TTC after D&C (Soon)

Yes, definitely! Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I have so much English nobility (knights, dukes, archbishops, etc) in my ancestry, that I'd have to visit several castles to fit them all in! :haha:

Hubs majored in history with a concentration in medieval studies, so he loves that he married me, lol. He says it's hilarious that a descendant of Archbishop Reynolds is such a devout Atheist! And no one in our family is Catholic except one cousin on the opposite side of my family, so she isn't related to him.
MJ, I would do one of the guided things, but we have very specific things we want to do and see. Like go hiking in Leeds to find the ruins of a castle (Harewood) that belonged to my ancestors. That would never be anywhere near a guided tour. :)

I am also a direct descendent of a past Archbishop of Canterbury ( ), so it would be neat to visit his tomb.

Ah ok, I get you. Well do hope it will still happen for you and DH. I went backpacking through Ireland on my own 3 years ago. I took the train wherever I wanted to go and climbed to the highest peak over there too, I had a blast. It's a wonderful place so I hope you definitely make it.
Tella - I usually don't lose so quickly but I started this 60 day challenge they have at my gym and I'm going according to their meal plans and eating every 3 hours and some how the weight is falling off.

O No!!! I hope if you don't get a bfp that AF will come sooner or after the weekend so you can have your testing done. I hate when stuff like that happens frustrating for me. :hugs:

I would love to be at goal weight! if you're at goal weight and just want to drop some body fat % then you need to hit those weights girl! :bodyb:
Tella - I usually don't lose so quickly but I started this 60 day challenge they have at my gym and I'm going according to their meal plans and eating every 3 hours and some how the weight is falling off.

O No!!! I hope if you don't get a bfp that AF will come sooner or after the weekend so you can have your testing done. I hate when stuff like that happens frustrating for me. :hugs:

I would love to be at goal weight! if you're at goal weight and just want to drop some body fat % then you need to hit those weights girl! :bodyb:

WOW thats great, what does the challenge entail? And what type of meal plans? Im just doing the limited gluten and sugar which has helped but the last few weeks has been horrible.

Oh well time will tell if i can test this month or not. Luckily even if i do collect the samples and they cant test them then i dont get charged so i will hear what the Prof says and what he recommends. But im not to phased, im already on the meds and if i have the same problem with the menstrual sample i will stay on the same meds so its not the end of the world if it is delayed for another month.

My problem is i dont like weights. I love running and doing classes like Core Conditioning and Yoga.
Hey ladies - how is every one doing?

Tella - it's basically eating 5-6 meals a day, I eat every 3 hours. You divide your goal calories for the day by 5 and that is how much food you have at each sitting. Have to have the typical 4 oz protein, complex carbs and a good fat. The first month salt is completely cut out and you pretty much have to prepare your own food because the fast food and restaurants all cook with salt. They also require we drink half our body weight in ounces i water daily and you must work out 3-4 times a week. It's been 2 weeks and honestly I see changes in my body for sure. O and you can't eat anything like white bread, white rice etc, has to be brown rice, ezekiel bread etc and no dairy for the first month so no cheese or milk but you can have almond milk. So I make a lot of turkey burgers with ezekiel bread, protein shakes, protein pancakes, chicken and brown rice, turkey and brown rice, protein bars are only for emergencies only because they're highly processed....that's about it :)
I hate to run but weights I love lol.

6 more days till you test! are you counting down? or not so much?
Quick question for you - you do take progesterone right? do you find that it gives you cramps or bloating?

afm FF says 10dpo today, tested yesterday and BFN and kinda felt saddish, not sure why when I wasn't expecting much from this cycle....I guess a girl can hope lol.
i think i will test more like on Friday, but not really counting down. I only have ICs and normal sensitivity HPTs so no point in testing early in anycase, wish we had FRER in SA!!!! If i want i must order of Ebay and that takes like 3 weeks to get here.

Im not on Prog this month but in the beginning when i started using it, it caused heavy bloating but not to much cramps. I would only get cramps after stopping it and AF would approach 2/3 days later.

9dpo is still very very early. Like i know when my bfp i had a very light line on 13dpo so if i test before then a false bfn is a high possibility. and because im not sure when i od i dont want to risk a single line.

That sounds great, because im limiting my gluten intake the bread is out the window only do gluten free bread and flour. Only have basmati rice but not a rice fan. Potatoes on the other hand is difficult as i love it, but can limit it.

We run twice a week, Tuesdays Yoga and Thursday Core Conditioning - which uses body weight resistance, so it is alot of stability ball work, light weights (high reps), resistance bands. We have an awesome instructor so that makes it even more awesome. And maybe Fridays more Yoga but it depends, as the instructor does very challenging moves and you always sore afterwards so it depends on how Thursday went :haha:
I've been running 2.25 miles at 4.5mph nonstop the passed two days. I can't do weights, as my body LOVES to build muscle but hates to lose fat. I'm convinced I have a six-pack under all my blubber. :haha:
LOL ginger im the same, the moment i do to much with my legs they build and then my jeans sits to tight at the top. I have that last layer of tummy fat that is soooooo hard to get rid of still left but then im just happy to stay fit.
I'm just the same as both of you, trying to work off that last layer off my stomach, I know there's abs there. I tend to work out 5 days a week of circuit training or warrior class that I take. It involves heavy weights and lots of sprints.

Tella - yes I know it's still early but not getting my hopes up this time, just hoping IUI next cycle will bring us some luck ;)
Well im out, back to CD1 for me....AF got my last night out of the blue. I was hoping it was IB but it was AF approacing :cry:
O no Tella, but at least you will get to do your tests and track this cycle from early out. 11dpo for me, bfn today, think I'm out too just need af to show so we can get on with it.
Thats true. Ive done my first collection this morning and then im doing another tomorrow in the hope that one of the two samples will be good enough to test!!!

I hope the IUI will give you the little push you need to get your rainbow!!!!
Tella - when will you get the results back?

I made my appointment to see my Dr on monday to get my clomid and also for him to do some test he wanted to do. Still waiting on AF though. DH and I decided to go to colombia for a quick trip the end of the month, so I'm looking forward to that, I think I may O around that weekend though so we may miss the IUI again, not too sure.

Brighteyez - you ok?
They will be delivered tomorrow then i should have results on Friday hopefully!!!

Yeah for a quick trip, its great to keep living your life!!! If the IUI is not working out have loads of Fun and we hope for a colombia mirracle :winkwink:
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing?

MJ - I am ok just trying to get ready for my cruise in 11 days and my birthday is the 23rd which is the day I am suppose to ovulate but we will see. Other than that I am just chillaxing. How about you?
Tella - hoping that maybe I will have a Colombian miracle if I miss IUI ;)

brighteyez - yayyy for travel! Hope you have a wonderful birthday :)
Morning ladies!

Tella - I'm checking in your results, have they come in yet?

afm I feel af coming I just wish she would just start but my temp was still high this morning, so maybe tomorrow :shrug:
bright, you better get enough bd in this cycle we need to see those 2 lines! !!!

mj, sorry that af id playing around. :hugs:

AFM > So the lab assistant phoned again yesterday to confirm they received my samples but the bad news is that they have to same problem as last time. She said there is only debris in both the samples i gave them and no cell to test this means that we are now on 3 samples that they where unable to test....very confused. And i think that we have found our reason for infertility, how can a fetus implant if my lining is so bad quality and has no cells present????
Once again i must wait till Monday to speak to the Doctor regarding why this could be happening but im gonna do some research and try and find out what can better it.

Im on Chinese herbs Dang Gui For for my lining and i have been drinking it everyday, also bought Red Rasberry Leaf Team but OMW it tastes bad, i dont like Green tea and this tastes just like that, so i have only had one cup on Thursday need to work one in today!!

Have any of you ladies every had lining issues and managed to sort it out with meds? If so what meds?
bright, you better get enough bd in this cycle we need to see those 2 lines! !!!

mj, sorry that af id playing around. :hugs:

AFM > So the lab assistant phoned again yesterday to confirm they received my samples but the bad news is that they have to same problem as last time. She said there is only debris in both the samples i gave them and no cell to test this means that we are now on 3 samples that they where unable to test....very confused. And i think that we have found our reason for infertility, how can a fetus implant if my lining is so bad quality and has no cells present????
Once again i must wait till Monday to speak to the Doctor regarding why this could be happening but im gonna do some research and try and find out what can better it.

Im on Chinese herbs Dang Gui For for my lining and i have been drinking it everyday, also bought Red Rasberry Leaf Team but OMW it tastes bad, i dont like Green tea and this tastes just like that, so i have only had one cup on Thursday need to work one in today!!

Have any of you ladies every had lining issues and managed to sort it out with meds? If so what meds?

I was on the Dang Gui after my miscarriage to sort my body out. I swear by acupuncture, have you tried it?
oh yes I love it, I go every week on a Wednesday morning. have been going for 2yrs now. The acupuncture lady has become like a second mom for me, love her to bits.

wow it tastes bad but as long as it helps somehow im happy to gulp it down. hoe did you take it?

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