TTC after D&C (Soon)

Good morning ladies,

I pray everyone is doing ok. I tested yesterday (DPO 11) and it was a BFN. I was feeling a little down but I am ok I think. AF is due on Wednesday so hopefully she doesn't show up. On yesterday I had a lil dip and some sharp pains on my left side....maybe it implantation or not, still FX'd. How is everyone else doing?
Sorry about the BFN :hugs: :hug:

have you ever had your progesterone tested? Im a bit worried about your temps staying so low after O. Maybe look into a B6 to help you produce more progesterone which in return will help with Post O temps.
Sorry about the BFN :hugs: :hug:

have you ever had your progesterone tested? Im a bit worried about your temps staying so low after O. Maybe look into a B6 to help you produce more progesterone which in return will help with Post O temps.

Tella - I take prenatal vitamins everyday and they have B-6 in them. Should I be taking more than whats in the vitamins?
Sounds exciting Tella - hopefully I will be where you are next month after going through all these tests ;) Did you have to do a HSG? I have mine scheduled for next week and I've heard so many horror stories that I'm a bit nervous about it.

I had a hysteroscopy too. My dr told me to take ibuprofen before going in. I would suggest something stronger. There was only one painful part where they snipped or clamped something. I came up off the table!! But after that it wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable with lots of cramping.
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is doing well! Just dropping in to say hi :)

Nothing much going on besides work and the gym for me since this is our month of tests. Some mornings I still wake up and reach for my thermometer and have to remind myself I'm supposed to be relaxing this month :haha:

Castaway - hope your knee is doing better :flower:

MUCH better, thanks for asking! Went to work today and hope to put a full week in, although, it is looking like we may have Thursday off due to the weather!

How has your month off from trying going? When are the tests starting?
Niccole - OMG! I'm scared of that possible "come up off the table" part sigh. They told me to take motrin before but honestly I really feel I need to go through my meds and see if I have any left over vicodin or percoset (spelling??) because I am so nervous about it :haha:

Castaway - Happy you're doing better. This month has been going pretty good so far. CD7 today so I still have a little way to go before the end of the cycle. I'm just super nervous about wednesday and it seems to be coming sooo quickly :nope: Have you told dh yet? or are you waiting for valentines?

Brighteyez - I agree with Tella, your post O temps do appear a bit low, are they usually that low each cycle?
Sorry about the BFN :hugs: :hug:

have you ever had your progesterone tested? Im a bit worried about your temps staying so low after O. Maybe look into a B6 to help you produce more progesterone which in return will help with Post O temps.

Tella - I take prenatal vitamins everyday and they have B-6 in them. Should I be taking more than whats in the vitamins?

You need atleast 50mg of B6 to start off to better progesterone production, and you can go up to 100mg per day. So just check, i take a BComplex so you get B 12 as well which is great for ovulation.

Niccole - OMG! I'm scared of that possible "come up off the table" part sigh. They told me to take motrin before but honestly I really feel I need to go through my meds and see if I have any left over vicodin or percoset (spelling??) because I am so nervous about it :haha:

Castaway - Happy you're doing better. This month has been going pretty good so far. CD7 today so I still have a little way to go before the end of the cycle. I'm just super nervous about Wednesday and it seems to be coming sooo quickly :nope: Have you told dh yet? or are you waiting for valentines?

Brighteyez - I agree with Tella, your post O temps do appear a bit low, are they usually that low each cycle?

But a HSG is completely different from a Hysteroscopy. With a HSG they only inject dye into your uterus and fallopian tubes to see if they open via a Xray and if anything seems abnormal then they will do a Hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopy they insert saline solution to open the uterus and use a camera to inspect the cavity and tubes. My FS only did this never the HSG.

Thinking about you and praying for no pain and no problems inside!

Sounds exciting Tella - hopefully I will be where you are next month after going through all these tests ;) Did you have to do a HSG? I have mine scheduled for next week and I've heard so many horror stories that I'm a bit nervous about it.

I had a hysteroscopy too. My dr told me to take ibuprofen before going in. I would suggest something stronger. There was only one painful part where they snipped or clamped something. I came up off the table!! But after that it wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable with lots of cramping.

WOW that sounds hectic, I only had like a few back arching moments but nothing to hectic.

MUCH better, thanks for asking! Went to work today and hope to put a full week in, although, it is looking like we may have Thursday off due to the weather!

How has your month off from trying going? When are the tests starting?

Great to hear you better!!!! Love seeing the ticker on your signature :hugs: Have you had any MS?

AFM > Still waiting game, have my appointment on Friday, so grow follies grow!!!!
GM Ladies,

My temps are where they usually are I think the coverline is to high and I can't move it. Today I shot up to 98.7 so this is about right. I will try the B-6 just incase. Thanks for the advice ladies.
MJ, You should be fine! I'm a big baby! And my dh was sitting there asking so many questions that the dr kept poking at my tumor over and over. I was wishing for duct tape to put over his mouth!

Ok, so I'm 14 days into my cycle and still haven't had an LH surge. Does anyone else o late? Or maybe early and I missed it? I had some cramping yesterday and today, but don't exactly know what symptoms I'm looking for.
MJ, You should be fine! I'm a big baby! And my dh was sitting there asking so many questions that the dr kept poking at my tumor over and over. I was wishing for duct tape to put over his mouth!

Ok, so I'm 14 days into my cycle and still haven't had an LH surge. Does anyone else o late? Or maybe early and I missed it? I had some cramping yesterday and today, but don't exactly know what symptoms I'm looking for.

Thank you :hugs:

O yes I definitely O late sometimes, I can go as late as CD22, so it's still early. If you had some cramping it's probably gearing up. Give it a few more days.
Niccole - OMG! I'm scared of that possible "come up off the table" part sigh. They told me to take motrin before but honestly I really feel I need to go through my meds and see if I have any left over vicodin or percoset (spelling??) because I am so nervous about it :haha:

Castaway - Happy you're doing better. This month has been going pretty good so far. CD7 today so I still have a little way to go before the end of the cycle. I'm just super nervous about wednesday and it seems to be coming sooo quickly :nope: Have you told dh yet? or are you waiting for valentines?

Brighteyez - I agree with Tella, your post O temps do appear a bit low, are they usually that low each cycle?

MJ I told him last Weds, when I had a Snow day! :happy dance:

I had bought skittles, put them in a heart dish with the digital pregnancy test saying Pregnant.

I then had a cookie cake made with white frosting to say Surprise! Then had them put rainbow sprinkles all over it.

I then had to tell him what "rainbow" meant and why I had bought skittles :dohh:

ha ha ha, the pics will be nice for the baby album right? :haha:
Sorry about the BFN :hugs: :hug:

have you ever had your progesterone tested? Im a bit worried about your temps staying so low after O. Maybe look into a B6 to help you produce more progesterone which in return will help with Post O temps.

Tella - I take prenatal vitamins everyday and they have B-6 in them. Should I be taking more than whats in the vitamins?

You need atleast 50mg of B6 to start off to better progesterone production, and you can go up to 100mg per day. So just check, i take a BComplex so you get B 12 as well which is great for ovulation.

Niccole - OMG! I'm scared of that possible "come up off the table" part sigh. They told me to take motrin before but honestly I really feel I need to go through my meds and see if I have any left over vicodin or percoset (spelling??) because I am so nervous about it :haha:

Castaway - Happy you're doing better. This month has been going pretty good so far. CD7 today so I still have a little way to go before the end of the cycle. I'm just super nervous about Wednesday and it seems to be coming sooo quickly :nope: Have you told dh yet? or are you waiting for valentines?

Brighteyez - I agree with Tella, your post O temps do appear a bit low, are they usually that low each cycle?

But a HSG is completely different from a Hysteroscopy. With a HSG they only inject dye into your uterus and fallopian tubes to see if they open via a Xray and if anything seems abnormal then they will do a Hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopy they insert saline solution to open the uterus and use a camera to inspect the cavity and tubes. My FS only did this never the HSG.

Thinking about you and praying for no pain and no problems inside!

Sounds exciting Tella - hopefully I will be where you are next month after going through all these tests ;) Did you have to do a HSG? I have mine scheduled for next week and I've heard so many horror stories that I'm a bit nervous about it.

I had a hysteroscopy too. My dr told me to take ibuprofen before going in. I would suggest something stronger. There was only one painful part where they snipped or clamped something. I came up off the table!! But after that it wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable with lots of cramping.

WOW that sounds hectic, I only had like a few back arching moments but nothing to hectic.

MUCH better, thanks for asking! Went to work today and hope to put a full week in, although, it is looking like we may have Thursday off due to the weather!

How has your month off from trying going? When are the tests starting?

Great to hear you better!!!! Love seeing the ticker on your signature :hugs: Have you had any MS?

AFM > Still waiting game, have my appointment on Friday, so grow follies grow!!!!

I am lucky on that front, I don't get MS! I do get queasy, if I don't eat often. I am more of the diarrhea in the first tri then constipation gal off and on. It makes up for no MS LOL :haha:
Hi all! I am hoping to see more BFP's here and progress with doctors soon :thumb up:

I had my HCG tests done and checked progesterone, they doubled in 48 hours and progesterone is steadily going up :happy dance:

This can happen with a blighted ovum so we really won't know till our scan on the 23rd but at least on the front of "IS my body doing what it needs to?" is answered....

On to waiting for a US....
Yayyy!!! I'm anxious for my u/s tomorrow. This nausea has been extreme. I threw up on the way to work this morning and it was raining. Hopefully all that is a sign we're headed in a good direction.
Yayyy!!! I'm anxious for my u/s tomorrow. This nausea has been extreme. I threw up on the way to work this morning and it was raining. Hopefully all that is a sign we're headed in a good direction.

Good luck tom!!! Can't wait to hear how you do :)
MJ, You should be fine! I'm a big baby! And my dh was sitting there asking so many questions that the dr kept poking at my tumor over and over. I was wishing for duct tape to put over his mouth!

Ok, so I'm 14 days into my cycle and still haven't had an LH surge. Does anyone else o late? Or maybe early and I missed it? I had some cramping yesterday and today, but don't exactly know what symptoms I'm looking for.

Im also naturally a late O'er, when my cycles regulate after treatment and the MC i O around CD19 but can go as late as CD21. So dont give up yet, just be patient you might just get that +opk tomorrow :hugs:

GM Ladies,

My temps are where they usually are I think the coverline is to high and I can't move it. Today I shot up to 98.7 so this is about right. I will try the B-6 just incase. Thanks for the advice ladies.

The coverline is fine where it is, it just indicates that your pre O temps is below that line and on avarage your Post O temps is 0.3 degree higher than pre O temps and are even, when it is spiky like yours it could mean low progesterone levels but it could also be effected by bad sleep.

But that said a temp spike on 13DPO is a great sign, have you tested??? Fxd your 14DPO temp is higher!!!!

Hi all! I am hoping to see more BFP's here and progress with doctors soon :thumb up:

I had my HCG tests done and checked progesterone, they doubled in 48 hours and progesterone is steadily going up :happy dance:

This can happen with a blighted ovum so we really won't know till our scan on the 23rd but at least on the front of "IS my body doing what it needs to?" is answered....

On to waiting for a US....

Aww those are such cute ways to tell DH, i think i will also have to explain the rainbow thing to my DH, they are so oblivious to things like that.

Great news about your HCG doubling like it should. THe chances of a BO happening twice in a row is so small i wouldnt even worry about it, you have a healthy bean in there and gona see an awesome heartbeat on the 23rd.

The waiting just never stops hey, always something else to look forward to...

Yayyy!!! I'm anxious for my u/s tomorrow. This nausea has been extreme. I threw up on the way to work this morning and it was raining. Hopefully all that is a sign we're headed in a good direction.

Aw shame, hope the MS is not to bad bu hey they say it is a sign of high hcg levels and a healthy pregnancy not that the lack thereof means anything but i would welcome MS just for the peace of mind. Keep us posted on your scan!!!

AFM > Ive upped my estrogen to 2 tablets for the next 5 days to help CM, fxd it helps.
Castaway - that was cute and yes good pics for the album ;)

afm this morning is my HSG......I'm supposed to get there for 10:30 but I'm super nervous. Hoping it goes quickly, will let you everyone know how it went.
Castaway - that was cute and yes good pics for the album ;)

afm this morning is my HSG......I'm supposed to get there for 10:30 but I'm super nervous. Hoping it goes quickly, will let you everyone know how it went.

Take care hope it all goes smoothly!!
Good morning ladies,

Hope everyone is well this morning!!! Has anyone gotten snow or will be getting snow? I am out this cycle temp dropped this morning. I am really disappointed this morning and a little emotional too!

Tella - thank you for the information and support!! Maybe next cycle.

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