TTC after D&C (Soon)

Before I get started, I wanted to point out this is comment #400! :happydance:

I'm working on my good news :winkwink: - I wish I knew when I will ovulate this cycle, but everything is out of whack. And Hayley: I have decided to pick up drinking wine, which I haven't done in months !! Figured it will help me relax. :winkwink:

MJ, I know you keep getting negatives, but I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Castaway, your still bleeding? I don't know how it works with the pills, but I heard you can bleed longer than with the suction D&C. I think I had 4 days of spotting, and it stopped. It was very light. I hope the bleeding stops and your body gets back on track with ovulation soon! :thumbup:

:dust: Cuz I think our group needs lots of it! :haha:
Morning ladies :flower:

AF IS HERE!!!! :happydance::happydance: I knew I was out, I just didn't know what was taking her so long! so thank goodness she showed so I can get on with it!! :winkwink:

Hilslo - :haha: I know what you meant in your post and I know how you feel too :hugs: Cycle #2 after D&C lets go!!!

Hayley - I'm with you on that get drunk option...then I definitely would be relaxed and not worry about it.....but I think that's the only way for me to take a real relaxed approach :drunk: :haha:

Calvinzoey - YAYYYY for comment 400! wow time really does fly and our little group is still together moving along :friends:

Castaway - how long should it last with the pill? is a week for bleeding to stop? I'm ordering some opk cheapies today too.

3minions - :hi:

So I'm hoping we get bfp this cycle and this might sound crazy, even if we don't get it I will still continue to try but if we get it this cycle then babe would be due before Sept 1st, so he/she wouldn't have to wait an entire year to start kindergarten, he/she would get in at 4 years old. The cutoff for kindergarten in turning 4 before sept 1st, anyone born after that has to wait till the following year to get in.....I know....I'm nuts and it really isn't a BIG deal but it would be nice. Just my crazy thought for the day :)
Yay on the AF MJ!
I'm officially finished mine :)

And that's so funny about Kindergarten. Here the cutoff is March 1, I think. My older 3 will all be 5 when they start K because I'll be holding the Jan baby back a year. If Unconceived is born in September I think that's when they'll start too - right before they turn 5.

Calvinzoey, are you charting?
Yeay MJ!!!!! :happydance: :dance: I'm glad it started! Now you can join us TTC November! I plan on at least one of us getting our BFP for November!

3Minions: I really don't do much in my quest for BFP's. I chart my symptoms every month - and have done so for years. Up until this MC, I was able to tell easily what is normal and what isn't with my body and my AF's. I knew I was pregnant before I missed my AF, and I was 100% sure of it. I plan on BD'ing a lot, so I won't be doing much different if I knew I was ovulating. :shrug: - Besides, if I pick up the habit of temp'ing, checking CM, testing for ovulation... I'll go crazy with it. I tend to obsess over things. :winkwink: --- Oh and yeay for your ending AF! :happydance:

My due date will be July 30th 2014. Sounds like a good date to me. Baby will be a little Leo! (I love Astrology) :haha:

So for a happy thought, have any of you girls pre-decided upon names?
MJ - we're cycle buddies :dance: - I got AF today too! A bit bummed that means a 8 day luteal phase :wacko: but not much I can do. I have an appointment with my consultant on Nov 26th so I'll see if I can persuade her to pescribe me some progesterone but I think they're v loathed to prescribe it in the uk from what I've heard.

Hayley - I'm definitely with you on the :wine: front. It doesn't take much to get me there though lol!

We had Benjamin Xavier picked out if it was a boy first time round but never really spoke about it after that. We purposefully didn't find out if it was a girl or boy after my op as I didn't want to know. I think if I knew it was a boy I couldn't then bring myself to use the names again. Stupid I know but that describes a lot of my attitudes to TTC!
Calvinzoey/3minions - I'm so glad to be back to TTC, even if the last cycle didn't work out! ;)

I think I would rather a March 1st cutoff than a September 1st for kindergarten.

Let's hope this next cycle we all get BFP's!!
MJ - we're cycle buddies :dance: - I got AF today too! A bit bummed that means a 8 day luteal phase :wacko: but not much I can do. I have an appointment with my consultant on Nov 26th so I'll see if I can persuade her to pescribe me some progesterone but I think they're v loathed to prescribe it in the uk from what I've heard.

Hayley - I'm definitely with you on the :wine: front. It doesn't take much to get me there though lol!

We had Benjamin Xavier picked out if it was a boy first time round but never really spoke about it after that. We purposefully didn't find out if it was a girl or boy after my op as I didn't want to know. I think if I knew it was a boy I couldn't then bring myself to use the names again. Stupid I know but that describes a lot of my attitudes to TTC!

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Cycle buddies!! awesome! :hugs: Hopefully this cycle things will get back to normal and your LP will lengthen, or is it typically 8 days?
DH and I never pick out names until after the gender ultrasound - I'm SO glad this last pregnancy failed before we got to that point. My quad screening had come back positive for an increased risk for downs too, but I think the baby had already passed by that point so I think that's why the numbers were messed up. Anyway,
It's getting VERY hard to name our kids because we need ANOTHER 7 letter 'K' sounding name (C that sounds like K works because we have two of those already). And all their names are unique. No Kennedy or Cameron for us.... The last baby will have to be a 'K' name because that will leave the family even with 3xCs and 3xKs (including DH and I.) I am open to any and all suggestions :) DS's name is actually a British surname. So you girls overseas.... Keep your ears open!
It's nice that the further I get from the m/c the more positive I get about the future. Do you guys feel like that too?

My last LP was 11 or 12 days, and it was always 14 days before so hopefully this was just a huge blip Hilslo.
Before I get started, I wanted to point out this is comment #400! :happydance:

I'm working on my good news :winkwink: - I wish I knew when I will ovulate this cycle, but everything is out of whack. And Hayley: I have decided to pick up drinking wine, which I haven't done in months !! Figured it will help me relax. :winkwink:

MJ, I know you keep getting negatives, but I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Castaway, your still bleeding? I don't know how it works with the pills, but I heard you can bleed longer than with the suction D&C. I think I had 4 days of spotting, and it stopped. It was very light. I hope the bleeding stops and your body gets back on track with ovulation soon! :thumbup:

:dust: Cuz I think our group needs lots of it! :haha:

Morning ladies :flower:

AF IS HERE!!!! :happydance::happydance: I knew I was out, I just didn't know what was taking her so long! so thank goodness she showed so I can get on with it!! :winkwink:

Hilslo - :haha: I know what you meant in your post and I know how you feel too :hugs: Cycle #2 after D&C lets go!!!

Hayley - I'm with you on that get drunk option...then I definitely would be relaxed and not worry about it.....but I think that's the only way for me to take a real relaxed approach :drunk: :haha:

Calvinzoey - YAYYYY for comment 400! wow time really does fly and our little group is still together moving along :friends:

Castaway - how long should it last with the pill? is a week for bleeding to stop? I'm ordering some opk cheapies today too.

3minions - :hi:

So I'm hoping we get bfp this cycle and this might sound crazy, even if we don't get it I will still continue to try but if we get it this cycle then babe would be due before Sept 1st, so he/she wouldn't have to wait an entire year to start kindergarten, he/she would get in at 4 years old. The cutoff for kindergarten in turning 4 before sept 1st, anyone born after that has to wait till the following year to get in.....I know....I'm nuts and it really isn't a BIG deal but it would be nice. Just my crazy thought for the day :)

Doctor said up to two weeks for a natural miscarriage. He said usually when the bleeding stops you ovulate. He said b/c I am usually so regular that it should probably happen that I am thinking next weekend or the weekend after that I will ovulate. I bought cheapie sticks so we shall see, really hoping to get an egg! I never had an issue with implantation so I think the only thing will be the determing the due date but I will know my ovulation date, that should help.

I also picked up folic acid. I take a prenatal that has 1000 mg but I am taking an extra 800 to build it back up figured it can't hurt!!

This Friday will be a week, hoping that I am almost through with bleeding aspect of this!
3Minions, I'm feeling a lot more positive about the future with the MC getting further behind me. I'm getting excited to be pregnant again (but obviously a bit worried too). -- And that's a cute idea with the names.

DH has a family name that's being passed through generations. He's the 6th. If I have a boy, he'll be the 7th. They all have nicknames instead of their first name too. So my boy name will be nicknamed Calvin (thus where my username came from). The girl, Zoey. :haha:

:happydance: :haha: More dancing for MJ!

hilslo: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: For you too!!!! <3 And that's an awesome boy's name!! I love Xavier, but my boy's name is set by family. :cry: Benjamin is great too. :hugs:
Castaway - looks like you and Calvinzoey may O around the same time....and possibly 3minions too. It seems to be going quick for you, so continue to hang in there girly :flower:

Calvinzoey - I'm in the same boat as you...if I have a boy it will have to be Ricardo to the follow the generations on my husbands side, so I completely understand.

3minions - That name idea is very cute! I do feel positive as the time goes by too. If anyone told me almost a year ago I would have to go through a year of TTC and miscarriages to get my rainbow baby then I would've been like well let's get going and get it over with it so I can get what I want! So I'm happy all of that is behind me and it only means I'm closer to my rainbow :winkwink:......we all are!
MJ and Calvinzoey, we REALLY didn't do it on purpose. But now we're stuck. We can't have super cool names and then throw in a Ralph or something, lol. (not that Ralph is a bad name in case any of you love it, lol.)
Castaway - looks like you and Calvinzoey may O around the same time....and possibly 3minions too. It seems to be going quick for you, so continue to hang in there girly :flower:

Calvinzoey - I'm in the same boat as you...if I have a boy it will have to be Ricardo to the follow the generations on my husbands side, so I completely understand.

3minions - That name idea is very cute! I do feel positive as the time goes by too. If anyone told me almost a year ago I would have to go through a year of TTC and miscarriages to get my rainbow baby then I would've been like well let's get going and get it over with it so I can get what I want! So I'm happy all of that is behind me and it only means I'm closer to my rainbow :winkwink:......we all are!

I honestly wish we would have started trying sooner after all we went through....I never, ever thought it would be this difficult to expand our family!
How are you Castaway, has your bleeding stopped yet? I hope so :hugs:

I have been checking cm obsessively but I realise this isn't helping me so need to chill out and just go with the flow now!

I think the fact it only took us one cycle to conceive before is playing on my mind a lot as I think we won't be as fortunate this time. But need to keep positive!
It took my 3 cycles to conceive the first time. :shrug: This is my 3rd start of a cycle (if you include my D&C as the start of a cycle), so I'm hoping this might be my month.

I'd probably be checking my cm like a maniac, but my work has got me pooped. I did 16 hours yesterday (3 PM till 7 AM) - plus it's an hours drive to work. Got home around 8:30 this morning, but have to be at work at 7 AM tomorrow morning, so I haven't slept much. I'm too physically exhausted to be obsessive!!! :haha:

I'm thinking positive for you Hayleymarie. I think if you don't conceive this time, it'll be next month for sure. :thumbup: Just a good guess! :hugs:
How is everyone doing?

Castaway: Still bleeding?

Keeping it short because I'm developing a headache. :dohh:
Hi Ladies

Just checking in on everyone :flower::hi:

Castaway I hope the bleeding stops soon, I think by the end of the weekend it might start to taper off or stop.

Wish me luck ladies - I'm running my first 5k obstacle course race in miami tomorrow morning....I'm a little nervous about it but I just hope to cross the finish line lol

CD3 for me today so patiently waiting :coffee:

Hayley - Try not to stress too much, just BD girl :winkwink:
MJ best of luck with your marathon!

My bleeding is now only when I wipe, and mostly red then. What I see on the pad is brown blood so I think we are getting to the end of this. I sure hope so. yesterday was an emotionally difficult day for me, it was suppose to be my son's first Halloween. It hit me hard, I was a mess. I am kinda still a mess actually but it is our 2 year anniversary and I don't have the heart to tell my hubby no to a nice dinner he wants to go out to. :cry:

I caught the first cycle both times last time and I think that is what has me frightened the MOST. What if I don't catch the first cycle this time? I am going to be completely and utterly gutted. Sigh. I am taking this one step at a time and since I believe I am much more emotional I am not going to have unprotected sex until 4 weeks. Then I will use the cheapie O sticks till I have a proper cycle (or get pregnant! lol). I will then turn on my trusty monitor!

I really hope we all get our sticky beans soon. Then a Disney World Trip would be lovely for us all. :haha:

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