TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Hi Ladies!

I forgot to let you all know about my scan today, so I've taken this from my journal for you :D

Had my scan this morning.

As suspected I am ovulating on the right side (side with blocked tube) but doc was very hopeful about the left tube picking up. I don't know the science behind it but basically there's something in the sperm that attracts the egg, so providing there's plenty in my open tube he's confident the egg will go down that tube. Fingers crossed!!

Follicle was 16mm (i think) and there was another 6/7 clearly defined follicles on both ovaries. Cervix full of mucus

He has prescribed me 3 months worth of Clomid (50mg CD2 to 6) and we've also discussed IVF through egg sharing.

Egg sharing will cost £500 for 8 eight eggs to be removed (50/50 share) and they will implant 2 at a time in me. This is an option we're going to consider if the Clomid doesn't work. They will only do egg sharing in women under 35, I've only got 7 months until i turn 35 so we don't want to leave it too late to try it.

Did discover that the "egg" child can legally gain your details at the age of 18 and I'm not too sure I want that. Something we need to discuss further together and with the IVF specialist

(TMI) We discovered that BDing in doggy style leads to no spill Not a drop! Also tried the orgasming after withdrawal to help move the sperm further up.

Planning on trying both again tonight/tomorrow.
Hi Mel

That is really interesting stuff about the ovulation and how to attract the egg to the good tube. As I am seeing my consultant on Monday I will be asking him some stuff about where I am ovulating from, and will update. Your consultant sounds very pro active and it is great to have a good consultant I certainly couldn't be without mine.

I think you are very brave considering the edd share just don't think I could go down that road. After Monday we will have answers as to where we stand with our options. If my only tube is closed then we are calling it a day there, we would love another child but feel for us that we don't want to venture down IVF, so as you all can imagin Monday is quite important to us, but one way or another we will be moving forward with life, as out perfect little family or with extra aditions.

Will let you all know how Monday goes.

Love Zoe x
Hi Ladies :) Not much going on in my corner right now....I am waiting to Ovulate,and my MRI appt is on Wed June 9th in the evening time.

Zoom ~ Good Luck at your Endo Lap and HSG......My Fx'd you get your BFP after having your HSG:)

Doingit4us~ Sorry you got a BFN.....your not out until :witch: shows up...My FX'd for you sweetie:hug:

Reedsgirl~Sorry about all the family drama:hugs: :hugs: Yeah i know how it feels to have your hubby gone.....i just got my hubby back yesterday and only have him for a week and half and then he leaves again for 2 and half months. I am NOT looking forward to will be our 4th summer apart!

Mel~ That is really interesting about the egg and sperm...So did the FS tell you about those positions for :bd: ??

Anxious5~ Hope your having a safe trip :hug:
Hello ladies!! I am sorry I have been MIA for so long. Everything is going great! EDD is moved up to 11/29/10 so I am excited about that! Entering 15 weeks today & in just a few weeks we will be going for an early gender scan. Still praying all of you get your bfp really soon!
Afternoon Ladies :) Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. We are just having a laid back kinda day in my house. I picked up a little and DH got our backyard mowed and now we are getting ready to watch some shows that we recorded.

So have any of you ladies tested or have any SS news???? My FX'd for you all :af::af::af:
I'll pop back in later :hug:
Hey Navy...glad you had a great day. I did test on a opk but line was faint and I am still real early. SO...well ya know. Glad you had a good day with dh. I am still missing mine like crazy and hope I sleep better tonight than I have the past 2 nights...

I do have full fledge sore bbs thinking my normal 2ww will end with af but still trying to be hopeful:)
Hey Navy...glad you had a great day. I did test on a opk but line was faint and I am still real early. SO...well ya know. Glad you had a good day with dh. I am still missing mine like crazy and hope I sleep better tonight than I have the past 2 nights...

I do have full fledge sore bbs thinking my normal 2ww will end with af but still trying to be hopeful:)

I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight .....And your not out until the :witch:shows her ugly face!! My FX'd for you:af: This is my last full week with my husband,he leaves next week :( Then i will be in the same :boat: with you reedsgirl:hugs:
I am keeping my FX'd and sending :dust: to us all
I am getting ready to watch The Tutors and then Army Wives :happydance:
I hope Anxious5 got home safely....can't wait to hear from her and know she is okay:flower:
Hope everyone has a nice night:hug:
Yeah I forgot about anxious traveling hope she arrives soon and safely and gets a BFP soon.

Well Navy the military sucks the for ttc and leaving time from us but we are so lucky to have them awesome men in our lives. I am just not sure what my cycle will be the last few have been messed up so I am not somewhere between 25 to 29 and even possibl31 days so who knows. I will probably test on wednesday just to have a clue...
Hi to u all....

I have finally found others in the same position as me... Yeh Ha.
I am 39 with two teenage kids. I married on valentines day last year to a great man, only 26yrs old. I had been sterilized since 1999. We talked about wanting a child, but didnt know how possible it was to get it reversed. We saw a consultant on may 1st 2010 and on the 26th i was in having my Reversal op. Boy the pain, can anyone tell me about there experience of the reversal and the recovery time... Im 2 weeks post op now, and due to O on 13th June, we want to ttc but not sure if its too soon. This will only be our first attempt, so many more to come i know.. How hard is to conceive after the op, i was told 65- 80% chance, my tests were all 100% and have 28 day cycle. please any advise or info will be great... GOOD LUCK TO ALL TTC..:dust:

Hi to u all....

I have finally found others in the same position as me... Yeh Ha.
I am 39 with two teenage kids. I married on valentines day last year to a great man, only 26yrs old. I had been sterilized since 1999. We talked about wanting a child, but didnt know how possible it was to get it reversed. We saw a consultant on may 1st 2010 and on the 26th i was in having my Reversal op. Boy the pain, can anyone tell me about there experience of the reversal and the recovery time... Im 2 weeks post op now, and due to O on 13th June, we want to ttc but not sure if its too soon. This will only be our first attempt, so many more to come i know.. How hard is to conceive after the op, i was told 65- 80% chance, my tests were all 100% and have 28 day cycle. please any advise or info will be great... GOOD LUCK TO ALL TTC..:dust:


:hi: Shelley!! I'm Anna (Navy2mom) 30 yrs old,DH is 35 and we have 3 kids and are trying for a 4th Baby after Tubal Reversal(TR). I had my TR March 31st,2010 and May was our first month TTC.....we are now hoping our second month will be a BFP[-o<
I am also due to ovulate on June 13th!!
My FS told me to wait until i had my first period after my TR surgery(4 weeks post op) and then Start TTC. Also many of us on here were told by our FS that the first 6 months is the highest chance for a BFP. We do have one lady on here(peepoo) she had her TR on April 20th and just found out she is expecting. The ladies on here are very supportive and just awesome in everyway!! So Welcome to the Group again Shelley:flower:
Are you temping or checking CM and CP or using OPK's??? I wish you all the luck on getting your BFP soon.

Good Morning Ladies:coffee::flower: Hope you all are having a good Monday!! Well my kids are off to school except my preschooler,the bus will be here soon to pick her up for school. My house is clean:happydance: and by the end of the week I should be in my fertile phase and Ovulating this weekend,I got my OPK all ready to go :haha: and I only have ONE HPT in my house in which you have to use it AFTER you've missed the :witch:!!! So the 2WW will be torture for me!! I am praying that I will be able to email my hubby and tell him some post father's day news that he will be a daddy again!!
Good morning ladies! Welcome Smithy. The witch got me yesterday. On to next month
I will not be temping or symptom spotting this month. I'm just going to see if not "planning" and stressing every two seconds will help.
Hi to u all....

I have finally found others in the same position as me... Yeh Ha.
I am 39 with two teenage kids. I married on valentines day last year to a great man, only 26yrs old. I had been sterilized since 1999. We talked about wanting a child, but didnt know how possible it was to get it reversed. We saw a consultant on may 1st 2010 and on the 26th i was in having my Reversal op. Boy the pain, can anyone tell me about there experience of the reversal and the recovery time... Im 2 weeks post op now, and due to O on 13th June, we want to ttc but not sure if its too soon. This will only be our first attempt, so many more to come i know.. How hard is to conceive after the op, i was told 65- 80% chance, my tests were all 100% and have 28 day cycle. please any advise or info will be great... GOOD LUCK TO ALL TTC..:dust:


Hello Shelley, I am Sandi 33 and dh is 30. I had my tr in April 09 been ttc since May 09. As far as the surgery my recovery it was also rough. LOL. I have 3 kiddos from a previous marriage. Ashleigh is 14, Hayley is 13 and Dylan is 7.
The conceiving part is a little different for all of us I think there have been 2 ladies on here who have fallen pregnant pretty quickly after their tr. I have had 2 chemical pregnancies and then I believe most of us are at the 6 month or longer of still ttc. I am at over a year now and really hoping this is my month. Good luck and I truly hope your journey is a short one.:hugs:
Good morning ladies! Welcome Smithy. The witch got me yesterday. On to next month
I will not be temping or symptom spotting this month. I'm just going to see if not "planning" and stressing every two seconds will help.

So Sorry:hugs::hugs:
Doingit4us~ :hugs: Sorry the :witch: got you :hugs:

Reedsgirl~ how are you feeling today??

Anxious5~ Hope you made it home safe:flower:
Hey Anna I am good today. I had dreams last night that I got my BFP so now I am scared to test afraid of the disappointment. Told Tj about it and he say I need to test as he has had a lucky day and got extras in his mre's. LOL. I am going to buy some frer and test in the morning. FX

Thank you so much for your reply, i feel so much better knowing i have people going through simular things as i am. And we Ovulate on the same day, how cool is that...

Thank you so much for your reply, i feel so much better knowing i have people going through simular things as i am. And we Ovulate on the same day, how cool is that...

That is awesome you two can be buddies in the 2ww together!!:thumbup:
Hi to u all....

I have finally found others in the same position as me... Yeh Ha.
I am 39 with two teenage kids. I married on valentines day last year to a great man, only 26yrs old. I had been sterilized since 1999. We talked about wanting a child, but didnt know how possible it was to get it reversed. We saw a consultant on may 1st 2010 and on the 26th i was in having my Reversal op. Boy the pain, can anyone tell me about there experience of the reversal and the recovery time... Im 2 weeks post op now, and due to O on 13th June, we want to ttc but not sure if its too soon. This will only be our first attempt, so many more to come i know.. How hard is to conceive after the op, i was told 65- 80% chance, my tests were all 100% and have 28 day cycle. please any advise or info will be great... GOOD LUCK TO ALL TTC..:dust:


Hello Shelley, I am Sandi 33 and dh is 30. I had my tr in April 09 been ttc since May 09. As far as the surgery my recovery it was also rough. LOL. I have 3 kiddos from a previous marriage. Ashleigh is 14, Hayley is 13 and Dylan is 7.
The conceiving part is a little different for all of us I think there have been 2 ladies on here who have fallen pregnant pretty quickly after their tr. I have had 2 chemical pregnancies and then I believe most of us are at the 6 month or longer of still ttc. I am at over a year now and really hoping this is my month. Good luck and I truly hope your journey is a short one.:hugs:

Hi sandi, thanks for your reply, really good to hear from you. I hope you have a positive month this month and you get the result u deserve. You have waited for such a long time, how do you stay on top of everything.( if im prying im sorry).:dust:
Hey Anna I am good today. I had dreams last night that I got my BFP so now I am scared to test afraid of the disappointment. Told Tj about it and he say I need to test as he has had a lucky day and got extras in his mre's. LOL. I am going to buy some frer and test in the morning. FX

OH I am Soooooo excited for you,I hope it's a BFP tomorrow morning for you:flower: but i also understand the nervous/scared part too:hugs: LOL tha it soo funny about the extra mre's....heck he could use them for trading with others if theirs an mre that he like and didn't get:thumbup: I am in a GRREEAATTTTTT mood today and have No idea as to why:haha:

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