TTC after D&C (Soon)

Bright, 8dpo is very early!!!! Highest probability of implantation is around 8dpo so dont let that test make your feel out!!! I agree, wait it out. It saves us so many tears and heartache. When i got my bfp on 13dpo it was so faint that i only saw it 3hrs later dry and my beta came back 38 3hrs later, i mean surely a 25miu should have a proper line ????

Your chart is looking great, just stay hopeful!!

Cast, thanks i did manage to get some in last night late so a few extras are in there. Temps is confusing me a bit but oh well only time will tell, wont let it cause me to much stress.

Kelly, its great to have it tested to rule it out as it can also be the cause of early MCs and CPs! I completely understand the dilemma of wanting answers but not wanting something to be wrong. Holding thumbs it is something that can be treated easily!!!

AFM, My CM is gona completely creamy which is strange but my temp didnt raise much, and i played with some fake temps and it gives me O for today then i surely should still have fertile cm. Oh well not much i can do about it, just fxd we have caught that eggy and i get my bfp on Sunday the 13th!!
Bright, like everyone else said. Just take a deep breath and wait it out. I hope This is it for you!

Kelly, I was in exactly that boat recently of going back and forth over whether or not I hoped my tests would show anything. When I tested positive for LAS, I was relieved and afraid at the same time! It felt really strange!

Tella, I wish our bodies weren't so confusing! Just want to turn on a light in there and be able to see what's going on. :dohh:

So I FINALLY got to talk to my doctor yesterday. He said he still wants to go ahead and retest for lupus anticoagulant syndrome at the end of August. If I test positive again, we'll do Clomid and attempt a pregnancy with daily shots of Lovenox in my belly. If I test negative, he wants to refer me to a specialist. If I somehow manage to get pregnant before retesting (sooooo unlikely), we'll do the daily Lovenox shots.

He said there's nothing he can do about my 12-day periods. He can't give me birth control because I might have a blood clotting disorder. He can't have me take low-dose aspirin every day because it would skew my retest results. So basically, I gotta tough it out.
Tella - You are so sweet and encouraging. My temp dropped this morning so I am sure I am out now. But it must not be meant to be because I went home today and got some information that has turned my life upside down. My middle son girlfriend is pregnant. Doesn't it just feels like it's not meant for it to happen for me. Last time I was trying my oldest son girlfriend got pregnant and my grandson is now 1 1/2 years old. So I guess that is God trying to tell me something. My heart is broken:cry: and I am so stressed and confused right now. I will stay on just to keep in touch with you lovely ladies and enjoy all the BFPs.
Morning ladies!

Tella - hope you got some BD in! I can imagine how you feel, I get frustrated when DH gives me some excuse too. Yes, my eating is pretty strict, did legs today which is my roughest day but it's over.....till tonight.

Bright - it's still early, your 10dpo, wait till at least 12/13dpo. FX for you!

Kelly - definitely get it tested, I was hypo too but now I take Armour thyro. I still gain weight pretty easy and it's very hard to lose even when I eat extremely well, so I completely understand, but it can also cause mc's so it's best to have it checked.
Bright, like everyone else said. Just take a deep breath and wait it out. I hope This is it for you!

Kelly, I was in exactly that boat recently of going back and forth over whether or not I hoped my tests would show anything. When I tested positive for LAS, I was relieved and afraid at the same time! It felt really strange!

Tella, I wish our bodies weren't so confusing! Just want to turn on a light in there and be able to see what's going on. :dohh:

So I FINALLY got to talk to my doctor yesterday. He said he still wants to go ahead and retest for lupus anticoagulant syndrome at the end of August. If I test positive again, we'll do Clomid and attempt a pregnancy with daily shots of Lovenox in my belly. If I test negative, he wants to refer me to a specialist. If I somehow manage to get pregnant before retesting (sooooo unlikely), we'll do the daily Lovenox shots.

He said there's nothing he can do about my 12-day periods. He can't give me birth control because I might have a blood clotting disorder. He can't have me take low-dose aspirin every day because it would skew my retest results. So basically, I gotta tough it out.

I am glad you have a plan now!! Fingers crossed for you!!
oh bright, im so sorry girl :hugs: it definitely doesn't mean that its not meant for you, only that the time might not be right, I wish you all the strength and will power dealing with this new change in your life. will keep rooting for you still!!! who knows the attention diversion might just be what you need.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Bright so sorry to hear that. I hope you have some
Direction soon.

If I do test hypo I'm going to wonder if it was the cause for my mc in which case I'll be super upset. It was easier to think that baby just wasn't compatible with life iykwim. Blood work tomorrow then it'll get sent out Thursday. Depending on where it has to go I may not know for a week or so.

Mj what were your levels? I've never had issue gaining weight and when I started working out I lost so much so it's discouraging to see it all like back on. I'd be hoping it was just postpartum hypo because that usually resolves within a year or so.

Tella yay for getting some in!
Reading back and I don't know how my post ended up where it did, I must not have read all posts.

Brighteyez - ((hugs)), I'm with Tella on this one, it doesn't mean it's not meant for you too. Just don't lose faith, there will always be hurdles and obstacles to reach/acquire anything worth having.

Kelly - I'm not sure what my levels where then but I know they are good now. They have retested them and they said they're perfect now.

Ginger - glad you have a plan of action, you'll get your bfp soon too.

Tella - yay for BD!
Well hypo is easy to treat thankfully. Nurse said I should have results Friday. If they're abnormal I'll go in for more blood work. The doc I saw today was not very smart tried to tell me he wouldn't treat me for hypo unless my levels were a 10!!! Standard course of treatment is to treat for anything above a 3! I'll push if my levels are higher and see another doctor if I have to. What sucks is I'm moving soon and I don't want to delay treatment if I need it as I'll just continue to gain weight and feel shitty about myself for it.
Wow! I would say push him or demand a new doctor!

I ordered more inositol (found a 1lb bottle for like $27 on Amazon) and also got a bottle of Vitex so I could have free shipping. I'm hoping it will stop super long AFs and maybe make me ovulate! I really don't want to wait until September to TTC!
Ginger hears to hoping you get a sticky while waiting!

Results tomorrow hopefully. Fingers crossed. Though something odd happened today I stepped on the scale and it was 3 pounds lower though I've been scaling back on my portion size big time so who knows if it's from that and my working out. I totally expect it to go back up for tomorrow. Though it was nice to see a lower number for the first time in ages.

I've started packing for my trip! Leave in 5 days eeeee!!!!

Still have no idea if I ovulated at all this cycle. I had creamy cm today at 8dpo I think or maybe I'm 9dpo by my last recorded positive opk. I have no idea anymore.
Ginger hears to hoping you get a sticky while waiting!

Results tomorrow hopefully. Fingers crossed. Though something odd happened today I stepped on the scale and it was 3 pounds lower though I've been scaling back on my portion size big time so who knows if it's from that and my working out. I totally expect it to go back up for tomorrow. Though it was nice to see a lower number for the first time in ages.

I've started packing for my trip! Leave in 5 days eeeee!!!!

Still have no idea if I ovulated at all this cycle. I had creamy cm today at 8dpo I think or maybe I'm 9dpo by my last recorded positive opk. I have no idea anymore.

It may take a few cycles to actually ovulate again. I know mine was delayed as we talked about before. Having a miscarriage I believe is harder on the body then giving birth, it takes a lot to recover from it! Fingers crossed you did ovulate and you just don't have your usual signs!
Oh I had signs when I got the first positive opk on cd 15 ewcm sore nips and cramps but then I got a positive opk on cd 18 to which is why I don't know. I can't be bothered to temp so I'll just wait and see if af turns up around the right time for one of my two possible ovulation times.
Oh I had signs when I got the first positive opk on cd 15 ewcm sore nips and cramps but then I got a positive opk on cd 18 to which is why I don't know. I can't be bothered to temp so I'll just wait and see if af turns up around the right time for one of my two possible ovulation times.

Exactly what happened to me. I was like I know when I O'd and Doc was like your body can gear up and just not complete it. It is a very complex series that everything has to be aligned to actually complete.

What is interesting on my end is I stopped being intimate with my husband after the peak, we did it the day after. Doc thinks I could have completed the O like a week later, that means his swimmers hung around for a week for this little miracle! We were both shocked....Still in shock lol
Happy 4th of July everyone! We're going to to LA today till monday, so I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm 7 weeks out from competition tomorrow and I'm dying! but hanging in there.

FX for you Kelly!

Castaway - Hope you are doing good :)
Cast that is crazy! Yay for him having great swimmers! I would have fessed you'd have a girl based on that to if I didn't know when I joined you were already having a girl.

So guys my thyroid is amazing. 1.57 which is pretty damn healthy. So obviously this mc has done something to upset my body and is causing me to gain weight. I'm not sure what exactly but it all started after the D&C and quiet frankly I'm sick of it. I'm still small but I want my old body back the one I've been working in perfecting for the past year. I'm in a very it's not fair kind of mood right now. Arg.
Kelly, I gained a ton of weight after my D&C last July too! Before I got pregnant, my weight hovered around 165. I got up to almost 190 and literally nothing about my lifestyle had changed. I've been busting my ass since the end of April, and I've gotten down to 174.
Happy 4th of July everyone! We're going to to LA today till monday, so I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm 7 weeks out from competition tomorrow and I'm dying! but hanging in there.

FX for you Kelly!

Castaway - Hope you are doing good :)

Cast that is crazy! Yay for him having great swimmers! I would have fessed you'd have a girl based on that to if I didn't know when I joined you were already having a girl.

So guys my thyroid is amazing. 1.57 which is pretty damn healthy. So obviously this mc has done something to upset my body and is causing me to gain weight. I'm not sure what exactly but it all started after the D&C and quiet frankly I'm sick of it. I'm still small but I want my old body back the one I've been working in perfecting for the past year. I'm in a very it's not fair kind of mood right now. Arg.

Kelly, I gained a ton of weight after my D&C last July too! Before I got pregnant, my weight hovered around 165. I got up to almost 190 and literally nothing about my lifestyle had changed. I've been busting my ass since the end of April, and I've gotten down to 174.

MJ hanging in over here :thumbup:

Ginger & Kelly, I totally think the MC wreaks major havoc with hormones. I was miserable after the MC, more so, then post partum. It was horrific, emotionally and physically I felt like a balloon!

Kelly: Yeah, I kinda had a feeling it was a girl after I was told I did not O when I thought I did! When I had the blighted ovum we were trying the rhythm method, stopped being intimate 5 days before O. The day of surgery(which is why we stopped doing the deed, was waiting till the next month after ankle surgery), while the hospital knocked out, I O'd. I was testing positive 7 days later. I thought that was insane and the doctor said I am just not a candidate for family planning. I am not quite sure what we will do once baby is here and I am breast feeding.
Ginger I think that's what's going in though it just adds insult To injury. As if we haven't been through enough let's just make you gain a ton of weight to help your moods. Ugh. I was already in a pretty hard core workout routine and I still gained like 10 pounds. I've lost 2 since then so 8 more to go if I don't gain anymore.

Cast that's crazy. Wish my dh's sperm were that good instead of sucky!

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