TTC after D&C (Soon)

Hayleymarie: Day 6 of my af for me too! I think today is the last day, so I'm excited to start TTC too. :thumbup:

Castaway: Your still young! You'll get pregnant again. I'm 25, almost 26 and having issues already... :cry: But endometriosis runs in my family, and it can cause infertility. So I really wanted to try even earlier, but I didn't have "Mr. Right". --- Oh, and my loss at 11 1/2 weeks was a blighted ovum. I have people telling me, "Well you weren't really pregnant then". That hurts like a slap in the face. Blighted ovum's are... emotionally rough. :hugs:

3Minions: My due date was Feb 28th. I keep counting my weeks. I'd be 22 1/2 weeks now. February babies just didn't want to work out.

MJ: You okay? Where are you? :shipw:

You really were not pregnant? I would slap them in the face! Gah!

People can be so horrible! I had a girlfriend at work tell me after I told her that we were going to try again right away, "Well maybe you need to take a break, ya know, like loose weight and get healthy." Oh yea, that is what I need. :dohh: People can be so rude!
I haven't noticed any hair falling out-----yet. I am only 4 days into this though.

Did anyone else in hear having a natural/medical miscarriage? I don't know if the doctor said this as he knows I am ready to jump my hubby :haha: but he said I should ovulate in 2 weeks and have a normal AF. Just was wondering if anyone can share their experience?

I am definitely loosing my HCG. After I delivered my son my psoriasis (I get it around my eyebrows and scalp) flares up. Well it is starting to flare up. It looks like I have dry skin, and its ugly :cry: I am gonna wait until 2 weeks post miscarriage and pee on a stick..first time in my life hoping for a negative! :nope:
Castaway, my cousin was on clomid but she had a natural miscarriage and conceived 2 weeks after with clomid, so I'm guessing it would have been exactly like what your doctor said....
Castaway, my cousin was on clomid but she had a natural miscarriage and conceived 2 weeks after with clomid, so I'm guessing it would have been exactly like what your doctor said....

Very interesting! I am debating if we will use condoms or just NTNP for the next month until I get my period or BFP! lol:shrug:
Castaway/Calvinzoey - someone said those things to you guys??? I think I would've lost it on them, I don't think there would've been any control over my words in response to them! :growlmad:
Castaway - I think you should be ok to dtd once you've stopped bleeding and you feel ready. I had a natural mc earlier in the year and I was fine after the bleeding stopped.

Hilslo - I usually get bfp's at 9dpo without fail, it would be really weird for me if it showed up this late but I guess anything is possible so I'll wait till AF shows up before ruling myself out :winkwink:
We do that too! We started dating in April and years later got married in July so we do something on both dates lol. I do hope you have a good birthday though, even if this year hasn't been good to you in the baby department, but we have other blessings to be thankful for around us, so try to enjoy it. You're another year older and wiser!!:cake::hugs:

Calvinzoey - we'll definitely all get our rainbow babies as a group! I have my FX for you this cycle, it's almost TTC time for you again. Are you doing any particular methods this cycle? or just going by how your body feels?

3minions - You're well on your way :flower:

Hayley - it does seem like we all have some quirky cycles going on, I just hope it gets straightened out soon so we can get these bfp's! How many weeks till your birthday?? maybe you'll get a bday BFP :winkwink:
Castaway I can't believe someone said that to you, that's so rude! :growlmad:

3Minions/CalvinZoey is AF still with you? :wacko: I'm spotting now which never happened before, I want her to go away now but doesn't look like it's going to stop!

mj2013 - my bday is 3 weeks today, a BFP would be nice but I'm not holding out much hope tbh with the way AF is going! Will you test again or just wait for AF?

hilslo - Enjoy your weekend away! Me and OH don't have a set anniversary so we just make one up each year :thumbup:
I think we will NTNP after the bleeding stops, I figure why not? If I am going to miscarry it will happen whether I wait or not and it really just makes for dating the pregnancy easier. Nothing about my pregnancies has been easy so why start now? :haha:

We actually decided to date on Valentines day! lol

We were married on November 1st :) We are paying off major debt, currently working on our second mortgage. We have opted to not exchange gifts "for the good cause of paying off debt" lol When did I become an adult?! We are going away two weeks from now and thinking an anniversary baby would be wonderful!!!!
Hayley - If AF doesn't show by thursday then I will probably test again.

Castaway - I ask myself that all the time!! When did I become an adult??? FX for your anniversary baby :)
Hayley, things are ebbing. I'm hopeful that everything will come to a complete stop tomorrow.
My sister-in-law had her baby this morning I'm trying to be happy for them but I just feel sad and envious I know that's bad :cry:

All you ladies are so positive I need to be aswell! :flower:
My sister-in-law had her baby this morning I'm trying to be happy for them but I just feel sad and envious I know that's bad :cry:

All you ladies are so positive I need to be aswell! :flower:

Awww Hayley, I know the feeling. My neighbor came home with her baby last week, I immediately got this gutted feeling in the pit of my stomach...but our time will eventually come. Stay positive! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
MJ: I almost lost it when they said that to me, but I was at work! Can you believe it was a nurse who said it? There are some terribly mean nurses out there, no joke! :dohh: -- You think this is my month? I hope so. When I got pregnant last time, I just stopped trying. I had been trying for a few months and wasn't getting pregnant, so I decided to just "not care". I think I'll do that again this month. Just see how it goes. :shrug: Hopefully your body decides to act soon!

Hayleymarie: I know how you feel! There is one girl at my work who is pregnant. She was 2 weeks behind me, and was put on bed rest through the entire first trimester. Everyone thought she would lose it, but instead I did. I see her at work all the time and I'm happy for her, but also very jealous. :cry: -- Oh and my AF has stopped yesterday! :happydance:

3Minions: Hope your AF stops soon!!!
Calvinzoey - yay for you! I think today might be the last day from the look of things.

As for the rest of you girls, I'm reading it all. I just can't ever think of anything to say that hasn't already been said, lol.
yayyy Calvinzoey, FX for you this cycle :)
Still no AF in sight and I feel normal. BFN again today on a ic test, I wish she would just come already hmph.

3minions - yayyy for you too!
My sister-in-law had her baby this morning I'm trying to be happy for them but I just feel sad and envious I know that's bad :cry:

All you ladies are so positive I need to be aswell! :flower:

Hugs! I know it is so hard to feel happy for others after a loss. I have struggled and still do with this!
Day 5 of pretty considerable amount of bleeding and I have AF like cramping. Nothing horrible but feel the cramping. I really hope the bleeding is over soon...I really want to know when I am going to ovulate so I am going to get ovulation sticks for cheap on Amazon. Pretty sure my CBFM just would not work after a miscarriage and would need to be on a regular cycle for it...

I hope to see some BFP's in here soon!!! :winkwink:
MJ - very mysterious!!!! I wonder where she is? I hope she's packed her bags for a while!

I still have a good feeling for you.....

Urgh - I hate having to be happy for other people and their new babies. I know it's selfish but why can't it be me/us for once!!!!!!
Just read that back and realised that it looks like I'm begrudging you MJ - I defintiely didn't mean that lol! the "us" was everyone on here!!!
Thanks MJ.
I think all our bodies are going to be busy getting back in to whack (because I don't know what the opposite of out of whack is) and we'll get a whooooooole bunch of BFPs in Dec/Jan/Feb. :)
Yay us!
This thread definitely needs some good news :flower:

My Mum has this saying "Relax and it will happen" , but how do you relax when you want something so much? Does that mean it won't happen?! And you can't tell your mind to relax!

I think I will just get drunk :laugh2:

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