TTC after D&C (Soon)

hey everyone sorry to just barge in but I don't know where else to start and get to talk to some people that are going through what I am. I just had a emergency dnc 11-3-13 and so its been 3 weeks and 3 days since then I am so confused as to what is going on because when I lost the one in june I didn't even know how far along I was it could have even been a chemical who knows, well I got my bfp on 8-3-13 and found out at 13w3d no hb I passed the baby at home at 17w on the 3rd we have been bd'ing since the 8th I got 2 very positive opks I believe it was 18th-20th im not exactly sure I didn't pay much attention cause I thought it was just because the left over hcg making the opk light up well I had bw done on the 21st and it was a 3 I tested 2 days later hpt and got very faint positives 2 days in a roll but im thinking its leftovers maybe how im not sure since its a 25miu test it isn't a indent or a evap ill post a picture but idk what to think cause even if I od it still isn't enough time unless the test wasn't correct and thrown off by the hcg ive heard you can o before your hcg gets to 0 but can you get pregnant if not at 0 hmm I would love to hear some of your stories and ideas also has anyone actually gotten pregnant right after a d and c and if so what happened and how did you know did you follow your hcg to 0 and use opks so interested in hearing from you all.. thanks again for letting me join so if im interrupting not my intention. also would love to get some buddies I hate going through this all alone :cry:

So sorry to hear about your losses. Its always hard and we will never truely understand why we have to go through it.

You are such a brave woman for having him at home, i was so petrified of the home mc i went for a D&C immediately.

Fxd that its not just left over HCG and that infact it is your rainbow baby. I know its hard to start getting our hopes up but every baby deserves our positive thoughts and im praying it is snuggling in for the long run!

If you early then you need the more sensitive tests and 3 wont show that much on a test, especially not the 2nd pic. The cheapies you bought are most probably 50s and not 25s.

:dust: :dust: :dust:

So sorry for your loss!

Have you tried a digital? They are suppose to be less sensitive...but honestly you need to go for blood work to see if it is climbing...that is what I just did today...hope you caught that little egg!

I agree 100% you need to see if it is increasing!

Went for my blood work today ladies...hoping to get the results ASAP!

So I woke up at 5 am this morning and was cramping pretty strongly. I figured, OK, AF is coming. So I get out of bed, and nothing was there. I took a digi test this time and it came back 1-2 weeks pregnant which would be right as I would be 4 weeks Sat. This is IF I calculated correctly and O'ed when the stick said I did. So here I sit waiting to see, left over chemicals or a new little bean in there!

Do you think it is possible to have 50 miu left over at this point, 5 weeks Friday? BC I am shocked that I will still have that much, I thought if anything it would at least be in single digits by this point!

I doubt it seriously, my hcg was down to neg on hpt a week after my D&C, not sure if your levels drop quicker with a D&C but considering your Od it means your HCG level was below the level the body normally prevents Ovulation and also if it was 50hcg still from previous preg then all your OPKs will be positive as they pick up HCG as well. So im convinced this is your rainbow, the digis are not that sensitive, i cant wait for those blood results!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish it just came back quicker. Here by us it only take 2 hours.

this test is from today maybe I can do the :happydance: soon enough just scared to get excited and it be from the mc although I am not sure how it could be if I was at 3 on the 21st maybe the 3 was part of a new pregnancy? I don't know I am just worried maybe something retained who knows ughhh so stressful:wacko:

Chances of having tissue retained after a D&C is very small. Keeping everything crossed for you girls!!!

Hey ladies

I'm busy trying to pack everything up to head out of town for thanksgiving, but thought I'd pop in real quick.

Castaway - I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your results too. FX for you!! I'm hoping AF will show this weekend for me as I had a BFN this morning as well.

Tara - was rushing through reading your posts so forgive me if I didn't get all the details. With my d&c I was 11 weeks along but I tested my hcg levels the entire time until they were gone. It took about 4 weeks for it all to be gone and then AF came 2 weeks later. Have you been testing out your hcg levels since the d&c? You could be pg again too, maybe try to go to a clinic and get your betas done twice to see if they are increasing or decreasing. FX crossed for you too!

ok, I'm gone. Have a good thanksgiving everyone!

Sorry about the BFN :hugs: Hope the stupid witch isnt to bad this weekend so that you can still enjoy all the festivities.

Hope you have a blast this weekend, atleast you can enjoy a bottle or 2 of :wine: :haha:

Teila, My fingers are crossed I can tell you that! lol I am truly afraid they are going to say they missed something and that I need to now go in for a D&C. I can't see how I had the US but who knows. My husband this morning though said, Wow, your boobs look so big. ha ha ha I was like you think? and just blew him off....time will tell!

I know some of these early response tests are so sensitive they could definitely detect left over hormones, but, the digitals are not suppose to be as sensitive so Tara if you are getting positives on that you may be with a little bean in there! Plus if you were at 3, that is is considered not pregnant, anything under 5 is!
Im keeping everything crossed for you ladies in the next couple of daya!!!
hey tella,
the ones in the pick claim to be 25miu the ones I took lastnight and this am I am not sure what they are but are negative as far as I can tell I think I see something but then im like no so I don't know if the dollar tree is open on my way out ill stop for some of those to see if its getting darker and not going away on me so scared of a chemical ugh good luck ladies happy thanksgiving!!
Still no AF here and went to the bathroom and this is TMI but I had a ton of was clear and lotion like with bits of yellow in it. Trying to not get my hopes up but seriously thinking we may be expecting again!
Still no AF here and went to the bathroom and this is TMI but I had a ton of was clear and lotion like with bits of yellow in it. Trying to not get my hopes up but seriously thinking we may be expecting again!

castaway me too minus the yellow I thought maybe starting cause im due the 3rd anyway but no it was thick cm like you said lotion ughhhh hope we get this and its our month!!:happydance:
Still no AF here and went to the bathroom and this is TMI but I had a ton of was clear and lotion like with bits of yellow in it. Trying to not get my hopes up but seriously thinking we may be expecting again!

castaway me too minus the yellow I thought maybe starting cause im due the 3rd anyway but no it was thick cm like you said lotion ughhhh hope we get this and its our month!!:happydance:

My husbands birthday is Dec 12th I have reservations at this nice place for dinner. IF we are preggers I am going to wrap the test in a little box and give it to him and say Oh I forgot one more gift. At that point, if I am correct, I will be almost 6 weeks...unless my calculations are totally wrong. OR stinking left over hormones. :growlmad:
hey tella,
the ones in the pick claim to be 25miu the ones I took lastnight and this am I am not sure what they are but are negative as far as I can tell I think I see something but then im like no so I don't know if the dollar tree is open on my way out ill stop for some of those to see if its getting darker and not going away on me so scared of a chemical ugh good luck ladies happy thanksgiving!!

I think sticking to the same test is the best as you can at least compare the progression on them. Im keeping everything crossed that its not a chemical and just your been snuggling in there!!!!

Still no AF here and went to the bathroom and this is TMI but I had a ton of was clear and lotion like with bits of yellow in it. Trying to not get my hopes up but seriously thinking we may be expecting again!

No AF is great news!!!!!! Fxd for those blood results tomorrow!!!! Have you dont any other tests again so that you can see if its getting darker tomorrow?

This is soooooo exciting, you derserve it so much!!!
hey tella,
the ones in the pick claim to be 25miu the ones I took lastnight and this am I am not sure what they are but are negative as far as I can tell I think I see something but then im like no so I don't know if the dollar tree is open on my way out ill stop for some of those to see if its getting darker and not going away on me so scared of a chemical ugh good luck ladies happy thanksgiving!!

I think sticking to the same test is the best as you can at least compare the progression on them. Im keeping everything crossed that its not a chemical and just your been snuggling in there!!!!

Still no AF here and went to the bathroom and this is TMI but I had a ton of was clear and lotion like with bits of yellow in it. Trying to not get my hopes up but seriously thinking we may be expecting again!

No AF is great news!!!!!! Fxd for those blood results tomorrow!!!! Have you dont any other tests again so that you can see if its getting darker tomorrow?

This is soooooo exciting, you derserve it so much!!!

I ran out of Frer's and digi's lol I have the cheap internet tests. I am 12 dpo if I did O when I think I did. My AF should be on Sat, if i follow the same post partum pattern. I am thinking of getting another digi if they say they think I am pregnant. I will take that on December 12th and wrap it for my guy. I just have this slight cramping...other than that my chest feels heavy but who knows. I really hope to see some BFPs ladies. :winkwink:
your prolly right on with your dates that would be a great way to give a present lol and my husband gets annoyed with my obsessions plus he worries it will happen again, well I picked up my test from lastnight and see a line now I have hear lots of people say those brand test purple and white cheap ones take a while to show up and with my last pregnancy I had to leave it for hours to get a result pos but it was a real pos I was just really early so I always leave those test sitting for a while I took one this am and my kids stole it I think I can't find it cause now im wondering if it has changed as well I guess a few more days will help show something im so worried its chemical or even leftovers but how could a test pick up a 3hcg idk this is all so much to take in ya know I would love to hear your husbands reaction to the present lol
yeah I just wanted to see it on another test to make sure the ones I was using weren't faulty which how can that many be defects lol but I have some more of the ones I took llastnight but im trying to hold my pee for a long time then test I cant find the one ffor this morning anywhere I had a 3 and 2 yr old so they steal everything and they have watched me test and pee so much they are starting to wonder about me lol and I have been crampy as well but AF and pregnancy/implantation symptoms are soo similar its crazy I really have no symptoms which I didn't last time either but I did throw up from around 18-21st so who knows but I am sure you are fine!!
hey ladies,
I am so frustrated right now I can't stand it I am trying to find out the sensitivity of the test I took today because it to me looks like a neg result, it makes me wonder were all those before just a defective batch? I tried to stop and get more on my way back home from nc but they weren't open so I guess im stuck waiting til tomorrow. it's so hard when you want something so bad and feel like you keep losing it everytime as soon as you think you've got it.. im so tired of losing over and over :cry:
I know how you feel. 4 losses this year and still no AF 6 weeks after the most recent.
It's frustrating, heartbreaking and confusing. But know you're not alone in it. You got us bnb girls to help you through it! :hugs:
it's the "not knowing" that's really killing me and then I have been searching for answers about the walmart cheapies and all I can find for most def is they are 25mius/ml which I don't see how if the dollar tree brand is too 25miu/ml because they've been positive while neg walmarts and like I mentioned I tried to stop but not open and now im trying to think of possible reason why I was positive on 4 dt brand and not wm brand ughh I just dk anymore maybe it was leftovers how it picked up a 3 I have no ideal and how it would be still picking up anything 7 days later I don't know either maybe its a chemical im crampy and cm so who knows but with my last it took 2 days before my expected period to get a bfp on frer sooo maybe I need to wait or use one of those idk what to do anymore :shrug:I want to just be a cry baby today and pout:cry: eeehhh im going to go crazy :wacko:wish more things were open today!!:growlmad:
Sorry for all the uphill you having with those tests and wondering what sensitivity they are. In have the same problem here. Hardly any tests say their sensitivity which is super annoying.

I wish we could get a bfp with out all this stress and wondering.

I bought a clearblue to start testing today with but now after testing a see its 25mui which isn't sensitive like they make out on the box :glowmad: did a IC as well and both are negative.

I have one 12.5mui for tomorrow, fxd it will pick up something.

Only things I kinda have as symptoms are constipation and frequent pee. Last bfp the test was so light on 13dpo that I doubt anything would have shown on 11dpo, fxd is the same now but I'm still very doubtful.

Fxd for a little miracle with late arrival.

Cant wait for those blood results!!!!
I know how you feel. 4 losses this year and still no AF 6 weeks after the most recent.
It's frustrating, heartbreaking and confusing. But know you're not alone in it. You got us bnb girls to help you through it! :hugs:

Leah any news on your front? It sounded like you may have been pregnant again, my fingers are crossed for you!
Hi ladies!

Still no AF And so sign of it. I am 5 weeks, today, post miscarriage. I can't wait to get the blood test results, going to start calling tomorrow! lol

I think they don't post the sensitivity of the tests as some are very, very sensitive and others are not. the Digi's are not as sensitive as the two line ones. I hear the Frer's are super sensitive even though they report only being a certain strength. I buy the cheapies on the internet and they tell you what they are at in terms of sensitivity. Here is a link if you are interested!
hey girls,
well I found out that the dollar general/walmart 88cent brand tests are in fact (well they CLAIM) 25 mius but I find that hard to believe or either the dollar tree test are a lot more sensitive then they claim at 25mius I have been getting faint positives on those as you could see in my pictures since at most maybe 4dpo (again which could be because of my jump for mc to new pregnancy idk) anyway I got 2 stark white neg that I know of on the dg/wm brand test which I lost one so idk what it was however this am with fmu I got a faint positive heres a pic to go with it as I know you all will be interested to see the out come.. I am still not 100 % as I would like to go get some more test and see if they are all also positive and perhaps a frer as I said dt was closed last night so I was stuck with these "25mius" lol I should be around 8dpo now I am guessing again I think I got 2 pos opks on 18th and 19th I believe not 100 percent cause I wasn't really paying attention cause I thought old hcg was triggering it well I remember now I was looking up pinching pains in uterus 3 weeks after d and c and im guessing that was implantation and I was more sensitive due to the d and c but who knows ugghh I still don't know what to think.. castaway I am very interested to hear your results!! FXED and toes lol ... well I was going to post a pic but idk how it says url link ill try figure it out
Nothing new! Just testing away.. :haha:
7dpo today and I had a one of those squinter lines. Maybe I'll get something more in the next few days!

Hope your levels are negative Castaway, so you can get all sorted out! Took me near 6 weeks. But I was at 28,000 and my body was nowhere near trying to miscarry.

Def post a pic Tara! If you go advanced, click the paperclip above the text box to upload your picture, then click it again to insert the pic into the text body and reply :)
it took me a minte to get a good connection and yea I hit quick reply instead of post reply is why I couldn't get it plus connection lol here you go its a faint one and lucky I got a good camera on my phone lol


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I can barely see it on here so I don't know if you all can this made me question myself looking at it on here :dohh:but you can see it good in the pics on my phone sent via msgs im going to go buy some more when I get out today but I was looking on count down to pregnancy where people post pictures and let others vote and people put positive and I can't see a thing I don't understand how they can and like I said this made me question if I do see if so I looked again but ik pics can alter to where its harder to see so hopefully ill get a more solid later for you too see lets hope:shrug:

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