TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Welcome name is Carole TL done in 05-TR done Jan 2010, age 36 three great boys 5, 10,12.
hi all just to let u know have done digi and def :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp: know not supposed to post tests in this forum but im sure you ladies would not mind i have phoned docs and he arranging a scan for when im 8 weeks and have to phone midwife in morn x

Sending lots and lots of babydust to every one of you all x xView attachment 99448

YAY:happydance: Congrats sweetie!!! hope you have a H&H 9 :)
Praise the Lord we got a :bfp: on here. I am still praying for more.

You took the words right out of my so happy that we have a BFP on here, Hope to see more of them soon:)

AFM i'm on CD17 today and in my TWW which will result in AF cuz DH isn't home yet!! So who else will be testing soon????
Yes a BFP!! Josey so happy for you.

I have been super busy lately with the kiddos but inbetween ballgames and other fum stuff I have been planning my way to a BFP!! LOL. I am temping this month with opks, doing the creighton model and at the first sign of ewcm I am using the baking soda finger and I will be be using softcups...if I do not get a BFP this month I obviously need to see the FS...which I did get his 5 inch thick of paperwork today!! Oh my gosh that alot of stuff to fill out. LOL

How are all my ladies today??
Thanks guys its 6 am in uk and been feeling sick since 4am i just wanted to say to u all don't stop believeing i honestly thought it would never happen thinking back what i did last month

took folic acid
bd twice!!!!
also our veggie patch all ready so hubby saying it all the fresh veg thats

im praying that you all join me soon x
I'm soo pleased for you Josey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Remind me again, how long you've been trying?

I'm now 8dpo and took a sneaky test this morning, BFN, but then it's probably too early. We're away camping this weekend so by Monday I'll be 11dpo and hopefully have a more accurate result.

Still feeling pretty relaxed about TTC this month. It will happen, it's just when that I don't know!
hi cheeky it was our 10 month ttc it would be 1 yr since op in 3 weeks x

Thank you for all your well wishes i will be more settled after 12 weeks x

Fingers crossed for everyone waiting x

Come on:bfp:
Hello all,

My name is Amber. Nice too meet you all! I've been lurking on this thread for a while...since I had my tubal reversal on May 7th. I found you all through a google search. I decided to finally register and post to give you guys some encouragement. A little background on me:
I'm 36 years old. Had my tubes tied in 2000 after the birth of my second child. 2 years later, I divorced my husband. About 3 months later, I ran into my high school sweetheart and we married two years later. He had never had children & wanted them so badly. We decided we'd look into a reversal in 2004. But life got busy with raising my children & it kind of went on the back burner. Fast forward to 2010. We decided we'd better go for it because I am 36 & he is 40. Tick tock! May 7th I had my tubal reversed at Washington fertility center in VA. Two days ago, July 14th, I found out that I am pregant!!!
So I wanted to share my story to give you all some hope and to say...if you don't mind me doing so...stop stressing & trying so hard!
My recipe for get an OPK & find out when you O. Do the baby dance (we only did it once the morning of O) ...and that's all you have to do. I didn't temp, chart or anything. Just relax & let nature take it's course. It will happen for you...when you least expect it!
I have my first dr. appointment today to get my blood drawn 7 make sure my levels are rising. I tested the day my period was supposed to come & bingo! I'm preggo! It was the 25th day of my cycle. So I hope all is well with my little bean & it sticks. Please say a little prayer?

And to all of you.....I'm sprinkling major baby dust your way! It will happen! Think positive & don't stress it!

Again, so nice to meet you all!
Thanks amber! It's nice to hear of someone having success with this. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's really hard to relax because the only way to know if the procedure was even successful is to get your BFP! So it adds a bit of stress to the situation still not really knowing if you can have a baby at all! Anyway best of luck to you and I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months! Again, thanks for sharing your story!

Forgot to update my own status: I am still waiting to test. lol! I am testing on Sunday and not before then. I have been rocketing out of bed and peeing in the morning before I can decide to sneak a test in. lmao! What have I been reduced to?

First of all let me start out by saying congratulations Amber. That is fantastic that you have you :bfp: so soon after your TR. That is great and I wish you nothing but the best.
Secondly, I am going to say that I am a little hurt by the comment of stop stressing and stop trying so hard. That was a hurtful comment. I had my tr done in 2007. I was 35 and we just let nature take it's course and over time (almost a year later) we got our :bfp: then we miscarried at almost 7 weeks. Then over that year we lost 2 more. Nothing for us in 2009 and then a :bfp: in January of this year. Which was lost at almost 9 weeks. We have had all kinds of tests done and everything is perfect for both of us. It is my age. I have a great supply of eggs, but they are older just like me. So I feel like I have to say that I take offense to your statement of stop stressing. I have been trying for almost 4 years with 6 losses (2 happened before and inbetween my other children) and for you to say stop stressing, it makes me a little mad and hurt. A lot of women are in here in a similar situation as mine and it saddens me that we have to read this.
Like I said, I wish you all the luck in the world, but unless you have read all of our situations, please be a little more considerate of others feelings. Thanks.
Oh my....seems I have made the wrong impression. I surely didn't mean to say it so flippantly. I just meant it as words of encouragement but I guess it came off as rather unsensitive. I apologize. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I don't know everyone's story and I'm sure it is an emotional roller coaster.
Believe me, I'm deeply sorry if I offended you. That surely was not my intent.
I was hoping to make you all feel better, not worse...

Thank you for the congrats.
Thank you for clearing that up. I didn't mean to come across as mean. It has been a long and painful journey.
I wish you a healthy and happy 9 months! Please keep us updated with your progress. Thank you again. :hugs:
Thanks Jonnanne you took the words right out of my mouth! I wish you the best of luck Amber but til you have walked a mile in our shoes telling us to not stress and to relax is like telling a dog not to bark...and I do appreciate the fact you was here to give us hope...well most of us are way past the 2nd cycle of ttc after our tr. Good luck with your pregnancy and God bless.

Opps thanks for clearing that up had been a long journey longer for some than others but we all here praying for our BFPS soon!:)
I said nothing and bit my tongue because sometimes I think I'm over sensitive but you ladies did it for me, thank you :hugs:

Congratulations Amber (lovely name, my daughter's name), take it from me, on behalf of us all, when I say you are EXTREMELY lucky to have your BFP so early :D I hope you have a fabulous 9 months!

2 BFPs in 2 days ladies, lets hope we can keep it up!!
I don't know if this is the right time,but I wanted to introduce myself.I am 29 with 4 kiddos.I had my TL in 03 after my only DD the rest boys.I meet my DH 6 months later and have been together since.He has no children of his own.He loves my children very much,but last year stated that he would like to have a child of his own,which scared me to death since he knew I had a TL.Then to my relieve he told me that there has to be something we can do to get it reversed.So I started searching and found a few TR DRs.DH decided on DR.Greene.I was leaning more towards Chapel Hill because it was cheaper,but my heart for some reason told me Greene.Anyway I had my TR on 7-8 just last week.My only concern is what you ladies have been going through having to wait for that BFP which I'm hoping will come very soon for you ladies.Baby dust to you all..DH just thinks its going to happen and thats it.I'm guessing he thinks that because I have had 4 already and the DR told us he would be very surprised if it didnt happen right away due to my age and the tube lengths left,but I know that is not always the case and would love to tone DH down some without hurting his feeling.Well thats my story its so nice to see other ladies who has had a TR on here.Amber congrats on that quick BFP.I am hoping I follow in your footsteps,if not then I hope to have the patience of these other ladies to not go insane and continue to TTC.Im suppose to O next week so starting to bd maybe sunday...Heather

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