TTC after D&C (Soon)

is it expensive to get acupuncture and does it hurt or uncomfortable? hmm might be relaxing..

glad your finally getting a fresh start castaway, funny we got ours around the same time!! hopefully we can get our bfp around the same time as well!! merry Christmas!!
Tara, I've had a tonne of acupuncture done. As long as you go to an experienced practitioner it's relatively pain free - unless they hit a muscle that's in a knot. Then it hurts for a couple seconds. VERY relaxing though. I'll take it over a massage any day. I'm in Canada, but it's about $40 for a session here. The first one costs more though because they go through your history and stuff....
Some weird question.............

I had period pains for the past 2 days and twinges on left side. Today for the first time my cervix was a bit more closed after d&c and high, but soft. This morning I still had white cm and when I just checked now this evening it was ewcm and stretch for about 1cm between my fingers (tmi sorry). Do you think I may be ovulating?
Some weird question.............

I had period pains for the past 2 days and twinges on left side. Today for the first time my cervix was a bit more closed after d&c and high, but soft. This morning I still had white cm and when I just checked now this evening it was ewcm and stretch for about 1cm between my fingers (tmi sorry). Do you think I may be ovulating?

You could be but your body does such strange things after miscarriage it is hard to know. I had signs of ovulation but never did. I think my body kept gearing up but never did...hope you get to good health soon!
Tara - Some places charge up to $90 per session here, but there's a community acupuncture clinic not far from me that charges $20 per session.

3minions - where you been? where are you in your cycle?

Angel - you could be gearing up to O, but as castaway said sometimes you won't because your body is trying to reprogram itself.
But hopefully you are!

Castaway, I hope the acupuncture works!
hmm ill have to check on that this week, af has gone im cd 3 today so im just waiting to start testing for ovulation.

my body tried every couple of days for over 6 weeks to o I had all those symptoms but I never did either and on top of that even worse I kept getting positive and negative hcg test around the same days as positive clear blue digis its been sooo weird and so hard its drove me nuts!! infact I got another positive today and the past few days faints while on af!! I am pretty sure I am not pregnant lol so its frustrating I was hoping this af would cause my body to figure out what has been going on and straighten itself back out and go back to normal but unfortunately im not sure what normal is anymore.. however my af is right on with how she usually is so lets hope that's a good sign.. I hope you get back on track soon!! get lots of rest and relaxation in the mean time!!:hugs:
is it expensive to get acupuncture and does it hurt or uncomfortable? hmm might be relaxing..

glad your finally getting a fresh start castaway, funny we got ours around the same time!! hopefully we can get our bfp around the same time as well!! merry Christmas!!

Sorry been super busy but I see others replied :) I am all new to acupuncture but she takes my insurance so it is free for me, another plus and a reason to try it. LOL She did say that she has herbs to take that are an additional cost but I have a insurance policy through my husband as well, his picks up my co pay and the herbs. I am looking forward to try it b/c believe it or not I bled for half a day then STOPPED. It was mostly brown with streaks of red so yeah, not going to count that as a period. Talked to hubby and we are going to disney but want to more towards end of March beginning of April so that is TTC in about a month, to meet that time frame...hoping to be back on go by then. I didn't want to travel pregnant, at all, but will compromise and go in my first tri. We need a vacation and I really want to see the flower festival!

Hope you ladies are doing well...we are rushing getting ready for the holidays. I just want to roll on to 2014 but unfortunately we are hosting. :nope:
MJ, I've been angry at the world, lol. My body started messing with me and I was wallowing. Didn't want to talk to anyone.... I had some spotting cd19-21 and FINALLY ovulated on cd26 - after a completely normal cycle last month when we weren't ttc. Grr... Anyway, pretty sure I'm 3dpo today.
I didn't even think about them taking insurance I have insurance as well I wonder if one of them take it.. guess ill have to call around and see also do you have to get butt naked lol.. im a little shy and uncomfortable in that area even with a towel lol..

afm- I need your help guess so af is done I see a few pink dots every here and there when I wipe that's it but this am I woke up with pinching like pains twinges in my uterus so I decided to take a opk it was peak so im going crazy I really thought this af would make me reset myself but obviously not im still stuck looney land!!:dohh::shrug:
also I wanted to add if you count from my dnc which was the 3rd as cd1 til the day I started af which was the 17th would be cd45 so do you think its possible? also I have been temping (starting doing it vaginally though due to by mouth didn't seem to be stable) I have my chart but I started temping by mouth then later vaginally towards the end and since this is first month I don't know if seeing it will or would even help what do you all think? I am so freaking confused now even more so than before!!
Hello Ladies, do you mind if I join you here?

I had a missed miscarriage confirmed today and I have been scheduled for a ERPC on the 30th.

Today's scan showed that my yolk sac is no longer there and my gestational sac has shrunk since my last scan 2 weeks ago.

I have opted for an ERPC as I am worried about not passing everything naturally, though I haven't started bleeding yet. I am worried about miscarrying naturally over xmas though, I wouldn't be able to see anyone and would be pretty much housebound.

I won't lie, I am nervous about having the ERPC, I am scared about the complications that can arise even though I know the chances are very slim.

We have been told we are allowed to start trying again as soon as I have had a period so that's something to look forward to.
Hello Ladies, do you mind if I join you here?

I had a missed miscarriage confirmed today and I have been scheduled for a ERPC on the 30th.

Today's scan showed that my yolk sac is no longer there and my gestational sac has shrunk since my last scan 2 weeks ago.

I have opted for an ERPC as I am worried about not passing everything naturally, though I haven't started bleeding yet. I am worried about miscarrying naturally over xmas though, I wouldn't be able to see anyone and would be pretty much housebound.

I won't lie, I am nervous about having the ERPC, I am scared about the complications that can arise even though I know the chances are very slim.

We have been told we are allowed to start trying again as soon as I have had a period so that's something to look forward to.

So sorry you are going through this. We had a blighted ovum on October 25th and it was a shock to us as well as my whole body. I wish you a speedy recovery, anyway you choose it takes a bit out of you. I chose Cytotec and passed everything at home and was still exhausted for about a week.
So ladies I think my AF may just be super light but clotty. If that makes sense? I just went to the bathroom and there was red blood, peachy cm and a large red clot the size of about a quarter. Been passing clots since I am going to see what the acupuncturist thinks as I did not spot this whole time blood but have had crazy CM.

3minions I am so sorry hun, been there it is so hard to keep it together when you feel the walls are closing in!
I am so sorry for your loss,I was worried too and that's what I decided to try to pass the baby at home. it took me another week or so after being told about my mmc to start bleeding and for my water to break. I finally started contractions (nothing too bad) and passed the baby later that night, but due to so much blood loss I had to get my dh to call an ambulance and take us to the hospital, they gave me cycotec there which didn't help I just made me lose more blood (the pain wasn't bad at all however) I had to have an emergency d&c I did wake up in a little pain right after the d&c but I was so out of it and tired that I kept falling back to sleep and they gave me so much pain meds while I was under and when I half woke to help me, other than that it was fine I went home that same day and I did have to sleep it off and I was tender when I stood up and sat down for a day or two but it wasn't bad at all. it's the waiting and not knowing afterwards whats going on with your body that sucks!! I also had a mc in july and it was fully natural but nothing a pad couldn't handle just keep them at reach and plenty with you I even used tampons which is a no no... either way you'll be fine and at least doing it the way you are you will have it over with quickly and be done and able to start the healing process!! I hope everything goes okay and again I am so sorry for your loss!!:hugs::hugs:
Awww 3minions :hugs::hugs::hugs: - it's murphy's law. Don't worry I understand, I got about a weeks worth of positive opk's till I just stopped testing, so I understand your frustration - nothing worth having is ever easy I guess. Hang in there :flower:

Tara - what brand opk's are you using?

Castaway - Maybe it's just starting up....not sure :shrug: Hopefully she passes quickly though so you can be on your way to TTC. Let me know how the acupuncture appt goes for you.

Kira - :wave: welcome :flower: sorry for your loss, we all know the feeling of having to deal with a few. I had a D&C and AF showed up 6 weeks later, but I'm not sure about the process when you take meds to pass it on your own. I hope it will pass quickly for you though.
Thank you ladies.

ERPC is the new name for a D&C its not medical management.
Castaway, that sounds EXACTLY like my first AF after the D&C. I had 2 or 3 days of the light spotting with odd discharge (it was bright blood) and then a real AF for a few days and then back to the spotting.

And thanks gals.
I use clearblue advanced digital that shows your 4 most fertile days and it was peak today the fixed smiley also my temp dropped yesterday 98.09 to 98.30 and my cervix is really really soft and high as well as very wet.. so im wondering if this is the real deal since I had a 45 day cycle maybe it threw everything off or maybe it was a chemical so I am oing faster? not sure.. ughhh so craz

I knew what you were talking about I've seen it on too many other forums and read up about it!! I hope everything goes okay!!:hugs:

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