TTC after D&C (Soon)

Castaway - that is such a beautiful name! Love it! ....and no you will not be huge by my competition date!, you've only gained 10 lbs within 24 weeks, that is freaking amazing! keep it up!

Tella - CD18 it is! nothing wrong with that! more time to prep for O ;)

Dark - sorry for your loss, mine was similar to yours last August but hang in there, you will get your rainbow!

Bright - your chart looks good! FX for you this cycle brings your rainbow

afm - I'm 2 weeks in and 8 weeks away now, the diet is tough but I'm sticking to it. I don't think I've made enough change in the past 2 weeks so starting next week my trainer will probably increase my workouts and I'll have to do double cardio days, it's going to be a rough 8 weeks. Plus dd's bday is next week....I must find the strength to avoid the cake lol and we also go to LA next weekend for a family trip, so I have to stay on track! Other than that, I have an appt with my FS today to go over some lab work they did so I will let you all know what the results are this evening

You are too kind, I feel HUGE already! LOL
So we got our bloodwork in and all is normal, all the genetic tests and blood clotting tests and everything was normal, so I guess I'm in the "unexplained" category. Just my luck!

Did they suggest anything? Maybe next time get your progesterone monitored from the beginning?

Actually he suggested IVF with PGD, which is basically chromosomal testing of the embryo or something like that before implanting them in the uterus......he just skipped over the iui possibility because he says nothing is wrong with me sigh :nope:
You could also take baby aspirin for your cycle no harm in that. I might not jump straight to ivf it could be something as simple as low progesterone during pregnancy which is something they wouldn't know unless they tested throughout. I'm sorry You didn't get any clarifying answers <3

I'm exhausted after a particularly difficult day withy almost 4 year old son. Feeling defeated and upset. Sigh. Parenting is so difficult. Way more difficult then I thought it would be with my kids being so young. I wouldn't trade it but I hate these kind of days.

I think I'm in the tww but I have no clue. I got tired of doing opks and having sex so it's a wait and see approach. We'll keep DTD from time To time in case I didn't release an egg.

Cast I love the name :)
I can't believe 24 weeks either and sadly still struggle with is this even real, still.

Saw the Doc last night and she was ninja fighting him as he scanned me! Lol she is doing well and getting bigger day by day.

I am always eating bc I am hungry and still lost 4 pounds. Up 10 at this point.

Our name is a secret but I will tell you ladies!!!

Olivia Ann will be her name :)

MJ I see your countdown to your bikini and I'm like I will be huge by then! Lol also out of work then!!

Aww sweet, i love her names!!! It is so beautiful and lady like!!! WOW only 10 pounds is great!

Well, I had a normal 5-day period 19 days after my D&C. It made me sad for some reason, knowing that the miscarriage was completely over and my body is all healed up. I feel like it's not fair that my body is all better while my heart is still hurting, if that makes any sense.

I was almost 12 weeks and had seen the hearbeat on an ultrasound. Statistics say that my chance of miscarrying was under 2%. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around all of this.

We're back to NTNP, I'm not tracking ovulation or anything yet. Although, I'll probably try to initiate some action on days 12 and 14, as previous to D&C my ovulation was days 12-14.

I understand completely what you mean but that, i felt like my body got better so much quicker than i wanted it to. Body going back to normal so quickly but yet in my heart i felt like i will still going through it physically as well. And my body regulated super quickly, i od again 21days later only 2 days later than the norm and had a normal LP which was like wth, its like it didnt happen. Which i suppose is good but hard still.

Thinking about you!!!! :hugs:

Castaway - that is such a beautiful name! Love it! ....and no you will not be huge by my competition date!, you've only gained 10 lbs within 24 weeks, that is freaking amazing! keep it up!

Tella - CD18 it is! nothing wrong with that! more time to prep for O ;)

Dark - sorry for your loss, mine was similar to yours last August but hang in there, you will get your rainbow!

Bright - your chart looks good! FX for you this cycle brings your rainbow

afm - I'm 2 weeks in and 8 weeks away now, the diet is tough but I'm sticking to it. I don't think I've made enough change in the past 2 weeks so starting next week my trainer will probably increase my workouts and I'll have to do double cardio days, it's going to be a rough 8 weeks. Plus dd's bday is next week....I must find the strength to avoid the cake lol and we also go to LA next weekend for a family trip, so I have to stay on track! Other than that, I have an appt with my FS today to go over some lab work they did so I will let you all know what the results are this evening

WOW just listening to what is coming is making me tired. Im so sore on the sides today from the last two days of gyming that i cant even think about upping it lol

I think im gonna slow down next week though, and just go for runs on the treadmil instead of doing core conditioning classes. Will also keep to yoga on Tuesday not Wednesday, the Wednesday lady does very strong yoga and i want relaxing yoga.

So we got our bloodwork in and all is normal, all the genetic tests and blood clotting tests and everything was normal, so I guess I'm in the "unexplained" category. Just my luck!

Im glad you dont have genetic problems, but i do understand the desire to get answers from tests we run. Its always bitter sweet. Im also unexplained and that to me just means that we havent tested for everything because there is something causing this battle. Maybe look into Immune testing as well before you do IVF. IVF is expensive and it doesnt overcome immune issues.

Actually he suggested IVF with PGD, which is basically chromosomal testing of the embryo or something like that before implanting them in the uterus......he just skipped over the iui possibility because he says nothing is wrong with me sigh :nope:

That is so strange that FS can have such different view points on it. I asked my FS yesterday if he thinks doing anymore IUIs is beneficial and he just said they recommend IUI in two instances, 1) mild male factor which we dont have 2)unexplained infertility as it has shown slightly better success than TI. But he also said that you should undertake to do atleast 3 cycles as the compiled success ratio is around 40% but individually its not much higher than a normal cycle.

So yeah i dont even know if i want to waste money on IUI again, i have done 4 already but its alot cheaper than IVF.
Good morning ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well today!!!

MJ - I will be trying some other things before IVF. My FS suggested that as well but I am a little afraid so I will try everything before IVF.
We spent 20,000 on two fresh cycles and a frozen and that was with 80% of our meds covered through insurance. So yes very expensive. We have frosties left but are hoping to conceive naturally again so we never have to go back to the clinic. We've done it twice we can surely do it once more right?

I'm just passing the days working out packing and getting excited for my trip! Af potentially won't be due until I'm at my friends place so I have lots to keep me occupied.
Thanks for the support ladies.
I'm on CD 7 and planning to DTD every other day until day 16. I'm not testing ovulation but previously I monitored for 4 months and I ovulated on day 12-14 every month.
Before the miscarriage I was worried I would never get pregnant. Now that I have, I'm not worried about that part any more... just worried about having another MMC. My baby was gone for 6 weeks before I knew.
I can't believe 24 weeks either and sadly still struggle with is this even real, still.

Saw the Doc last night and she was ninja fighting him as he scanned me! Lol she is doing well and getting bigger day by day.

I am always eating bc I am hungry and still lost 4 pounds. Up 10 at this point.

Our name is a secret but I will tell you ladies!!!

Olivia Ann will be her name :)

MJ I see your countdown to your bikini and I'm like I will be huge by then! Lol also out of work then!!

Aww sweet, i love her names!!! It is so beautiful and lady like!!! WOW only 10 pounds is great!

Well, I had a normal 5-day period 19 days after my D&C. It made me sad for some reason, knowing that the miscarriage was completely over and my body is all healed up. I feel like it's not fair that my body is all better while my heart is still hurting, if that makes any sense.

I was almost 12 weeks and had seen the hearbeat on an ultrasound. Statistics say that my chance of miscarrying was under 2%. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around all of this.

We're back to NTNP, I'm not tracking ovulation or anything yet. Although, I'll probably try to initiate some action on days 12 and 14, as previous to D&C my ovulation was days 12-14.

I understand completely what you mean but that, i felt like my body got better so much quicker than i wanted it to. Body going back to normal so quickly but yet in my heart i felt like i will still going through it physically as well. And my body regulated super quickly, i od again 21days later only 2 days later than the norm and had a normal LP which was like wth, its like it didnt happen. Which i suppose is good but hard still.

Thinking about you!!!! :hugs:

Castaway - that is such a beautiful name! Love it! ....and no you will not be huge by my competition date!, you've only gained 10 lbs within 24 weeks, that is freaking amazing! keep it up!

Tella - CD18 it is! nothing wrong with that! more time to prep for O ;)

Dark - sorry for your loss, mine was similar to yours last August but hang in there, you will get your rainbow!

Bright - your chart looks good! FX for you this cycle brings your rainbow

afm - I'm 2 weeks in and 8 weeks away now, the diet is tough but I'm sticking to it. I don't think I've made enough change in the past 2 weeks so starting next week my trainer will probably increase my workouts and I'll have to do double cardio days, it's going to be a rough 8 weeks. Plus dd's bday is next week....I must find the strength to avoid the cake lol and we also go to LA next weekend for a family trip, so I have to stay on track! Other than that, I have an appt with my FS today to go over some lab work they did so I will let you all know what the results are this evening

WOW just listening to what is coming is making me tired. Im so sore on the sides today from the last two days of gyming that i cant even think about upping it lol

I think im gonna slow down next week though, and just go for runs on the treadmil instead of doing core conditioning classes. Will also keep to yoga on Tuesday not Wednesday, the Wednesday lady does very strong yoga and i want relaxing yoga.

So we got our bloodwork in and all is normal, all the genetic tests and blood clotting tests and everything was normal, so I guess I'm in the "unexplained" category. Just my luck!

Im glad you dont have genetic problems, but i do understand the desire to get answers from tests we run. Its always bitter sweet. Im also unexplained and that to me just means that we havent tested for everything because there is something causing this battle. Maybe look into Immune testing as well before you do IVF. IVF is expensive and it doesnt overcome immune issues.

Actually he suggested IVF with PGD, which is basically chromosomal testing of the embryo or something like that before implanting them in the uterus......he just skipped over the iui possibility because he says nothing is wrong with me sigh :nope:

That is so strange that FS can have such different view points on it. I asked my FS yesterday if he thinks doing anymore IUIs is beneficial and he just said they recommend IUI in two instances, 1) mild male factor which we dont have 2)unexplained infertility as it has shown slightly better success than TI. But he also said that you should undertake to do atleast 3 cycles as the compiled success ratio is around 40% but individually its not much higher than a normal cycle.

So yeah i dont even know if i want to waste money on IUI again, i have done 4 already but its alot cheaper than IVF.

Well we went to Carlos Bakery in Hoboken, NJ! I had cake, my friend made brownies AND I have a crumb cake from Carlos bakery. :haha:

I do love Olivia and cannot wait to be able to tell our friends/family!
Tella - I looked up some immunologists but none are covered by my insurance, I would have to get the cost of it first but am going to check into it. If we do IVF I already know we're doing it in Cancun, I feel pretty comfortable there and it's definitely much less than here in the states.

Brighteyez - I don't think the universe has IVF planned for you (just my feeling), I think you'll get your rainbow way before then ;) FX!!

Castaway - that sounds so yummy! I'm officially on mostly fish like tilapia and tuna all of next week with veggies of course, but my protein bars got cut out of my diet as of this weekend. For these girls to do all this for a figure competition over and over again? this will be my first and last lol. I love food too much!

Kelly - FX for you! and AF doesn't show and you have an awesome trip. I love to travel, even road trips, any excuse to get up and go ;)

afm, well yesterday I was kinda confused my FS said only IVF and when I mentioned IVF out the country he got snippy. Before I left though I got copies of all my records as I didn't like the way he reacted. I literally got in the car and called my gf to tell her about him getting short with me, and I felt like I must have blacked out or something because I feel like I missed something because he had no reason to get short the way he did (I don't black out ladies, I just felt like I was missing something lol). Anyway, after talking with DH last night, the next closest FS on my insurance is literally 3 hours away and I am probably going to go see what she says. I really want to try IUI first and not just jump to IVF. O and btw the Dr called this morning to apologize for his reaction to me saying I wanted to do IVF out the country (ok asshole, sorry if you were offended because I wasn't going to give you my money). Then he says my MRI says my cyst is fluid filled so now he doesn't know if it's dermoid.....really dude?? So am I supposed to have this surgery or not?
Sorry for the rant ladies, I know it's a lot. I have another appointment with another surgeon on Jul 9th, for a 3rd opinion, because I have no answers to anything. Thank God we are on a break from TTC because I would be super duper stressed out right now with all the i don't know's!
MJ maybe he was having a bad day? At least he apologized it takes a lot to do that.

Dark I find not testing for ovulation less stressful. I stopped doing opks because I was getting annoyed with the lines. I usually wait till I have ewcm and my nips hurt when breast feeding then when I do an opk it's positive so I get away with only one day of testing so I monitor but I do it randomly which Helps.

I'm still waiting either I'm at most 6dpo or anywhere less then that. I still think it's possible I O'd with the first positive opk I had because I had sensitive nips and lots
Of ewcm and the day after positive opk my cm dried up and even though I had another positive opk a few days later I didn't have another single sign of ovulation. I got my new moon cup in the mail finally so I'll be trying that out when af shows! I hope it doesn't leak like the other menstrual cups I've tried. Oh maybe it's possible my body tried to release two eggs a few days apart? I did take soy ISO. Is this even possible?

Off to google.
Kelly - that's what dh said, that maybe he had a bad day but he aplogized lol. As far as double eggs, I've heard they can release within 48 hours of each other or less typically, so it is possible. Are you going to wait it out to see if af comes or will you test before? FX for you!
mj. wow that sounds like a very strict eating plan you on. I think for the other people is a lifestyle so not as much of a punishment and control.

Sorry your doc was being nasty, but like you said atleast he apologised. and it would make me wonder why he even got offended bad day or not. It's good to get a second opinion and third if that is what you need to feel comfortable.

a dermiod cyst from what I have read wil have foreign tissue in it not just fluid. and if it is a normal cyst then a op could be excessive.

dark, good luck with the bd. No opks make life alot easier.

bright, I agree with mj. Your rainbow is coming the natural way :winkwink: have you started testing yet?

afm, I did a cbfm stick to see how the estrogen line is and I would definitely have gotten a peak today. lh line is quite a bit darker than normal so I'm happy. It seems like the opks I have is crap. hardly getting lines on it ! Will temp to I get confirmed o and then see how I feel about continuing.

bd took a knock due to dh having excuses :cry: hope to get some bd in tonight and tomorrow! !
I am scared to test! I was suppose to test today but I am scared of a bfn.
No I don't test unless I have reason to suspect I'm pg and I know my early pregnancy symptoms without a doubt so I just wait for af. Less stressful. We are technically ntnp so not testing helps to keep the stress down. I'm more aware of how much I want to be pg since the mc which has made it a but more difficult not focusing on it at times. Plus since I have no idea if I ovulated or not or when testing would be pointless.

Af might be coming soon I've got the runs and I usually get that before af though I hope she holds off another week I don't want a short lp!
Tella - yes I supposed others who do this all the time are used to it but seeing how this is my first....and last, I'm just fighting to get through. Hope you do get some bd tonight and tomorrow and catch the egg. Which opk's do you have? they sound like they have got to go!

Bright - I'm praying for you! when you feel ready.....I can't wait :)

Kelly - no poas? I would die! but I guess it is a lot less stressful that way

afm, not much going on, prepped all my meals and will be in the gym bright and early. We go to LA this 4th of July so I have to get all my workouts in. I think I may O on the 3rd or 4th too, not like it matters but that would be cd16/17 when I typically O.
It's less sad when I don't test. I guess when you know chances of conceiving are 2% you don't get your hopes up lol.
Mj, I will NEVER EVER buy these again!!!! They are terrible ones and it is casettes so i dont even get to pee on it :haha: only in a cup.

So BD didnt happen, DH keeps giving me excuses. But i will get him back in the TWW, he will see how it feels to get excuses all the time.

Did another CBFM stick this morning and the LH line i super dark and estrogen hardly there, still do a opk but i think it will be +. So not sure if O would be today or tomorrow. Dont have the O cramps i normally get. Time will tell.

Good luck with this week and the training.

Kelly, you very strong not to test often but i get it and alot of cycles i dont even bother myself.
Mj, I will NEVER EVER buy these again!!!! They are terrible ones and it is casettes so i dont even get to pee on it :haha: only in a cup.

So BD didnt happen, DH keeps giving me excuses. But i will get him back in the TWW, he will see how it feels to get excuses all the time.

Did another CBFM stick this morning and the LH line i super dark and estrogen hardly there, still do a opk but i think it will be +. So not sure if O would be today or tomorrow. Dont have the O cramps i normally get. Time will tell.

Good luck with this week and the training.

Kelly, you very strong not to test often but i get it and alot of cycles i dont even bother myself.

I hope you get some BD'ing!!!!
Good morning ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well.

AFM - I broke and tested this morning and it was BFN :cry:! So I promised my DH no more testing unless I miss AF. I have been having slight cramping on my right side more like pinches. Temp went up a tiny bit today but doesn't mean anything. I also have alot of creamy CM which doesn't mean much either. But time will tell if no on to the bloodwork and HSG once AF starts.
So I think I might be hypothyroid. It would explain my bone tired exhaustion mood swings and unexplained weight gain despite eating super well and exercising a ton. Getting blood taken Wednesday. Part of me wants my levels to be normal but the other part wants an explanation for my symptoms. The nurse was like could you be pregnant and I said no. This has been going on for the past month just getting worse and I'm only just into my luteal phase now if I even ovulated. Ugh.

Tella you go get him tonight. You could I as early as tonight or tomorrow I'd think.

Bright it's still early days so don't fret over that test to much. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

8 days till I leave on my trip!!!!

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