TTC after D&C (Soon)

Hayley - I'm still waiting too. They think it's due to still having some retained product. I don't really understand though because my tests are now negative. I'm booked in for a d&c (erpc in the uk) on Monday. The scans have shown i have a funny shaped uterus so they struggled to get every last bit.
Hayley - have you had a scan to see if there's anything else there?
Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer for either of us. Big hugs x
Hayley - I'm still waiting too. They think it's due to still having some retained product. I don't really understand though because my tests are now negative. I'm booked in for a d&c (erpc in the uk) on Monday. The scans have shown i have a funny shaped uterus so they struggled to get every last bit.
Hayley - have you had a scan to see if there's anything else there?
Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer for either of us. Big hugs x

Hilslo - I'm so happy to see you here.:hugs::hugs: I was wondering if everything was ok. So monday they will be re-doing the d&c on you? have they said how soon after that you may get AF? Have a safe operation, you're in my prayers :flower::hugs:
Hayley - I'm still waiting too. They think it's due to still having some retained product. I don't really understand though because my tests are now negative. I'm booked in for a d&c (erpc in the uk) on Monday. The scans have shown i have a funny shaped uterus so they struggled to get every last bit.
Hayley - have you had a scan to see if there's anything else there?
Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer for either of us. Big hugs x

Sorry to hear that Hilslo, hopefully it will arrive for you shortly after the d&c :hugs:
I had a scan 2 weeks ago and they couldn't see any retained products so it's just a waiting game for me now! I'm also having my hcg tested next week so that should give me a better idea of what's going on.:flower:
Hayley - are you still getting positive hpts?
The consultant said around 3 weeks for af but I don't think even she really believed it. All a bit pot luck!
Mj - how are you getting on?
Hayley - are you still getting positive hpts?
The consultant said around 3 weeks for af but I don't think even she really believed it. All a bit pot luck!
Mj - how are you getting on?

Hilslo- I'm hanging in there. No O yet, I think my cycle might be wacky since the d&C so just playing the waiting game. Hope you're hanging in there too, all this confusion and frustration will soon come to pass for all of us....we just don't know exactly when as yet :hugs:
Hilslo no have been getting negative tests for weeks now! 9 weeks tomorrow :cry:
Good luck with the erpc tomorrow hope it goes ok for you and gets you back on track :thumbup:
I've terrified myself by reading all the things that can happen as a result of the erpc. Now wondering if I should not go ahead with it. I don't really feel I was given all the facts. They mentioned the risks of perforating my uterus but nothing about scarring or ashermans syndrome...
V scared!!!
Hilslo, I was honestly terrified too. I had to get mine done at the abortion clinic because it had a shorter wait than the hospital. It was awful sitting in the waiting room with all the people there for abortions, but I was kinda glad the doctor doing it had A LOT of experience doing it.... Ray of sunshine on a cloudy day? I dunno.
I am terrified about Asherman's too, trying not to worry but it's very hard!

Thinking of you today Hilslo! :hugs:
I was terrified of Asherman's too after my D&C, I even asked my Dr. about it and he gave me "the look", I consider that look to be MJ don't go there you're going to be ok, but I was so scared.

Ladies I would like your opinion please here is the situation:

So I am finally surging!!! opk was definitely positive yesterday. We BD'd this morning before DH went to work but I know I normally surge for 3 days so hoping to get some BD tomorrow and wednesday. My temp was still low this morning, so I know I haven't O'd yet. I have to go up to Orlando for a meeting for wednesday morning, so I'm leaving right after my class tomorrow night and driving back down after the 10am meeting on wednesday. Do you think we should BD before DH goes to work tomorrow morning again? or wait till he comes from work at 4:30pm right before I go to class and head out?? I'm not sure what to do and I know I know it takes 24 hours for his little men to build back up so twice in 1 day isn't really an option. I don't even know if it matter what time of the day either, what do you ladies think? :wacko:
I was terrified of Asherman's too after my D&C, I even asked my Dr. about it and he gave me "the look", I consider that look to be MJ don't go there you're going to be ok, but I was so scared.

Ladies I would like your opinion please here is the situation:

So I am finally surging!!! opk was definitely positive yesterday. We BD'd this morning before DH went to work but I know I normally surge for 3 days so hoping to get some BD tomorrow and wednesday. My temp was still low this morning, so I know I haven't O'd yet. I have to go up to Orlando for a meeting for wednesday morning, so I'm leaving right after my class tomorrow night and driving back down after the 10am meeting on wednesday. Do you think we should BD before DH goes to work tomorrow morning again? or wait till he comes from work at 4:30pm right before I go to class and head out?? I'm not sure what to do and I know I know it takes 24 hours for his little men to build back up so twice in 1 day isn't really an option. I don't even know if it matter what time of the day either, what do you ladies think? :wacko:

I would say the sooner the better on the BD!
Yay MJ!

And keeping with that same vein of convo, I got my surge on Saturday (it was neg yesterday). We bded on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. We'll do it again today. Do we need to do it tomorrow too? I don't temp so I have no clue when I actually ovulate.
Yay MJ!

And keeping with that same vein of convo, I got my surge on Saturday (it was neg yesterday). We bded on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. We'll do it again today. Do we need to do it tomorrow too? I don't temp so I have no clue when I actually ovulate.

3minions, I think if you do it today you should have covered all your bases....tomorrow won't hurt to get some in either but it sounds like you are definitely covered :winkwink:
MJ, 3 minions - oooh exciting times. It sounds like you are both getting some good bding in. I agree that earlier is better to get the spermies all lined up! 3minions - if in doubt go for it. The two times I have got pregnant I got 2-3 days surge, then a negative opk then o the same day as the negative (temps rose the day after).

Had my op today and seems to have gone well. My anaesthetist was about my age (32) and said she has has two erpcs too so knew what I was going through. She said she had them both at the hospital which gave me comfort. The staff all seemed v well briefed on my funny shaped uterus and answered all my questions well. Very little bleeding so I'm hoping that means very little trauma to my insides and less risk of ashermans. Excited to look forward - hopefully af won't take too long (probably wishful thinking given my body's usual slow response)
Anyway. Onwards and upwards as they say!
Hilslo - so happy to hear that all went well. I really hope AF comes soon. Do you have to go back for a dr follow up visit after this op?
I have a follow up appt in Nov. No idea what we are due to talk about though.
I have a follow up appt in Nov. No idea what we are due to talk about though.

probably to make sure everything looks good. If AF doesn't come by the time our appt gets here maybe they will give you something to make it start.
Where is everyone?? any updates?

I think I am 2dpo today, so I'm still playing the waiting game sigh.
4 dpo. Just waiting waiting.... I told my cousin we were ttc this cycle though and for someone who's always cared I got an "oh, I gotta go" which I totally don't understand. She had a m/c at 6 w on clomid and conceived her 3rd DS immediately after. Sure I was further along and had a D&C, but considering there is absolutely nothing conclusive one way or another about ttc right after, I'm actually pretty pissed.
4 dpo. Just waiting waiting.... I told my cousin we were ttc this cycle though and for someone who's always cared I got an "oh, I gotta go" which I totally don't understand. She had a m/c at 6 w on clomid and conceived her 3rd DS immediately after. Sure I was further along and had a D&C, but considering there is absolutely nothing conclusive one way or another about ttc right after, I'm actually pretty pissed.

Yayy for being 4dpo, so I guess I'm waiting with you, not too far behind you.
That was pretty mean of her, are you sure she didn't have to rush off somewhere? or was it really because of what you said? I don't see anything wrong with you trying :hugs:

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