TTC after D&C (Soon)

When I went to the ER for my miscarriage, the nurse practitioner recommended I wait one full cycle before trying again. But my ob/gyn said 3 full cycles. She also said that the wait time is the same for women who miscarry naturally or have a D&C. I just found it odd how they provided different time frames.
The biggest reason why docs will tell you To wait providing no other factors are at play is for dating purposes. You are more fertile right after a loss or pregnancy then any other time apparently so if you're ready go for it.
Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing?

I'm 4 weeks out from competition, struggling but still haven't cheated and still working out hard. I can't wait for it to come.

Tella - any new test results? immune tests etc??

Bright - Have you used the iui kit as yet?
Great MJ keep up the good work. We did try it and baby dancing. I couldnt tell when I was ovulating because of all the positive opks and temps were weird plus I forgot to temp two days. So we will see. LOL havent tested waiting until Tuesday!
Oh and forgot I had some. Really sharp pain yesterday on my right side. It made me stop in my tracks and it was on and off, today its just small pinches here and there.
I'm still traveling. 3 dpo roughly but no sex this month due to hubby being across country. Looking forward to my next cycle. Had a dream last night that I was hanging out with a friend and I peed on a stick and have it to her, it was positive. So I'm very hopeful it'll happen for us again in the near future.

Atleast you dont have POAS creeping up on you!!! Fxd it is a sign of next month!

When I went to the ER for my miscarriage, the nurse practitioner recommended I wait one full cycle before trying again. But my ob/gyn said 3 full cycles. She also said that the wait time is the same for women who miscarry naturally or have a D&C. I just found it odd how they provided different time frames.

My FS said when ever i feel comfortable to try again. I started immediately afterwards.

Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing?

I'm 4 weeks out from competition, struggling but still haven't cheated and still working out hard. I can't wait for it to come.

Tella - any new test results? immune tests etc??

Bright - Have you used the iui kit as yet?

WOW 4 weeks already! Time flying by, feels like just the otherday you said you gonna do it!!! But you looking amazing so it is so worth it!! I can imagine it is tough but you doing amazing!

Yes i got results, i will past the post from my journal. Ive hardly been on BnB so not posting much at the moment.

Oh and forgot I had some. Really sharp pain yesterday on my right side. It made me stop in my tracks and it was on and off, today its just small pinches here and there.

As long as you have spermies in there you have a chance and that is all that counts!!! THe pinches and pulls is good sign!!!! Fxd for a 2 liner soon!!!!
Tella yes it's nice not to have to worry about that. I'm safely in the tww approaching the 1ww. I hope my period comes sooner though cause we'll be driving to our new home and am scheduled for af during the week of driving which sucks :(

Can't wait to get some from hubby and ovulate so we have a proper chance

MJ best of luck. Youve got stronger will power then myself with the diet side of things.
GM, ladies!
How is everyone? Its been quiet on here lately, I hope everyone is doing ok.
GM, ladies!
How is everyone? Its been quiet on here lately, I hope everyone is doing ok.

Bright- your chart looks good! Have you tested? FX

I'm hanging in there, 3.5 weeks left, so not much going on on my end.

Tella- I read your journal entry, sounds so good! I'm excited for you, getting closer ;)
Bright your chart is looking pretty interesting!
ooooh bright, that spike is awesome! !! Cant wait to hear the results! !!

mj, sorry I forgot to go find it. Will do so tomorrow.
Good morning ladies,

Tella and MJ - I don't know what's going on I got a BFN this morning and I am 12DPO. Slight temp drop and still have headaches and mild cramping. I don't think this is it. I should have a bfp by now if it was 12dpo is good timing for it. AF may be here later today or tomorrow.
Tella - I looked in your journal and found it, that's why I said it's exciting! I'm so happy for you, I think your bfp will be coming soon ;)

Bright - Give it another day, I got a bfp at 13dpo once. Still hoping for bfp for you!
Hey ladies - is it normal to still have milk in my breast after 7 months?
Bright yes if you squeeze you can get milk for quiet a while after you stop nursing.
Ok, I haven't nursed I over 13 years and I didn't squeeze I just too the bra off. I have 4 kids and nursed them all and never had this happen. But again Its been yeeaarrrrsss since I did that LOL
Bright, your temps are still looking great, you still well above the coverline so dont loose hope yet. When you gonna test again?

I have no clue about the milk expect that your prolactin levels should be below a certain point for you to ovulate which it obviously is but also it cant be to high or you wont fall pregnant. Im rooting for a bfp when you test rather but if AF does come i think you need to have it checked.

Mj, oh cool thanks girl!!! I also believe it is coming and it will be sooner than we think :winkwink: So we officially in competition month hey? Need to see a updated pic to see how you progressing, i went to a gym class last night again in like 5 weeks and i can feel it :lol: But it felt great to be moving around!!!

Afm> im jsut taking this cycle very relaxed. I wanna know when i o but dont really care either LOL I think i missed it but we having fun bding so we will have spermies waiting even if it is later. My chart is a mess so not anything to go by, will just wait till like CD35 before i test if no AF.
Bright that is a long time! Can't hurt asking the doc about it next time.

Tella I didn't do opks this month but I know roughly when I O'd. I usually don't do opks till I strongly suspect I'm o'ing and then they are usually positive within a day or so I like taking it more relaxed no temping minimal opks and sex whenever.
Bright - not sure about the milk, I only bf for 3 months as my milk dried up so not sure if you would still see it so long after. Any new tests?

Tella - yes 3 weeks left but workouts are getting more intense and food is still a struggle! I will upload new pics soon, haven't taken anymore recently. My butt is my real issue, it isn't tightening as quickly as I need it to and I really don't want to have a jiggle butt on stage lol. This cycle sounds pretty easy going for you, what cd are you?

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