TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Sorry to hear that Reeds....
Welcome coffee lover, I am 36 TL done 02-05 TR done in 01-10. I have three amazing boys already...5,10,12. Good luck with your journey and may it be a short one.

So I am back in the city as of now, will be heading out to see my dad again Sunday. He is still on life support but stable if that makes sense. I feel like I have aged 10 years. But all is looking better for him slowly. Our house deal went through..yayayayay...but i am going to be moving in two weeks. YUK! oh well....thanks for all the well wishes in this time of trial.
Hope everyone is well and we really really need a BFP on this thread soon!!
Doingit so sorry the witch got you.

Coffeelover so happy to have a new lady. Good luck on you tr
REEDS...your only 34 and they are worried about egg quality....that sounds weird. My specialist here said that even at my age it`s still good. Is there any more tests they can do. Or is this the Dr just throwing that comment out there.
Hey Carole good to see you. He is had a good heart to heart with me and was explaining all that he thought...he thought that due to the very early mcs. There are plenty more test he could have done but felt it would have been a waste of time and money as the same procedures would have to have been done by a fs if he can't help me get pregnant and he was just trying to save me time as its been over a year already.
Good morning ladies,

Reeds, it will be okay. Keep us posted on what the doctor says today.

Jonnanne, do you use his board as well? How old are your kids? Just asking because I see you have a grandbaby on the way. My kids are 19 and 16.

Hey Ready, My kids are DD, 21, DD, 19, DS 17. I haven't used Dr. Berger's board in a while though.

Update on grandbaby! Thank you all! Brittany is going next Thursday to get an amnio to check the baby's lung function. If all is well, she will be induced Friday! This time next week, we can be holding our precious grandson! Thank you all!
My doc appt didn't go so well...all my test he did are fine. and he is concerned with age and egg quality so I have been referred to a FS. My appt is Sept. 1. Seems so far away. I am off to nap ladies this has been a horrible day and my head is killing me. :(

Sorry to hear that reeds..........I forget how old are you again?


Girl, if thats old then Im in trouble because I will be 34 in August!

YOU AINT OLD! Hogwash on the old eggs. Women have babies for well into their late 40s regularly these days. I think the stress of all this though might get to us gals TTC, and that can send things haywire. Reeds, there are a lot of praying women on here, and we will stand in the gap for you. Im believing you've got great eggs, Im believing that you WILL have a baby. When your faith is weak, the rest of us will carry it for you until you are strong again.
Hmph. Old eggs. He probably has old balls.
Good morning ladies,

Reeds, it will be okay. Keep us posted on what the doctor says today.

Jonnanne, do you use his board as well? How old are your kids? Just asking because I see you have a grandbaby on the way. My kids are 19 and 16.

Hey Ready, My kids are DD, 21, DD, 19, DS 17. I haven't used Dr. Berger's board in a while though.

Update on grandbaby! Thank you all! Brittany is going next Thursday to get an amnio to check the baby's lung function. If all is well, she will be induced Friday! This time next week, we can be holding our precious grandson! Thank you all!

Congrats on the Grandbaby!
He probably has old balls. :rofl: I so needed that!! Thank you for all the extra prayers I have to admit right now I am not the strongest and I am pretty much trying to survive on my faith but I do seem to be tested alot.

Jonnanne such good news about the grandbaby!!:) :happydance: When do you start your injectibles?
Welcome coffee!! We are glad to see you here. Where are you getting your TR done?

Needafriend, we are here for you. I hope your father gets well soon. We are still praying for you and your family.

Reeds, I am 38 so I don't think you are old. Keep the faith and I pray for you and the other ladies often. Keep the faith YOUNG lady.

Doingit, you crack me up with the old balls. LMBO

I hope everyone is doing great today. If I missed anyone I am sorry.
Morning all, Thank you for the welcome messages, I have made a cuppa and i am gonna read all this thread from the beginning, so i know whats been happening with all you lovely ladies.... Sounds like some of you going through a bit of a tough time.. x
Thanks ready....The power of prayer is a strong thing.
Mommy...I loved the ball comment!!
And coffeelover, this is a super friendly, supportive group of gals here.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, I am hangin with my boys as I have to head out to Calgary tomorrow to be with my dad.
Hi Reeds...thanks for the wishes for my dad. He is very sick on life support in the ICU in Calgary. He has a nasty lung infection and developed a bleed from blood thinners.(he is only 57) We are praying for him and this has been a nitemare. I am leaving Calgary tomorrow to spend the day with my boys so that will be nice.

God bless everyone and their families

OH I will keep your father and your family in my prayers sweetie:hugs: Hope you have safe travels.

Hi all,
I am due to have my reversal done next month..
I have put a bit of background about me in the ttc-journals.
Hope to get to know you all and share info and experiences.

Welcome to the TR group:flower: I'm Anna (Navy2mom) 30 yrs old, mom to 3 kids ages 7,6 and 4 yrs. old and wife to a Sailor!! I had my TR March 2010 and a HSG during my TR surgery and the blue dye leaked though both tubes which means both sides are open. We have been trying for the last two months but we are on a Mini TTC break this month(due to DH's job) but are hoping to start again next month when he gets back :)

My doc appt didn't go so well...all my test he did are fine. and he is concerned with age and egg quality so I have been referred to a FS. My appt is Sept. 1. Seems so far away. I am off to nap ladies this has been a horrible day and my head is killing me. :(
Aww Sweetie I am soo sorry your didn't get the news you wanted but at least your test came back normal. I hope the FS will be able to know what to do so you can get that BFP soon:hugs:

AFM- The witch got me this morning. We should be in Va by Mon. I am going to try to get in with the Navy's fertility clinic and try IUI this month. Hopefully we will have enough time.
I hope you have safe travels to VA and I am interested in what the Navy fertility Clinic will say in VA....I go to the Navy's Fertility Clinic here in San Diego.

:coffee:Good Morning Ladies I hope everyone is having a nice weekend:flower: My kids and i are sitting home watching the Harry Potter Marathon this weekend. The weather is gloomy here in San Diego!! I got a couple emails from my hubby...He is doing okay,just very tired and wants to come home now....he is fed up with the ship he is one wants to do there job the proper way the first time!! Not too much longer and DH will be home :happydance: I am entering into my fertile time....starting having EWCM yesterday and cramping a little bit last night. That's about it for me...just riding this cycle out and hoping that everyone that is testing this month or in the coming weeks get a BFP:baby:
Hey ladies,

I have been pretty lazy today. The first time in a while that I got to do that. I hope everyone is having a great day.
Okay so just for fun I thought I would share my Jenny Renny Reading: Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of October from a cycle that begins that month. The baby shows as a boy and his EDD/birth date is referenced the month of July 2011 - specific reference to the 11th and 14th.

How many of you ladies have had a reading done???I know it's silly to say but I actually hope it's right!!
Sorry reeds and doingit. Praying for you and all the other ladies here trying too. I'm still waiting to see if the extensive BDing worked. This is CD 18 for me and 6 DPO. I told myself I would wait until the day before AF is due, but seeing as how I want to test now... I think I'll do one this coming wedesday which would be 10 DPO and then if that is negative I will test on the day AF is due. Yesterday I had some mild cramping and was very thirsty. I still think it's too early for pregnancy symptoms though. In non baby related news: Spent thursday night in the ER with my hubby. We were at my parents house for dinner and he all of a sudden went white and then red and then white and said he felt dizzy. Then he went into the bathroom and had very bad diarrhea. He called me in there and he was laying on the floor sweating telling me he was dizzy and his hands were numb. I took him straight to the ER. I was scared he was having a heart attack and he was scared of that too. He is only 37 and 160lbs 6 ft and he goes to the gym and we eat very well so it was so odd! But they ran an EKG anyway and found that he has a long QT inetrval which is something to do with his heart rythem. His potassium was also really low. So he now has to follow up with cardiology etc. This could be a genetic syndrome which has been known to cause sudden death so it's very scary for us right now. If he has this he may need a pacemaker put in and we would have to test our Preston for it too and any future kids because its one of the leading causes of sudden death in children too. So scary. So pray for us please that this is not that syndrome. We have been praying non stop ever since.
oh my goodness Adanma. WIll add your Dh to my prayers. I hope everything is okay for him.

Anna I had a Jenny said BFP in Nov from a Oct cycle...and she may be right since it may be that long with all the FS stuff. LOL

Af got me today...and will be pulling out all the stops this month...temps, opks and creighton model. Come now I just need to O this month.
Reeds~ Can you explain the creighton model ??? I am interested on how it works.

Adanma~ I will keep your DH in my prayers,I hope everything works out and that the Dr's can fix the problem with the Heart rythem.
Your in my prayers and thoughts dad is in ICU on life support due to major health issue which came from a small minor heart attack two weeks ago..He is only 57.

We are very close in our cycles. My FF says I am 7 DPO but I really think I am 8 as all my symptoms that I felt would point to 8 DPO but my temp says otherwise. Timing of BD sucked this cycle as I left to go be with my dad after day 2 of EWCM......but u never know, maybe he has smoking healthy swimmers and I have amazing fertile CM.....LOL.

Has anyone heard of vitamin D3 helping with dr says I should be on it with my prenatals. Hope all is well with all the TR ladies. Cheers
Ladies.....if u have a minute can u look at my FF ovulation chart. Can they calculate things wrong? If u look at the last 4 cycles before this current one, u will see that this cycle I was late to get my AF. I normally get it on the 12,13 or 14. (I did not do temps til this cycle) My CM shows that ovulation was sooner than my chart shows? Who is right? LOL....thanks
Hello ladies,

Adanma, I will be praying for you and your family.

Navy, it the reading free or is there a cost and where do you go to get it?

Reeds, sorry about AF but she want get to bother in a month or so. FX she gets the boot soon.

Needafriend, I hope all is well with your father. I am still praying.

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