TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Come on guys we need some more bfp's[url=
Hey ladies just want to pop in today and say hello.

Anxious when are you going to test?

Heather and Amber please don't stop posting.
I'm still here just reading up and trying to get on the ttc wagon.Never had to try before.I am on cd10 so going to have a happy DH thru next week.Hoping everyone gets that bfp we are looking for.
I'm trying to remain positive. This cycle will be my cycle. I think I just need to have more sex. lol! I'm sure my man won't be complaining about that.

RANTING or whatever. LONG~~I have never told this to anyone, noone understood. I finally feel like I have someone(you ladies)!! I don't even know where to start really. I had my TR in '93. Those who knew about it thought I had absolutely lost my mind:loopy:...They would say but (insert your quote here) you have 3 beautiful children, or ur so lucky some women never have children, or you dont have the room, money, energy etc etc etc. At first I tried to explain it:saywhat:. My love is limitless I could have 10 children and love them all with my whole heart. After awhile I just shut up and kept it all to myself. For about 5 yrs I would cry every month when AF came. I was typical of all women wanting a child, hoping, wishing , praying, being totally devastated. Then completely exhausted with it all, and my LO's getting big enuff to start asking why I was crying, I put it on the back burner. Mind me I always truly enjoyed my children and raising them we had loads of fun :shipw:and good times. But there was always that in the back of my mind of what I was missing. I eventually decided I couldn't get prg. I put on alot of weight over the years and decided to have gastric bypass. After 18 yrs my marriage ended. I met my DH in 2005. Not long after I was starving all the time, by the time I found out I was prg. and the TR had worked (12 yrs later) it was to late I mc. In '07 found out I was prg. again, tried to do everything right, but DH and I were barely scraping by, I was under alot of stress, bad job and mc at 10 wks. I took it for granted that God knew better than me what we needed since we were in such a bad place. Two yrs ago DH and I moved to the country. We love each other very much and try hard to do whatever we can to make the other happy. :laugh2::awww:We have a nice little life, very peaceful and content. Since the last mc I have had a regular 28 day cycle, very heavy for the first 5 days then medx2, then light/spot x2. Since April I have had some really weird stuff going on. bbs getting huge and tender, period going missing for weeks then only very light, spotting between periods, symptoms of prg. My mil says its menopause-- I'm 44. Its all really weird how it started all of a sudden. Someone else said I was just making up symptoms in my head. I could see that if I had been actively ttc (been there before lol), but you cannot make your stomach rumble with hunger pains like your starving, can you?? All I know now is that what has happened the last couple of months has brought up all those old feelings of wanting another baby of my own. Like I told DH kids come into unhappy, awful homes everyday,why shouldnt we be blessed. We have a home full of love and happiness to share. Besides we are both such good looking ppl we'd make the worlds prettiest baby :lolly:LMAO:rofl: Well if you got all the way this far thank you for letting me get this off my heart for the first time in 17 yrs.
Im sorry that people have been so hard on you. I wish I had an answer for why some are blessed and some are not. God is the onty one who knows the answers to those questions. But, anytime you need to rant...I would love to listen. We can all send prayers for you that God will open your womb and give you your hearts desire.
God bless you.:flower: Im sorry that I dont have something wonderful to say. I wish I did, but usually there just doesnt seem to be words to say. Soemtimes all i can think of is're right. That really blows. And feel sympathy for what your going through. But, IRL, I would come over and hang out with you and let you get it all off your chest. BUt, if you dont mind, it will have to be cyber I will go make us some coffee. Or a soda..whatever you would like.:hugs:
Oh wow mrsmommy! Aren't they a treat? My little guy is so funny! He's really into trains, and model trains, and anything to do with space and the universe.

AFM: Yesterday dear old AF paid me a visit. So moving onward. My husband was so sweet though. I bought me roses and a bottle of wine to cheer me up. Gotta love him. It did help too.


My littel girl is into meerkats, Super Mario Bros..singing. But she is surely an amazing person!
bdwell1904, I am sorry for your hard times. Unfortunately, I don't have anything that will make you feel better. I will pray for you that God will open your womb and give you and your hubby the baby you so desire. Stay positive and prayerfully. God has the final say and it ain't over until God says its over. Don't listen to what people say because God always do different then what we think.
TY so much ladies just being able to finally talk about my journey made a whole world of difference. I am so glad I found ya'll. I'm not really bothered about it so much anymore, just wanted to let it out. I also want to say that I didn't have any intention of scaring anyone, sry if I did
Ok Ladies I hope ya'll have a wonderful week. I go home tomorrow :happydance:Gonna go enjoy my pool and being spoiled by DH. Be back next Tues. Will try to check back tonite or am before I leave to see how everyone is. God bless everyone.
bdwell: I've heard the "you're crazy" stuff from my family as well. I have had people ask if I'm scared to have another child on the autism spectrum. That's the one that truly upsets me. Like I should be depressed that I have my wonderful son! I would have 10 more just like him if I could! Anyway bdwell, I'm sorry for your pain. I don't think anyone can know that feeling unless they have had to question whether a baby would ever come. That along with the miscarriages has to be really tough. I have had one, and I have only been ttc after my tubal for one cycle and I know what kind of a depression that can cause. I can only imagine what it must feel like for you. I'm glad you seem to be in a better place about it all now. It really does help to have a support network of other people in your same position. It makes it feel less like God has singled you out. Anyway I hope you get your baby soon.

Mrs.mommy: My neurotypical son is obsessed with mario bros! My AS son get's over stimulated and starts hopping around flapping his little hands and gets really stressed about the whole thing! hahaha! Poor guy, but he still begs to play it with his brother.

I'm currently on CD 3 and I'm feeling a bit better now. I drank my wine, cried, prayed, and now I'm doing much better. My sister saw somebody abusing their child at Millenium park on Saturday. The couple had 3 children approx between ages 5-2. They were ALL in diapers. The mother looked "slow" (my sister's words) and the kids all did too. The dad was pulling the oldest child up like off the ground by his ear and screaming into his ear because the kid went over to watch the kids playing in the water which is the whole point of the water feature. Kids are supposed to play in it. Why would you bring your kids there if they couldn't play in it? And why would they not have clothes on? Anyway, the whole thing was heartbreaking and I cried when she told me. There should be a way to make sure that kids don't have to live like that. A**holes like that can have kids, but it's so hard for others who would be amazing parents. I don't understand it and that was the bulk of my praying. I wanted to know what I can do to help children like that and I just wanted some clarity about the situation. I don't have my answer yet.

Happy Monday ladies,

Admana, hope you get your answer soon and I will be praying with you.

Navy, needafriend, and Anxious come out, come out wherever you are. LOL

I hope all is well with Flutter.

How was everyone's weekend? I played laser tag. I was like a big kid I had so much fun.
okay I'm dumb.. what's laser tag?


LOL you are not dumb. Laser tag is just like paintball except you have on a vest and the gun shots lasers. If you get shot it will say something like "nice tag". The room is dark and only your vest and gun light up and if you have on some light colored clothes it glows like in a club or something. You hide and shot people and you are on teams. I hope I explained it well.
I am just gonna wait it out because we didnt really 'try' this mnth and I dnt want to get my hopes up, but I am due for Af on Saturday fxd she doesnt show!!!!
Happy Monday ladies,

Admana, hope you get your answer soon and I will be praying with you.

Navy, needafriend, and Anxious come out, come out wherever you are. LOL

I hope all is well with Flutter.

How was everyone's weekend? I played laser tag. I was like a big kid I had so much fun.

Lol.I am in Tx for a mnth and working like crazy
Adanma....sorry about AF showing up, chin up you can ttc in 2 weeks.

Bdwell....Huggs is the arm? lol
Ready....thanks for all the prayers for my dad, they are working, he is off life support and slowing getting better. He has liver damage, kidney issues and a clapsed left lung still and with physio he is getting stronger and able to use a walker and walk some steps.
Hope everyone else is doing well, I am busy like heck, we bought a house and are moving between the 26-30 of this month. Guess I should start packing eh. LOL.
Hey Carole been wondering about you. Glad to hear your dad is doing better. My arm is healed great...I will try to take a pic of it...give me a few

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