TTC after D&C (Soon)

Castaway: I'm glad the cytotec is working. How are you doing? I'll be with you ttc. :) hopefully we'll get some good, sticky BFP's.

mJ: have you gotten your period yet? Anything new? I always hope for good news.

3minions: I have a feeling I with get pregnant this next cycle, so I might be in with you in December. My cycle is more messed up than it has ever been.
Castaway: I'm glad the cytotec is working. How are you doing? I'll be with you ttc. :) hopefully we'll get some good, sticky BFP's.

mJ: have you gotten your period yet? Anything new? I always hope for good news.

3minions: I have a feeling I with get pregnant this next cycle, so I might be in with you in December. My cycle is more messed up than it has ever been.

Calvinzoey is worked :) i went to the doctor today and he did an ultrasound and said I am all good! He said it was a blighted ovum, and that usually it does not reoccur. He said it could have been bad chromosomes or possibly two sperm with one egg. He did say that I had a bit more tissue to expel and that will probably get my period in a month so I am going to wait it out. I am in for TTC in November :happy dance:Fingers crossed for an August sticky bean!

I hope you ladies all get your sticky beans too! :flower:
I went out an bought some CoQ10 today. Since I started researching miscarriages it's come up an awful lot. DH is even on board with taking some - I figure it can't hurt. He's taking 200(whatever the unit of measurement is) because that's what most stuff said for men. Does anyone know if I should take 400 or 600? Glad Costco had a deal! That stuff is expensive. Hopefully we only need it for a couple months.

Castaway, that's awful about the blighted ovum but I'm very glad everything cleared out.

It's kinda weird. When I found out about the m/c in September I was frantic to get pregnant again and pissed off that we weren't going to be able to ttc in November. Now I'm totally okay with not ttc for a month so I can get everything ship shape.

Collectively we've been through enough. And enough is enough. FX that there are no more m/cs for any of us.

GL ladies!
I went out an bought some CoQ10 today. Since I started researching miscarriages it's come up an awful lot. DH is even on board with taking some - I figure it can't hurt. He's taking 200(whatever the unit of measurement is) because that's what most stuff said for men. Does anyone know if I should take 400 or 600? Glad Costco had a deal! That stuff is expensive. Hopefully we only need it for a couple months.

Castaway, that's awful about the blighted ovum but I'm very glad everything cleared out.

It's kinda weird. When I found out about the m/c in September I was frantic to get pregnant again and pissed off that we weren't going to be able to ttc in November. Now I'm totally okay with not ttc for a month so I can get everything ship shape.

Collectively we've been through enough. And enough is enough. FX that there are no more m/cs for any of us.

GL ladies!

I know I should have been half way through the pregnancy by Christmas. With the loss of our son in July I just feel like we have been waiting for so long :cry:
I can't think about how far along I would have been - my due date was in February. There are 3 girls in my DD2s DDC who are due then too, and two of my best friends. I just shut off that part of my brain because I know that it would make me upset. I'm focusing on the rainbow baby I refer to as "Unconceived" I had a 1-5% chance of having a m/c as far along I did. If the doc said your blighted ovum will probably never happen again, try to find some peace in that. I know it's easy for me to say.... But the odds have got to be in our favor sooner or later. I've been checked out and I know there's nothing physically wrong with me.... Have they run all the blood tests and stuff on you? We will get our babies. Stay strong my friend. Nothing will bring back that which you lost, but we will get our perfect babies to hold in our arms.
I can't think about how far along I would have been - my due date was in February. There are 3 girls in my DD2s DDC who are due then too, and two of my best friends. I just shut off that part of my brain because I know that it would make me upset. I'm focusing on the rainbow baby I refer to as "Unconceived" I had a 1-5% chance of having a m/c as far along I did. If the doc said your blighted ovum will probably never happen again, try to find some peace in that. I know it's easy for me to say.... But the odds have got to be in our favor sooner or later. I've been checked out and I know there's nothing physically wrong with me.... Have they run all the blood tests and stuff on you? We will get our babies. Stay strong my friend. Nothing will bring back that which you lost, but we will get our perfect babies to hold in our arms.

Well my son was perfectly healthy and basically due to doctors neglect, he passed.

this misscarriage the doctor said is not related to the loss of son and that the odds of it happening most likely is not going to happen. He said something like a chromosomal defect or possibly two sperm met with the egg causing it to stop growing...

Basically 2013 has been one crapola year for us!
Oh, I'm so sorry about your son.... I remember reading that now that you've mentioned it again, but there were so many things to read when I joined the board that I didn't realize that was you.

2013 sucked here too - DH is 32 and that was supposed to be his lucky number. Wrong. Here's to 2014 being stellar!
Oh, I'm so sorry about your son.... I remember reading that now that you've mentioned it again, but there were so many things to read when I joined the board that I didn't realize that was you.

2013 sucked here too - DH is 32 and that was supposed to be his lucky number. Wrong. Here's to 2014 being stellar!

I am 32, 33 in January. I now wonder if we should have tried right away since getting married. I just never thought it would be so difficult to have a baby. sigh...roll on 2014 I say! I hope all our luck is for the better soon!
Hope you're feeling ok Castaway :hugs: You've had such a tough year :cry:

I'm still on my AF, normally it lasts only a few days but this is my 6th day now, I just hope it stops as would like to ttc again, So frustrating all of this!

hope everyone is ok! :flower:
Hayleymarie: Day 6 of my af for me too! I think today is the last day, so I'm excited to start TTC too. :thumbup:

Castaway: Your still young! You'll get pregnant again. I'm 25, almost 26 and having issues already... :cry: But endometriosis runs in my family, and it can cause infertility. So I really wanted to try even earlier, but I didn't have "Mr. Right". --- Oh, and my loss at 11 1/2 weeks was a blighted ovum. I have people telling me, "Well you weren't really pregnant then". That hurts like a slap in the face. Blighted ovum's are... emotionally rough. :hugs:

3Minions: My due date was Feb 28th. I keep counting my weeks. I'd be 22 1/2 weeks now. February babies just didn't want to work out.

MJ: You okay? Where are you? :shipw:
OH, anyone having issues with hair loss? Last week I started to lose a lot more hair then normal. I have to clean the hair out of my brush DAILY when I normally had to do it almost weekly. I read it can happen after a MC.
3Minions: I read the dosing for CoQ10 should be 200-300mg for male infertility. I think it's safe to say you can take that amount too. As for taking any more? I'd say talk to your doctor. You can overdose on vitamins, just like with prescription drugs.
Calvinzoey, thanks :). I know the ladies doing ivf use it to get good eggs, and historically neither DH nor I have had a problem, but if it can help everything be healthier I don't see why not :).
Oh, and I was losing copious clumps or hair during the pregnancy. My head is so thinned out now that there's nothing left to lose. I don't think it should go on for more than a few weeks though....
Hi Ladies

Sorry I've been MIA, was working with DH on one of his projects yesterday and today catching up on some work for myself.

Castaway - I'm so happy the pills worked and I really hope we all get BFP's for Christmas:xmas4: It's been a rough year in the having a baby department this year. I never thought it would be this hard either, with my DD (she's now 8) I got a BFP the first month I tried. I'm 32 now I hope it's not the reason I'm having so many issues.

Calvinzoey - I'm here :wave: I'm so jealous you're AF is about through, I still haven't started mine sigh. I'm 13 dpo today, all BFN's up till this morning and my temp is still up there, I wish she would just show herself already so I can move on. My luteal phase is never this long, I always end at 11/12 dpo so I don't know what is taking so long!! :shrug: My cycle is obviously different since the d&c.

Hayley - you're getting there, just hang in there. I hope it ends soon and then just think, it will be another week and it's time to TTC :happydance:

3minions - Anything is worth a try as long as it doesn't hurt your chances, so sounds like you'll be ok on the CoQ10. FX for you. Has your AF come already?

Hilslo - Where are you? everything ok?

So on a side note - I rarely go into any other chats because I feel like this is my little go to group, I think we have a great little support group here :flower:
3Minions: Good to know I'm not alone in this hair loss thing. I have a LOT of hair. Curly, wavy, massive amounts of hair. So despite all that I'm losing, I still have a lot left. I think I'm going to see the doctor about it. Hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss, mc's, and inability to gain weight (all of which I have). My grandmother had it, so doesn't hurt to get it checked. I hope it's just from stress and the MC. --- Maybe I'll start the CoQ10 too, heard it helps with hair loss. :thumbup:

MJ: Hi!! :wave: I hope your AF will start soon then. I didn't know our AF's would be this messed up after the D&C / MC. :shrug: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, and hope you start your cycle soon! I can't wait for the day one of us has our baby. <3

I also love this group! :friends:
Hey MJ! AF started on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on how you look at it. I'm looking forward to it being over because things are kind of a disaster over here, lol. FX this is a text book 28 day cycle and then DH and I can get back at it before the end of November.
And I concur. You guys are pretty darn awesome.
MJ - a lot of ladies get late bfps - don't rule yourself out too soon!
I'm going to be 33 on Monday. Usually I look forward to my birthday but this year I feel really sad about it. In the world of "would've been" I would have been celebrating with a 2 week old. Instead it just feels like a the clock is ticking a little louder.
Castaway- I have the same regrets about not trying as soon as we got married. I naively thought we'd get pregnant really quickly so I made dh wait a year so we could have fun and drink at friends weddings etc. When did you get married and how long did you wait before trying?

I'm currently 7dpo. No chance of being pregnant as we didn't dtd around my fertile time but I'm really really hoping my luteal phase is ok. I had a short lp previously (9-11) so I can't afford it to be any shorter! The annoying thing is we're going away this weekend for our anniversary and I don't want the witch hanging around! It's not our wedding anniversary but the anniversary of when we first got together. Do any of you guys still do this? Everyone says we should stop now we're married but I feel like you can choose when you get married but you can't pick that first moment you meet! Besides - two celebrations are better than one!
Ps - I lost loads of hair after both losses - scary clumps in the shower - eek!
Sounds like everyone's cycles are messed up at the moment! :wacko: Hopefully we will all get back to normal soon.

Hilslo my birthday is in a few weeks I will be 28 and I'm not looking forward to it either, but then again we will hopefully have a better year :flower:

I also love this group it's such a great support :hugs:

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