TTC after D&C (Soon)

That's fine Ginger thanks.. Mj, that's nptnhpw my er works either of them we have two and both just check hcg level and automatically list it as a threatened or missed Mac they don't even do an exam and will not call in a us tech unless your dying.. I have been several times in the past to them both and its always the same I'm not wasting my time.. I mean you can't prevent it if its going to happen it will theres nothingbypu can don't about it.. Either I in up moving or I don't either way I'll known and I go back the 12th which isn't far now.. Plus I know for a fact I've found the babys HB so he or she is deffinitely alive for now.. It sounds like horses running or a train.. Thanks for your concern though I appreciate I, but its just not how it works here..
That's a bit hard to believe that an ER is going to take hcg levels and that's it. Especially in the USA when everyone loves to sue everyone. I wouldn't debate if you were in another country but here in the USA? that's just crazy sounding
Just my health care two cents.. The purpose of the ER is to stabilize life threatening emergency conditions. Unfortunately, ruling out miscarriage in a stable pregnant woman is not a life threatening emergency unless certain conditions are present, such as hemorrhage.
Just my health care two cents.. The purpose of the ER is to stabilize life threatening emergency conditions. Unfortunately, ruling out miscarriage in a stable pregnant woman is not a life threatening emergency unless certain conditions are present, such as hemorrhage.

Don't they send you to Labor and Delivery for issues in pregnancy? That is what happened when I was there...a girl came in as skinny as anything but balling her eyes out that she was spotting. I heard the doctor saying do blood work and prepping for an US...they did say their is not much to do with early loss BUT if you have repeated losses I am sure they would try to assist, especially if you are unable to get into your doctor....:shrug:
Just my health care two cents.. The purpose of the ER is to stabilize life threatening emergency conditions. Unfortunately, ruling out miscarriage in a stable pregnant woman is not a life threatening emergency unless certain conditions are present, such as hemorrhage.

Love your ticker lady!:thumbup:
When I was bleeding they prepped me for u/s right away, there is nothing they can do if you are miscarrying. Tara stated "I felt my cervix slightly open and when I checked it blood poured into the toilet".....that sounds like it warrants an ER visit and a scan.
lol well im not making it up. your more than welcome to call and check if you would like it's Greeneville Tennessee, Laughlin and Tacoma hospital. after 3 months then yes you go to labor and delivery, anything under that you go to er and be seen. they draw your blood to check your level tell you the numbers and then they list it as a threatened or missed mc. I know I have been several times with the first one to both er's and then again with the 2nd one. it's just not good care here, the doctors straight told me they would not call a us tech in unless it was an emergency and honestly a mc isn't considered and emergency although it should be. heck even when I was bleeding to death with my last one they didn't do a us and they took over 4 hours just to check me, it's a joke here. I know you may find it hard to believe, but it's the truth and it is what it is. who would make something like that up anyway? smh, it's a small town and we only have 2 ob offices period, unless you drive 45 minutes away. it's not like a big city, and like the other girl said, er is for emergencies not mcs and like I said a mc is not considered and life threatening emergency UNLESS they suspect a tubal, but I have already had a us to confirm it wasn't. my cervix went back closed the next day so I don't know what it was, but the baby's heartbeat is undeniable I have audio and video if you would like to see it. it sounds like running horses and has been 173 the past 2 days. you don't have to believe me, I am not asking you to. I am simply stating the facts and my experience with my local er's and not just on one occasion, several. also my sil has had the same problem they scooped her baby up off the floor during her mc and put it in a bag and said "oh I think that is your baby" wtf does or says that.. they are NOT professional by any means. as for multiple mc's that makes no difference to the er lol I don't know why you would think it would. I thought we were here to support each other not try to debate about my local hospital and make it into an im lying type of thing. I am in shock as I write this that I am even having to explain how they do things here, like I said your more then welcome to call if you would like and ask them yourselves I have no reason to lie about lol that would be very sad and pathetic honestly. I was just looking for support during a rough time. I didn't know me stating what they have done for me each time I went at both er's would cause spectacle or get me the 3rd degree.. geez ladies, we are all we have in a time like this, we need women like us who get it and what we have been through, but honestly this really makes me sad that I was basically called a liar over the hospital only taking hcg levels, but yes that is how it is I have my records still they were 171 and they didn't even recheck them to see if they were falling they just labled me as tmc or mmc and then told me I was around 1-3 weeks going by my levels, but I already knew by the blood I was mcing the baby. I haven't ever had this happen before were I had this much bleeding and feel the cervix a little open only to go brown again and close and act like nothing ever happened, not to mention the red when I wiped those times, I am guessing it's breakthrough bleeding or a tear in my placenta. I will know the 12th all I care about is that my baby is okay for now, which should be what we all care about. we are all on the same team and page. we are hear to root each other on and help each other, give inspiration, help each other calm down and talk one another through our hard times, not judge one another and single them out to call them a liar.. I feel like I shouldn't have even came back here now, I am honestly really hurt. maybe it wasn't meant the way I took it, but it sure as heck hurts a lot to feel like im being called a liar. everyone deals in their own ways, but like I said im just happy the baby is okay whether anyone else is or not. thank you regardless I just don't like bickering or picking on others I feel we need to lift each other up and be our support, so thank you all who have helped me and been here for me I really and truly appreciate it. I didn't mean to cause a up stir about my hospital that's just how they are, not all hospitals are, but the two here are crap. ugh good night
Tara I don't think anyone was accusing you of lying, I think that we just find it hard to believe health care is so terrible where you are and the lack of a Doctor is apparent too. If I called my Doctor with bleeding I would be in that day, no exception.

As for repeated loss, yes they are suppose to treat that differently. One loss (Miscarriage) does not automatically make you high risk but multiple they will usually address it differently including testing. If your Cervix was opening maybe they need to address that and I think that was all that was suggested.

We all have opinions here, sometimes we all disagree.
I agree with Cast and MJ. it is the first time in 4 years on BnB that i have heard from any one I the US being treated so unfairly amd yes there is a first time for everything and i feel very sorry that you are treated in that manner especially after several mcs. and there is things they can do to prevent a mc when it is due to hormones like low progesterone levels and even a hcg booster shot can help with other things.

No one was calling you a lair, unfortunate that you had to make such a issue over the fact the MJ is concerned for you and your babys safety.

This is a very supportive thread and nothing has been done to prove otherwise.

Mj, any news on your test results? Hows the ntnp TWW going?

AFM, O day and hopefully we release both eggies and have 2 perfect . spermies waiting for them. Let the wait begin. im gonna have to give up the Warrior race next weekend due to late O :hissy:
Castaway & Tella - DH did his SA yesterday and I have a progesterone test this monday. I have my follow up visit March 4th, that's when they say the Dr will tell me how my cd3 blood tests were, my progesterone test and DH's SA. Only result I know was HSG which I told you ladies about but that's because I could see the screen and they told me what was happening. Other than that I am in waiting mode. I didn't feel O this time around for some reason, digital positive this past monday and temp shift on Friday.

Tella - :nope: I'm sorry you have to miss the race! Especially if you've been training for it.....but there's a better race going on right now inside you and that prize is worth way more than the warrior race :winkwink::flower:

Castaway - No morning sickness I hope??

Tara - I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying it's hard to believe that in 2014 such treatment exists in the USA, it's quite disturbing actually. Anyhow, I do hope your baby is doing ok which it sounds like since you can hear the heartbeat.
Castaway & Tella - DH did his SA yesterday and I have a progesterone test this monday. I have my follow up visit March 4th, that's when they say the Dr will tell me how my cd3 blood tests were, my progesterone test and DH's SA. Only result I know was HSG which I told you ladies about but that's because I could see the screen and they told me what was happening. Other than that I am in waiting mode. I didn't feel O this time around for some reason, digital positive this past monday and temp shift on Friday.

Tella - :nope: I'm sorry you have to miss the race! Especially if you've been training for it.....but there's a better race going on right now inside you and that prize is worth way more than the warrior race :winkwink::flower:

Castaway - No morning sickness I hope??

Tara - I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying it's hard to believe that in 2014 such treatment exists in the USA, it's quite disturbing actually. Anyhow, I do hope your baby is doing ok which it sounds like since you can hear the heartbeat.

Best of luck to Tella on your 2WW!!!

No MS here but I don't usually get it anyway. I am getting shooting pains in my chest and bloated by the afternoon rolls around. Sadly I feel like I am spreading (in my rear!) already....did not want to be in maternity till 8 weeks though at least!:haha:
Hi ladies. I just spent the last 2 days reading through this entire thread. Mind if I join? I had a d&c om January 3rd for a blighted ovum at 8 weeks. I am 7 weeks 2 days post d&c today and have yet to get AF. Dont even feel like I have ovulated. Last week my betas were 2 so I have been below 5 for a little while. Congrats to the BFPS I am really ready for one!!! I go back to the dr on march 6th so I guessi can ask him if I havent had af
Hi ladies. I just spent the last 2 days reading through this entire thread. Mind if I join? I had a d&c om January 3rd for a blighted ovum at 8 weeks. I am 7 weeks 2 days post d&c today and have yet to get AF. Dont even feel like I have ovulated. Last week my betas were 2 so I have been below 5 for a little while. Congrats to the BFPS I am really ready for one!!! I go back to the dr on march 6th so I guessi can ask him if I havent had af sorry for your loss! For some reason I feel like Blighted Ovums really mess with our hormones...I hope you get your AF soon!
MJ, I look forward to you getting back on the active TTC train, and hopefully with new "tricks" provided by your Doctor!
On the upside I did have 2 faint looking positive tests but they were unreliable Internet cheapies negative on FR. This is scary to me because my dr was having a hard time reading my pathology report and initially thought it might have been molar. This was just ruled out last week. I am irritated with my body at this point.
Well we went for our scan and the Doctor said that they saw the yolk sac but nothing else. :nope:

She did say it looks like I am a week behind, possibly I O'd later (which I did compared my son, a total of 5 days later) so hoping and praying that is what it is.

Follow up scan is March 4th! I will be one day shy of 8 weeks then. (one day shy of 7 if I am indeed a week behind)...
On the upside I did have 2 faint looking positive tests but they were unreliable Internet cheapies negative on FR. This is scary to me because my dr was having a hard time reading my pathology report and initially thought it might have been molar. This was just ruled out last week. I am irritated with my body at this point.

My body was tough on me too after the Blighted Ovum, faint positives for 11 weeks after! It turned out it was a tiny piece of placenta. My hormones were so crazy, I was very mad at my body as well. :nope:

Accupuncture helped me a lot, got me back on track. Hope you get there soon!
im so sorry you didn't see what you wanted on your scan. But when I went for my scan my fs said that it is very possible that it can catch up quickly. fxd for a hb on your next scan :hugs:
im so sorry you didn't see what you wanted on your scan. But when I went for my scan my fs said that it is very possible that it can catch up quickly. fxd for a hb on your next scan :hugs:

That is what we are hoping for! I know with my son we saw his heart beat super early so who knows what to think...just hoping that the doctor was right and my cycle was just different from when he was conceived!

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