TTC after D&C (Soon)

Tella - I'm 2 dpo ahead of you but I had no real symptoms in the tww either so I kinda feel I'm out too, sigh. I'll definitely continue testing but 9 dpo today and BFN staring me in the face.

Castaway - Since I know you're a poas addict like me.....I know you're going to test again before the blood results lol. You're having some good symptoms though. FX for you! ;)

I get the internet cheapies so why not!? Lol I didn't test today though wanna see if the line gets darker Tom then might take a digi on Weds, 12 dpo to see how many weeks pregnant it says, my bloodwork is scheduled for 1:30!

FX for you MJ...I am 9 dpo too...
9dpo is still very early hey! Dont loose hope bean can still be implanting and not have enough HCG yet! The last stretch is the worst for me, the know that if it didnt happen there is no point in keeping hope but somehow we still do.
Morning ladies....I think I'm out. Temp drop, BFN when I tested as well.:nope: I usually will get my bfp at 9/10 dpo, so I know if it's not here yet then I'm pretty much out. These late implanters don't happen to me lol.

Ahh well....maybe I can lose another 5 lbs in the interim and hope for an xmas BFP :winkwink:

Any updates from you ladies?

Calvinzoey - where are you? ........probably working that crazy busy work schedule you mentioned.
:hugs: MJ, Sorry that you out :hugs:

AFM > im just hanging around waiting for this silly TWW to pass now, but im certain im out as well, i dont have any symptoms.
hey everyone sorry to just barge in but I don't know where else to start and get to talk to some people that are going through what I am. I just had a emergency dnc 11-3-13 and so its been 3 weeks and 3 days since then I am so confused as to what is going on because when I lost the one in june I didn't even know how far along I was it could have even been a chemical who knows, well I got my bfp on 8-3-13 and found out at 13w3d no hb I passed the baby at home at 17w on the 3rd we have been bd'ing since the 8th I got 2 very positive opks I believe it was 18th-20th im not exactly sure I didn't pay much attention cause I thought it was just because the left over hcg making the opk light up well I had bw done on the 21st and it was a 3 I tested 2 days later hpt and got very faint positives 2 days in a roll but im thinking its leftovers maybe how im not sure since its a 25miu test it isn't a indent or a evap ill post a picture but idk what to think cause even if I od it still isn't enough time unless the test wasn't correct and thrown off by the hcg ive heard you can o before your hcg gets to 0 but can you get pregnant if not at 0 hmm I would love to hear some of your stories and ideas also has anyone actually gotten pregnant right after a d and c and if so what happened and how did you know did you follow your hcg to 0 and use opks so interested in hearing from you all.. thanks again for letting me join so if im interrupting not my intention. also would love to get some buddies I hate going through this all alone :cry:


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hey everyone sorry to just barge in but I don't know where else to start and get to talk to some people that are going through what I am. I just had a emergency dnc 11-3-13 and so its been 3 weeks and 3 days since then I am so confused as to what is going on because when I lost the one in june I didn't even know how far along I was it could have even been a chemical who knows, well I got my bfp on 8-3-13 and found out at 13w3d no hb I passed the baby at home at 17w on the 3rd we have been bd'ing since the 8th I got 2 very positive opks I believe it was 18th-20th im not exactly sure I didn't pay much attention cause I thought it was just because the left over hcg making the opk light up well I had bw done on the 21st and it was a 3 I tested 2 days later hpt and got very faint positives 2 days in a roll but im thinking its leftovers maybe how im not sure since its a 25miu test it isn't a indent or a evap ill post a picture but idk what to think cause even if I od it still isn't enough time unless the test wasn't correct and thrown off by the hcg ive heard you can o before your hcg gets to 0 but can you get pregnant if not at 0 hmm I would love to hear some of your stories and ideas also has anyone actually gotten pregnant right after a d and c and if so what happened and how did you know did you follow your hcg to 0 and use opks so interested in hearing from you all.. thanks again for letting me join so if im interrupting not my intention. also would love to get some buddies I hate going through this all alone :cry:

So sorry for your loss!

Have you tried a digital? They are suppose to be less sensitive...but honestly you need to go for blood work to see if it is climbing...that is what I just did today...hope you caught that little egg!
Went for my blood work today ladies...hoping to get the results ASAP!

So I woke up at 5 am this morning and was cramping pretty strongly. I figured, OK, AF is coming. So I get out of bed, and nothing was there. I took a digi test this time and it came back 1-2 weeks pregnant which would be right as I would be 4 weeks Sat. This is IF I calculated correctly and O'ed when the stick said I did. So here I sit waiting to see, left over chemicals or a new little bean in there!

Do you think it is possible to have 50 miu left over at this point, 5 weeks Friday? BC I am shocked that I will still have that much, I thought if anything it would at least be in single digits by this point!
this test is from today maybe I can do the :happydance: soon enough just scared to get excited and it be from the mc although I am not sure how it could be if I was at 3 on the 21st maybe the 3 was part of a new pregnancy? I don't know I am just worried maybe something retained who knows ughhh so stressful:wacko:


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this test is from today maybe I can do the :happydance: soon enough just scared to get excited and it be from the mc although I am not sure how it could be if I was at 3 on the 21st maybe the 3 was part of a new pregnancy? I don't know I am just worried maybe something retained who knows ughhh so stressful:wacko:

Same fear I am having but I had an US that said everything was released and no spotting/bleeding for 21 days. sigh. It is so hard. Just keep your head up, once bloods are done you will definitely know whether to dance or say OK, 3 lousy points of HCG to go!

I am at 5 weeks post miscarriage on Friday and getting strong positives. I am in the same boat girlfriend lol
hey castaway,
how far along were you? I was 13w3d when I found out no hb and 17w e when I passed him, they say that your hcg starts to decline when you start bleeding and also it is suppose to go down the same speed it goes up double ever 24-48 hours, I am a research fanatic on all of this I just couldn't find anything in my particular situation and I did have bw the 21st it was at 3 which is neg but I don't know if that was from the old or if its the start of a new they acted really surprised that I said I was getting pos hpts so I am guessing I was neg after the dnc or close to it regardless if it was at 3 and from the dnc I would most certainly be at 0 by now and yes everyone is different and it can take weeks to months to get back to 0 and get all your other hormones back to normal as well that's why I am so in limbo ugh but bright side they are getting darker for me and no I haven't tried another yet as I assumed it was just left overs and these evidently are extremely sensitive they are from the dollar tree but I was waiting to take a frer to make sure wasn't picking up leftovers those are more sensitive than these they are 15-20mius these are 25mius I want to try the cb advanced estimator but idk what mius they are I will look it up though I just dk if im that high yet because I would be very early if I am thanks for quick response and I hope you got a sticky little bean lots of baby dust to you:hugs:
so glad I am not by myself even though I know it sucks for us both!! I am 3 weeks 3 days past my d n c I hated even having one but I was pouring blood couldn't get off the toilet it sounded as if you turned on the water but glad to get it over with at the same time. I don't know what my levels where after the dnc but I was supposed to have a 2w follow up and I can't get in til December 19th (which in a way I was glad so they couldn't tell me to wait to start ttc again not that I would have listened lol) but all I was told was wait 2 weeks which of course we didn't but that's why they took the blood test because I was sooo sick last week throwing up atleast once a day couldn't eat I am wondering if that was signs but I thought it was just due to hcg dropping really fast and I felt better after I found out it was a 3 but how in the world could a test pick up a level 3 hcg? and its 25miu sensitivity crazy huh? I was trying to wait to see if they get darker and come up faster before I call the dr and get more bw but its hard waiting and not knowing I want to get excited but scared to be let down again... I hope this is our month!! it would be great thanksgiving present and Christmas talk about something to be thankful for and present of the yr lol :happydance: we can hope that's for sure!!
also castaway I was just reading some older posts it's crazy its like our stories are almost identical i didn't think anyone was going to understand what i was talking about and/or going through sooo glad i found this thread how did you know you od and did you follow your levels down to 0
when i got my 2 pos opks i had 2 pos hcgs too but im thinking that was from the last pregnancy but at this point im so confused idk maybe i oed way before i thought or maybe i was at 0 a long time ago i am worried this could be a chemical pregnancy as well since before the bw i was taking test from walmart the 88c ones and were faint pos then neg i think twice then now this not too many days later idk how this is possible from what I've read and you have to implant before hcg starts so idk what to think anymore i did have o pains and cramps and cm i think but idk for sure cause ik mc throws everything out of whack i guess ill have to break down and go get some bw done too i could go today but since so cold outside would rather wait i need to go buy some more test if i had all the money ive spent on opks and hcgs id have lots of money lol i have 60 opks cb adv already lol.. oh well if this one is a let down can use them next time... hope this works out for us all!! keep me updated soo interested in how yours turns out maybe it will shed some light on mine:hugs:
Hey ladies

I'm busy trying to pack everything up to head out of town for thanksgiving, but thought I'd pop in real quick.

Castaway - I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your results too. FX for you!! I'm hoping AF will show this weekend for me as I had a BFN this morning as well.

Tara - was rushing through reading your posts so forgive me if I didn't get all the details. With my d&c I was 11 weeks along but I tested my hcg levels the entire time until they were gone. It took about 4 weeks for it all to be gone and then AF came 2 weeks later. Have you been testing out your hcg levels since the d&c? You could be pg again too, maybe try to go to a clinic and get your betas done twice to see if they are increasing or decreasing. FX crossed for you too!

ok, I'm gone. Have a good thanksgiving everyone!
hi mj,
yes I have been following my hcg as much as possible ive been hpting and I went to the dr for beta on 21st I was 3 so im wondering if that was the end of the last pregnancy or... the start of a new since im getting a positive test I posted a pic of todays test looks darker but idk what you all think neg or pos? and yes I will go in for another beta after thanksgiving I am too going away to NC with my sister so I will try to go in Friday if they are open if not Monday and I will keep testing to see if still goes darker im more scared its chemical im thinking im around 8ish dpo though if I am pregnant again cause my luteal phase is short usually 13 days max and going by dnc my af would be the 3rd which is 6days away so it matches up oddly enough so idk eeee so much guess work and I see your waiting on your af how long as it been for you since your mc or dnc if this is chemical or weird leftovers which idk how it could be then ill be in the waiting game with you cause I have yet to get af either im 3w3d post dnc heres to hoping right..
Hey ladies

I'm busy trying to pack everything up to head out of town for thanksgiving, but thought I'd pop in real quick.

Castaway - I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your results too. FX for you!! I'm hoping AF will show this weekend for me as I had a BFN this morning as well.

Tara - was rushing through reading your posts so forgive me if I didn't get all the details. With my d&c I was 11 weeks along but I tested my hcg levels the entire time until they were gone. It took about 4 weeks for it all to be gone and then AF came 2 weeks later. Have you been testing out your hcg levels since the d&c? You could be pg again too, maybe try to go to a clinic and get your betas done twice to see if they are increasing or decreasing. FX crossed for you too!

ok, I'm gone. Have a good thanksgiving everyone!

MJ hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving! I am looking forward to getting some answers on my end, thats for sure. Hope you get your BFP next cycle!!!
also castaway I was just reading some older posts it's crazy its like our stories are almost identical i didn't think anyone was going to understand what i was talking about and/or going through sooo glad i found this thread how did you know you od and did you follow your levels down to 0
when i got my 2 pos opks i had 2 pos hcgs too but im thinking that was from the last pregnancy but at this point im so confused idk maybe i oed way before i thought or maybe i was at 0 a long time ago i am worried this could be a chemical pregnancy as well since before the bw i was taking test from walmart the 88c ones and were faint pos then neg i think twice then now this not too many days later idk how this is possible from what I've read and you have to implant before hcg starts so idk what to think anymore i did have o pains and cramps and cm i think but idk for sure cause ik mc throws everything out of whack i guess ill have to break down and go get some bw done too i could go today but since so cold outside would rather wait i need to go buy some more test if i had all the money ive spent on opks and hcgs id have lots of money lol i have 60 opks cb adv already lol.. oh well if this one is a let down can use them next time... hope this works out for us all!! keep me updated soo interested in how yours turns out maybe it will shed some light on mine:hugs:

Tara I never had bloods and never got a negative test so this could very well be left over hormones for me. I guess that is why I am trying to not get my hopes up...:nope:

I was pregnant and due Sept 19th with our son, we unfortunately lost him at 31 weeks due to medical neglect. He was born after he passed we miss him so much and want to expand our family. After 5 weeks and 1 day past delivery my AF came back and we conceived that cycle.

Unfortunately by 9 weeks a baby never formed, diagnosed with a blighted ovum. I took it hard, I was ready to throw in the towel. My husband begged for one more try so we are going to do that. I am now waiting for an AF, It will be 5 weeks Friday. If it follows the same pattern as after the birth of my son AF should be right around the corner but I am starting to wonder if maybe I am pregnant. I took a digi today fully thinking it would be negative as they are not as sensitive. FRER's are the most sensitive and so are the internet cheapies I am addicted to! lol Well the digi came back, Pregnant 1-2 I saw online it is either 25 or 50 miu for them so I am thinking how can I have THAT much hormone left? I truly hope I don't have left over tissues....

I am taking it one day at a time...I *think* I ovulated November 16th. I had EWCM and three positive OPKs in a row with one being darker then the others. I am hoping to have my bloods back on Friday, I may need another bloods if it appears I have left over tissues to make sure I eventually get back to 0.

It is stressful but I knew having unprotected sex before AF would cause this. lol I am hoping that my bloods come back pregnant, that would be an August baby and that would make me happy! Our son was due in September....I don't know how I will be if we turn out pregnant but I will definitely not be telling anyone this time. Thats for sure...for as long as I can keep it quiet :)

Good luck, hope you get your answers soon!
castaway, I am so sorry for your loss this last one really hit me hard too, the one I lost in june I didn't know how far along I was or anything it still hurt but not like this one, june baby wasn't planned however this one was and I really thought it was meant to be I had dreams about it and I always have crazy dreams real vivid when I get pregnant which I am having now as well, but my mom passed away in 2010 and I dreamed I asked her to please let me be pregnant well I was and my due date was her bday so it really hit me as a shock I am highrisk so I get u/s a lot more I had 9w heard hb everything great, 11w3d again hb great, 13w3d no hb, of course I hoped it was a mistake but at my 14w3d scan it confirmed what I already knew due to light spotting etc placenta was trying to detach then when I passed him at 17weeks it was so hard on me he looked just like a baby would only a lot smaller he had eyes ears nose mouth hands feet fingers toes everything of course eyelids were still closed but I had him at home (you could tell it was a boy) and the ambulance brought him and while I was knocked out after dnc they took him to the lab without asking me so now I have nothing but u/s pictures I was so mad and still am, I will never be the same after this one but iw as going to just NTNP and see how it went but I can't let it go I guess and I like the whole opks and hpt testing lol but you said your 5w post dnc? hmm that's a hard guess since you don't know if you hit 0 yet but since you were just 9weeks this last time I would think you would be at 0 by now but everyones different I really hope you are and everything goes great this time everyone deserves a baby (with exception of course) and its hard after mc cause you still feel and look pregnant and idw to go anywhere or see anyone cause scared theyd think I was still pg or ask its hard I completely get it and seeing pg women makes it harder and people that you know aren't good parents etc but we have to push on and know there is a reason for all of this and that we will get our baby!!:hugs:
castaway, I am so sorry for your loss this last one really hit me hard too, the one I lost in june I didn't know how far along I was or anything it still hurt but not like this one, june baby wasn't planned however this one was and I really thought it was meant to be I had dreams about it and I always have crazy dreams real vivid when I get pregnant which I am having now as well, but my mom passed away in 2010 and I dreamed I asked her to please let me be pregnant well I was and my due date was her bday so it really hit me as a shock I am highrisk so I get u/s a lot more I had 9w heard hb everything great, 11w3d again hb great, 13w3d no hb, of course I hoped it was a mistake but at my 14w3d scan it confirmed what I already knew due to light spotting etc placenta was trying to detach then when I passed him at 17weeks it was so hard on me he looked just like a baby would only a lot smaller he had eyes ears nose mouth hands feet fingers toes everything of course eyelids were still closed but I had him at home (you could tell it was a boy) and the ambulance brought him and while I was knocked out after dnc they took him to the lab without asking me so now I have nothing but u/s pictures I was so mad and still am, I will never be the same after this one but iw as going to just NTNP and see how it went but I can't let it go I guess and I like the whole opks and hpt testing lol but you said your 5w post dnc? hmm that's a hard guess since you don't know if you hit 0 yet but since you were just 9weeks this last time I would think you would be at 0 by now but everyones different I really hope you are and everything goes great this time everyone deserves a baby (with exception of course) and its hard after mc cause you still feel and look pregnant and idw to go anywhere or see anyone cause scared theyd think I was still pg or ask its hard I completely get it and seeing pg women makes it harder and people that you know aren't good parents etc but we have to push on and know there is a reason for all of this and that we will get our baby!!:hugs:

I opted for a natural miscarriage assisted by medicine, Cytotec. I passed everything in 12 hours, bled for 2 weeks. I don't know if I could have passed a baby at home, it was hard enough seeing the sac :(
I went back two days after miscarriage, saw nothing on the US all was cleared.
they wrote me cycotec as well but I didn't take it till I had to go to the er and they gave it to me there. even with everything cleared you could still have hcg, but who's to say whether or not that's your situation. I went out and bought some different cheap test and for now im saying they are negative I just don't know how 4 can be positive in another brand and the other negative unless I just don't have enough hcg yet ugh ill try again in the am with fmu hope its better sign for me as for you I hope this is the real deal and it sticks im worried mine is chemical idk at this point ... hoping for us both keep me updated as I will you.
hey everyone sorry to just barge in but I don't know where else to start and get to talk to some people that are going through what I am. I just had a emergency dnc 11-3-13 and so its been 3 weeks and 3 days since then I am so confused as to what is going on because when I lost the one in june I didn't even know how far along I was it could have even been a chemical who knows, well I got my bfp on 8-3-13 and found out at 13w3d no hb I passed the baby at home at 17w on the 3rd we have been bd'ing since the 8th I got 2 very positive opks I believe it was 18th-20th im not exactly sure I didn't pay much attention cause I thought it was just because the left over hcg making the opk light up well I had bw done on the 21st and it was a 3 I tested 2 days later hpt and got very faint positives 2 days in a roll but im thinking its leftovers maybe how im not sure since its a 25miu test it isn't a indent or a evap ill post a picture but idk what to think cause even if I od it still isn't enough time unless the test wasn't correct and thrown off by the hcg ive heard you can o before your hcg gets to 0 but can you get pregnant if not at 0 hmm I would love to hear some of your stories and ideas also has anyone actually gotten pregnant right after a d and c and if so what happened and how did you know did you follow your hcg to 0 and use opks so interested in hearing from you all.. thanks again for letting me join so if im interrupting not my intention. also would love to get some buddies I hate going through this all alone :cry:

So sorry to hear about your losses. Its always hard and we will never truely understand why we have to go through it.

You are such a brave woman for having him at home, i was so petrified of the home mc i went for a D&C immediately.

Fxd that its not just left over HCG and that infact it is your rainbow baby. I know its hard to start getting our hopes up but every baby deserves our positive thoughts and im praying it is snuggling in for the long run!

If you early then you need the more sensitive tests and 3 wont show that much on a test, especially not the 2nd pic. The cheapies you bought are most probably 50s and not 25s.

:dust: :dust: :dust:

So sorry for your loss!

Have you tried a digital? They are suppose to be less sensitive...but honestly you need to go for blood work to see if it is climbing...that is what I just did today...hope you caught that little egg!

I agree 100% you need to see if it is increasing!

Went for my blood work today ladies...hoping to get the results ASAP!

So I woke up at 5 am this morning and was cramping pretty strongly. I figured, OK, AF is coming. So I get out of bed, and nothing was there. I took a digi test this time and it came back 1-2 weeks pregnant which would be right as I would be 4 weeks Sat. This is IF I calculated correctly and O'ed when the stick said I did. So here I sit waiting to see, left over chemicals or a new little bean in there!

Do you think it is possible to have 50 miu left over at this point, 5 weeks Friday? BC I am shocked that I will still have that much, I thought if anything it would at least be in single digits by this point!

I doubt it seriously, my hcg was down to neg on hpt a week after my D&C, not sure if your levels drop quicker with a D&C but considering your Od it means your HCG level was below the level the body normally prevents Ovulation and also if it was 50hcg still from previous preg then all your OPKs will be positive as they pick up HCG as well. So im convinced this is your rainbow, the digis are not that sensitive, i cant wait for those blood results!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish it just came back quicker. Here by us it only take 2 hours.

this test is from today maybe I can do the :happydance: soon enough just scared to get excited and it be from the mc although I am not sure how it could be if I was at 3 on the 21st maybe the 3 was part of a new pregnancy? I don't know I am just worried maybe something retained who knows ughhh so stressful:wacko:

Chances of having tissue retained after a D&C is very small. Keeping everything crossed for you girls!!!

Hey ladies

I'm busy trying to pack everything up to head out of town for thanksgiving, but thought I'd pop in real quick.

Castaway - I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your results too. FX for you!! I'm hoping AF will show this weekend for me as I had a BFN this morning as well.

Tara - was rushing through reading your posts so forgive me if I didn't get all the details. With my d&c I was 11 weeks along but I tested my hcg levels the entire time until they were gone. It took about 4 weeks for it all to be gone and then AF came 2 weeks later. Have you been testing out your hcg levels since the d&c? You could be pg again too, maybe try to go to a clinic and get your betas done twice to see if they are increasing or decreasing. FX crossed for you too!

ok, I'm gone. Have a good thanksgiving everyone!

Sorry about the BFN :hugs: Hope the stupid witch isnt to bad this weekend so that you can still enjoy all the festivities.

Hope you have a blast this weekend, atleast you can enjoy a bottle or 2 of :wine: :haha:

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