TTC After Depo Shot

good luck lesley!! i hope AF returns regular for you quickly!

Now im cramping slightly... idk wtf is going on. I think im going to make a dr's appt for next week. Because if this is AF then my LP is def screwed up. I had a 9 day LP last cycle and then if this is the beginning of AF then my LP was 5 days this cycle. I will be so pissed if this is AF. ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY BFP!!!!!!!! lmao

So in like 2 weeks i will have my engagement ring!! YAY!!!!!!!!! im so excited. i will take a pic and show it to you guys rofl.

Kayleigh~ isnt your Dr's appt for your tests coming up? is it in January?
Ooooooo can wait for the piccy!!!!

Doc said im only to come to my Jan appointment if i havent had a period. But i have. Should i lie and say i havent had a cycle yet?
i would because you technically dont know that it was a "real" period lol. And maybe just tell him you had bleeding of and on for a couple weeks but never full blown AF.
Hey Can you see anything or am i going crazy!!!!


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the pic is really blurred have you got clearer one????
idk i think i see a faint line but my eyes are also really bad.. FX'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grrrrrrrrrrrr... AF got me.. just when i thought my body was getting back to normal =( i dont think that i ovulated at all when FF said i did.
Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Defo a doctors trip. Unfair for you to be having periods like that!
Jax - what a bugger that :witch: has got you - just when you think the evil of depo has left you it keeps coming back to wreak havoc!!

Kayleigh - I think you should use the term 'spotting' to the drs - little white lie will be worth it to get some idea what's going on with your body.

Welcome lesleyann - hope your visit with us is short :wave:

AFM: Not much to report - I'm not temping but probably should - trying to keep the whole drama from dh - taking my temperature every day before getting out of bed is not too subtle :-=

OPKs not showing any sign of surge yet (only CD10 so still a few days before I lose hope of a christmas surprise[-o<

:dust: to everyone - come on time for a :bfp: for the depo girls!
Hello ladies :flower:
Well im sooo frustrated, its been 6 mths since my depo wore off and still no af. Got really excited last wk cos had bad cramps and was sure the witch was on her way but nothing, im thinking of goin docs and asking 4 BCP 2 see if it will get things going again.
hope your all ok
chrissie x
grrrrrrrrrrrr... AF got me.. just when i thought my body was getting back to normal =( i dont think that i ovulated at all when FF said i did.
aww...:growlmad:I'm sorry.

ETA: I just looked at your chart. It does show an ovulatory pattern, but that would only give you a 6-7 day luteal phase, and obviously that wouldn't be any good. If you haven't yet, I would look for a RE if I were you. If you actually are ovulating, I don't think you could sustain a pregnancy with such a short LP. I'm sorry. :cry:
ETA: I just looked at your chart. It does show an ovulatory pattern, but that would only give you a 6-7 day luteal phase, and obviously that wouldn't be any good. If you haven't yet, I would look for a RE if I were you. If you actually are ovulating, I don't think you could sustain a pregnancy with such a short LP. I'm sorry. :cry:

Yea i am started taking Vitamin B-complex to see if that helps my LP length. Also i am taking Soy Isoflavones for CD2-CD7 too see if that will give me a better O. But if this next cycle is as short as the last 2 i am going to make a Dr's appt and see if they can help me at all...I think i have low progesterone now because of the depo. I thought it was improving but no i was wrong :cry:

Whats new with you ladies?
Yea i am started taking Vitamin B-complex to see if that helps my LP length. Also i am taking Soy Isoflavones for CD2-CD7 too see if that will give me a better O. But if this next cycle is as short as the last 2 i am going to make a Dr's appt and see if they can help me at all...I think i have low progesterone now because of the depo. I thought it was improving but no i was wrong :cry:

Whats new with you ladies?
good plan! I think my hormones are messed up because of the depo, but I do have a long enough luteal phase in the months I do ovulate. I think my estrogen is to low because I don't get much cervical fluid, never EWCM, and I don't always ovulate. My doc. appointment is next month and I can't wait to get some answers! Just knowing what is going on and if there is anything I can do will make it better.
my first time in here since my depo ran out now. Ran out on friday so far no bleeding, my stomach feels funny though and TMI but lots of wind lol
Okay im now on CD1 again.

:witch: showed up this morning making my first cycle since depo 35days. Which i dont think is too bad!!
Aaaargh - CD15 and no sign of O... I used to have the most regular cycles 28 days with O on day 14 (Only think it was day 14 as I got pregnant BDing on CD14 after going off bcp for my second DD). OP tests every day are showing no sign of surge... Going to bite the bullet and get a thermometer see if charting will tell me anything.

Good luck everyone!
just wondering how many days after depo ran out you first got a bleed?

I no its very early days for me but i have no idea what to expect lol

as i said above not difference apart from a funny tummy and lots of bottom wind, some pains in belly like pains i used to get just as AF was ment to show but the come and go
just wondering how many days after depo ran out you first got a bleed?

I no its very early days for me but i have no idea what to expect lol

as i said above not difference apart from a funny tummy and lots of bottom wind, some pains in belly like pains i used to get just as AF was ment to show but the come and go

i started spotting like 3 weeks after the depo ran out for about a month. But everyone is different. but i did take one week of BCP to bring on AF and then it seemed to start to regulate itself after that. GOOD LUCK!!!

Unic- when i came of depo i started charting right away. it really help me see where my body was at.
hey girls wandering if you can help me out ive posted on here quite a while back now i hope i dont confuse you with this. i had 2 shots of the depo and decided not to go back for the 3rd the second shot wore off on the 20july i was due on that day as my periods never completely stopped when on it and i did come on, i bled on and off for 28 days and then came back on 20th august i have a 31 day cycle, after my af in august i didnt see her again until november!!! and now im 3days late for af again? I have no idea what is going on anyone else experience this?? I dont know if im ovulating yet but i did get ewcm around the time that i should have been? Im so confused i have no idea what is going on! Any help or opinions will be very welcomed!!

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