TTC after a Tubal Reversal ~Come Join Me~

Good day ladies!

For the past couple of days I have been experiencing hot flashes. Now since my TR I have been dizzy and that would be because my hemoglobin levels were low due to the blood loss( I think). But the hot flashes...scaring me :( I am 33 years old, I am not going through menopause?:? I guess what I am asking is if any one of you TR ladies have experienced the same thing?


it could be hormone changes... ?? after my e/p I had night sweats for a week and I thought I was starting the menapause but it wasnt that...
did youhave blood tests done before the TR?? xx
Angel :angelnot:.
I'd love you to upload some pictures of your Florida honeymoon:cloud9:. At least then i'd be able to put a face to a name lol :rofl:.

I took my pictures with a proper camera.. 20 films!! it cost a fortune to get them all developed!!.. my OH may have some.. so I will see if he can upload them somehow.. hmm though it may be better if you dont see what I look like!! :haha::haha: xx
Evening all... and welcome Angel. I have just had my tr done on the 8th nov.. Still recovering.. my dr told me to wait 12 weeks or 3 cycles before we try because the tubes need to heal etc i think i put a more in depth post about it a few pages back. also a word of warning the nurse i was talking to says sex is ok once you feel comfortable but not to get pregnant.. but having a orgasm can rupture the tubes as they take a good tens weeks to heal... seems not worth the risk to me... in my eyes i have come this far and really dont want to risk it... but it strange how in the uk the dr say wait 12 weeks and usa and other places seems to be around the 30day or 1 cylce, suppose each doctor has different advise......

I have also noticed that a lot of ladies are having a mc or e/p first time after having the tr.. it could be a trend, be interesting to see how long after the TR they actually had the ms or ep to see if actually the body needs long time to recover.. just a thought...
Angel :angelnot:.
I'd love you to upload some pictures of your Florida honeymoon:cloud9:. At least then i'd be able to put a face to a name lol :rofl:.

I took my pictures with a proper camera.. 20 films!! it cost a fortune to get them all developed!!.. my OH may have some.. so I will see if he can upload them somehow.. hmm though it may be better if you dont see what I look like!! :haha::haha: xx

Don't be mean,i showed you mine now it's your turn lol :rofl:
Angel :angelnot:.
I'd love you to upload some pictures of your Florida honeymoon:cloud9:. At least then i'd be able to put a face to a name lol :rofl:.

I took my pictures with a proper camera.. 20 films!! it cost a fortune to get them all developed!!.. my OH may have some.. so I will see if he can upload them somehow.. hmm though it may be better if you dont see what I look like!! :haha::haha: xx

Don't be mean,i showed you mine now it's your turn lol :rofl:

Ahh but your new hubby wasnt wearing a kilt!!:happydance: xx
Hi Angel,

No point in introducing me to you as you know as we already friends and introduced her to the group thanks for all making her feel as welcome as i did when i first joined the group x

Well nothing much happening with me no cramps, no bleeding just going to see what happens on mon when i get some more bloods taken and see what results are....

Boobs are starting to hurt which makes me think HCG has risen mybe im just being very hopeful who knows just hope they not risen to the fact its ectopic...but nurse did say i would not fit in that crieteria!!!!.....

So will just see what Monday brings x please all keep fingers crossed and say your prayers x
Hi LAdies :flower:

Ready~ thank you:hugs: i am doing okay ...just taking care of my family since DH's work hours have been crazy. Well i have told all you ladies how my DS,who is 7 yrs old is ADHD/ODD...We just found out that our DD,who is 6 yrs old is Inattentive ADD....our youngest who is 4 yrs old is Developmental Delay. So things have been alittle crazy like usual around my household. But we are chugging along and trying to keep the faith :)

Hi Ladies,

Looks like its end of the road for me hospital called and my levels have gone from 185 to 155 midwife said it could be a pregnancy of unknown location they dont know where it is and plan to repeat on mon though my bloods had taken at a diff hospital...she said if they come down again on mon then my body will sort it out itself without them intervening but if they go up on Mon then they will opt for injection.

Dont know what to think or do......

OH Josey!! I am SO very sad to hear this :hugs: :cry: :hugs: Please take care and rest and i will keep my fx'd for you.

Oh Josey I am so sorry to hear this :hugs: I was so hoping everything would go perfectly for you this time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ASM - I'm now 11dpo with very high temps, chart has now gone triphasic and I am keeping everything crossed that I'll have a BFP on Monday.

The otherside is I actually ovulated late (CD19) and I'm actually only 5dpo; although temps would still be very high for this dpo. Not had a single positive OPK since ovulation so I'm pretty sure I ovulated when I think i did.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me, this is cycle 12, just over a year since my reversal and I really need it to be my turn now

I love your Avatar picture...and i will be keeping my Fx'd for you to get that BFP

As for me and fertility~ i was taken off BC's about a week and half ago...DH and I have had unprotected sex(on CD11 and CD16) twice this month and on Wednesday(CD14) I had light brown discharge and then yesterday(CD16) I had light brown discharge again..this morning i was lightly/dully cramping even before i got out of bed....not sure what's really going on,kind off this ovulation but then it might just be cuz i am off BC's now!! Wondering if their is a chance that I could become Preggo this month....Last Period was on Nov.4th and I am CD17 today.
Evening all... and welcome Angel. I have just had my tr done on the 8th nov.. Still recovering.. my dr told me to wait 12 weeks or 3 cycles before we try because the tubes need to heal etc i think i put a more in depth post about it a few pages back. also a word of warning the nurse i was talking to says sex is ok once you feel comfortable but not to get pregnant.. but having a orgasm can rupture the tubes as they take a good tens weeks to heal... seems not worth the risk to me... in my eyes i have come this far and really dont want to risk it... but it strange how in the uk the dr say wait 12 weeks and usa and other places seems to be around the 30day or 1 cylce, suppose each doctor has different advise......

I have also noticed that a lot of ladies are having a mc or e/p first time after having the tr.. it could be a trend, be interesting to see how long after the TR they actually had the ms or ep to see if actually the body needs long time to recover.. just a thought...

hmm that has made me think these medical profeesionals really know or do they just guess!! I was told it was ok to bd as but not til after my 1st AF.. my 1st AF post op was about 3 weeks after so it was about 5 weeks post op that I bd`d.. and it all felt ok.. also 5 weeks post op that I had a O.. wasnt mentioned that that could rupture tubes.. :nope: so I dont know how true that actually is.. I didnt expect to catch in the 1st month of ttc I wasnt really trying too hrd tbh.. so maybe it was too soon.. I was told the tubes can get scarring and start to block after 6-12 momths,post op..
I think medical stuff is more advanced in the USA abnd so took advice from the chapel hill website.. xx
Hi Angel,

No point in introducing me to you as you know as we already friends and introduced her to the group thanks for all making her feel as welcome as i did when i first joined the group x

Well nothing much happening with me no cramps, no bleeding just going to see what happens on mon when i get some more bloods taken and see what results are....

Boobs are starting to hurt which makes me think HCG has risen mybe im just being very hopeful who knows just hope they not risen to the fact its ectopic...but nurse did say i would not fit in that crieteria!!!!.....

So will just see what Monday brings x please all keep fingers crossed and say your prayers x

Thanks Jo hun
will keep my FX crossed for you hun.. I am hoping it was just a blip as I am puzzled that you have no bleeding or cramps.. .. I hope your hormone levels are rising.. but in a good way.. who knows maybe you are in the % that have low rising hcg levels strange things to happen..let us know how yyou get on xx
Coffee....question for you. What would rupture the tubes? The egg is going to pass thru there not matter if u have sex or not and it's not like all the semen and sperm are going through the tubes?? It would only be a fertilized egg if conception occured and my guess is that would be beyond small. LOL....

Just a question as I was one that the Dr said start when I wanted too....he never told me about risk factors of TTC too soon. He actually said there was a higher chance of conception before scar tissue would form. (if it was going to form).....interesting.

BTW..I had the reversal Jan 25, 2010 and had a mc in may
My doctor told me that there will always be scar tissue, however she did not state when that actually starts to form. The day of my surgery, the ER assistant came to introduce herself and preparing me and she said " the best thing about TR is that you can try as soon as you feel up to it". But after surgery doc says NO preggers for 3 months. So I truley believe that it depends on the doctors opinion. Depending on the kind of reversal I guess. My tubes were cut and burned! So it took her a couple of hours to complete surgery. So I believe my tubes need time to heal. Unsure if e/p or mc is related with trying "to early". I have heard success stories from the first try and one cycle!
I was cut and coag myself. Just follow Dr orders....they have the training.
At my post-op appt. 2 days ago, my dr. said he had a TR patient that conceived ONE DAY AFTER SURGERY!!!! :wacko: Can you believe that! The women carried the baby to problems. She told him at her appt. that she felt fine the day following surgery and couldn't resist her husband's charm. My guess, however, is she was probably taking too much pain medication. BTW My dr. was NOT advising this. :nope:

It is too bad the TR experts can't get together some solid facts on the pros and cons of waiting a week or 3 seems to vary greatly!

I guess this whole journey requires lots of waiting periods!!!
Hello everyone,

Welcome angelcake!!! My name is Karen had TR October 5th. I was told that some drs ask you to wait that long to be sure your hormones are back to normal.

Navy and Reeds, so glad to see both of you post.

Josey, I pray that Monday brings good news.

Afm, have to do some homework and take my son to a party later. Will check in a little later.
I wonder if the differences in times has to do with maybe what the doc's saw when they were in there? Like maybe how complicated the surgery was for each patient? Maybe it's each individual has a different recommendation based on their specific case? I know factors like age and how the tubal was done can affect how well someone heals.

My tubes were just coagulated in three spots on each tube which I was told was one of the easier kinds to reverse. I was also 28 when I had the TR surgery so maybe that's why I didn't have a long waiting period? I also had the TR done only 3 years after the TL. Just guessing I have no clue. lol!

As for the miscarriage thing, I think there is something to the theory that after this surgery a lot of us have failed pregnancies of some sort. I wonder if it has to do with hormones trying to reregulate? I was still 28 when I had mine and just 29 now since september so I don't think age would be a factor, but I do know that after my tubal ligation my hormones were very much out of whack so I'm sure my body had to get used to the new flow of hormones post TR surgery. I got pregnant my 3rd cycle after the TR and it ended in mc.

Interesting conversation!

In TTC news: still f***ing like crazy. God I'm sick of sex. This should be the last night for awhile. Temp up a bit this am so hoping yesterday was O day. Just making sure though since I still have pain on both sides. Not severe, but there. I'll feel better once I see if temp goes up again tomorrow. My poor hubby has been such a good sport too. He had me in tears laughing last night before we had to do it. He made a comment about my sexy sweatshirt and sweatpants I was sporting before the event. hahahahaha! I said something about my lopsided afro being the cherry on top and it was just so funny!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Anyone have special Turkey Day plans?

Good day ladies!

For the past couple of days I have been experiencing hot flashes. Now since my TR I have been dizzy and that would be because my hemoglobin levels were low due to the blood loss( I think). But the hot flashes...scaring me :( I am 33 years old, I am not going through menopause?:? I guess what I am asking is if any one of you TR ladies have experienced the same thing?


SUPER: I've been having the same issue! Whew, glad it isn't just me:) My TR was 8 days ago and since then, I've been having hot flashes, too. As others have said, it's probably our hormones readjusting to the "new" us:happydance: make me laugh...I sported the same sexy lingerie when we were TTC.

Ready....I am looking forward to you TTC stories.

AFM....going to order pizza hut for me and my client. Fun times....watching Pearl Harbour.
:hi: Everyone.
Hope you're all doing well? .

Navy:flower:. It's so good to hear from you,sorry that things are abit mad at home :hugs:

Reeds:flower:. Good to hear from you too:hugs:

Josey. I'm really [-o<that Monday brings you good news :thumbup:.

Adanma :rofl: You really crack me up lol :haha:. Sending you tons of :dust:,you deserve to get your :bfp: after all that :sex: lol :rofl:

Needa. Hope you enjoyed your :pizza: & the film. Pearl Harbour is a great film,i cry everytime i see it:cry: (& i've seen it alot lol :haha:) I love the song too :cloud9:

:hi: Angel,Ready,Faith,Super & anyone i've forgotten :blush:.

AFM. Well i'm still waiting on my CBFM to move up from low to high or even from low to peak as this is usually what happens with me:wacko:. Still early days though & i've made sure that we're :sex: every 2nd day & using the softcups to help the :spermy::spermy: get to where they should be :headspin::headspin:. Today i can start feeding my POAS addiction cos i've got tons of OPK's :yipee::yipee:

:hug: & :dust: to all ttc.

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