TTC after D&C (Soon)

Praying for you Ginger. I think this cycle will be good to you!! Hoping you get a BFP for the holidays ;)
Ginger I am really hoping it works for you! Keep us updated!

Mj and bright how are you ladies doing?
I'm good, keeping busy minding my four year old terror lol and keeping the two from fighting. Tired mostly as Lexi's sleep has been off.
HI girls, i cant help but be hopeful that im gonna see some bfps in this thread soon!!! I just have that feeling and i pray it is right!!!

Bright, I strangely had normal text book ovulation the cycle after my IVFs hope it is the same for you and brings a christmas present.

MJ, How you keeping up? Have you guys chatted about your FET in the new year or are you just gonna play it by ear and see when you feel ready? But i truely hope you also get a surprise when you least expect it!!

Ginger, Why did you change your Femara to a day later? They say the later you take it the better quality it makes that one or two that was already recruited by the body but could make you o a bit later. The earlier you take it the more follicles it recruits, but might compromise a bit on quality due to quantity. Come on eggies grow and bring that BFP!!!!!!!!!

Kelly, wow 17 weeks already! Time is flying for me due to being so busy and hence everyone elses pregnancies also seem to be flying by.

Emma, So sorry for your loss!! :hugs: Hope you coping as much as you can and that your test in a day and a bit will bring happy news!!!

AFM, We had a sneak peak at Bugz on Tuesday in 4D!! It was so amazing to see how perfect he/she is already. Unfortunately we couldnt see sex yet. Ive also attached our FB announcement we did last week :dance:


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Such a cute announcement!

I took it one day later because hubs and I were fighting on CD3. So I didn't feel like taking it. But everything was cleared up the next day, so I took it CD4-8. My doctor wanted me to take it CD5-9, so I guess I technically still took it "early". My OPKs have all been depressingly negative. Woke up this morning with watery CM, though. Hopefully that's a good sign. I was pretty crampy last night.
Keeping everything crossed for you and ovulation ginger!

Tella mine feels like it's going so slow! But yours seems to be going fast how does that even work? Each week feels like at least 2.

My scan is dec 19 :) im pretty excited to see baby and get some pictures!
Kelly, are you finding out the sex? I feel like you're having a girl, but I'm not as sure as I usually am!

I am still waiting to O. :coffee:
I don't think we will find out. But we' have it written in an envelope to put in the safe just in case. I also feel like I'm having a girl :) I hope my intuition is right I've been correct for my 3 babes so want to keep that record unblemished.
Lol kelly, with wanting to see the little ones the weeks does seem to creep by. Luckily i will have a super busy week so will get to wednesday in no time. We leave for holiday on the 12th for 2 weeks so loads to get ready.

Ginger, thanks :) dont feel discouraged by the negative opk. I used o on cd14 when taking it 3-7 so going on the theory that taking it later will mature the eggy better it will delay O. However i think you should try and take it sooner if you have to again to recruit those eggies as you dont O on your own so it tells me your hormones aren't doing what it should to recruit the follicle in the beginning. Heres to hoping there is no next time and you gonna have a sticky bfp this cycle
Once my half way scan is done I'll be able to forget about it again since I likely won't have another and if I do it won't be till after 36 weeks. I found not having to think about scans and acts like that helped to pass the time and I stressed less.

MS is back again this morning, ugh, it really needs to piss off now. Still not as bad as it was but it still sucks feeling randomly barfy this far along.
I admire you for the self control! We have scans every 4 weeks so there is so many temptations.

Oh no booo on the MS, hope it goes away quickly!
Are you staying team yellow Tella? That would be hard knowing you could know every 4 weeks! With Lexi's pregnancy I had quite a few scans just because of everything we went through with Hannah and Hannah of course was a scan every week sometimes 2 from 12 weeks on and I'd had 3 by the time the 12 week one rolled around. I honestly prefer having less after going through all that. Sometimes I wonder if Hannah would still be with us had we not done the 12 week NT scan, I say that because she was diagnosed with her condition at 12 weeks, something that wouldn't have been caught till 18-20 weeks otherwise and yes by that point there would have been concern but maybe they would have waited a bit longer to send us for the intrautero fetal surgery well they would of had to since she had her surgery and ultimately passed away at 18 weeks. You know I don't torture myself in general over the what if's but you can't help but think about it.

And I'm rambling. I think a lot more about her, being pregnant and having another daughter now, I find she is often on my mind or close in my thoughts.
No we want to know. We were gonna wait till 20 weeks but i cant wait anymore lol.

I cam only imagine the what ifs but like you say no point in pondering about them as it wont change anything. I suppose scans can have its pros and cons but i was happy to get them often otherwise i would worry far to much. In first tri. Also had 3 by 12 weeks.
I understand that! I wanted all the scans I could get after Hannah, it's just funny how it can change from baby to baby! Also having to drag other kids to these apt's makes it less fun lol.

So 18 weeks today, this is the day gestation wise that we lost Hannah almost 3 years ago. It is my least favourite week, sweet potato week. I hope it passes by fast.
Hey ladies - been super busy with the holidays and the family. I hope everyone is doing well. Kelly and Tella, omg, you guys are almost half way through! time is flying by!

Ginger - 6dpo - woo hoo! I'm praying with every ounce in me for you! Fingers and toes crossed!
How has everyone been doing?

Ginger did you ovulate?

My 20 week scan is Friday. I'm nervous and anxious I don't have a great record with scans so freaking out just a little bit that something will be wrong and it'll be all over :cry: I hate feeling like this I've been pretty laid back this entire pregnancy until the past week or so.
Kelly, take deep breaths. You're almost 20 weeks! The chances of something going wrong now are just sooo small. I'm sure you'll have a beautiful scan. :hugs:

Yes, I ovulated. Although I kind of wish I hadn't! I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, pretty severe physical thyroid damage from the Hashimoto's, and multinodular thyroiditis! I'm on levothyroxine now, and it's just not a good time to have a baby! :haha:

Fortunately (weird to say), FF moved my ovulation date to a day where we had DTD three days before and the day after. That, coupled with my 88.89 TSH makes it unlikely that I'll get pregnant.
Hypo can be treated though with this more severe kind do they treat it with anything besides the levo that you would need to postpone having a baby for? I know with hyper usually they ablate the thyroid and put you on supplements for the rest of your life and because of the ablation pregnancy needs to be avoided for 6-12 months post but that's a bit different.

Glad they're figuring some of your health issues out!

Yes deep breaths! I had horrible dream last night and slept so badly. I think I'm more worried because I haven't had a scan since 9 weeks. They don't offer a 12 week one where I live and if I had of had that and it was good I wouldn't be worried so much. I know the odds are low of anything major being wrong it's just nerve wracking.
Nope, they'll just monitor my levels every 3-4 weeks and increase or adjust my levo as necessary. I don't have to wait any specific amount of time to get pregnant, and levo is safe during pregnancy. They would like to get my levels under control before pregnancy, though. So we'll be NTNP/WTT until then. I will have to be on the levo forever. Hashi's has probably destroyed a pretty good portion of my thyroid.

But if I can be healthy and have a healthy baby, I don't care! :)

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