Hi everyone and welcome mzcurvyuk,
to recap, I have two daughters. After my first (8yrs old now) was born (in the UK) I went on depo I must admit I loved it, no AF and I had no problems with losing weight or headaches or any of the other bad side effects some girls have. For some reason after my second injection - when I went back for my third - the dr said that there was a shortage or something and put me on the pill. I then moved back to Oz where depo isn't really that popular so just stayed on the pill until I wanted to ttc my second daughter, which I did no problems on my first cycle off the pill (she's 4yrs old now) after I had her I tried implanon - which sent me loopy and I had constant spotting so I had them remove it and asked for depo (big mistake!) My husband and I split up about three years ago and I met my now husband and we got married in May last year (about a week after my last shot of depo was supposed to wear off). I had my first AF in Jan this year, they have been very irregular since then, between 12 and 24 day cycles, and I haven't ovulated yet (been doing opk's almost every day for almost three months).
My hubby was pretty laid back at first saying it will happen when it happens, but he's starting to get a little worried - He's 40 and I'm 34 so we're on a bit of a time line here and have decided if it doesn't happen by the end of this year we are going to be happy with our two girls (they live with us 95% of the time).
I'm hoping that we get a BFP by our first anniversary but I'm not particularly optimistic. I have just started seeing a really good dr though who's doing lots of blood tests and is going to do ovulation testing at CD21 this cycle - she says we'll give my body two more months to sort itself out, and so she can monitor me before starting any kind of treatment - she wants to make sure the depo is out of my system before adding more hormones to the mix!
Wow I'm rambling today!!
Good luck for the 8th GB and
to everyone