Sag- what section do you find the fiber gummies? With vitamins or fiber?
Dash I'd say o'ing on CD 17 or 18 is a little too late for a 28 day cycle but your cycle may take alittle longer to regulate. I know after my TR I stated AF right on time 6 days later and then th next cycle was 11 days late. I had always been a 28 day cycle but since tr it has been anywhere from 26-31 days but always having a 14day lp
My last period was 4 days body is probably just adjusting. In the meantime, I will keep compulsively peeing on sticks
ETA: I just went over my calendar for the last 6 months- and I WAS Oing on CD 13-14 before December. That makes me fully believe it is just the surgery!
Sag I think we are all just surgery didn't affect my cycle at all. Even 15 months later I still had a progestrone issue..we all are different and you need to get to know your body and your cm with your temps will help. Chart chart chart and take it talk to your dr and make sure you have onethat really listens.![]()
I agree wholeheartedly...and I am lucky. I DO have one that's my TR doctor and he is just 10 minutes away!
Thanks FAITH!!! I just read that and's HUGE and I DO believe MANY MANY people including doc's over look it...I KNOW, just feel it, that that is MY problem, I mean COME ON, FIVE mc's in a year..that's insane and there HAS to be a reason and MY reason is low progesterone...
That's a very helpful article and I appreciate you taking the time to send that to us!!!!
I chose a cream that I believe is a God send..I went to GNC and they only had 2 choices. One was the GNC brand and it said DO NOT take while ttc, pregnant, or nursing, now I KNOW that distributors HAVE to have something to that affect on their labels..but that was EXTREME, I didn't even consider it..the other brand was "PRODUCTS OF NATURE, NATURAL WOMAN'S PROGESTERONE CREAM" Since I was at the store I text a friend to google it for me and she told me it does NOT sound was suuuper expensive and also said do not take while preg or nursing...It's reallllly hard to know WHAT the heck is good AND I just didn't feel right when the ppl that work at GNC had NO idea about the product at ALL, they knew where it was on their shelves but NO help w/ any info. When I'd ask a q they looked at me like I had lobsters coming outta my ears....
I ended up purchasing a cream from our lil organic was beautiful..I just didn't feel good about the stuff at GNC and went there...the girl that owns it is actually pregnant w/ tweens and said she used that made me feel soooo good and I can't wait to get it on and get that sticky bean..
sorry that was lengthy but I wanted to say all of that!!!!
love ya girls!!!!!
I just got my progesterone cream tonight...and then I went to Walmart to compare the Prenatal..I was GOING to get B6 vitamin and was ALL about it..but then when i was at GNC I just didn't feel good about I compared the prenatal gummies to the walmart brand and there were actually MORE vitamins, and higher doses in the NON gummy kind(this is NOT the kind sag is using I don't think)...the only thing the gummies had that the regular vitamin did NOT was DHA...and the NON gummies were way more $$(at walmart that is) I was REALLY glad I didn't buy the B6 b/c the prenatals had as much or more than the plain B6 pill..I think w/ the progesterone and the Prenatal it'll be PERFECT!!!!
P.s I AM NOT SS I AM NOT~ but I feel gross....ugh. welcomed if I'm preggers and needs to go if I'm not...
My period was RIGHT on after didn't affect me whatsoever, just goes to show NO MATTER WHAT we do the same, we are all sosoooooo different!!
love ya girls!!!!!
oh hey momma, IDK if I mentioned this, forgive me if I'm repeating myself..BUT, that FF link you posted yesterday took me to MY chart..HHAHA< I DID THE exact same thing at 1st...
How were your temps looking today!?!??!?!?!
oh hey momma, IDK if I mentioned this, forgive me if I'm repeating myself..BUT, that FF link you posted yesterday took me to MY chart..HHAHA< I DID THE exact same thing at 1st...
How were your temps looking today!?!??!?!?!
oh haha im a dumb ass sometimes lol no big because of this new puppy and 2 sick kiddos I have not been able to tempThe past 2 mornings I was woken up by a kid or puppy and moved around to much for my temp to be accurate. oh well I will just use some opks and pre seed and smep this month. SO i see you and sag are doing good with your 2ww are you getting anxious? Where is the link to your chart? i wanna stalk it. FX you get your bfp I want some good news please!!!
oh hey momma, IDK if I mentioned this, forgive me if I'm repeating myself..BUT, that FF link you posted yesterday took me to MY chart..HHAHA< I DID THE exact same thing at 1st...
How were your temps looking today!?!??!?!?!
oh haha im a dumb ass sometimes lol no big because of this new puppy and 2 sick kiddos I have not been able to tempThe past 2 mornings I was woken up by a kid or puppy and moved around to much for my temp to be accurate. oh well I will just use some opks and pre seed and smep this month. SO i see you and sag are doing good with your 2ww are you getting anxious? Where is the link to your chart? i wanna stalk it. FX you get your bfp I want some good news please!!!
NOOoo, you are's a HUGE learning experience,,,always good that people are helpful...I certainly need it too!!!!!
Awwww,that's a bummer I've always slept so so sound, now it's like I think too much about needing to temp or something...hopefully it'll get regular real soon for ya!!!!
Me AND sag's tickers are linked to FF so if you just click on them it'll take you right to our charts..I gave the instructions though for you to link your chart to your signature.....
Hope your lil ones get to feeling better SOON..the sickness is NOOO fun for anyone...
I'm trying NOT to be anxious...I'm thinking there are "some things" happening, or weird, or questionable but I'm NOT allowing it get to outta control..I don't even wanna talk about them b.c it'll go further than I want..I AM NOT SS< I AM NOT SS< I AM NOT SS, i just need to keep reminding me!!!!![]()