:

I am somewhere in my TWW with a very Low Chance of getting a BFP.... AF is due Feb.4th but I think I O'd a day or two late this month.
This Monday I go to a Scentsy training and get to see and smell the Spring and Summer scents for the new catalog...SO EXCITED :excited:
Tuesday~ I have to go in for a Upper scope of my stomach....I might have another Ulcer...Dr has put me on two different Acid Reducers (Zantac and Nexium)and coating medication(Carafate) and I have been placed on 50,000 Units of Vitamin D( I take it once a week for 8 weeks). DH won't be here so i have a few friends helping me out cuz the dr is going to knock me out and said i will need help afterwards for just that day. And one of my friends will be updating DH on how I am doing.
As for my family ~ My kids are doing well,we are getting though the behavior issues with DS. DD is doing well on ADD meds and is slowly starting to improve in her school work and reading circle.My youngest DD is doing well with potty training ...we went to target today and she told me she had to go and held it while we rushed to the front of the store to the restrooms....I was VERY proud of her:) PLEASE keep us in you prayers to work through everything with DS and my upper scope procedure on Tuesday. Off to bed with me... Night All :)

Yes, Its nice hear from you Navy! Will keep your son in prayer!! :hug:
Oh Sag, I think you were saying my coverline (whatever THAT is LOL) was 97.36...? right..and as I was checking out my chart page today it said that it was 97.16...So i don't know how they get that..or how you were figuring maybe the .36...that's ALL something I HAVE NO clue about...but just wanted to say that....Not that it matters, just b/c you had mentioned it and I had NO clue what you were talking about and then saw it on FF today..I hadn't ever seen it there before, but maybe b/c this is my 1st chart and had to wait til O..? IDK

:friends:I love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sag, we are O sisters!!!!
so, I'm NOT obsessing and not going to start b/c nothing is going to change> BUT I thought the temps had to be UP for 3 days to show the O..and mine really aren't..they are up, dip, up, not up , up , up,...IDK i'll be a lil better at it next month...But there won't BEEEE A next mo. cuz Those swimmers are catching that egg right now!!!!!!!
Phew, a nite off from BD!!! I LOVE TO BD but will enjoy NONE tonight:winkwink:

Glad to hear from you Navy!!!!!! :hug:

I'm with you, Girlie! NOOOOOO next month for us...fingers crossed!!!

FF won't draw the crosshairs unless your temps are consistently up enough...and it did draw the crosshairs! So yaaayyy! It doesn't matter how much they are up, as long as they are up!

Whew, eh? TTC can make us the biggest worry warts....

I went on this morning and googled to make sure my flat temps in the follicular phase are ok...and they, we all have freak out moments...haha...:wacko::dohh::tease::saywhat::argh:
Oh Sag, I think you were saying my coverline (whatever THAT is LOL) was 97.36...? right..and as I was checking out my chart page today it said that it was 97.16...So i don't know how they get that..or how you were figuring maybe the .36...that's ALL something I HAVE NO clue about...but just wanted to say that....Not that it matters, just b/c you had mentioned it and I had NO clue what you were talking about and then saw it on FF today..I hadn't ever seen it there before, but maybe b/c this is my 1st chart and had to wait til O..? IDK

:friends:I love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was using your temp from cycle day looked like it was around 97.26....which means your cover would have been 97.36 using the cd6 number....but you were spotting that day....which I thought was ok and you could still use cd6...but apparently they don't use the temps until you have no bleeding I was wrong about the temp from cd6. FF used another temp...thank God, I am thankful for that because now your chart makes complete you girlie...I am SO glad I was wrong about that day!

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