Mj, this time.of year is super busy. We at the coast where there os very limited signal so not updating. But its great being here and relaxing for a change! !!
I cant believe im that far already! Just wish i would start feeling her soon. I still need to figure out the feeling before i will be able to identify it but fxd its soon!!!!
Kelly, praying for a great 20week scan! Even with my 4 week scans i still stress before each scan. And i can only imagine as this is your scary scan but you are doing great and so is baba!!!!
Ginger, so sorry about all these problems! However with every diagnoses i always felt like im 10 steps closer to that rainbow and that always kept me going. Fxd the meds help quickly and you get that bfp super quick
Afm, just enjoying it all and falling more and more in love with our little girl. Dh is so cute and is falling more and more in love with her as well.